Supreme God King

Chapter 1299: Meet

Just one person!

As Bai Shui'er's voice fell, everyone's expression suddenly moved slightly, even if Bai Shui'er didn't say it clearly, everyone knew what this person was called.

Before the battle at Baidi Mountain, the two words Meng Fan spread all over the world, so that everyone knows that this evildoer who has risen from ten thousand realms has an inexplicable and unclear relationship with Bai Shui'er. Get married under that kind of risk!

Three swords and six thunders!

And later, it made everyone feel like thunder, a battle in the restricted area, and the world shocked, even the most terrifying dynasty among the twelve leagues was personally preaching, it is conceivable.

White-haired Shura, Meng Fan!

I have to say that even though many people have never seen Meng Fan, the latter is extremely famous among the many powerful people in the young generation of Wanyu, some people admire, some hesitate, and of course there are more people... . Want to kill him!

In the distance, among the mountains, more gazes are looking at this place. Now that the imperial palace is opened and the Twelve Leagues are moving, it is not only the Bai Family and the Xitian God Race that have come here.

Five families, five races, one line, one dynasty!

This imperial palace can be said to be the top priority. Naturally, the twelve major forces send the most terrifying juniors of their respective younger generations here in order to make breakthroughs.

Including that there are many ascetics in the temple around it. They also looked over with a little interest and clearly understood that the two emperors were facing each other, but something interesting was bound to happen.

Under this situation, countless people around are naturally waiting quietly, and their minds are naturally different. Many of them have a funny expression. After all, the news that can be here is quite well-informed. Fan shot in secret, causing absolute murder.

Under this situation, the latter had no chance at all, and was destined to become a funerary for the anger of the emperor, and Bai Shui'er's waiting was naturally without any results.

"She is not a chaotic opponent, as long as she fails, I will take the action, which should be good!"

In the distance, a sound like a natural sound fell, and the speaker turned out to be a woman in red, with blue silk flying, her face beautiful, and the whole has a peculiar temperament, full of vigor and red lips, her eyes looked far away. There is a strange color in the eyes,

"Shui'er, do you remember me, when I was young... We grew up together, I never thought you actually liked a man now, hum, this really makes me unhappy, Meng Fan, he I can go through fire and water for you, and I can too!"

The tone was calm, but falling between the sky and the week caused a tremor in the space. This woman was with a golden man that day.

After the battle at Baidishan, the two had talked about this topic. The man in the golden robe that day asserted that Meng Fan could not survive the emperor’s crush, and once they survived, the two would personally take action. , Suppress it!

Suddenly, Zhou Tian was imprisoned, like deathly silence, even if there were countless powerful people around, whether it was the temple or the Tianjiao generation from the major forces, they all assumed the appearance of sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fighting. Waiting quietly.

In the pavilion, the wind is surging, and the atmosphere is suppressed, so that everyone dare not breathe more.


Standing in place, the smile on the confused face is a bit playful, whispered softly,

"I should be able to guess who you are waiting for, but well... just in case he can't come!"

While talking, that kind of invisible murderous intent spreads around, making people feel cold.

Bai Shui'er's eyes flashed. With her snow and ice intelligence, she naturally understood what the confusion was referring to. She couldn't help but gently shook her jade hand, and then said calmly.

"Then.... I'll be here waiting for him!"

The tone was calm, but it was tit-for-tat, and his breath did not yield.

There is no doubt that for Bai Shui'er, there is also a kind of persistence. Although his temperament is gentle and gentle, like the girl next door, his decisiveness in doing things is not inferior to Meng Fan.

Otherwise, he would not abandon the identity of the emperor and go to the Ten Thousand Regions alone on that day, doing things that no one had expected.

Meng Fan is a strong man rising from the bottom, step by step, while Bai Shui'er abandons his own powerful advantages and is willing to learn from the bottom. I have to say that such a woman is not easy.

And at this kind of time, the Tianjiao duel, the one who looked at this place was the easy generation, who was not born in the Golden Twelve League or was recognized by these twelve forces, just now was qualified to appear here.

Humans are more dead than humans, so even before this, any one of them is going to cross the world, but under this kind of real confrontation, then who is the real person in the flames can only be revealed.

There is no doubt that under the imperial palace opening this move, it seems invisible, but it is already gathering the most terrifying juniors in the entire ten thousand domains here.

The tree wanted to be quiet but the wind continued. It seemed calm between the sky and the sky, but I don't know how many corners there are already hidden dragons and crouching tigers, and the emperors of various emperors are watching quietly.

"Really? It depends on whether he has that luck!"

With a chuckle, he stepped out in the next moment,

"It is indeed as you said, whether it is him or you are responsible for my brother's death, Xitian's glory cannot be humiliated, but the blood debt owed in your hands must be returned to me!"

The tone was calm, but at this moment there was a sudden tremor, and murderous intent emerged, an invisible terrifying aura suppressed and came towards Bai Shui'er.

