Supreme God King

Chapter 1321: God sound

With the set goals, Meng Fan and Yang Qing also speed up, and the more they move forward, it also makes Yang Qing more sensitive to the location of the flying waterfall.

Finally, after crossing the unknown ancient lands, a huge virgin forest appeared before Meng Fan and Yang Qing. It was full of prehistoric aura, and there were countless trees growing, all of which were extremely tall and red all over. Like a raging fire, the entire mountain range has no end in sight.

"It should be here, be careful!"

When she arrived at this place, Yang Qing murmured, being very cautious when she was so powerful.

They have already reached the stage of 20% of the emperor's road, and it took a full three months, but for this place, this is their real goal.

The more you move forward, the stronger the prehistoric aura between the sky and the sky, but the pressure that comes out of the faintness is also huge, especially where this kind of **** king used to be where the weapon fell. Who can not be cautious.

"Let's go!"

Meng Fan sighed lightly and stepped into this jungle first.

After that, Yang Qing followed closely. The two figures were close together, and even the deodorant that smelled good on Yang Qing fell into Meng Fan's nose.

But now under this kind of environment, Meng Fan didn't have any thoughts about others, only all his mental power was placed around him, detecting everything.

However, this is a taboo space. With Meng Fan's mental power, he can only detect the direction of a thousand meters in the sky, and he can no longer know it.

No one has ever stepped in in the entire place forever, and the entire emperor's path is infinite. If it weren't for Yang Qing to rely on the secret law to sense it all the way, there would be no such seal.

That kind of ancient aura permeated, but Meng Fan and Yang Qing could not find the location of Feitian Waterfall.

The two of them stepped forward, half an hour after stepping into this ancient forest, they made Meng Fan and Yang Qing frown at the same time, and when they looked at each other, they felt a touch of dumbness in each other's eyes.

"You heard something too!"

Meng Fan and Yang Qing said at the same time, a little shocked.


Yang Qing nodded.

"I feel that there is a voice in this piece of wood. The further forward, the clearer I hear. Although I can't tell what it is, I have a premonition. This should be... Summon! "


Meng Fan hesitated and said, the spiritual power of the two of them was integrated into this space.

This kind of faint voice accompanied Meng Fan forward, the clearer what he heard, like a tone, I can’t tell what it is, but every time I hear it, it makes Meng Fan and Yang Qing feel attentive. They all trembled.

"It's the voice of God!"

At the next moment, the little emperor who had been silent suddenly said.

When he said that, Meng Fan's brows were raised and hesitated.

"There really is such a thing. I only heard about it in the ancient times. You also know that this place was once a sacred battlefield. The people who used to fight here are too terrifying, even if the eternal time has passed their previous battles. The breath still exists, staying in this space of time, so this breath is condensed and turned into a divine sound! You quickly realize and understand the changes in it. This thing appears too illusory, and may be gone in the next moment. It may appear in the next moment, it is not certain at all!"

The little emperor vibrated,

"This divine sound contains the breath of the strongest in the past. It is the traces of their battles. The law of the movement of the gods naturally makes you feel your heartbeat!"


Meng Fan’s pupils shrank, thinking for a moment, and said in a deep voice.

"Induction of this divine sound, keep moving forward, the stronger the aura, the stronger the divine sound, then it may be the place where the flying waterfall is!"

The words are powerful, and at the same time the mental powers of the two of Meng Fan merged into the void, and they felt carefully.

Although there was a great suppression of the two in this taboo space, relying on the cultivation base of the two people, they resisted for a living, strode out and moved forward slowly.

And the more I sensed this divine voice, a magical scene appeared in Meng Fan's head, as if there was a peculiar battle scene in this world, but it was just a corner, but it appeared.

However, just seeing a little bit of this made Meng Fan greatly moved, as if it had the power of divine power in it, it contained infinite mystery, enough to make Meng Fan crazy about it.

