Supreme God King

Chapter 1293: All parties crush


A single word is comparable to thunder, sensational in all directions, in this tone contains endless murderous intent, and it is the terrifying idea that Meng Fan has cultivated for many years and has my invincibility.

At the same time, Meng Fan stood on the spot, his body expanded, and under the phase of the intangible and no birth sutras, he looked like a giant with the sky and the earth, with a punch!

It was just a punch, but it was like an open sky, with power surging, suppressing the Eight Wastes!

This was Meng Fan's first official action after three years of silence. He killed the enemy on the battlefield, his white hair was fluttering, and the vitality fluctuations in his body erupted. Previously, it had absorbed countless energies from heaven and earth into the body, but now it finally found an eruption point, just for a moment, it appeared like a flood.

"Resist with all your strength, don't be careless!"

In the void, Luan Hantian just glanced over, and his heart jumped and roared.

Even if he is a strong man who has stepped into the quasi-god level, and has realized the realm of the gods, he also feels that Meng Fan is terrible at this moment, and his combat power is by no means as simple as the peak of a Profound Origin Realm.

The vitality exploded, and the assassins of the nine great western gods stood in the void, surpassing one side, the blood in the body broke out, with the chaotic cold sky as the core of the big formation, the vitality merged with each other, and at the same time a giant hand that covered the sky slapped. The entire sky is completely enveloped.


Suddenly, the power of the two in the mid-air collided, causing the void to tremble, and a space was hollowed out. After splitting, I don't know how many space fragments, completely distorting this place. This kind of power is too overbearing, even the quasi-god powerhouse looks shocking.

The air wave impacted, and his body shook. A mouthful of blood spurted from Meng Fan's throat, but it made him suppress it with his own strength and got stuck in his throat. At the same time, his fists surged, strode out, and boldly moved forward again. Impacted away.

The phaseless and no-bodied Fa-phase exploded, and the golden phantom was comparable to an ancient **** and demon, standing in this world.

Under the bombardment of the double fists, each punch is to break the world and suppress everything. That kind of power penetrates the entire world, revealing Meng Fan's powerful idea of ​​invincibility!

Even if there is no **** family. . . . so what!

At this moment, what Meng Fan chose was an active offensive method, in which infinite domineering power sprang out of his body and confronted the chaotic Hantian and others in the void.

Even if the latter possessed the ancient divine formation, under Meng Fan's ultimate strength, it was broken into layers. Among them, those with low cultivation bases were unstable and spouted out of blood.

No one thought that Meng Fan was just a young generation, but his combat power was like this.

In the past years, he set foot in this Middle Ancient Realm and had no room to fight back in front of a quasi-god of the Xitian God Clan. Said to be a miracle, enough to shock too many people.

"Xitian ghost destroys the formation, condenses!"

And in the midair, the cold sky let out a low roar, his big hand stretched out, the runes flickered between his body, and a deep and unparalleled breath appeared in his eyes.

Not only him, but all the powerhouses of the Western Sky God Race, including behind him, are like this. Under his roar, their respective breaths exploded, and the runes flickered, burning all the breaths on the body to the extreme. Into this big formation, burst out the most powerful force of the big formation.

Nine people are in one, headed by a quasi god!

Under such fusion of vitality, a giant hand was immediately formed on the sky, and it grabbed directly towards Meng Fan. That vast power was like a vast ocean, but it came from the ancient existence of the Xitian God Clan, with the ultimate strength. Break the ground.

"Chop, chop, chop!"

A series of three cut characters spit out from Chao Hantian's mouth, each of them set off a loud sonic boom, and at the same time the handprints fell, traversing the heavens and the earth, and directly hit Meng Fan's body.

The power of the divine formation is extremely terrifying!

Under this scene, Bai Lanling and the others in the distance trembled and felt pain in their faces. This group of people came to attack Meng Fan, naturally they were fully prepared for this kind of crushing. Dealing with a powerhouse at the top of the Xuanyuan realm is truly a great honor. It is already beyond the word of heaven to reach the true sacred means, how terrible!

Even if it had the supreme inanimate body, it was directly penetrated, causing Meng Fan's chest to explode, blood spurting out, and even the bones exposed, which was extremely shocking.

But in the midair, Meng Fan’s body did not take a step back. Instead, facing the pile foundation, stepping forward, letting the blood fall, running all the way, and at the same time let out a low growl.

"Phaseless and silent body, broken!"

It was just a word, but it was comparable to the roar of a Primordial Beast, and at the same time, the light of the magic signs in its body flickered, which was several times more terrifying than before, and there was a strange power operation in the faint, which turned out to be. . . . Shinto breath!

This kind of aura is almost the same as the old madman’s battle in the restricted area that day, and it also carries Meng Fan’s own peculiarities, but between this movement is a terrible force that destroys the dryness and suppresses the mountains and rivers. It is not a quasi god, but it is already. It has the power of Shinto.

This scene was too shocking. It was completely against the laws of Ten Thousand Domains. Ran Hantian and others never thought that someone could do this.

The peak of the Profound Origin Realm is not a quasi-god. Even if its combat power is against the sky, but without sensing that kind of sacred gate, there is a limit after all. In this kind of killing, it can be said to be mortal. undoubtedly.

