Supreme God King

Chapter 1298: Imperial palace

Between the mountains is the land of the imperial palace!

At this moment, Meng Fan and Cao Qiushui were both holding the edict, relying on him to go straight through the layers of prohibition in it.

In this kind of power, even if the two are incomparably powerful and possess extraordinary means, they cannot resist at all.

One of them is controlled by the force of space.

How powerful the two are, but under the constraints of this kind of space power, they themselves are extremely restricted, unable to move at all, and can only allow their power to transmit.

"It's such a powerful divine power, this is just the marginal area... Has it already reached this level!"

Meng Fan muttered to himself, a trace of horror crossed his eyes.

Cao Qiushui on the side is the same, muttering,

"The old guy asked me to come to this place... What if I die, what if I die, what if I die... I haven't lived enough yet..."

There is no doubt that both of them are top powerhouses, the young generation's invincible talents, but now under the suppression of this space, there is a feeling of loss of power.

This undoubtedly comes from the rule of the imperial palace covering this area. After arriving here, life and death are probably between the thoughts of the people in this imperial palace.

The source of ten thousand yuan, the tombs of the gods!

Under this situation, both Meng Fan and Cao Qiushui had a look of awe, and they didn't dare to have any care, while Cao Qiushui on the side was chattering, leaving Meng Fan speechless for a while.

"I rely on... You shit, can you shut up!"

Meng Fan really couldn't help his body teleporting in this space. It was in this space teleportation that he discovered that this Cao Qiushui was a chatter, and couldn't help himself.

But Cao Qiushui snorted and said softly,

"The young master always goes fast with me, and he still doesn't let the young master speak. The young master wants to say it, and he has to say more. Don't look at the last time you were inferior to you on the refiner, but there is a kind of comparison between you and the young master You can speak with you until dawn!"

With a word, without waiting for Meng Fan's promise, two heart-piercing voices fell in the void at the same time.

"Don't move, I'll come!"

Yingxian Pavilion!

Rows of ancient pine trees are located here at the source of the imperial palace's space, where mist emerges and the power of the space surges, which is the initial place of the imperial palace's transmission.

The entire edge of the imperial palace was covered with ancient gods, which were laid by the gods of the past. Every once in a while, people with the temple would personally maintain it, and no one needed to manage it.

Even the gods can't forcibly break in, only with the edict with the imperial palace, can they come here smoothly, and the location of the transmission is in the Yingxian Pavilion.

Not far away, on this ancient courtyard, the shadow of a woman in white was sitting cross-legged, three thousand green silks draped behind her, her fair and delicate face closed her eyes, motionless, looking a gentle and gentle face The inaccessible quietness, non-human fireworks, and beauty makes people tremble.

Such a beautiful woman, even if it is the place of an imperial palace that has always cultivated, people who come and go can't help but take a look!

The entire area of ​​the imperial palace is guarded by the temple, and all of them are ascetic monks. Once in the imperial palace, unless they have reached the level of gods or performed tasks, they rarely leave the imperial palace, so it is naturally difficult to see This level of beauty.

During the coming and going, I don’t know how many people’s eyes are on him, even the ancestor-level powerhouse who has been repaired for thousands of years can’t help but look twice. This class of women is really too rare, and the temperament is too rare. The appearance is at the level of heaven and human.

And at this moment, not far away, there were several people's eyes cast, all of them were young, but the blood was extremely powerful, shocking nothingness. Among them, there are males and females, and they have different breaths, but they are obviously all the geniuses from all over the world.

A man in a white robe stood in the first place, handsome, with an elegant smile on his face, it was the Bai family. . . . Bai Haotian!

And standing beside him is a man in a golden robe, handsome, with sharp edges and corners. A surging blood in his body naturally spreads and affects nothingness. Looking at the woman not far away, he whispered,

"Is Bai Shui'er? It is indeed a well-deserved reputation, and it is only a strong blood, looks and temperament are so dusty, rare beauty, rare beauty!"

When the voice fell, Bai Haotian, who was aside, smiled slightly, and said in a concentrated voice.

"Why, interested?"


The man in the golden robe turned around, glanced at Bai Haotian, and said calmly.

"Did you kill him by selling your clan girl to my brother?"

With a word, the space shook, and the smile on Bai Haotian's face solidified. Under the gaze of the man in the golden robe, he felt a shock of vitality and blood, as if he was being stared at by a wild beast, and he was immobile. .

Although there are many Tianjiaos around it, it is led by two people in the field, and everyone is silent for a while, stopping the chatting and laughing before, feeling the powerful murderous intent of the man in the golden robe, how dare to speak.

