Supreme God King

Chapter 1320: Feitian Waterfall

The emperor road is endless, taboo world!

After choosing to join forces with Yang Qing, Meng Fan and Qi also naturally went on the road together and went straight to the emperor's road.

This is an ancient space. I don’t know how much time it has naturally multiplied. Even with the power of two people, you must be careful to ensure safety.

However, the speed is not too fast. For half a month, both of them are used to drive the road, passing through the endless danger in this emperor road.

Like the undefeated urchin, this kind of crisis is more than just one. There are too many baits. Once you enter it, you must pay a heavy price. Even Meng Fan and Yang Qing are shocking. Naturally, they slow down. Just walked to the road of about 10% of the Emperor Road.

However, despite the long journey, Meng Fan spent all of his time understanding the divine spirit fruit, and the spiritual power was integrated into it, so how slowly it fits.

The more he merged, the more Meng Fan had an impulse to absorb it, but every time he was suppressed by Meng Fan.

After all, it is not the best environment, and there is no time to speak of.

After another half month, in a dark jungle, Yang Qing's expression also became extremely solemn, and said slowly,

"I have a sense, it should be not too far from here!"


Meng Fan's eyes flashed, and he asked in confusion.

"Now what can I tell you?"

Hearing what Meng Fan said, Yang Qing was silent for a moment, nodded, and said softly.

"You should know that there is a realm above the three realms of the gods called the king of gods!"

"Yes, it has something to do with the strong in this realm?"

Meng Fan raised his eyebrows. Naturally, he knew that the Yang family was so valued. If it were Fanpin, it would be a joke.


Yang Qing sighed quietly, her eyes were deep, and she looked into it.

"I don’t know if you have ever heard of a name. It’s called... The Ultimate God King, which was also one of the pinnacle existences in the ancient times, and this time what I want to find is related to him. According to my grandfather, He had come to this Emperor Road many years ago, for what, and it is rumored that he had two rivals who came with him, lurking in the dark.

That is to say, after he entered the road of the emperor, the battle was fierce. Although the ultimate **** king was rampant in the world, he had some problems at that time, and his two enemies were absolutely good. After entering the emperor road, they fought all the way. In the end, it is rumored that the weapon of the ultimate **** king fell in the emperor road. The result is unknown, but it seems that after the three people enter the depths of the emperor road, everyone is... . Did not come out! "

Bury the **** king!

The fall of a few words made Meng Fan's heart tremble, and he felt a burst of pressure on this Dilu, and said slowly,

"You are looking for his weapon, what is it?"

"Flying Waterfall!"

Yang Qing uttered three words and said solemnly.

"The weapon of the **** king, any of them is comparable to the power of the top ten gods of the world, or even stronger, but it is not arranged because of the exclusive use of the **** king, because any of the **** king's tools is the condensate of the **** king. The power of God’s way is born with it, and surpasses our general understanding of divine things. In the ancient times, it is said that wherever the ultimate **** king appeared, there was a waterfall falling from the sky. The glow of the sun was brilliant and domineering. It belongs to his divine object, the Flying Waterfall. To be precise, the weapon of the Ultimate God King is his waterfall!"

Use a waterfall as a weapon!

Meng Fan was speechless, really a little dumb, the powerhouse in this realm was somewhat beyond his current understanding.

"And what I want to find is this flying waterfall!"

After stroking the blue silk, a fine glow appeared in Yang Qing’s eyes.

"Except for this waterfall itself is invincible, it is the weapon of the **** king, I do not hide you, because this flying waterfall is made by fusing the power of the ultimate **** king's gods, and it contains some of the ultimate **** king's gods source , This thing is what I need most, even my Yang family can’t give it to me. It involves the source of the master of that level. The value of a drop is fundamentally calculated. Of course, it’s not just my Yang family who has this piece of information. , The Zhongtian Dynasty also has it, Xitian God Race also has it, and maybe there are other mysterious people, they will naturally target this thing, and will... extremely desperate!"

The source of the king of gods!

I have to say that at this moment, Rao Meng Fan was full of curiosity, and wanted to see with his own eyes what the rumored artifact of the Divine King looked like.

In the ancient times, there were too many burials. In the past, it was already the pinnacle of the gods. How many people in the ancients, who would not yearn?


As soon as he raised his jade hand, Yang Qing handed Meng Fan a crystal-clear jade pendant, with a turquoise luster on it, and said calmly.

