Supreme God King

Chapter 1313: Undefeated urchin


After landing, Meng Fan stepped in, barely stabilizing his figure, and the five major formations retracted. At the same time, there was a sound of air waves outside the underground palace, but he did not come in.

There is no doubt that this war puppet is only responsible for guarding outside it. It is the will left by this underground palace powerhouse during his lifetime, but it is not flexible.

As long as Meng Fan stepped into this place, it was absolutely safe. Even if he was a quasi-god, he only had to obey his own will.

"Finally it's done!"

Meng Fan let out a sigh of relief. All this just happened between the electric light and flint, but it has already caused sweat behind him.

After all, the so-called layout can't be worse in one step. Every second is determined. If it is one step short, there may even be infinite variables and make the whole situation out of control.

Fortunately, all of this was done in accordance with Meng Fan’s plan, leaving a smile on his small face. There is no doubt that this is the most labor-saving way to step into the underground palace. Everything else requires a lot of money, even life. .

"The boss is amazing, even the headless person..."

"Hey... The boss pits headless people!"

Hearing the voices of Longhair and Black Tortoise, Meng Fan's face was black, and he roared,

"To shut up……"

After adjusting his figure, Meng Fan immediately stepped forward, surrounded by darkness. I don't know how long it has been, but the layout is more delicate than the outside world.

Even if it is eternal time, there is still a soul lamp on this wall, emitting a faint light, but it is enough to illuminate the entire passage.

A faint passage leads directly to the ground, and Meng Fan also walked toward it without hesitation.

But now the latter is still not half slack, vitality protection, here is the sacred former residence, especially in this imperial palace, full of too many variables.

Following this passage, Meng Fan finally reached the end of the underground palace after walking about a stick of incense, but found that the lights here were brightly lit, because the rows of soul lamps were no longer arranged. , But made up of a peculiar bead, illuminating the whole hall at the end.

There are ancient bronze pavings all around, with peculiar patterns carved around it, and in this central hall are all kinds of things.

In the most central part of the field, there was a figure sitting quietly, but it was just a dry skeleton, with a black robe on his body, but it had long been rotten for eternity.

"this is….."

When Meng Fan's eyes were swept away, he saw a stone monument not far away with four characters inscribed on it, undefeated naughty boy!

There was a horrible atmosphere between the fonts alone, which made Meng Fan’s mind tremble, and at the same time, he saw rows of small characters underneath it, but the record was this claim to be The life of an undefeated naughty boy.

A young orphan, begging since childhood, was born 80,000 years ago, but gained a moment of Nirvana in a begging, and since then he changed his destiny, fought for a lifetime, achieved sacredness, and stepped into the second of the three realms. Can face the strong in the third realm, and always likes to have fun, is known for its bohemian...

Looking carefully at the life recorded in this life, it made Meng Fan's heart sigh.

There is no doubt that this undefeated naughty boy is a strong man who has emerged from the bottom of the ten thousand domains. He has the same background as Meng Fan, and the more so, the more he makes Meng Fan understand this kind of situation.

There is no such thing as a treasure of genius, all the strong protections along the way, some only have their own hands, face the cruelty of the whole world with themselves, one step.... . Another step!

The Three Realms of Gods!

This is not the first time Meng Fan has heard of this term. Naturally, he understands that it should be the realm that should be distinguished in the divine existence.

Cultivation of vitality, step by step, the three realms of gods, one step at a time!

Although there are only three steps in the sacred realm, there are too many people in the eternal time that are only in this first step, and even death cannot take another step.

As soon as his heart moved, Meng Fan's eyes fell on a delicate box in front of the skeleton in the next moment.

There are a lot of things placed in the whole hall, but Meng Fan's gaze is the only thing to fall on it, because just as the gaze is swept over, the Immortal Impression in Meng Fan's body is throbbing more intensely.

Above this abyss, the things in the box should give Meng Fan a strong attraction, and now this feeling is ten times, a hundred times higher than before!

Sweeping away his mental power, Meng Fan didn't dare to be careless, and slowly opened the box with his thought power, revealing a faint light in it, where only the palm-sized fruit was placed, the whole body was red, like an apple Normally, but in the next moment, Xiaotian and Xiaodi exclaimed at the same time,

"Spirit Fruit!"

When the three words fell, the sound was filled with endless vibrations.

After touching his nose, Meng Fan hesitated and said in a condensed voice.

"what is this!"

