Supreme God King

Chapter 1317: Way out

Between the endless darkness, the two figures were close to each other, moving forward, naturally it was Meng Fan and Yang Qing.

Undoubtedly, after understanding this strange space before, it was for the two of them to have to join hands and find a way out in it, without daring to delay the moment.

After all, the feeling of vitality flowing in his body was too terrifying, even Meng Fan and Yang Qing couldn't bear it either. They could only temporarily give up their grievances and chose to help each other in the same boat.

The saying that there is no permanent enemy is absolutely true, but Yang Qing’s fair face is always covered with red clouds, her silver teeth clenched, and she glares at Meng Fan from time to time, filled with endless hatred, because of its faintness. The buttocks can always be...

However, Meng Fan was very thick-skinned, completely ignoring it. All his attention was chosen to find the exit of this space, but what made him feel extremely difficult was the whole strange space and a huge maze.

There are countless spatial rifts in them, and their respective directions are different. After not taking a step, Zhou Tian will change and the universe will shift.

There was darkness around, and without the help of strong mental power, the two of them were like blind men, and it was impossible to find an exit.

For a full half an hour, the two of them still got nothing. They could only stay in this dark space, and gradually a layer of sweat appeared behind Meng Fan.

I have to say that the game set by this undefeated naughty boy is quite terrifying, leaving the two of them in absolute passivity.

Obviously, the more procrastinated, the more the two of them felt the changes in their bodies. Even though the blood was as powerful as Meng Fan, there was a wrinkle on the skin at this moment, and the body started to age gradually.

The so-called one year of the undefeated naughty boy is only based on theory. With such support, the two of them may not be able to hold it even for half a month. Their mental power will collapse, and then even the strength to leave will be No more.

"If we go on like this, let alone find a way out, we won't be able to support it first!"

Yang Qing snorted coldly, but there was also a strange tone in her tone.

"I don’t know if you noticed it. This unbeatable urchin has created a huge array of space, layer after layer, endless layers. Unless you find the real life in it with mental power, you can’t break it. , So you and I are basically in vain if you go on like this, and there may be a way if you want to leave!"


Meng Fan looked sideways, wondering.

"Try the secret method of my Yang family!"

Yang Qingning said,

"Although I can't use my mental power, it should be the limitation of this space, but there is a secret method in my family. Once it turns to mobilize the universe and visualize the world, it may be able to break my own shackles, but in actual combat this A secret law requires my full concentration and concentration of all mental powers. You must protect me and not allow me to be interrupted in the middle, Meng Fan, are you willing?"

Meng Fan's expression moved and smiled.

"As long as you trust me, then I will help you wholeheartedly. After all, you and I are on the same rope now. If you want to understand the grievances before, you need to leave here. Now you can only trust each other. I can leave here!"

The two of them nodded at the same time with their eyes facing each other and their tone of voice was calm.

After a while, Yang Qing’s delicate body sat down, the blue silk was draped behind her, her hand changed, a knot mark appeared with one hand, her eyes closed, the face of Qingcheng had a sacred color at this moment, and the whole person was completely silent in her own world. among.

Following Yang Qing's actions, Meng Fan was also standing beside him, standing quietly, observing the surroundings.

Now that the entire world is isolated from everything, including Meng Fan and Xiaotian, Xiaodi has lost contact, so he can only rely on himself. In this darkness, Meng Fan is extremely calm, without any panic.

After the time of Banzhuxiang passed, Yang Qing, who had been sitting in the same place before, suddenly opened her eyes, flashed with a sharp light, and a finger stretched out. At this moment, a strange light suddenly burst from her fingertips.

"Open the sky with one finger, understand the thoughts, providence is me, I am providence!"

Words vibrated, and the way of verbal expression was normal. At this moment, the rules of space that had imprisoned all of Yang Qing's body suddenly opened, causing Yang Qing to burst out a terrifying mental power.

Under the impact of this kind of mental power, it was like a tide, but it split everything in an instant, like a thunder through the entire darkness, penetrating the space shackles between the sky and the sun.


I have to say that Yang Qing deserves to be one of the most terrifying arrogances in the world. She was born in the same line and has a terrifying foundation. This secret method has never been seen before even Meng Fan, let alone used it, it reverses everything. Rules, breaking the space constraints here, and forcibly releasing mental power.

Even if it is a sacred statue, Yang Qing can't be completely restricted.

The mental impact, although it was only a moment, was enough to open up the sky, and the tide-like power probed the surroundings, only in a moment it penetrated countless voids, and blasted a door in the darkness.

At a glance, you can see that a door is looming, and in between is the outside world. Although it is extremely narrow, it can be called the dawn in this darkness.

