Supreme God King

Chapter 1312: Ancient Tibetan Palace

Scroll against God!

Undoubtedly, this is one of Meng Fan’s biggest secrets. Now that it affects himself, it turns out to be a change, but it is enough to make Meng Fan mobilize twelve points of interest. This time the Ni Shenjuan had such a reaction, but It all proves that there are absolutely shocking opportunities.

Standing on this abyss, Meng Fan hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth and said,

"No matter, since I came to this Emperor Road, if I don't take risks, there will be no chance. All the opportunities are captured by myself!"

With a word, and at the same time his body moved, he stepped out, directly between the layers of black mist, he jumped down into the abyss, his body descended rapidly, it seemed extremely dangerous.

This abyss can't see exactly what depth it has. I don't know how many tens of thousands of meters there are. Under the rapid decline of Meng Fan, even with his vitality protection, the runes flash, forming the most powerful defense.

There is no doubt that a strong wind that accidentally flows in this abyss is enough to shred his body and turn it into nothingness. Naturally, he dared not let Meng Fan have any care.

The air waves tear apart, and the figure is like a sword!

For a full half of the incense, Meng Fan's whole person was in this kind of sinking state. Finally, after not knowing how many tens of thousands of meters had fallen, he saw the bottom of the abyss.

At first glance, Meng Fan's pupils couldn't help but shrink, because he had already seen a vast underground world, which was not a ruin, but a piece of... . The huge underground palace.

The cultivation here is extremely vast and solemn. I don’t know how much time it took. The rows of buildings, even if ten thousand years have passed, can already be seen vaguely except for the thick dust. Too many majestic places are made with a lot of cherished materials.

It is conceivable that this place used to be an extremely magnificent place. It must be a dungeon that can be established by an ancient mighty power, but it is a pity that it has experienced a certain kind of war that is now incomplete.

"Holy Former Residence!"

Xiaodi snorted coldly,

"Be careful, in this imperial palace, not only are you Tianjiao qualified to step in here, but also qualified to step in here is the sacred. Since ancient times, there are not many sacreds who come to the road of the emperor. I don’t know how many sacreds have lived here, hoping to use this to make a breakthrough, to cross the emperor’s road and reach the other side, it seems that the person in front of me should be... failed!"

Hearing that, when Meng Fan's eyes moved, he had already understood the rules of this emperor road, and even knew that there were too many ruins on this road, and countless strong men were buried by him and the legends obliterated them.

And in the next moment, what fell into Meng Fan's eyes was the entrance to the underground palace. This is the sacred former residence. Although it has been dilapidated, these four characters symbolize great opportunities.

And there was a reaction between the immortal seals, and one thousand meters away from Meng Fan, you could see a portal in this underground palace, revealing the endless depth, which is obviously where you can enter this underground palace.

But Meng Fan didn't dare to move rashly, because there was a bronze statue beside the portal of the underground palace, which was as huge as a hill, with sharp edges and corners, and was holding an ordinary bronze giant sword.

It's just that the statue has no head anymore, but the terrifying aura spreads, already shaking the world and solidifying the space, even Meng Fan felt shocking after a glance.

Ancient puppet, quasi **** level!

With a squeeze of both fists, Meng Fan naturally judged that in the ancient times, many sacred powers had refined countless things that drew heaven and earth, and this kind of bronze puppet was one of them.

Once the refining is successful, this thing will become the most powerful war machine, only the will given to him by the strong in the past, extremely loyal, and fearless of life and death.

However, the method of refining this thing has long been lost. In the ancient times, the more advanced it is, the more difficult it is to refining. Unexpectedly, there is still a statue in front of him, and this one can be restored.

Because Meng Fan saw the blood on the bronze giant sword at a glance. This blood stain is still fresh. It should have been left by the previous Tianjiao from the Zhongtian Dynasty, and it was the bronze puppet who was seriously injured and killed. After two people, one fled.

The three people before were all the pinnacles of the Profound Origin Realm, from the Zhongtian Dynasty, powerful and extremely powerful masters, and the combination of the three was enough to bring life and death to Meng Fan.

But it seems that he was beheaded by the bronze puppet. This kind of combat power, guarding the entrance of the underground palace, who can not be afraid?

"It's really hard to get into it!"

Meng Fan muttered to himself, but the Shaggy and Black Tortoise yawned at the same time.

"Hmph, the boss is starting to weigh the pros and cons again, but I bet you will definitely step into it in the end, even if there is only a glimmer of life!"

"Yes, what can interest the boss... There is nothing left to do!"

When he said that, Meng Fan raised his brows and wanted to have an attack, but it turned into a big laugh.

"You still know me. I really want to try it. If others can't do it, it doesn't mean that I also... can't do it!"