"Good stuff, and... not so good!"

Xiaotian swallowed, and said solemnly,

"The so-called divine spirit fruit is something after the sacred sitting. It contains the means and power of the divine life. It is the crystallization of all the power of his divine way. You have merged the blood of a great emperor before. It is the same as this divine spirit fruit, but the effect But it is far less powerful than him.

Because you have lost too much power because of your heart's blood, it's just the power of the original source. Everything still needs to be realized by yourself, but this divine spirit fruit is the best reservation of a divine power.

Once consumed, it only needs to be digested slowly, and it is possible to reach the level of sacredness in the past. In the ancient times, there were many people who swallowed the gods and became sacred. From the moment they stepped into the Xuanyuan realm, they reached the level of sacredness. All disaster-free, a **** is completely copied! "

With a word, Meng Fan's heart suddenly made a big wave, and said dumbly,

"This thing is so effective, then not every sacred can be inherited!"

"Hmph, do you think this thing appears so easily!"

Xiaotian snorted coldly.

"Even if it is a sacred one who wants to leave this thing, it is very difficult. Even if it is among the ten, it is not possible to leave one. Generally, this thing is only available in the emperor and used by the next important heir. But it is too precious, it is simply to create a sacred one again, of course, generally after being incorporated into this sacred fruit, it will not reach the power of the past, but it is also too terrible, containing the ultimate fortune!"

A sacred opportunity!

Hearing Xiaotian's words, Meng Fan was speechless, but he was already full of blood. Even if he has cultivated to this point today, he dare not say that he can continue to make breakthroughs. After all, the path of cultivation is too difficult, especially to break through the sacred level, which requires endless opportunities and strength.

And there is a quick channel in front of me. There is this kind of thing in this world, and it has been found by it. It has to be said that this is already an opportunity of unparalleled horror, but there is no such thing as the emperor’s road. among.

"According to the truth, this thing is too precious, and it will not easily appear in the Emperor Road, even... It may only happen after 50%, and here is not even 10% of the Emperor Road, how could it appear This thing!"

The little emperor was a little bit puzzled, and he had a deep understanding, so he naturally remained suspicious.

"No matter how much, this thing, I have to decide!"

Meng Fan said to himself that the latter gave him a strong attraction and could even help Nishen Yin to advance again. It was really too critical, and Meng Fan gave birth to a kind of confidence that he would win.

As soon as he stepped on the sole of his foot, Meng Fan's figure moved forward and went straight to the divine spirit fruit, his white palm turned into infinite power, and he was ready to grasp this box in his hand.

However, the moment Meng Fan’s palm touched the box three meters away, the void trembled, and a mark came, suddenly interrupting Meng Fan’s movements, and at the same time the sky trembled, and the pressure of the tide surged. , Turned into countless attacks.

Bang, bang!

Meng Fan's expression changed, the Emperor Fist suppressed everything and collided with the void.

In one breath, seven riots in the void, overflowing with space fragments, interrupted all Meng Fan’s plans, his body stepped back, and when he looked at it, he noticed that a figure appeared behind him. , The sound of the heavens is also falling,

"Hehe... Meng Fan, I'm really reluctant to kill you. Not only is I clever and smart, but also bold and cautious, I found something like the spirit fruit. I have only eaten one before, or Grandpa Kusou waited for a long time before giving it to me. If you give up pursuing Shui'er, I can consider letting you be a guardian next to me. What do you think!"

The speaker is extremely ethereal!

Standing between this world, a red robe, flying green silk, a charming face, a pair of eyes staring at Meng Fan, the smile is full of endless temptation, I have to say that she is a beautiful woman in the city, enough to make any man see at a glance Going is unable to leave the eyes.

But at this moment, Meng Fan felt more of an endless chill. The latter followed him and followed him along the way, but he turned out to be unaware of it. This in itself explained too many problems.

With eyes facing each other, Meng Fan said slowly,

"You are... Yang Qing!"

"That's right, it's me!"

The woman in red, Yang Qing nodded, and walked towards Meng Fan with her slender legs. Her graceful figure moved as if she was dancing. A beauty of this level is too attractive even for a slight movement. , But the more you move forward, the more pressure on Meng Fan.

Because the person in front of you is real... . From the same line, the younger generation in this vitality world is undisputed. One of the strongest arrogances of this era is right in front of my own eyes, and... Murder hidden!

The second thing is to wish all book friends a happy May Day, which will break out tomorrow.


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