Supreme God King

Chapter 1314: Inheritance VS White Haired Shura


These words alone mean too much. The age of the world, the universe, and the Golden Twelve League can be said to be able to cultivate their juniors to the highest point and rule an age, which dare to be called standing on the top of the ancient times. on.

The real Tianjiao in the current world, I don't know if it is the number one, but it is definitely qualified to attack the existence of the top ten Tianjiao in the century.

The pupils contracted, and Meng Fan stared at Yang Qing tightly. At this moment, she had forgotten her quirks, only the enemy in front of her.

Even if the latter is a woman, the pressure on Meng Fan is too great, as if an ancient alien species is right in front of him, he may swallow himself at any time.

"I found this thing, don't move it!"

Meng Fan spoke indifferently, with a calm tone, but all the blood in his body was already running, the emperor fist flickered, and he could shoot at any time to suppress everything.

The beasts collide, divide the area!

Obviously, Meng Fan also regarded this Fang Tiandi as his own taboo, especially the Divine Spirit Fruit, and it was impossible to give it to others.

Yang Qing smiled slightly and said calmly.

"I know you found it first, but I just want...what to do!"

Hearing that, Meng Fan grinned, showing white teeth.

"For me, if a woman is disobedient, I will... spank!"

When he said that, Yang Qing was stunned for a while, and then she smiled. The smile was so brilliant, so colorful, and her plump chest was constantly ups and downs, which made people look like imaginations, and at the same time said calmly. ,

"Okay, come and hit me. No one has spanked my **** when Yang Qing grows up. It's not as good as Meng Fan... You let me try this feeling, how about it!"

While speaking, Yang Qing’s beautiful body moved forward and was already close to Meng Fan’s less than ten meters away. Both sides looked at each other, and even the air could smell Yang Qing’s nice scent, like a peony. Showy and moving.

"Okay, I'll hit you!"

Meng Fan smiled, calm as before, but just as his words were spoken, he stepped on the soles of his feet, and his figure burst out, but within a step, the blood in his body continued to rise, punching out, and the sky trembled.

It was just a blow, that was, that Meng Fan had been able to use all his full strength. He could clearly understand that he was facing the world's top arrogant, and how powerful it was to be proud of an era. Therefore, under the surging of this punch, all Meng Fan's strength was working, and he punched in the air.

Today's Meng Fan is so overbearing. With just one move, it is called a thousand dragon elephants, and one move strikes.

However, while Jiao Chu was standing in the air, Yang Qing was expressionless, her jade hand raised, and she grabbed the void.

It seems to be a casual blow, but in the course of the shot, there is a kind of vitality fluctuation extending from the five fingers that are like green jade, and the volley hits Meng Fan together.


With the palms of the fists facing each other, the figures of the two leaped into the sky, their respective vitality exploded, murderous Ling Ran. There is no doubt that there is a great interest in this divine spirit fruit, as Yang Qing said, even if he comes from this vein, it is also a rare thing, and he has only swallowed one before.

When they met on a narrow road, it was naturally impossible for the two to keep any hands. There was no doubt that each took out all the means.

The palms of the fists are facing each other and the void collides. No one is willing to take a step back. Only the most domineering force bursts out, staggering in the air like a tide!

It's just a moment, after thousands of collisions, even if it is the ancient underground palace, it has a large hall arranged for infinite prohibition, but it is directly broken under this kind of power, and the ground is one by one. Cracks appear.

A wave of anger flew, and a figure popped out after a while, it was Meng Fan, a mouthful of blood was spit out from his mouth, and he stood firmly, his eyes filled with strong jealousy.

Quasi-God Strong!

In the previous absolute collision between the two parties, Meng Fan had already felt the strong vitality fluctuations in Yang Qing's body. It turned out to be extremely fierce, not below him, and the latter suppressed Meng Fan's realm, so it was before. Meng Fan lost half of his move and took a step back.

And Yang Qing, who had the first opportunity, took another step, thousands of steps, three thousand green silks flying all over the sky, like a fairy, jade hands patted out, the knots changed, and the Zhoutian tremor was drawn, a huge mark was already directed towards Meng Fan Boom, has the hegemonic power to suppress everything,

"Little brother Meng Fan, you can't beat me by this means!"

The beautiful voice fell, and the handprints came, overwhelmingly overwhelming. It only appeared in a flash, but it had already reached the quasi-shen method.

And the light flickered, running the power of the divine Dao in Yang Qing's body. This kind of power breaks away from the vitality and turns the mortal into a god. It is the ultimate power of the vitality practitioner. The blended vitality is so terrifying, it is only a blow that seals all of Meng Fan's retreat.