Quasi-God Strong!

Luan Mi has already taken this step. How extraordinary. At this moment, it is just a simple action that has caused the entire Zhou Tian to crumble. Its body is the blood of the most powerful Western Heaven God Race. After stepping into the level of Shinto, it broke out completely, extremely terrifying.

Inside the pavilion, it was instantly completely covered by this chaotic aura, suppressing the Eight Wastes. However, in the same place, Bai Shui'er's body was not moving, but a virtual illusion burst out around his body. Ying suddenly enveloped the world, and a huge green snake also appeared around Bai Shui'er.


A sacred monster suddenly shot, the blood basin opened wide, and a fishy smell came, which suppressed the chaotic and powerful aura.

One person, one snake, stand suddenly!

Under this scene, everyone’s expressions suddenly changed, their eyes focused on this green snake, and there was spirits flowing in their eyes. Among them, this group of people is definitely not stupid, and that one is not a person with extraordinary eyesight. I saw the powerful origin of the green snake next to Bai Shui'er, called... Ancient Bicai Snake!

It is rumored that this kind of snake is a bloodline after the ancient Ancestral Dragon mutated. In many cases, once the dragon bloodline mutates, it must continue to sink and lose its power. However, this kind of ancient bicolor water snake is not like this. It is mutating. After that, it was even more powerful, far surpassing the ancestor dragon of the same order.

This kind of thing can be called the ancient alien species, it is extremely rare, including the ancestral dragon line is unable to control this kind of mutation, even 10,000 ancestral dragons may not be able to appear one, and it is said that this kind of blood is the ancestral dragon A kind of Nirvana, self-seal, at the moment when the snake achieves the divine way, it will return to its ancestors and become a dragon again!

Such an ancient alien species turned out to be beside Bai Shui'er!

The Bai family of the ancient emperor family has controlled the beasts in the past, stimulated the blood of the gods, and is proficient in the words of the gods. It is not unusual to have this kind of ancient alien species that has been lost for thousands of years. After all, where is the background and the help of the past.

But the moment of appearance still shocked everyone, even among the countless well-informed generations, but the legendary descendants of the ancestral dragon mutant were only heard.

Under the appearance of this bicolor flood snake, it turned out that Bai Shui'er's breath became stronger and stronger, facing the chaos in the faint, and Bai Haotian could not help clenching his fists, with a look of jealousy.

This kind of Primordial Alien Species was obtained by Bai Shui'er from the Bai family in the past three years. Unlike Bai Haotian, she did not go to the camp, but practiced hard, and now finally saw the results.

Prior to this, Bai Shui'er had just returned to the Bai family. Bai Haotian relied on years of accumulation and naturally continued to crush the latter. However, in recent years, Bai Shui'er's talent has become more and more apparent, which naturally attracted the favor of many elders of the Bai family. , Let it get more and more resources.

In the final analysis, what is needed in the course of cultivation is not conspiracy and tricks, but that kind of innocent heart. Under Bai Shui'er's thick and thin hair, it has become more and more terrifying. The title of the emperor is well deserved!

The breath struck, the confused look changed, and he sneered.

"It's interesting, so why not give it a try!"

The voice fell, his figure stepped out, and the endless murderous eruption was ready to launch the most fierce attack. However, at the next moment, to his surprise, Bai Shui'er, who was still looking frosty, suddenly backed away. After a few steps, a slight smile appeared on the indifferent face, his eyes turned, and he looked at one of them.

Before, she was still that kind of unparalleled beauty, a woman who surpassed all others, but at this moment, it was like a wife seeing her husband returning from an outing, all her breath was gone, only a happy smile on her face.

Following Bai Shui'er's gaze, everyone found that there were already two more figures on the space array not far away in the field. One of them had white hair in a blue shirt and a slender figure. His eyes were also facing Bai Shui'er. , With a faint smile on his face, said softly,

"Shui'er... It's been a long time!"

There was a kind of magnetism in the voice, which made Bai Shui'er nod his head, and a mist of water appeared on his eyes. After a while, he stepped out directly, and rushed into his embrace, not Meng Fan... . Who else can there be!

The first battle in the restricted area was a **** battle against the world. Someone dared to do things that the world did not dare to do. It was too shocking to step into the restricted area, and at the same time, this beautiful lady of Baidi Mountain was always worried about it.

Seeing each other again now, Bai Shui'er plunged into this broad chest, feeling this familiar taste, could not help but bit her red lips, beat Meng Fan's chest with her delicate hand, and whispered,

"Before I.... Before I.... I really thought.... You are gone..."

After several years of cultivating, Bai Shui'er had this kind of little girl's attitude only in front of Meng Fan, and Meng Fan smiled helplessly, but there was a flash of the same intense throbbing in his eyes, and his big hand stroked On his hair, whispered softly,

"Relax.... I've always been there!"


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