Supreme God King

Chapter 1310: Insidious trick

Dense, overwhelming!

As far as Liu Changsheng and others could see, they saw a black and heavy attack at the end of the world. If you look closely, you can find that these are insects, only the size of a thumb. It depicts exquisite runes, vaguely spreading an aura of destruction.

Because of the large number, the entire world has been completely covered by it, permeating the sky this week, coming towards Zhao Wudi and Liu Changsheng.

"This is... Ravenbug!"

Liu Changsheng swallowed, and with his eyesight, he naturally saw that this group of insects turned out to be the Leven insects that had been extinct in ancient times.

If it were ordinary places, there would never be such a group of existence, even if there were, there would definitely not be so many, but here is the imperial palace, the ancient emperor road, there is nothing unusual.

"How did they come.... I heard that this kind of raven worm controls the thunder, it is extremely violent, and the shortest protection, all raven worms will protect the royal family, especially the eggs!"

On the side, a Tianjiao from the Liu family said dumbly, and immediately focused everyone's eyes on Liu Changsheng's hands. Before this, it could be said that those eyes were full of envy.

This is definitely a pie in the sky, a great opportunity that came out of thin air. Once the eggs of the Leiwen imperial clan hatch, then there will be a kind of companion for the power of the emperor. What a terrifying thing. One thing.

However, seeing this scene now changes everyone's expressions, because under this group of Leven eggs, this thing is undoubtedly the biggest bomb. Whoever holds it will suffer. Into big trouble.


Suddenly, this group of raven insects has already come over, and the power of a single raven insect is too small, but the gathering of hundreds of millions of them will cause the ultimate terror. The power of thunder immediately swept across the entire sky, violently.

In one move, it was comparable to Lei Hai, even if the Tianjiao powerhouse with two great emperors in the field, his expression has changed drastically now, it is difficult to face, and his scalp is a little numb.

"This is the **** hurt Lao Tzu!"

Liu Changsheng roared, and immediately stepped on the soles of his feet, and his figure receded.

"Leave here first, don't be followed by them, I will return this thing to you!"

However, before Liu Changsheng threw out the Leven Egg in his hand, a voice came not far away in the next moment.

"Big Brother... Help me!"

As soon as they said, everyone saw a tortoise the size of a palm, with a pair of small eyes turning straight, looking at it, and at the same time raising his hand, he directly threw a wolf cub over.

The wolf cub was not very big, but he yelled in pain and whimpered immediately after he entered the crowd. At the same time, there were more wolves howling in these mountains, which shocked the world.

It can be seen that a large pack of wolves is coming here, rushing for thousands of miles, with extreme speed.

At a glance, there are hundreds of them, but none of them are ordinary monsters. The most insignificant one is also at the level of respect. He sticks his tongue out and stares at the wolf pups beside Liu Changsheng and others with unmatched eyes. Anger and violence!

"This is... Fire Wolf!"

Zhao Wudi was stunned, staring at this scene, not only him, but the group of people behind him were completely petrified, and couldn't understand what the scene was.

"Don't go, kid, who is your eldest brother, please make it clear!"

Liu Changsheng roared, but soon his voice was drowned among the beast tide, because at this moment there were two ancient beasts, the Levenworm and the Fire Wolf, on the left and right sides.

If they existed alone, facing Zhao Wudi, Liu Changsheng and others would immediately kill him, but now these two races are coming in groups, which naturally caused big trouble.

It's just that between the electric light and flint, no one can get away. Liu Changsheng, Zhao Wudi and others are caught in this beast tide, their vitality exploded, filled the world, and directly blasted together.

More than a dozen emperor Tianjiao vs two major warcraft races!

This scene is really quite spectacular, it just made the entire field riot in a moment, the sky changed color, and fierce battle broke out, but Liu Changsheng, Zhao Wudi and others are also worthy of the emperor's talents, and the reaction is extremely fast.

Even in the face of such a difficult situation, the combat power immediately broke out, and the secret method at the bottom of the pressure box was taken out. The vitality surged and turned into rows of extreme power to cut everything, breaking the world and the earth. I don’t know how many cracks. .


However, during the fierce battle in the entire field, a moment later, there was a sound of phoenix ming throughout the world and fell into everyone's ears.

As the sound fell, the temperature of the entire world rose rapidly. At the same time, a huge phoenix came from the sky, covered in flames, like a volcano.

A pair of phoenix eyes stared at Liu Changsheng and others, and their eyes were filled with endless anger and sorrow. When they flew in the sky, a huge mouthful of extreme flames erupted, comparable to the falling of countless magma.