The fighting aura of the **** king in the past is the infinite mystery that contains the power of the gods. It is simply more obsessive to Meng Fan than any vitality method in the world. You can faintly sense that kind of strange through this kind of voice. Divine power, constantly changing, belongs. . . . . . The ultimate king!

The same is true for Yang Qing on the side, listening to this kind of divine sound, her eyes closed, her eyelashes trembling, she is extremely excited, listening to this sound to follow its tracks.

The more you move forward, the stronger the voice becomes, and more divine changes are unfolding in the sea of ​​consciousness of the two Meng Fans, which is extremely exciting.

In this situation, the two of them are like treasures. In the full time of a stick of incense, they completely forgot the surrounding space, and only followed the sound to go towards it.

Turn everything into a god!

In the past few years, all Meng Fan could have done was to break his shackles, even during the three-year silence of the Foursquare Domain, he did not do this. But with this kind of divine power change, this divine voice is comparable to the sound of nature, and in this kind of place, it is enough to make both of them follow the breakthrough.

But at the next moment, Meng Fan's expression changed, stopped and said coldly,

"someone is coming!"

"Not bad!"

Yang Qing also discovered this, and forcibly recovered from this state of listening to divine sounds.

The two of them are naturally extremely alert, even if it is silent in the operation of the divine power of the divine sound, the spiritual power is scattered around, naturally they found that there is a figure coming from this kilometer away, and the murderous intent is hidden, and they are striding here. Come.

"Not just one, and the strength is good, it seems that this group of people will pursue our breath again!"

"I don't know which group of people it is, but it seems that I can't be kind this time!"

Meng Fan’s eyes flickered,

"If you bring them in, then there will be even greater trouble. I don't know what is behind the divine sound, but it must be the Feitian Waterfall. How could it be possible for them to see it? It's better than this... I lead them, You go after the divine sound yourself, they probably haven't discovered the mystery of divine sound!"


Hearing Meng Fan's words, Yang Qing's eyebrows couldn't help but frowned, but she understood the benefits of this divine sound for the vitality practitioner.

This was transformed from the battle traces left by the ultimate **** king in the past. It was too important. It was simply a great opportunity. If Meng Fan wanted to entice them, it would be tantamount to temporarily giving up this opportunity. It was definitely a chance. A huge loss.

Because once it is induced, it can even open the door for Meng Fan to break through, which is difficult for any cultivator to refuse.

"It's nothing more!"

Meng Fan shook his head, extremely decisive, stepped out and flew out directly.

"I owe a favor, and Meng Fan is not a greedy person. He must be repaid if he is gracious. I will naturally do what I promised you before."

The voice fell, and at the same time Meng Fan's breath exploded, qi and blood shook the world, deliberately let the person behind his whereabouts completely fall behind, strode out.

Standing alone, like the Primordial Prehistoric Beast, rampant all over the world, it is difficult for people to ignore it.

Looking at Meng Fan's back, Yang Qing wanted to say something, but at last she bit her red lip, and walked away in response to the divine voice.

Separated quickly from Yang Qing, the latter is a quasi-god powerhouse, and he hides his breath between steps. Naturally, he did not let the person who broke in suddenly discover the clues, while Meng Fan strode out, under the spread of blood. Attracted the attention of the people behind, so the world was shaken, and all the murderous opportunities went straight to Meng Fan.

"There are four in total, and all of them are at the peak of the Profound Origin Realm, but their origins are unknown, but I should have a secret technique in order to make me feel such a strong shock."

Meng Fan muttered to himself, his eyes flickered, and one of them became more and more intense.

"But Judging Enlightenment... Just like murdering parents, a few friends are too careless, so don't blame the young master... You are cruel!"

The tone is calm and does not contain any emotional fluctuations. By now, Meng Fan’s temperament has become extremely calm, and he is unwilling to do things easily with others, but anyone who is familiar with Meng Fan understands that once the white-haired Shura was Be violent. . . . What will happen!


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