Supreme God King

Chapter 1319: Cooperation

In the heavy weather, only the unwilling voice that belonged to the undefeated naughty boy slowly fell, and everything in the underground palace returned to normal. The last will of Meng Fan and Yang Qing completely disappeared.

A generation is sacred, and eventually perish, there is nothing else.

While standing still, Meng Fan gave a dry smile and said calmly.

"Living is the most important thing. It doesn't matter how you die..."

When he said that, Yang Qing who was on the side suddenly chuckled and gave Meng Fan a stern look. This action was called charming.

The latter is the great beauty of Qingcheng. Now, especially under this kind of relief of life and death crisis, both of them are a little relaxed. Meng Fan can't help but let Meng Fan look sideways. He has to admit that Yang Qing is indeed leaning. The beauty of the country.

It's a pity that he knew that the latter had a quirk, but he felt very weird.

However, in the next moment, without waiting for Meng Fan to react, his expression suddenly changed, because the cold breath that had just disappeared appeared again, not from the undefeated naughty boy, but from Yang Qing.

The latter’s delicate body stood in place, with a pair of beautiful eyes staring at Meng Fan, Qingcheng’s pretty face seemed to be smiling, with red lips lightly open.

"Meng Fan... This old thing is over, should the accounts between you and me be settled?"


Meng Fan swallowed his saliva and looked at Yang Qing, who was exuding a golden breath. He couldn't help but feel a little helpless. The latter still maintained the body of the immortal, which was the most powerful threat to him. It could be said that he had just killed the tiger. A hungry wolf came...

As powerful as Meng Fan, I have to admit Yang Qing’s strength. The latter is one of the strongest arrogances in the world. If you face off at this moment, you must make Meng Fan show 12 points of strength, all the cards in the hole, and a life-and-death fight. Ming had just a glimmer of life, let alone rushing to the emperor's road, even survival would be a problem.

After all, this is the ancient Emperor Road, which is dangerous. It is just that I have encountered the undefeated naughty boy before. It almost made Meng Fan and Yang Qing both capsized here at the same time, let alone the Emperor Road. One-tenth of that.

The world has bloomed for a thousand years, and the eternal emperor has become the emperor!

It is terrible here, and the sacred can only say that it can go out of 30%, but Meng Fan's plan is very big.

"Um, what accounts do you and I have, they are all good friends!"

Meng Fan blinked, his face was righteous.

"Just now we fend off the enemy together, how can we do it? You said it was not, so... It's better to part ways immediately, you and I each move towards the emperor road, see you again in the future, see you again in the future..."

While speaking, the latter stepped on the soles of his feet, planning to apply oil immediately and leave quickly.

However, the world is suddenly imprisoned, Yang Qing** suppresses the space, but does not give Meng Fan this opportunity, smiling rather than smiling.

"Oh, separate? It's okay, but you have to leave this divine spirit fruit to me..."

really…. .

There is no doubt that the divine spirit fruit is the key. Meng Fan was placed in the space before, intending to fish in troubled waters and want to leave, but Yang Qing did not give him this opportunity.

The corner of his mouth cracked, Meng Fan looked at Yang Qing, and finally spit out a few words.

"Fight, fight, fight, Meng Fan, I am afraid you will not succeed!"

As he spoke, the qi and blood in his body exploded, and a non-physical body appeared, like a primordial demon king, always ready to do it.

However, Yang Qing shook her head and said calmly.

"Is it necessary to fight?"

Yep! ?

Meng Fan's expression moved, and he looked at Yang Qing hesitantly. There is no doubt that the spirit fruit is too critical. It contains the life and strength of an undefeated naughty boy. No matter who sees him in this world. They are all going crazy, but now there is only one fruit, but Meng Fan and Yang Qing are here, and this thing cannot be separated at all.

So the only way to solve it is to do it, divide one win or lose, discuss one life and death, but according to Yang Qing's words, it has other meanings, and Meng Fan can't help but hesitate.

"Hey, if you show this **** spirit fruit to others, you might really be fighting with you, but it's actually for me..."

Yang Qing stretched her waist, her red skirt wrapped her delicate body, and in an instant she appeared amorous, her fair skin exposed, like fat, with a grace that made Meng Fan couldn't help but swallow her saliva. ,

"It's really not so necessary, but it's dispensable, and my family is not without it. Although it is more precious, but if I want another one, Grandpa can give it to me..."

When he said it, Meng Fan's face suddenly became black.

This is simply incomparable, the **** spirit fruit is nothing, and finally let Meng Fan know what a truly rich world is, and the background is better than the sky.

And he was an out-and-out cultivator from the bottom, and he definitely didn't have the kind of lavishness like Yang Qing. Now whoever grabs this divine spirit fruit with Meng Fan, he will fight hard, this is the gap... .

"Then what do you want to do?"

Meng Fan hesitated, but he also understood that even though the latter said so, he would never give it to himself easily.

