Supreme God King

Chapter 1318: Calculate

Just one seal, surrounded by death!

Under this blow, if Meng Fan and Yang Qing are at their peak, they still have the power to fight, but at this moment, both of them have blood on the corners of their mouths, and they are already seriously injured. Naturally, they look precarious under this terrifying mark. .

"Everything is already.... It's over!"

The undefeated naughty boy's voice fell, with a trace of pride.

The latter kept the spirit fruit here definitely not for inheritance, but.... Killing the game, now is to succeed, naturally it is also a little excited.

After all, both Meng Fan and Yang Qing are one of the most terrifying arrogances in the world, their qi and blood are too strong, even for the gods, they are of considerable value.

Under this endless murderous intent, Meng Fan raised his gaze and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, but he appeared extremely calm and smiled.

"Really, so confident?"

The tone was calm, and he could not help but let the undefeated naughty boy pause slightly, and the handprints that covered the sky did not stop, and they suddenly fell.

"Huh, pretending to be a fool!"

The world faded, completely shrouded.

Even the undefeated naughty boy has fallen for thousands of years, but after all, he is a strong man who has stepped into the gods. Even though it is just a will, the battle power that erupts is still terrifying.

In an instant, just as his voice fell, this seal also arrived, directly on top of Meng Fan's head.

But as soon as the handprint approached the top of Meng Fan's head, a jade hand was suddenly stretched out beside Meng Fan, his vitality exploded, his hands changed, and it directly hit him.


Two imprints impact, the sky changes color!

Meng Fan was unscathed in his place. Despite Zhou Tian's collapse, countless space fragments overflowed. There was only one reason. There was a young girl beside him, it was Yang Qing.

The latter is flying with blue silk, with indifferent eyes, staring at the skeleton body of the undefeated naughty boy, but the whole breath is terrifying, shocking the world, and the strength of the quasi-god of the world is fully displayed. How can he know the sea after being attacked by Meng Fan before. Looks seriously injured.


Looking at this scene, the undefeated naughty boy suddenly trembled and lost his voice.

I never thought that Yang Qing was not seriously injured at this moment, and Meng Fan, who was standing still, smiled slightly and said softly.

"The feeling of biting your tongue is still painful. Generally speaking, this should be regarded as a success for you!"

"How is it possible, you are not..."

The undefeated naughty boy hesitated, but he saw Meng Fan's two shots with his own eyes, and their souls collided, and they became extremely weak. Only then would he walk out and make a profit.

What I didn't expect was that at this moment the breath of the two erupted, and they were still in... In its heyday.


Yang Qing sneered and said calmly.

"This is thanks to Meng Fan. When I asked him if he was credible, he told me that he suspected that all of this is an illusion set by you, not the real world, but me and His mental power is integrated into it, so we just staged a good show before for you to see. Unexpectedly, as he expected, you really intentionally freed us from the space, thinking that the two of us were already seriously injured!"

With a word, he could not help but silence the undefeated naughty boy.

He set up this killing game not only by relying on strength, but also by grasping the heart of the people. Under that situation, he took advantage of the situation and helped Meng Fan two kill each other.

But Meng Fan, who didn't expect it, had already seen through, and sat down to prepare, proceeded... In the count!

This kind of reaction, and taking advantage of the trend, made all his plans lose their effect.

Meng Fan exhaled and glanced at Yang Qing, but he felt relaxed. I have to say that even if he had already guessed that the dark world was fake, he could not be sure, and more importantly, the game set by him and Yang Qing needed to truly trust each other. .

Because of that kind of shot, the two sides really left the empty door to the other side. Once the latter suspects or has other thoughts, then the two are not pretending to be seriously injured, but really seriously injured.

Once this is the case, it will be extremely troublesome, it will definitely fall, and there can be no mistakes between them. It is just a momentary performance, but it needs to bear strong psychological pressure. Otherwise, it will inevitably show the undefeated urchins. It's hard to fool this old fox for a long time.

That's why Meng Fan's heart has always been suspended. Until now, it can be said that he completely let go.

In this way, the two of Meng Fan were separated from the dark space, really like two tigers coming out of the cage, and the dragon entering the sea. At this moment, the vitality exploded, permeating the sky, and there is a kind of trembling in the eight wilderness. It is more than terrible, and the most powerful blow may be emitted at any time.

"Huh, you two, you are really looking for death, me!"

The undefeated urchin waved his hand, and a strange rune struck out.

However, Yang Qing's ** stepped forward, shaking the void with one foot, changing the palm of his hand, and a peculiar secret technique came into play, allowing it to stand in this underground palace like a sun, bursting out infinite aura.

