Supreme God King

Chapter 1323: One Emperor and the Kings

Kneel down!

The three words fell, and the sky shook!

This voice is like the law, not because Meng Fan is too mad, but because the real domineering spirit of the latter's years of cultivation, that kind of only exclusive belief, casts Meng Fan's confidence.

Spiritual power is contained in it, accompanied by sonic tremors, spreading throughout the world!

At a glance, Zhou Tian could be seen torn apart quickly. The vitality fluctuations of the four people couldn't suppress Meng Fan. The latter stepped out, holding the big cauldron, and under one person and one cauldron. Qi and blood exploded, like the scorching sun, the hot breath made all four of them feel unable to open their eyes.

"how is this possible!"

The four of them trembled, and strode back. The blood in their bodies continued to rush, and they encountered tremendous suppression.

They came from a tribe of ancient times. They were always extremely confident and able to suppress everything. They didn't even pay attention to the ordinary Tianjiao, but Meng Fan, who did not show the mountains and did not dew, suddenly broke out, which was too terrifying.

It was just a step forward, which was to completely break free from the vitality array they had laid down. Instead, the breath enveloped them. Now it is not the four of them suppressing Meng Fan, but Meng Fan alone suppressing the four.


Meng Fan lifted the tens of thousands of mother and son Qi Ding, the huge body of the cauldron moved forward, and it hit the void.

The countless carved runes on it seemed to be alive, with dazzling light, and the fluctuation of vitality merged into it, like a star pushed horizontally, causing all four of them to spray out a mouthful of blood, and the bones on the chest were broken. , The body burst back.


Smashed from the void fiercely, the middle-aged man was very embarrassed, stood firm, spurted out blood, and roared,

"who are you!"

"My name is... Meng Fan!"

Meng Fan said indifferently, eyes like electricity, looking directly at the four people in the field.

Meng Fan!

The fall of the two characters suddenly changed the expressions of the four middle-aged men, the names of people, and the shadow of the tree. Now these two characters Meng Fan are in the universe, but no one would not know.

In the two great calamities of heaven and earth, one person smashed into the restricted area and broke into the existence of the blood emperor. Even the ancient gods did not want to admit it, but they had to face it.

This Wuzhen boy who was killed from the bottom of Wanyu is fierce and fierce, looking at the world, there is nothing he dared to do.

"Please, kings!"

After a while, the middle-aged man yelled. Now, even if they already know that they have been used, there is no way back.

He was a Tianjiao figure in his own era, and he didn't know how much hard work he had spent to get to the present day. Naturally, he had his pride.

And under the voice of the middle-aged man, the bodies of the four of them changed. The phantom that was originally shrouded in their bodies turned out to be... . Even more intense!

In the faint, the sky trembled and the phantom changed, causing the faces of all four of them to undergo subtle changes, their auras skyrocketed, and there was... The power of Shinto is flowing.

"Be careful, Meng Fan, they should be from the ancient Waka clan!"

Xiaotian growled lowly, with a cold tone,

"This tribe is extremely terrifying, it is worthy of being one of the ancient tribes. What they are summoning now is not someone else, but their ancestors. In this short period of time, they have recovered, even though they were not incarnate, but through their bodies. What appeared to be possessed of the power of the gods should not be underestimated!"

With a word, Meng Fan's expression could not help but move.

Just like Yang Qing's body of associating immortals, this kind of ancient clan can run wild in the world, and it is naturally that this one has a world-shaking trump card for many years.

And this group of people in front of them is naturally like this. The so-called secret law of the Waka family can be stimulated by the power of blood, causing the ancient gods to directly descend into the world.

This is the advantage of the divine blood creatures, and they have always been strong, which is completely enough to easily crush the monks who have no advantage at the bottom.

"Waka... The King of Wuji!"

After a while, the middle-aged man suddenly spoke, but at this moment he was no longer him, his eyes changed, his aura was completely different, that kind of divine power was extremely terrifying.

Even though the realm is only the peak of the Profound Origin Realm, how can the power of controlling the divine Dao and possessing the consciousness of God be the same as an ordinary peak?

"The only king!"

"Three Soul Kings!"

"The King of Heaven!"

The four silhouettes exited like electricity at the same time, and said to Meng Fan with fists.

"I have seen you!"

The sound fell, like a thunderstorm. Even a quasi-god strong man would turn around and run away from this, scared to death. This is the resurrection of the four ancient gods. It is the four ancient waka clan who existed in these four people. There was a brief resurrection in the body, just a moment, but it was already too terrifying.

However, standing still, Meng Fan was unflinching and clasped his fists.

"I have seen four lords!"

The four of them nodded, and a moment later the phantom that the middle-aged man had turned into light said calmly.

