Supreme God King

Chapter 1309: Chase

Five families and five races, gold exists!

In the eternal time, these twelve alliances are the stars in the entire ten thousand domains, constantly flashing, never cut off.

And the emperor among them is not the sun among the stars, how terrible it is to shine in the world.

Since Zhao Wudi was born, he has never enjoyed this kind of treatment. He has been rampant all the way, killing countless, but today is to let the generation of the same age come over, kick in the face, it is really called a solid.

Meng Fan's strength was too great, causing Zhao Wudi's face door to collapse, blood staining his surroundings, flying out in the sky, and falling heavily on the ground.

And the most important thing is that Zhao Wudi is incomparably strong, mentally conscious, and able to feel the pain in this foot firmly.


The body fell to the ground, and the corners of his mouth made a roar, but all that was left was a whimper, and a blood stain on his face, which made people see a creepy feeling.

The fall of this scene was too shocking, and it made the other Zhao Family Tianjiao all stupid. No one thought that Meng Fan would make such a move in this kind of place.

Everyone in the field is the eight great arrogances, even Meng Fan is at an absolute disadvantage, but the latter is so bold and reckless, seizing the opportunity, alone in the field, in the tiger's mouth, severely injuring Zhao Wudi.

Cunning like a fox, moving like a tiger!

It is indeed not too much to describe Meng Fan in this way. If the previous timing is a little slow, it may put him in absolute danger.

With a slight smile, Meng Fan stepped on the soles of his feet and backed away calmly. It came and went quickly, without a fight, but quickly backed away. A breath disappeared in the surrounding jungle, as if not coming. Over.

Between heaven and earth, only the roar of Zhao Wudi was left, full of endless anger.

"Meng Fan... little bastard... I... killed you.... killed you!"

Two teeth were kicked to pieces, which made Zhao Wudi's voice a little slurred, but after all he reacted, standing in his body, trembling with anger.

The other Zhao Family Tianjiao also walked out of the pool, looking helpless, staring in the direction where Meng Fan had left.

Obviously, they were targeting Meng Fan, thinking that the latter did not know. After all, this is the imperial palace and everything in the restricted area, but now it seems that it is impossible to sneak attack.

And Meng Fan's speed is extremely fast, even a few big arrogances can only track it, but it takes a lot of effort to catch it.

In the distance, a sneer came slowly,

"Waiting for you, gather a good number of people, the emperor's road is long, who will fight!"

The words are powerful and contain an unspeakable arrogance, and the speaker is naturally Meng Fan!

In the distance, the latter's figure was horizontal, with a smile on his face, which seemed to be enough to make Zhao Wudi and the others alive. The latter strode out and disappeared directly above the sky.

Here is the imperial palace, the ancient imperial road!

If it were normal, maybe Meng Fan would cut the grass and wipe out the roots, fight against Zhao Wudi and others, and fight for life and death, but in this kind of place, the most important thing for Meng Fan is to step into the road of the emperor and find a way to reunite the soul. That is the goal of his career.

And before that, the emperor's Dao sensed not only the powerhouses like Zhao Wudi, but there were still murderous intentions coming from tens of thousands of meters away, and went straight here.

There is no doubt that if Meng Fan and Zhao Wudi and others fight, they will be dragged here, which is extremely disadvantageous for him.

The previous victory was because of a sudden attack. Once there was a head-on conflict, Meng Fan might not be able to get much cheaper if he confronted Gang.

Fierce as a tiger, it also requires skill and timing.

Therefore, Meng Fan fleeed straight away, did not stop, but went straight to the depths of the imperial palace.

Step into the Emperor Road!

Everyone looked at the direction Meng Fan was going, and they could only sigh, and sure enough, not long after Meng Fan left, seven figures came here. The person headed by him was the emperor of the Liu family... Liu Changsheng.

The two powerful emperors gathered at the same time.

"Why, people ran away?"

Looking at Zhao Wudi and the others who were a little embarrassed not far away, Liu Changsheng's brow furrowed, and he was really a little puzzled. With ancient jade detection and sudden attack, he turned out to be like this.

"That little bastard... can find us!"

Zhao Wudi snorted coldly. Even with the recovery of heaven and earth, he felt the hotness on his face, and the chill between his eyes was extremely strong.

"The previous plan is no longer feasible. Although I don't know what method he has, not only is we able to check where he is, but he can also sense our approach!"

Hearing Zhao Wudi's words, everyone was suddenly silent. After all, this is Dilu. Although killing Meng Fannai was their goal, the latter seemed to be a rather difficult guy, completely out of his. Unexpected.

"Hmph, you can't kill, you must kill, this guy killed the two elders of our emperor clan, this one must be guaranteed!"