The tone was calm, but Meng Fan stepped forward, and before his body moved forward, there was no longer any hesitation. Instead, a trace of evil and toughness appeared on his face.

This is Meng Fan. The experience of life and death is like eating, and even a strong enemy is not enough to shake his heart for half a minute, and he can reach the white-haired Shura from the old Wuzhen boy.


It was just one step, Meng Fan had moved hundreds of meters, his eyes were slightly narrowed, and in his eyes there was only this underground palace entrance, constantly zooming in.

The figure is flying at high speed, moving in the void, calm like a virgin, and moving like thunder!

It was only in an instant that the vitality in Meng Fan's body was burned, and the sea of ​​blood was tumbling, and the body was connected in this void. If you want to turn into thunder, one step is to step into this underground palace.

However, at the moment Meng Fan moved, the bronze statue guarding next to this entrance also shook suddenly. It was originally headless, but it looked even more terrifying. The dust on the body fell, and the bronze still carrying blood The giant sword lifted, and a sword blasted out.

No matter how fast Meng Fan's speed is, it can be said that the Primordial Beasts are rampant Tiani, but all the roads are completely blocked under this sword.

For a moment, the sky changed color, all suppression, everything was completely covered under this sword, shrouded in the boundless sword energy, there was no way out!

His pupils shrank, and Meng Fan in mid-air also sensed a great crisis. This was a quasi-god-level puppet, how terrible it was. The latter sat here cross-legged and experienced endless years.


With a clenched fist, thirty-eight rays of light flashed across Meng Fan's body, and he stepped forward, blasting out a punch.

Emperor Fist!

It was just a blow, like a great emperor stepping forward. After fusing the emperor's way, that kind of aura was naturally absorbed by Meng Fan, and in the process of investment, it was the king of the world, the sun and the moon.


It can be seen to the naked eye that a punch and a sword collided in this mid-air, but at the moment of the collision, it caused a big sonic boom, the void tore apart, and everything collapsed.

The two sides fought against each other in an empty space, one was the real war puppet in the ancient times, and the other was the now rising prince. After thousands of years, things collided like this!

If it weren't for the imperial palace, this scene would be difficult to happen.

A punch hit, blood trembling, but Meng Fan's movements did not stop. Instead, the hands placed on both sides turned into huge punches, and the golden fists pierced through the world, rushing in the void.

And at this moment, the war puppet also inspires a fierce intent, and already feels a threat, and the giant sword in his hand volleys into the air.

Bang, bang!

The two sides fought, fists and swords staggered, at this moment Meng Fan and the war puppet stood at both ends of the void, and the vitality in their hands fluctuated over the sky, like a flood.

Just a moment, it experienced thousands of impacts, making the world completely extinguished at this moment, and in the midst of the heavy weather, Meng Fan suddenly spouted a mouthful of blood, retreated, and was directly hit by this sword. Came out.


Even if it is as powerful as Meng Fan, it is invincible. Under this kind of absolute impact, the body retreats violently, but this is a war puppet. Once the murderous intent is raised, how terrible.

With the sole step of the foot, the headless war puppet leaped into the air, holding the sword in both hands, tearing the void, striding towards Meng Fan, and at the same time tracking with the sword in his hand, it was cut towards the backward Meng Fan.

Human and sword unite, keep moving forward!

This sword turned out to contain the power of Divine Dao, which was to isolate the world and tear Meng Fan completely.

However, under this infinite wave of air, Meng Fan, who was retreating at a rapid pace, suddenly opened his eyes, looking at the puppet sword shadow tracking him, a smile appeared on his face, and he suddenly uttered a word.


With just one word, the war puppet who was moving forward suddenly shook, and the whole body was covered by five strange arrays, each of which was carved with a pattern called.... . Hessian basket flower!

There is no doubt that this is what Meng Fan has already laid around... . The Hessian Ruo Array, the five large arrays are unified, isolate the world, imprison the void, and suddenly resist the path of the war puppets.

Prior to this, Meng Fanke had no intention of head-to-head with him. His character is indeed fierce, and he must be cut in every arrogant man. However, the war puppet in front of him is not a arrogant man, but does not have any consciousness. Anyone retreats deliberately, causing this war puppet to reach the void he arranged.

The ancient **** array created by the ancient Bai family strangers, once the strange power is activated, it is extremely terrifying.

Especially when Meng Fan’s strength has increased, the five major formations have sealed the world, so that the entire void is completely shrouded in this area. This person, including the war puppet, was also besieged by him and fell into a half-stop pause. .

But only half a moment, it was enough for Meng Fan, a step in the void, the backing figure turned into a forward, in the blink of an eye, he crossed the sealed war puppet, three steps turned into two steps, stepping into this... . Underground palace!


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