But Meng Fan is a different kind, and to be precise it should have been condensed after countless lives and deaths. . . . magic!

This was because the old madman’s last help to Meng Fan at the time, he put his last bit of blood into Meng Fan’s heart, filled with the old madman’s reluctance and love, but also has all the insights and powers of his life. .

It took three years for Meng Fan to completely integrate it into himself, and now it broke out and suppressed everything. Between these words, Meng Fan strode forward, qi and blood like a sea, completely motivating the non-substance intangible.

This kind of exercise was created by two ancient gods. It can open up the sky. There is no form in one thought, no life in one thought, no birth, no death, no extinguishment of the source!

At the beginning, Meng Fan was only in control of this kind of exercise, but with the help of the old madman’s divine power, it allowed Meng Fan to fully fit the power of this kind of exercise, integrate into himself, and improve it. It's not just as simple as ten times the power.

With a snap of his finger, Meng Fan stretched out his big hand, facing the old man and the others' magical formation, brazenly issued countless attacks again.

The power of the two sides intertwined, the sky trembled, and everything was eclipsed, and at one glance, you could see that Meng Fan’s power had the absolute upper hand. He opened the sky and the earth with the intangible form, standing in the sky, and livingly suppressing the nine great gods including a quasi-god. The strong retreat after practicing, spouting blood.

"So strong..."

In the distance, the three Heavenly Secret Pavilion assassins were all stunned. How did you ever think that someone could be in this state? In this same realm, Meng Fan possesses a kind of invincible terrifyingness, and once it runs the power of the divine way hidden in his body, it is already enough to crush a quasi-god. What is called evildoer, what is the first in ancient times, nothing more than this.

"No wonder everyone commented like that, it seems... This Meng Fan can really survive this crisis today, and he is alone!"

A middle-aged man said coldly, obviously Meng Fan has the absolute upper hand at this moment, and he can already suppress the chaotic cold sky and others in front of him. It's not that the Xitian Protoss was not prepared enough, but that Meng Fan's enchanting was too terrifying. After three years, he grew too much again.

"not necessarily....."

However, on the side, Bai Lanling shook his head and said in a condensed voice.

"There are three waves...he didn't understand this sentence, because our Tianji Pavilion is actually...not counted among them, the other two waves...have not arrived yet!"

With a word, the three middle-aged men behind him were stunned and looked at the field hesitantly.

And at this moment, under Meng Fan's absolute suppression, Luan Hantian and the others stepped back, the blood in their bodies was trembling, and they had already seen the direct body burst of the lowly cultivation of the two Western Heaven God Races, tragically dying in the sky.

The nine powerhouses have already killed two!

But in the chaotic cold sky, I didn't even look at it, but said indifferently,

"Everyone... It's time for you to take action. This little beast has reached this point. If you don't kill it, there will be no chance!"

The tone was calm, but the words spoken caused Meng Fan's heart to jump suddenly. When he looked at a certain place in the void, he found that there were two spaces in it that had already begun. . . . After torn apart, two shadows came out. They were two old men, each dressed in sackcloth, with godless eyes and no emotions, but at the moment when they stepped out of this world, they made the entire Zhou Tian imprison everything. , A kind of stormy waves hit.

Again. . . . Two quasi gods!

The two old men held their hands in the void and said calmly,

"The two of the Zhao family have seen Brother Luan!"

There is no doubt that these two people are the two great ancient ancestors of the Zhao family in the Golden Twelve League, and they actually walked out of the Zhao family and came to kill Meng Fan.

This kind of old monster level powerhouse, immortal, once moved. . . . But it is the ultimate murder!

And without waiting for Meng Fan to react more, there was a cold behind him, because at this moment he felt two eyes staring at him again, murderously, and turned out to be two elders again.

"The members of the Liu family have seen you all!"

The tone is hoarse, extremely vicissitudes, and they are the same two old men. They have the same breath as the two ancient races of the Zhao family. They are terrifying and ancient vicissitudes. Together, there are four strong men who have stepped into the quasi-god level. They are standing separately. Meng Fan appeared in the Huahe River in four places, southeast, northwest and northeast.

There are twelve gold veins in total, which are dispatched today. . . . . Three!

Today’s scene just happened here. If anyone sees it, it’s enough to set off a stormy sea. This is not a big deal, it is a must-kill situation. The three ancient ancestors are dispatched to kill Meng Fan here. Above Huahe, Meng Fan was not given any chance, and he was crushed to death!

To cut your path to becoming an emperor, this sentence is not vain, but the attitude of various forces towards Meng Fan, not allowing him to appear as an alien, even if he goes to the restricted area, even if he saves countless lives, even if he makes gold None of the Twelve Leagues did anything.

But for this kind of eternal family, there is no justice, only benefits. Killing Meng Fan is exactly what they need to do. They don’t want to see a strong and fierce emperor appear, and they don’t belong to the twelve alliances. People.

The four great ancient ancestors at the same time aimed at Meng Fan, such a luxurious lineup, no mercy, but the ancient ancestor of the Zhao family sneered, and the cold voice fell.

"You are so courageous, but is this the place where you want to come to the Middle Ancient Territory, a turtle among ten thousand territories, an overpowering kid, you killed the Zhao family, then take a look today... Emperor Xuanhuang Can you drag his old bones and crawl out of the grave to rescue you!"


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