Liu Changsheng looked at the direction where Meng Fan disappeared, coldly said,

"Even if he knows it, there is no problem. If this is the case, then we will gather all of them and follow him. I'm afraid that he won't be able to run. I don't believe that he doesn't rest all the way and doesn't look for opportunities. We are so many. With absolute power...crush this little beast to death!"

The tone is harsh, it can be said to be endless for Meng Fan.

After the discussion, Liu Changsheng, Zhao Wudi and others acted immediately, ran the jade pendant to search for Meng Fan’s information, gathered the entire Zhao family, all the geniuses of Liu’s family, and more than a dozen people followed Meng Fan and immediately tracked them. Come.

In the distance, sensing this, Meng Fan couldn't help but grinned and said helplessly,

"I'm really.... That kick is lighter. As for you, hate me so much that you don't even want the opportunity of Dilu?"

There is no doubt that following such a large group of followers after him, there is no chance for Meng Fan to move forward and cultivate in this imperial road.

And the more you go forward, the more dangerous it is. Even the strong gods only dared to walk about 30% of this imperial road. I don’t know how many hidden existences exist in this imperial road, which is extremely dangerous. This imperial road is extraordinary, absolutely not. You can advance rashly. For Meng Fan at this moment, he has to fall into a desperate situation, with tigers in front and packs of wolves behind.

"This is not the way to go, you will be tired sooner or later, but they are crowded and have enough time to spend with you!"

Xiaotian snorted coldly.

Hearing this, Meng Fan couldn't help but look back deeply, hesitated for a moment, and then said softly.

"It's okay, since they want to follow me, just follow me, huh... Play chase, this is what the little master eats, Lord Bird, Lord Turtle, I need to trouble you!"

With a word, the Hairy Sparrow and Xuangui in the space were shocked and looked at Meng Fan hesitantly. After all, the two of them could not help Meng Fan in the fight, except for the three-inch tongue. There is nothing else.

And Meng Fan smiled and said calmly.

"What you want is your ability to sneak attack!"

The voice fell, and at the same time, an arc was drawn above the corner of Meng Fan's mouth, which seemed quite evil, causing the three of Xiaotian to shiver instinctively.

The three of them are very familiar with Meng Fan. The latter is usually quite serious and dedicated to practicing, but once the latter has this kind of smile, even if someone wants... Unfortunately!

No matter what methods Meng Fan had, after Zhao Wudi and Liu Changsheng, the two great emperors would never let him go, tracking them for thousands of miles and constantly crushing them.

In the past, only the eight members of Zhao Wudi gave Meng Fan a strong pressure, but now there are Liu Changsheng, the seven princes of the Liu family. This kind of honor belongs to Meng Fan when he stepped into the imperial palace. Fan Xiezi Baba is the only one.

In the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy and tricks are pale and weak.

In the three full days, even Meng Fan was only exhausted by his life and did not dare to stay any longer. Once it was a breather in the air, he could feel that the many powerful men behind were getting closer to Meng. Where.

However, relying on his powerful cultivation base, although Meng Fan was almost besieged by Zhao Wudi and others several times, he barely avoided it.

"Little boy, the ability to escape is really fast, don't let the master find you!"

Looking at the disappearing sky, Zhao Wudi snorted coldly with a look of resentment.

And everyone on the side also sneered one after another. Although they didn't catch Meng Fan, it was still a strong pressure on the latter, and the longer it was, the more disadvantaged it was for them.

"Hmm, don't worry, once you catch this little bastard, you must make it look good!"

Liu Changsheng snorted coldly, but before he could speak, his expression suddenly changed, and a fast shadow fell from the sky, which happened to fall into Liu Changsheng's hands.

this is….

As far as he could see, Liu Changsheng took a closer look, only to find that what had fallen was actually an egg, only the size of a palm, but it spread out with a terrifying breath. Even people without any knowledge understand that this thing is definitely not. Fanpin.

"This seems to be... the egg of the royal family of the ancient Leiwen worm, look at the pattern on it, I remember it was recorded in an ancient book!"

One of them, Liu Jia Tianjiao, said softly, his tone full of surprise.


Everyone is like petrification. They are the two great emperors Tianjiao. Naturally, they have heard the name of this ancient alienated monster. It is definitely a terrifying existence that ruled the world in the ancient years. It is rumored that once it appears in groups, Even if it is sacred, you need to turn around and leave, but now the egg of the royal family descended from the sky and fell into Liu Changsheng's hands.

Liu Changsheng laughed twice, feeling extremely happy with the jealousy of the people around him, and said calmly.

"It deserves to be an imperial palace, less than 10% of the road, there is such a good thing, it is really... what is that?"

At the next moment, the latter stunned and looked at it, and the eyes of other people were also attracted at the same time, because there was no sunlight not far away, and the sky was covered with black objects. The entire sky was covered by a black object, towards them... . Come straight!


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