Supreme God King

Chapter 1316: Admission

Endless darkness, heaven and earth!

Under this kind of spatial vortex, when the eyes of Meng Fan and Yang Qing opened at the same time, they found that the space between Zhou and Tian had completely changed. They were not in the previous underground palace, but here. An endless dark space, surrounded by endless silence.

"What is this place!"

Yang Qing's body stood, snorted coldly, and at the same time stretched out her jade hand, but at the next moment, she was surprised to find that all the vitality fluctuations in her body had disappeared at this moment, and she had encountered tremendous suppression including her mental power. It doesn't work at all.

And after that, Meng Fan also did the same. In this world, a quasi-god powerhouse and a Xuanyuan peak existed, and both of them lost their vitality fluctuations at the same time.


Yang Qing was dumb. Before, she was still able to fight the sacred Immortal Association, but in this strange space, she was undoubtedly with an ordinary person. This was absolutely unacceptable for her, and she was a little surprised.

And in the next moment, there was a joking voice in the space,

"Nothing is impossible, little guy!"

The person who speaks is naturally an undefeated naughty boy. The figure of the latter does not appear in this space, but the voice continues to spread, like echoes.

"What do you want!"

Yang Qing snorted coldly, her alluring face looked at nothingness, filled with endless anger.

"Of course I want to play a game with you!"

The undefeated urchin said indifferently,

"It's actually very simple. This is the space I created. The vitality fluctuations and mental power in your body have been lost, but there is a way to leave this place. If you can find it, I will let you out. Otherwise, If you do, you can only stay here forever!"

"Why do I want to play with you? The eternal time has passed, how much power can you have left to trap us, don't forget, you have fallen, you must not have much power, right?"

Yang Qing said coldly, trying to test the depth of the undefeated naughty boy.

And the undefeated naughty boy gave a chuckle, and his voice slowly fell.

"It’s up to you, but if you think you’ll be able to leave if you wait, then it’s a big mistake. During the eternal time, I don’t know how many people have stepped into this place. Some of them People are like yours, but the funny thing is that they can only die here in the end.

I remind you that the time spent in this space is so fast. You only have one year, and one moment is like a year. Maybe after this real year has passed, you will be like 30,000 years outside. Imagine what you look like at that time. The blood has dried up and died. You are the ones I have seen relatively special. I hope that I will not be disappointed..."

Just like a year!

I have to say that this is too terrifying. It is true that Meng Fan and Yang Qing also changed their colors at the same time. I couldn't think of the danger in this space. Even if the two of them are top powerhouses, they definitely can't stand such a time. , And now the two of them have no vitality fluctuations, and they are even more unbearable if they are just bodies. They can't last for a year at all. It is very likely that they are dead here.

This kind of space is simply a strong cage, and it didn’t take a second, which made Meng Fan and Yang Qing weak. In the end, it is very likely that they would die in this world, never leaving. Opportunity.

Under this situation, it can be said that Yang Qing gritted her teeth, her allure-like face was full of infinite anger, and she couldn't expect this to happen.

The two previously fought together for the spirit fruit, but the undefeated naughty boy who had not thought of the eternal fall still had the will, and the fisherman was profitable, and simultaneously trapped the two in this space.

"You probably haven't succeeded in this game!"

After a moment of silence, Meng Fan sighed quietly.

"You use the spirit fruit as a bait to attract people to come, and you are forbidden to throw people into this space to satisfy your fun and force to play this game, right? If you guessed correctly, you The divine spirit fruit left behind, that is, the source of power, will allow you to fall for eternity, but still have the power to sweep the two of Meng Fan into this space!"

"Not bad!"

The undefeated urchin smiled appreciatively and said calmly,

"You have reacted quickly enough. In such a long time, few can be like you. It makes me more curious. Little guy, you should have seen my life. Naturally, you know me. What I like most in my life is having fun. What I do best is layout killing. I have played countless games in my life. I rarely meet opponents. Even after the fall, I hope to find some fun for myself. Since you are already in the game, then naturally you have to find a way to break the game. , If you can't break it... I can't blame me!"

The tone is gloomy, giving people a chilling taste.

In the next moment, Yang Qing gritted his teeth.

"You should know my identity. If my family knew about this matter, I would never let you go!"

"Jie Jie..."

The voice of the unbeaten naughty boy is constantly weakening, but the laughter is full of immense pride.