"Do you still want to repeat the old tricks and create illusions in our souls? You don't have this kind of opportunity!"

The tone is cold, and the mark shocks the world!

Under Yang Qing's secret method, it turned out to be the law of space that stabilized the Lord Zhou Tian, ​​and everything was still, as if the heaven and the earth were silent at this moment.

And Meng Fan, who was standing on the side, strode out, without hesitation, burst of energy and blood, and the emperor fist opened the way!

"Old guy, Xiaoye said before, he was very angry, so I'm sorry..."

A few words fell, sonorous and powerful, thirty-eight golden lights pierced through the world, tearing the space, and coming directly.

"you guys!"

The undefeated naughty boy roared, raising his hand, and the huge skeleton palm stretched out. He himself has fallen, and no matter how powerful he is, it is impossible to return to the peak of the ancient times. Naturally, all the power comes from the divine spirit fruit he left behind.

Yiyin turned across, and Meng Fan's fists hit each other!


Under the powerful impact, Meng Fan suffered heavy injuries in his body, but his eyes were full of fighting spirit.

This is not only because of anger, but also because the undefeated naughty boy in front of him is the **** of the past. This is also the first time Meng Fan has fought for the sacred. It is conceivable that according to his character, the stronger he is, the more he is In this kind of environment, it made him mad, his eyes flickering, white hair fluttering, like a great emperor, with his fists hitting the world, Dao props have the domineering power to kill everything.


Standing aside, Yang Qingjiao shouted, the imprint of one hand appeared, suppressing the space, the other hand was unpredictable, and the weather was surging.

The jet-black blue silk was once again replaced by gold, and the whole person once again reached the state of the body of the immortal. This state made its combat power soaring tenfold.

Yang Qing’s eyes were naturally even more angry. After all, before this, the two of them had walked between life and death. If it weren’t for Meng Fan’s words, I’m afraid they might have fallen here, especially It was Yang Qing who was holding the winning ticket before, but was completely interrupted by this undefeated naughty boy, making it like an angry little wife in the dark.

Naturally, all the anger made Yang Qing vent at this moment, the jade hand slapped, an endless wave of vitality spread between the five fingers, and all the combat power was released, comparable to a hundred thousand peaks falling from the sky, suppressing in the air!

The two great princes of the world vs the sacred powerhouse before eternal!

This is the fight after I don't know how many times, it is enough to wake up and shake the outside world. At the moment of the void impact, the entire underground palace suddenly began to shatter layer by layer, unable to withstand the power between the three.

Gathering vitality and breaking the world!

However, the ending at this moment was already doomed. When Meng Fan and Yang Qing left that mysterious space, they made the undefeated urchin into absolute passivity.

Even if he is an eternal powerhouse, even if he is a sacred existence, but unfortunately... He has fallen, this is not his time anymore.


Under the tremor of the sky, Meng Fan and Yang Qing joined forces to shock, shattering the undefeated naughty boy's vitality defense layers, but under the fusion of strength, Meng Fan did not leave a trace.

"The Great Seal!"

"Invincible palm!"

Two voices fell, shocking the world.

Meng Fan and Yang Qing were both standing in mid-air to perform the most terrifying blow, and all their skills at the bottom of the box were taken out. Their combat power was so terrifying, and even the current gods together were a chance to try. , Not to mention the undefeated naughty boy has fallen, naturally he is not his opponent at all.

The void is submerged, and the terrifying torrent of vitality completely covers the sky, so that the skeleton where the undefeated naughty boy is submerged, like a star burst, shredding his last trace of will in this world.

Under the heavy weather and waves, Meng Fan strode out, and in an instant he came to the box of the divine spirit fruit. With a move of five fingers, he grabbed the box in his hand.

"In Xia Mengfan, I would like to thank the elders for giving me the chance, and I will report it later!"

This sentence suddenly made the undefeated naughty boy's remaining will almost vomit blood. If he was resurrected, it would be Meng Fan's sentence that would be alive and dead.

This divine spirit fruit was carefully left here to serve as bait.

This underground palace, the guards of the outside world, etc. are all in order to make this place like a real inheritance place, so as to attract the real strong outside the imperial palace to come in, and then swallow it as a glimmer of hope for their future resurrection.

However, all these years of hard work have been to help Meng Fan make a wedding dress. The latter actually got the divine spirit fruit in front of him, and the ridicule in his words fell, which simply made the undefeated naughty boy crazy.

But now his vitality slaps, everything is gone, all his unwillingness and loss are already submerged in the waves of the weather, under the fluctuation of the impact, only his roaring voice falls,

"Little beast... You are so dark... You can't die..."

Second more.


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