It was just this blow that almost turned the two Zhao Family Tianjiao who had no time to retreat into a pile of ruins, but they turned into suckling pigs, covered in flames, yelling.

This phoenix is ​​an ancient fire phoenix. It has the ultimate flame power and is already... . This is the only way to reach the Quasi-God level with a full blow.

how is this possible!

Looking at the fire phoenix in front of them, a huge boulder hit everyone's heart. Zhao Wudi and Liu Changsheng were even more shocked. Such a monster is too powerful, even if it is usually encountered, it will never provoke it.

One is simply more terrifying than the other two big races. It makes Liu Changsheng and the others look like eating a dead child. It was absolutely unexpected that things would develop to this scene.

Not only the Levenworm came, but also the original fire wolf, including this ancient fire phoenix was aimed at them, and it was extremely ferocious. At this moment, the ancient fire phoenix seemed to be fatal, with flames erupting and killing everything!

"No... Nima... how is this possible!"

In this piece of heaven and earth, such a chaotic fight can be said to have just begun. Under this kind of collision, Liu Changsheng, Zhao Wudi and others were immediately caught in a big battle.

Now let alone chasing Meng Fan, even self-preservation is a problem. Not to mention the two major races, just an ancient fire phoenix is ​​enough for them to drink a pot.

Thousands of meters away from here, at this moment, a figure stands, watching this scene happen, and there is a bird and a tortoise beside him. The smile can be said to be leaning forward and back together, almost unable to breathe, naturally. …. Meng Fan!

All of this can be said to be Meng Fan's attention. Before that, he used himself as a bait to attract Zhao Wudi, Liu Changsheng and others to pursue and kill them, and they went all the way to attract most of their attention.

And the three guys, Xiaotian, Longhair, and Xuangui, are naturally going to seduce the many beasts around the imperial palace itself. Before that, Meng Fan's spiritual thoughts were swept away, but he found that this place is not only a genius Bao, under the endless years, there are countless monsters gathered here, and there are too many ancient existences.

And Meng Fan's plan was like this, and he slammed into the west, taking advantage of his unpreparedness, inviting this group of monsters to attack Liu Changsheng, Zhao Wudi and others, so as to get rid of this group of tails.


Meng Fan was clutching his stomach. Now that the plan is successful, he is in a pretty good mood. Instead, he said with some doubts.

"Lei Wen Chong, the fire wolf is not very intelligent after all. Xuan Turtle and Xiao Tian stole their cubs, which naturally drove them crazy, but how did you manage that ancient fire phoenix? Knowing that the fire and phoenix clan is extremely intelligent and powerful, there is no way to attack them, and it is difficult to really provoke them, especially letting him deal with the two great emperors like this!"

Hesitating, including Meng Fan was unable to do this at all.

The so-called killing with a knife requires this kind of ability. Wanting to use a fire phoenix as his own knife is a bit exaggerated in itself, completely outside of Meng Fan's plan!


Hearing this, the Longhair sparrow smiled shyly, but he was silent at this moment when he was talking, and looked mysterious.

The mysterious turtle on the side leaned forward with a smile and said loudly,

"Who else is the master bird? It's a nine-dead life for me and the master to steal the eggs of these two species. I don't know how much effort it took to steal the eggs with the master's ability, but the master bird is straightforward. He found the ancient Huofeng and walked into the Phoenix Nest.

In fact, this is a pair, not just one. All you see is the male phoenix, and the master bird came to the phoenix nest after the female phoenix went out, and told the male phoenix that he was looking for... Mother, who claims to be the illegitimate child of a female phoenix, before that, Lord Bird dripped the phoenix blood he had saved before on her body, with a hint of phoenix breath on her body! "

With a word, Meng Fan was instantly petrified, his eyes widened, and he said dumbly.

"It's all OK!"

"of course!"

Xuan Gui laughed, and said solemnly,

"Master Bird still recognizes Xiongfeng as a foster father. It is crazy to see the existence of Lord Bird with the pride of the fire and phoenix clan. The pride of the Phoenix clan has been formed since ancient times. How can I stand this? The Lord also said that the person who seduced his wife was nearby, and the Xiongfeng naturally came immediately..."

The voice fell, it really made Meng Fan completely dumbfounded. This plan was indeed made by him, but what he couldn't achieve was that Xiaotian, Longhair, Xuangui were successfully completed, and such a shame was completed. , So... . The ultimate!

No wonder Huofeng’s voice was filled with such sadness and anger before, which caused Meng Fan to look at Liu Changsheng at this moment, and Zhao Wudi and others were there with a trace of pity and muttered,

"Brothers... hold on!"


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