Supreme God King

Chapter 1322: Ancient

Among the endless prehistoric forests, Meng Fan was alone in front, striding to the meteor.

Escape at other speeds, naturally, it is unmatched horror, making people look at all dizzying and unable to really besie him in the void.

If you really want to get rid of them, Meng Fan might be able to do it with the cover of Xiaotian, Xiaodi and others, but in the midair, Meng Fan is deliberately delaying time and fighting for the latter. Track yourself.

A promise, a lot of money!

This is Meng Fan. Although sometimes he is determined to get a lot of things and does not allow others to get involved, but he truly promises that others will do it, then he must do it no matter what it is.

Undoubtedly, if Meng Fan repented in Dilu at this moment, then Yang Qing would only have to leave this Dilu to deal with him, but that was definitely not Meng Fan.

In such a stalemate, after two sticks of incense had passed, Meng Fan glanced at the sky and exhaled.

This period of time has been completely enough for Yang Qing to find a way to step into it, and what remains is that he himself and the group of people behind him have made a break.

Thinking of this, Meng Fan's speed slowed down, stepping forward, and directly came to a cliff.

This is a Jedi, surrounded by dry rocks, chaotic grasses, and traverse primitive trees scattered all over the place, revealing an infinite mystery under the vast clouds and fog.

And Meng Fan's figure is standing on the tallest big rock, white hair drifting with strong energy, his eyes squinting, and he stares indifferently.

After a few breaths, the strong wind between the sky and the earth became stronger, faintly bitter, with endless murderous opportunities, slowly, in this white fog, Zhou Tian shook, and at the same time, it was moving in all directions. The four people walked out like a ghost.

"Unexpectedly, you stopped, really.... I'm not afraid of death!"

One of them said indifferently that he looked like a middle-aged man, but he should be less than a hundred years old.

The same is true for the other three people on the side, each wearing a Tsing Yi, sealing the void and suppressing the surroundings.

The four of them are all great masters who have stepped into the pinnacle of the Profound Origin Realm, and they are in control of the secret technique. Now that the aura erupts, the entire Zhou Tian is enveloped in it, causing absolute pressure.

Emperor Road is endless, terrible!

There were still not many clues in the temples before this, but now it has completely erupted, and the four random people encountered are all powerhouses of this level.

If you think that there are too many strong people today, then it is simply a joke, because here are the strong people of the entire era among the ten thousand domains, all the arrogances of the century.

Not only the people of the Golden Twelve Leagues came, but also the juniors who had countless hidden forces from the heavens and the earth, all came for this imperial palace, and they were able to cause this.

With such a gathering of arrogances, only the opening of the imperial palace can have such a direct influence.

The bigger the horizon, the smaller the one you see. This sentence can be... Not fake.

Looking at the arrival of the four, Meng Fan smiled and said calmly.

"I am... I never like to run away!"

"Is it!"

In the same place, the middle-aged man in the lead also smiled, but there was a cruel smell in this smile, staring at Meng Fan, like a bloodthirsty beast,

"But you should know what you will face when you stay, tell me where is the treasure here!"

In one word, the cold wind was fierce.

Raising his brows, Meng Fan was silent for a moment, and said slowly,

"You are not from the Golden Twelve League?"


The middle-aged man said indifferently,

"It’s okay to tell you. You can call us an ancient clan, and the four of us are one of them. Although we are not the golden clan, our ancestors are also powerful people who have run the world. Regardless of background, you are only one person. We have four strong players. You should know the gaps. If you are acquainted, please say it quickly, otherwise..."

The ancients!

When Meng Fan's expression moved, he already understood.

Those who dare to have these four words are all races with a long history. After all, there are only twelve positions in the Twelve Leagues of Heaven and Earth, and if other families that existed in ancient times would not be included in these twelve forces It cannot be incorporated into it, but it does not mean it... Not scary.

For example, the war clan and the sea clan that Meng Fan faced before are all of the ancient clan, and the four people in front of him are also from one of the ancient clan, and their strength Absolutely.

However, the chill in Meng Fan's eyes grew stronger and stronger, saying every word,

"It seems that you don't know what this place is, that is to say... someone told you to follow us, indicating that there is a treasure here!"

Hearing Meng Fan's words, the expressions of the four of them were shocked. Obviously, as Meng Fan said, they looked at each other, and each hesitated.

And seeing the faces of the four people, Meng Fan's complexion also became a little ugly.

As he expected, the four of them were just...borrowed knives. The person who actually used the knives told them that they were behind the scenes, and did not really explain to them that the flying waterfall and the person who shot it was Yang Qing.

Instead, he told them that there is a treasure here and asked them to follow Meng Fan and Yang Qing.