"The Yang Family is indeed terrible, but I am in this imperial palace and have fallen forever. What else can they do, kill me again? It's ridiculous..."

Until the sound completely disappeared, there was only this endless darkness in the whole world.

And in an instant, both Yang Qing and Meng Fan's expressions changed. Both of them were the strongest. Naturally, they could clearly feel the changes in the blood in their bodies, and that kind of blood flow was faster than they thought. , So that the two began to grow old at a rapid speed, even Meng Fan, who was used to seeing life and death, felt shocking.

If it were to go by at this speed, it is estimated that soon he will be powerless and will be slaughtered.

"Damn it, shameful!"

Yang Qing’s eyes were all about to breathe fire, and in the end she could only look at Meng Fan and gritted her teeth.

"What should we do now!"

There is no doubt that although the two were still in a hostile relationship before, this kind of change was too sudden, and both of them had to transform from their previous strong existence to ordinary people, and it also gave Yang Qing some six gods, naturally It is to ask Meng Fan.

Meng Fan shook his head and said helplessly,

"I can't help it!"

"Huh, waste!"

Yang Qing stomped her feet and snorted coldly.

When he said that, Meng Fan's eyes were cold, staring at Yang Qing, but did not speak.

"What are you looking at!"

Yang Qing's temper is very hot, even in this kind of environment, it is extremely strong, her eyes glaring at Meng Fan, but a step forward.

Under his actions, Meng Fan grinned and said calmly,

"I know I must do one thing first!"

Looking at the weird smile on Meng Fan’s face, Yang Qing was taken aback, and just about to ask Meng Fan, she found that the latter’s feet stepped on, even though there was no vitality fluctuation, but still extremely fast, one step was to catch Yang Qing’s The arm smashed forcefully, and at the same time a big hand dropped directly, and a fierce blow to Yang Qing's seductive hip was past.


The sound was loud and crisp, spreading throughout the space, causing Yang Qing to scream, her body retreated, her buttocks hurt, and tears were about to fall. She stared at Meng Fan, shy and angry. Obviously, she never thought of it. Those who can do this have such a courage.

If it were normal, Yang Qing would have been cut with a vitality handprint long ago, but in this space, she was absolutely suppressed, and she was no longer an immortal. In this case, she was naturally Meng Qi in physical terms. Fan is much more fierce than her, so she doesn't have much room for resistance.

Looking at the latter’s blushing pretty face, Meng Fan smiled and said,

"Well, you and I are cleaned up, I said before... I must spank you, no, it's realized!"

With a word, Yang Qing almost broke her teeth, stared at Meng Fan, breathing fire in her eyes, and finally said,

"Meng Fan, I want to kick you into an eunuch, I want to..."

But in the next moment Yang Qing shut up, because although Meng Fan didn't say anything, he asked about his palm, as if he had smelled the aroma of Yang Qing's body, carefully aftertaste the smell. And eager to try, look like it will do it again.

Under this situation, Yang Qing couldn't help but swallow all the words. Now Meng Fan's fists are big, so she can only swallow her anger, her pretty face flushed, and her teeth clenched as if she was angry with a little wife.

"OK OK!"

Meng Fan smiled and said calmly.

"As long as you don't talk nonsense, I won't move. You and I have been cleaned up. You and I are now grasshoppers on the same rope. If you want to leave, you need to rely on each other. You don't want to die here. Right!"

With a word, Yang Qing was immediately calmed down. After all, it was the most important time to go out alive at this kind of moment. Neither of them thought that they would encounter this kind of predicament when they just stepped into the road of the emperor. Between life and death, if you take a wrong step, you may fall into a dead end.

After a moment of silence, Yang Qing said coldly.

"Are you sure and clues?"


Meng Fan shrugged and was extremely honest.

"Then you still want to leave!"

"How can I know if I don't try!"

Meng Fan looked at the endless darkness around him, his complexion calm, but a strange arc was drawn at the corner of his mouth, and he muttered,

"The layout? Now that we have entered the game, we have to find a way to break it open. The little emperor reminded me before, but the little master did not pay attention. He was actually played by the old bones that had fallen before the ages. So now Xiaoye... It's very hot!"

The tone was calm, but obviously it was already making Meng Fan's fighting spirit Ling Ran, wanting to break the long sky!

Thirdly, I wish all book friends a happy and fun.


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