"It's very simple. I planned to kill you before, but in the dark space I found that you were not bad. It just so happens that I am now... I lack a manpower!"

Yang Qing snapped a finger and said softly,

"Because I need to enter a place, it should be about 20% of the emperor's road. It is extremely dangerous. The most important thing is that not only I know this, but there are other people who know this information. I come from my family. Before this, my grandfather was a thousand warnings, and Wan told me to go, so... I will definitely go!"

Hearing this, Meng Fan's eyes flashed, and he said in a concentrated voice.

"Do you want me to help grab the treasure?"

"Not bad!"

Yang Qing nodded,

"The things in this place are what I am determined to gain, and there is no room for loss, but I think that guy will definitely go, and maybe it will be helpful. I can deal with him, but if it helps, I will let him I will fall into a passive state, so I just want you to act!"

"it is good!"

Meng Fan nodded and agreed directly.

"Huh, don't you think about it?"

Yang Qing wondered.

"Do you know who my opponent is? That place is an ancient land, and all you will face are the powerful among the world's arrogances, so it is bound to be dangerous!"

"There is nothing to choose!"

Meng Fan shook his head.

"This divine spirit fruit is very important to me, it can be said to be the key to my breakthrough, so even if you let me go to the mountain of swords, I will definitely go, and it seems that if I don’t agree now, then don’t talk about the future. That group of terrifying characters, now we have to face a... terrifying you..."


Hearing Meng Fan’s words, Yang Qing suddenly laughed, her chest rising and falling.

"You know how to settle accounts? Humph, it seems that you are really a shrewd kid. No wonder Shui'er was deceived by you. I will tell you, one yard goes to one yard. I will still ask you to count on Shui'er. , But it’s just not now. You can only be regarded as my mercenary, and don’t blame me for not reminding you, my opponent is a goddess in the Zhongtian Dynasty, extremely terrifying, unusual, he is the royal family, and It's not just that he knows, maybe your old opponent will collude with him in chaos, and there will be other terrible characters. I can't figure it out. If I fight him at that time, I won't care about you!"

Zhongtian Dynasty, chaos!

Meng Fan's eyes narrowed, and then he grinned.

"Relax, since I promised to help you with this matter, I will definitely do it well, no matter who wants to destroy your plan... I will kill him!"

"Hmph, one of the things I discovered is to brag like the truth..."

Yang Qing's laughter resounded throughout the underground palace, but it was full of a relaxed taste.

The two of them turned from the previous hostile relationship to an alliance, which allowed Meng Fan to thank the undefeated naughty boy, and Meng Fan also understood that although this spiritual fruit is not very important to Yang Qing, it is also an extremely terrifying treasure of the world. , Which can be called the limit of the 9th-order heaven and earth gods, is the supreme chance.

If it were not for the previous trust in each other, it would be the friendship created by breaking through the space, I am afraid Yang Qing would not give Meng Fan this opportunity at all, but would directly fight life and death.

After all, her celestial body is too terrifying. The Yang family is invincible since ancient times, and it suppressed Meng Fan above the realm. If it weren't for the trump card, such as the seal of rebellion and the imperial way, Meng Fan would have the qualifications to compete with him Yes no.

After solving all this, the figures of the two quickly left, and while flying in mid-air, Meng Fan's mental power fell on the divine spirit fruit at the same time.

There is no doubt that the latter is pure heaven and earth energy, containing the ultimate divine power.

This thing is simply the biggest tonic for Inshenjuan. Prior to this, Meng Fan had fallen into a disadvantage with Yang Qing, but after feeling this thing, his heart was surging.

Shen Ling Guo is undoubtedly a huge opportunity to help him Nirvana again. Once he absorbs it and the Inverse God Volume changes, how much he will reach.

Pushing everything horizontally, going upstream, this sentence is not just talking!

Of course, it takes an excellent environment and sufficient preparation to devour this spirit fruit. After all, it includes a god’s life fortune and the crystallization of divine power. It is not that easy to merge, especially Meng Fan has to go through rebellion. The God scroll absorbs it and improves it, completely integrating it into itself, and it is a big test, which can be called life and death.

Gently squeezed his hands, Meng Fan remained silent, but his heart was filled with infinite confidence. After Nirvana again, he will be stronger and undergo a qualitative change. Maybe he can pull the divine way and break through his own shackles.

There is no doubt that this imperial palace is the place where he aspires to the gods!

Back then, the Wuzhen boy was only able to fight today with his heart that was not weaker than others at that moment, but now that many years have passed, the original intention of the moment that belongs to Meng Fan is still.... constant.

I walked alone in the whole life, no regrets, God promised!

Third, it’s really painful for Cavan to write. It’s a supply for everyone. I will fight for it tomorrow. In fact, my favorite is the temperament of Meng Fan in my writings, not weaker than others. This sentence is for everyone. Book friends, whether you are going to school or working, bless you.


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