In other words, in disguise, the black hand behind the scenes had already noticed Meng Fan and Yang Qing, and it should have been the first step for them to pursue the Feitian Waterfall.

These four people came to stop Meng Fan and Yang Qing, so that they would not cause trouble.

Now that Meng Fan is blocking these four people and looking for the Flying Waterfall before Yang Qing, he will face even greater troubles. He will face the black hand behind the scenes alone, not knowing who he is and how terrifying his strength is.

The black hand behind the scenes was invisibly calculating Meng Fan, Yang Qing, and the four members of this ancient clan, and using the knife to kill people and using it on Meng Fan's head, he couldn't help but annoyed his heart.

Looking at Meng Fan, who looked gloomy and uncertain, all four members of the ancient clan suddenly snorted, each standing in a corner of the world, suppressing in the east, west, south, and north, like four mountain peaks.

"Boy, don't pretend to be fools, beat you half to death, we will know everything!"

The tone is sharp and the words are like knives.

Raising his eyebrows, Meng Fan knew that he might not be able to be good today. Even if the four of them knew that they had won the trick, they would first take him prisoner. Then Meng Fan had nowhere to escape, there was only one battle.

"it is good!"

A word fell, Meng Fan stepped on the sole of his foot, and his figure emerged.

Since he was already planning to fight, he naturally didn't hesitate. The figure that had been motionless before suddenly moved forward at this moment, comparable to thunder, and the wind and clouds changed color.


A punch, conquer the world, come in the air!

Surrounded by thirty-eight golden lights, Meng Fan strode to the meteor, his blood exploded, and the big punch enveloped the sky, like a blue dragon, going out into the sky.

In mid-air, the middle-aged man in the lead snorted coldly, stepped out one step, punched out, vitality exploded, facing Meng Fan's fist and colliding with him.

The two fists gathered, and the void trembled.


It was just a sound, but it blasted the space, causing a big sonic boom and a big shock. Under the torn air wave, the middle-aged man snorted directly in the air, his body receded back, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. Came out.

"This guy... is very strong, and we shot together and suppressed him!"

The voice of the middle-aged man came out, and the other three nodded, each standing in the void, their handprints changed, and their vitality exploded. The four of them are indeed a tribe of ancient times, but in the blink of an eye they completely transformed the void, with a vast atmosphere. The attack caused this piece of heaven and earth to fall into the absolute control of the four people, transformed into an absolute realm, and laid a great array of vitality.

Four people in one, against Meng Fan!


After a while, vitality fluctuations hit, with Meng Fan as the center, the entire sky and underground were completely imprisoned, only the endless vitality fluctuations, as if the entire world was shrouded towards Meng Fan.

At the end of the void, the handprints of the four of them turned into mountain peaks, and their secret methods worked, and the cards at the bottom of the box were taken out in an instant.

"The kings reappear, heaven and earth are subdued!"

The four roared together, and the runes flickered, causing the day to change.

Each figure in them seems to be not themselves, but will have a sacred covering it, and the outline can be vaguely seen. The four of them are from an ancient clan. This is a secret calling, which is to let them. The sacred explosion in the body is like the arrival of its ancestors.

The four sacreds have different breaths.

That kind of vitality array attacked Meng Fan, how terrifying, this blow was already comparable to a god-level method, and Meng Fan was not given any chance to leave.

However, in the midst of endless murderous intent, Meng Fan remained motionless, expressionless, and grabbed his big hand.


Just between Meng Fan’s raising his hand, a large tripod emerged, and fell into Meng Fan’s hands. The chaotic aura spread from the tripod. Each carved imprint on it was shining, like a sun Meng Fan held it in his hand.

Ten thousand mothers and children!

This great cauldron had already been fused by Meng Fan into a ninth-order divine object, and his efforts were refined into it. He was simply a part of Meng Fan's body.

Now that Yiding is in the air and Meng Fan is standing, his entire body is constantly expanding, directly supporting Zhou Tian with infinite vitality fluctuations, even the four-person vitality formation cannot hold down Meng Fan.

The latter's figure is in it, the vitality bursts, the human and the tripod are united, creating a great prestige, directly heading the sky, stepping on the ground, suppressing the entire world of nothingness, even the absolute realm of the four people is also the power of Meng Fan Blasted openly.

One person vs. the four masters of the Profound Origin Realm. They are all in the same realm, but they are not afraid at all. On the contrary, they are like a king coming, to the four people... . Anti-repression!


The sky hits, the void trembles, the strength of the ten thousand mother and son Qi Ding and the vitality fluctuations of the four are constantly intertwined, Meng Fan stands in the center, ignoring the endless murderous intent around him, only a roar that shocks the world,

"Kneel down!"

Recently I was busy moving and looking for a house. I was too tired. I couldn't be too busy before. Now it's over. I try to write more. . . .


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