However, Meng Fan is not an ordinary person. At this kind of crisis, he stepped on the sole of his foot, his figure did not retreat but moved forward, his blood shook the void, and he roared.

"The Great Seal!"

Three words spit out, comparable to thunder, shaking the sky.

A seal came out, touching the divine way, and between Meng Fan's five fingers, a golden mark also traversed the world, like a mountain peak, colliding with Yang Qing's handprints in the air.

Inheritance vs. White Haired Shura!

One is the uninhibited person who descends from the extreme place in this world, and the other is the low-level youth who emerged from the ten thousand realms. Under this kind of collision, if anyone sees it, it will inevitably tremble, because The collision between the two is destined to cause a sensation and attract worldwide attention, which in itself is two extremes.


Torn in midair, the sound was deafening. The interlacing of the two marks made the Bahuang tremble, and at the same time made the entire underground palace tremble constantly at this moment.

Under the spreading air wave, the unparalleled strength tears everything apart, even if a quasi-god bears it, it will be directly transformed into nothingness. Both of them are too strong and have surpassed themselves. Realm.

The sky was flying ashes, causing the two figures to fly out directly. Both Meng Fan and Yang Qing were hard to resist at this moment, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and it took a few meters to stand firm, but each ran its blood and quickly recovered itself.

That blow was too violent, and the two great magical methods fought against each other, and the two of them also needed to be adjusted, but their eyes were fixed on each other, so that the sky was frozen.

"Yes, interesting!"

Meng Fan grinned, but when he spoke, he coughed and vomited blood. The body was agitated, but the fighting spirit in his eyes was stronger.

This is his personality. He has never been afraid of Tianjiao of his age, especially when he has reached the point where he is today. Looking at the world, it is already difficult to find an opponent, and Yang Qing in front of him is undoubtedly one of them, and he is still of that kind enough to give Meng Fan An absolutely suppressed enemy.

In the midst of life and death, he just broke through, and realized the true meaning at his fingertips. This is the way of cultivation of Meng Fan!

Yang Qing snorted coldly and said calmly.

"Your strength is beyond my expectation. I didn't expect you to have quasi-god combat power. No wonder the chaotic soul can die in your hands. I suppressed your realm, but I couldn't beat you too much, Meng Fan, you It makes me reluctant to kill you more and more. Why not consider my proposal, give up pursuing the water, and be my guardian. Today, you can save yourself from death, and you will be able to follow me in the future. There is greater power to help you and achieve sacredness!"

I have to say that this proposal is enough to fascinate countless Tianjiao, after all, this is a descendant, this kind of qualification is not everyone can have, and even enough to make the older generation of powerful people crazy.

Upon hearing this, Meng Fan sneered.

"I still think it's a good idea to press you down and slap you in the ass!"

Joke, who is Meng Fannai, for him, he has never understood the sentence of following others, only one person is the emperor, and the other is respected, no matter who the opponent is.

"Toast and not eat fine wine!"

Yang Qing snorted coldly, staring at Meng Fan with a pair of eyes. The next moment in her eyes was like a burst of stars. There was a strange spread of power in the eyes, which made Meng Fan shocked. It turned out to be instinctively creepy. An amazing change in Qing's body.

Although the latter's figure is still standing in place at this moment, the whole body is full of vitality, the whole body is violent, and it surrounds the body and turns into a series of strange runes. Each rune is extremely old and represents a kind of The peculiar mark is like a golden river flowing.

At the same time, Yang Qing's eyes became extremely deep. The three thousand blue silks on one end changed from black to...golden. The more the changes, the more Let its breath be strong, imprison everything, let the whole world be the center of the latter, and its power covers everything and suppresses everything.

"Run, Meng Fan, this girl has realized the true meaning of the Yang family, this is... the ancient secret method of the Yang family, the body of immortality!"

Xiaotian shuddered and roared,

"In ancient times, the Yang family has swept the world. Many of its ancestors relied on this physique, which is one of the true cards of their family. Only the pure blood of the gods can be integrated and stimulated, and it still requires countless secret methods and integration. In the ancient times, the supreme physique, the real god-level technique, once operated, can increase the combat power tenfold. At this moment, she can fight the sacred. You are not his opponent!"

As Xiaotian's voice fell, Meng Fan did not wait for a reaction.

Yang Qing was also completely transformed. The golden blue silk was flying, and the whole person had a lingering mist at this moment, just like a real fairy descending to the earth, flying in red robe, her eyes looked at Meng Fan indifferently, no Any emotion,

"Sorry, you have seen my trick now...but it's not so easy to die!"


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