"My grandfather also said that after tens of thousands of years, there may be changes in this flying waterfall, so it is not just other people who have to be careful, but we need to spend a lot of thought before we can enter this place. Among the flying waterfalls, we get the power of the gods contained in it. This jade pendant was left by the ultimate **** king in our clan. Now that I separate him, maybe we can get the recognition of this flying waterfall and won't be recognized by him. Repel!"

Reaching out his hand to take the jade pendant, Meng Fan's expression suddenly changed. After he took it, he sensed that there was a terrifying aura in it, but his slight feeling made his heart tremble.

The things of the gods in the past are really extraordinary.

And in the next moment, two voices came out,

"How do we seem to have felt.... The breath of this thing, it seems that we have fought with the owner of this jade pendant..."

With a word, he almost made Meng Fan throw the jade pendant out of his hand, staring wide-eyed, and staring in the small sky in shock, because the person who spoke was not someone else, it was the hairy bird and the mysterious tortoise.

But the latter two did not have the usual dignified look, but solemnly looked at this jade pendant, extremely solemn, as if thinking about something.

Scratching his head, Meng Fan said,

"Don't you two want to tell me that you are the two who beat the Ultimate God King to go missing back then?"


The old hairy sparrow said.

"I really think he is very familiar, because the breath on it is too familiar. Although I can't remember anything, this breath makes a picture in my mind. It feels like I had done it with him... , And hate him very much, want to curse him now!"

"me too…."

Xuan Gui also nodded weakly.


Meng Fan cursed inwardly, growled,

"Go away, don't brag here. Others don't understand the two of you, but the little master doesn't understand? I know it too, because I gave it to him back then. Who wouldn't say that!"

There is no doubt that Longhair and Xuangui are two extremely unreliable guys at all, and they simply make Meng Fan unable to believe that their sentence is true and that sentence is false.

And even if the two of them were ancient robbers, Meng Fan didn't think the latter was qualified to fight the ultimate **** king.

After all, the latter kind of existence is rare in the entire universe of time, and only a few people, how could it fall into their own hands.

"what happened?"

Aside, Yang Qing looked at Meng Fan's weird look and asked curiously.

"It's okay..."

Meng Fan shook his head. It was really impossible to say about the Longhair and Xuangui. He put away half of the jade pendant and said in a condensed voice.

"Don't worry, since I promised you, I will definitely help to the end!"

"it is good!"

Yang Qing nodded and stepped forward. The two moved forward again, toward the depths of the emperor road.

There is no doubt that Yang Qing, who was born in the same line, naturally has a lot of information about this Emperor Road, and can even vaguely sense the existence of this flying waterfall in this Emperor Road.

So Meng Fan and the two went rampant all the way without hesitation.

What the two of them did not expect was that at this moment, it was not just that they were moving towards this goal. If someone could look at the entire map, they would be able to see that there were three waves of people and horses in the flying waterfall facing here at the same time. Come, that wave is extremely powerful and terrifying.

The imperial palace, beyond the imperial road!

At this moment, you can still see that there are six figures sitting quietly above the sky. They are the six sacred people who sealed the road before. The latter six people are still sitting on the spot, even if they are motionless. , But that kind of overbearing to suppress the sun and the moon has spread naturally and cannot be concealed.

Six sacred!

And just after a while, there was an old man among them who opened his eyes and said calmly,

"A good show is about to be staged!"

"Not bad!"

Another old man also calmly said,

"When I was ordered to observe this emperor's road, I don’t know how many changes have been experienced between the ages. The attention of Feitian Waterfall has also been beaten by many people, but unfortunately they were not successful. I did not expect this time to be caused by this thing. After fighting, I’m afraid what they don’t know is that this thing has already formed the original consciousness of the self, and it would be even harder to get the divine origin in it!"

"Opportunity... That's it!"

Located in the center of the six people, one of the old men also slowly opened his eyes. This old man looked the most ordinary among the six people. Even a little breath was not leaked, but it was just for everyone to see After that, I felt that the strength of this person must be the strongest among the six.

Because even the breath of the other five people is extremely terrifying, but all around the old man is turned into nothingness, but in front of the extremely calm old man, there is a taste of surrender.

"Although it's only a one-in-a-million opportunity, this is the case with the cultivation of vitality. Who wants to reach the sky is not killed out of the billions of creatures? This time who can get the chestnut from the fire, but just... wait and see!"

Let's change it first and make it up tomorrow. It is really a bit stuck. This episode is very important.


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