Everyone understands that although Bai Haotian's position is very strong, he still can't compare with the person in front of him, and the emperor also has a win or lose.

In addition to identity, more depends on strength, and the strength of the man in the golden robe is also quite famous in the ranks of the emperors, and the chaotic soul who died tragically in the hands of Meng Fan is his younger brother, the latter It comes from the Xitian God Clan and is called. . . . Mess!

The two emperors are facing each other. At this moment, they are already making a judgment. Under the confused gaze, Bai Haotian obviously does not have the domineering arrogance of the latter. He is completely suppressed, even if he is motionless, but Zhou Tian seems They are all in the control of chaos.

However, after a while, the chaotic breath slowly dissipated, instead, he stepped out in large strides and went straight to the place of Bai Shui'er, and a voice fell.

"Chaoshun's death is just to blame for his lack of strength, don't worry, I'm just making a joke...Haha!"

When the voice fell, the other Tianjiao smiled and followed his footsteps, but all of them had a joking look on their faces. It was obvious that they were deliberately embarrassing Bai Haotian and teasing the latter before being confused.

And Bai Haotian could only laugh twice, with an embarrassed expression, even if his eyes were full of infinite resentment, but he definitely did not dare to show it.

This is the important place of the imperial palace. After coming here, all identities and status have disappeared. Only strength is supreme. After all, the one who came here is not a person with a big background, even if it is the Bai family emperor. Among the emperor's sons, it seems to be usually shooting.

And although life and death struggles are not allowed before the imperial palace is opened, it will definitely be uncomfortable to offend an existence like chaos.

The clenched fists were loosened again, and Bai Haotian could only follow and walk towards Bai Shui'er.

In the pavilion, the beautiful lady sat quietly, the green silk flying in the wind, as if she hadn't sensed the group of Tianjiao who had already arrived, she just sat in place, just like before.

After a while, Luan Mi and others had already arrived in front of Bai Shui'er, stepped out, Luan Mi said indifferently,

"Your Excellency is Bai Shui'er, the emperor of the Bai family, I am confused and want to know your Excellency!"

The tone is calm, without any emotion.

At this moment, Bai Shui'er also slowly opened his eyes, glanced in confusion, and calmly said.

"You have a strong murderous intent. You want to take action against me. The battle between the emperors and sons is commonplace. What's more, the chaotic soul still died because of me, so why hide it?"

The eyes were facing each other, but the moment the sound fell, the whole world was solidified. Both stood in place, but the majestic blood erupted from its body and collided in the void.

Suddenly it caused endless space tremors, even if it didn't move, it already turned the surrounding area into a powder keg that could be ignited at any time.


After a while, the space collapsed, and Bai Shui'er's delicate body stood still, but there was a blood flowing out from the corner of his mouth.

Seeing the confusion, Bai Shui'er said softly,

"Quasi God!"

Two words were spit out, and even her tone was a little strange. At this moment, the vitality fluctuations in Bai Shui'er were extremely powerful. If someone sensed it, it would be extremely shocking, because the latter had reached the peak of the Profound Origin Realm. .

Over the years, how hard Meng Fan has swept all the way and killed countless people before reaching the pinnacle of Dao, but today's Bai Shui'er is also the pinnacle of Xuanyuan.

If there is a strong sense, it will be found that, in the final analysis, it is because a peculiar imprint appeared in his body. This imprint came from the power of the Bai family's bloodline and was already inspired by Bai Shui'er.

When he was in Baidi Mountain, Bai Rong once said that Bai Shui'er's blood is pure. After training, only lack of blood stimulus is able to fly into the sky. After more than three years, Bai Shui'er has obviously passed. After this level, the Phoenix Nirvana is not what it used to be.

Stepping on the pinnacle of the Profound Origin Realm, and relying on the terrifying blood in his body, Bai Shui'er is definitely able to rank among the first-class Tianjiao. However, the chaos in front of him is obviously more powerful. He is less than a hundred years old, but it is actually... . . Powerful at the quasi-god level.

For a quasi-god, these words alone do not need to be said, it is too scary!

"good eyesight!"

The confused smile did not change, staring at Bai Shui'er, concentrating,

"His Royal Highness Shui'er has been waiting here for three days. I don't know what is the reason why His Royal Highness Shui'er will always be here?"

"Just one person!"

Bai Shui'er whispered softly, while looking at the outside of the teleportation array, there was a trace of worry flowing in it, waiting for three days, just hoping to see that figure appear in the fastest time, Jun Ke... well?


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