"Your Excellency is the prince of the world, with extraordinary combat power. It is indeed terrible. I waited for a few people and should have fallen. They should not be shot. They are no longer in the same age as yours, but the glory of the Waka clan is immortal. For the reason not to kill your Excellency, I hope you Haihan!"


Meng Fan nodded and grinned, but the smell in this smile was extremely cold.

"Not only do you need your few to keep your hands, but you need a few of them to make a lot of moves, because this time I also... I have this intention!"

War sacred!

Looking at this kind of behavior, there are not many people who dare to do it.

Powerful in Divine Origin Realm!

Meng Fan, who was in Wuzhen in the past, couldn’t even think about it. At that time, the most terrifying thing was the scorching sun in the soul-refining state. But Meng Fan, who has reached this level today, naturally looks farther and sees more. many.

After leaving the restricted area that year, he was pursuing the power of God's way, constantly getting stronger.

For the latter, the only way to become stronger is.... The strong is strong, so fighting the sacred is undoubtedly the fastest shortcut.

Especially in this kind of life-and-death battle, it is able to sense the infinite changes in the power of its gods, and shoot against the latter's shots, survive under the endless pressure, if not die.... . It succeeded!

This kind of cultivation method has always been the case of Meng Fan. The latter has also relied on this method for many years to reach the point where it is today. Like walking a tightrope, there is never any slack at all times.


Holding the Qi Ding, Meng Fan strode out, crossing the void.

Even in the face of the four sacreds, it made his fighting will become more intense, the human and the tripod are united, and the anti-sacred seal in his body is running crazy at this moment.

In just a moment, it was to swallow all the wild aura of Zhou Tian in his body, allowing Meng Fan's body to expand continuously, and the violent aura spread, like the same Primordial Beast, descending into the world.


Around the sky, the kings of the four great Waka clan also shot at the same moment. Although each was only temporarily resurrected in the four people's bodies, it contained the power of the ancient times, and the four people stretched out one finger. , Is like opening the sky, a surging torrent of vitality rushes out.


In the midair, the naked eye could see the phantom of the big tripod colliding with the strength of the four people. Just a moment, it caused an earthquake-like storm, causing this ancient space to constantly oscillate.

The four sacred powers intertwined, and Meng Fan's body was unbearable, and his muscles suddenly burst and blood flowed out, but Meng Fan's body did not retreat but instead moved forward.

The human body and the tripod are united, and the aura of itself is more and more bursting, and the horrible vitality fluctuations are constantly being shot, fighting against the four kings above the sky.

It was only a moment, but after thousands of confrontations!

In the field, five figures clashed, each exploding what they had learned in their lives, and the four besieged Meng Fan.

The world collapsed, and the four people worked together to cause absolute oppression against Meng Fan. Zhou Tian was blocked by the power of the gods by the four people, completely imprisoned, and did not give Meng Fan any room for breathing. The four people were the most terrifying development. attack.

Damn it!

Yiyin bombarded the qi cauldron of Myriad Mothers and Sons, sparks splashed and shattered into the void, causing Meng Fan to retreat in one step, while the middle-aged man Wuji Wang standing still said indifferently,

"Your power surpasses the same rank, but unfortunately it is destined to fall today, because there are no friends by your side. You are destined to be crushed. The king needs friends!"

The voice fell without any emotion, and at the same time, under the combined force of all sides, the vibrating Meng Fan strode back. The blood on his body was stained with red shirt, it looked shocking, and he might be defeated at any time.

However, after standing firm, Meng Fan shook his head, looked at the middle-aged man, and said calmly.

"Your Excellency has your path, but I also have my path. What I am after is... the emperor, at this time, the emperor does not bother to join hands with others, is invincible at the same level, let everything, all suppress, this It is the emperor!"

The last word fell, sonorous and powerful, and immediately drew a long cry from the ten thousand mother and son Qi Ding. The sound was crisp, shocking the world, and the expressions of the four kings changed.

This ten thousand mother and son Qi Ding is one with Meng Fan's mind, and can most feel his spirit, and all of Meng Fan's own will is sufficient to influence him.

Now, under Meng Fan’s words, one person, one tripod, standing in the void, even if the blood is constantly flowing out, but at this moment, the breath is getting more and more terrifying, and the whole world is eclipsed at this moment, only Meng Fan alone.

One is the emperor, the other is the respect!

This is Meng Fan's Dao. Anyone who is strong in the same rank will be cut whenever he sees it. Only the domineering, this is the emperor.

This method can be described as extremely arrogant and extremely lonely, but since ancient times, if you want to become a great emperor, this is not the case. The emperor is lonely for this!

In the space of Xiaotian, the eyes of Emperor Dao flickered at this moment, staring at Meng Fan, silent for a while, and finally uttered a few words,

"Well said, since you want to become an emperor, then you must be an emperor. I am your... Dao!"

Second more.


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