"It's right now, but this passage doesn't seem to be big enough... and there are restrictions on space and earth, it will be closed immediately, if two people pass through, I am afraid there will be not enough time!"

Yang Qing frowned and said softly.

But at the next moment, there was a shock beside him, and a handprint was shot, and a fierce bombardment on Yang Qing's back, the impact of the air wave, even if it was just physical strength, was quite terrifying.

Especially Yang Qing, who was concentrating on running his mental power at this moment, encountered a big shock herself, and suddenly exclaimed, a mouthful of blood spurted out, her body trembled and she suffered severe damage.

The person who shot was surprisingly Meng Fan behind him. The latter smiled obscurely, without stopping after the first blow, he stepped on the sole of his foot and walked towards this exit.

"Sorry, it seems that this passage can only pass one person, and you need to stay here!"

When the voice fell, Meng Fan moved like thunder, striding forward.

However, at the moment when her body was about to approach the closed space, Yang Qing raised her head, and infinite resentment flashed in her eyes.

"Don't want to go by yourself!"

While speaking, his jade hand lifted, and the remaining mental power revolved directly into a shock wave, attacking Meng Fan’s heart. Without the defense of mental power, Meng Fan’s figure stopped in midair. With a muffled snort, a big mouth of blood spurted out, and the whole person's sea of ​​consciousness encountered a big impact, causing the soul to almost dissipate.

At the same time, the two suffered heavy losses!

At this moment, neither of them can leave this space, and their souls have suffered the most serious blow, and they may dissipate at any time.

However, after a while, there was a smile in the space.

"Wonderful, sure enough, under this kind of crisis, you will kill each other..."

The voice fell and the sky changed, causing Meng Fan and Yang Qing to open their eyes, only to find that they were still in the previous underground palace, and all the darkness around them disappeared.

"Meng Fan, how are you!"

Xiaotian's voice came out, full of anxiety. At this moment, it turned out that Meng Fan and Xiaotian, Xiaodi and others were in contact, and they were not in the dark space before.

Hearing Xiaotian's words, Meng Fan was taken aback, then looked at the skeleton body not far away, and roared,

"Before it was not a real space, it was just an illusion you planted, not the whole person, but let the spiritual power in the sea of ​​knowledge enter it?"

"Not bad!"

The undefeated urchin skeleton said coldly,

"Your reaction was fast enough, but unfortunately it was too late...Compared to me, you are still too stupid, even if you can cultivate to this level, with the strength of the two of you, I have fallen and I can't help you It is completely absorbed into a separate space, but I have the power to create an illusion that makes you two mistakenly think that you are trapped in it. In fact, it is just a spirit body produced by the mental power in your body. If you don’t move in it. In fact, I can’t do anything with you, because the passage of time is just an illusion.

But it is to promote you to find a way out. Unfortunately, you all made some foolish mistakes before thinking that you can leave, and I just need a little guidance, which is to make you think that you have found an exit. But only one person can leave, so I will do something in it.

I'm afraid I don't need to take action now. Although the previous blow of the two of you was an illusion, it was your own operating power that impacted the other's mental power, enough to make your own sea of ​​consciousness shatter, and your whole person's combat power was less than tenth of the usual. One, now... is the best time for me to shoot! "

The tone was calm, but at the same time the skeleton standing on the spot stepped out, and suddenly the light of the **** spirit fruit flickered, and the monstrous breath burst out.

The latter had already sat down, completely without the horror of its peak strength. At this moment, there was only a remnant of will left in this underground palace, with little strength.

However, the undefeated naughty boy possesses a will. It is indeed very difficult to deal with Meng Fan and Yang Qing in their heyday, but before the two mentally shocked, Meng Fan bombarded the spirit body transformed by Yang Qing. The latter fought back again, and the two sides had already severely injured each other's sea of ​​consciousness.

It's not the flesh, but the soul is seriously injured than the flesh. This is the killing game laid by this undefeated naughty boy, which makes it impossible for people to distinguish between reality and illusion.

In this way, the two of them seemed extremely weak in front of this terrifying aura, and the undefeated urchin's skeleton struck with one palm, suppressing Zhou Tian.

Even if it is just a will, the latter is after all a person who has stepped into the second realm of the gods. The terrifying vitality fluctuation seals the world and suppresses everything.

"Jie Jie... Two fools, compared with the deity, your grasp of the situation is too pitiful. I don't know if you can absorb the blood of the two of you, can I have the possibility of regaining my life!"

The voice fell, without any emotion, and at the same time the skeleton struck with a big hand, and at the same time, it completely enveloped Meng Fan and Yang Qing, wrapped in death, suppressing everything.

The first thing is that there was a bit of Cavan yesterday, and I wrote it and deleted it. Today, I will try to supply everyone, don't worry, okay.

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