Supreme God King

Chapter 1332: Three Thousand Shinto

Three thousand gods, suppress the sky!

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, or even heard of Meng Fan, I couldn't believe it. There are people in this world who can integrate 3,000 different divine powers and turn them into their own use.

This kind of method is no longer capable of being described as powerful, it is simply the world, the name of the **** king, deserves it, and Meng Fan is incomparably dumb.

"No wonder that people who used to call that kind of realm by the fire ancestors have the means to reach the sky. They can understand everything and break through the rules. They may help me. If it is so true, with this kind of power, it will make my sister open her eyes. The opportunity... is not impossible!"

Meng Fan's eyes flickered and muttered to himself, his mind was shaken.

For many years, he has been pursuing this path, only to be able to maintain his original mind and practice hard, but now he finally sees a glimmer of hope.

Having such a peerless and powerful person in front of Meng Fan is equivalent to having a mountain. Even though it is high above the top, Meng Fan's temperament will not be discouraged. Instead, he mustered all the courage to catch up.

If he is the king of gods towards me!

Engraving this sentence firmly in his heart, Meng Fan did not say a word, but the fierceness in his eyes became more and more determined, and Yang Qing and Qin Hong were equally shocked by them.

Even though the two of them came from the two most powerful places in the world, at this moment, in front of these three thousand gods, they still felt that they were extremely small, not even ants.

On the other hand, Qin Hong let out a low roar, and his spiritual power melted into it. Only for a moment, the whole person was completely silent, on top of a divine way, and kept moving forward, even though it contained the ultimate divine power, in the breath of Qin Hong Below, it turned out to be completely suppressed.

"In the world, I am the only one, the supreme tyrant and the strongest, for the transit!"

Seeing this scene, Yang Qing uttered a few words with a strange tone, which made Meng Fan look at her.

"what happened?"

"This guy Qin Hong is very powerful. I didn't expect that he himself was much more diligent than the last time I saw him. He has already integrated the realm of gods, and has cultivated the techniques passed down from generations to generations of the Zhongtian dynasty to a superb level. That's why, even though he is not a god, in this kind of divine way, the induction may not be slower than a god!"

Yang Qing said softly,

"Because of the ancient times he practiced, inherited from the real royal family of the Zhongtian Dynasty, it is the most powerful method among the rumored ones, called Huanyu Bahuang Gong.

Even in the god-level practice, this thing is extremely terrifying and belongs to the superior, but now Qin Hong is a quasi-divine powerhouse, and his divine power gathers himself, and his own divine power is naturally extremely domineering. Once it breaks out, even if it is in it. One of the gods can also be above it, and the perception is naturally unparalleled, and it will even be beyond the ordinary sacred! "

Supernatural power!

Meng Fan's pupils shrank, and he understood that even though they were all divine powers, the differences in their respective attributes would cause their respective powers to be different. The stronger the divine power, the more difficult it would be to form.

Like the Inverse God scroll he cultivated, he didn't know how many lives and deaths he had risked for many years. Only then did he gather the gods to help him upgrade to the same level, and the attributes in it were even more overbearing.

According to Yang Qing, this Qin Hongke was born with this great advantage. He was a creature of sacred blood, and the exercises he controlled were extremely domineering. Once he stepped into his realm, he would show it all.

The comprehension in this divine road was also quite rapid. If it hadn't been for Meng Fan's yin before, then Qin Hong might have opened up the inheritance of the divine king at this moment.


Yang Qing sneered and said calmly.

"Even if it is Qin Hong, but my line is not weaker than others!"

After a few words fell, and the mental power was running, Yang Qing also had all the spiritual power blended into one of the divine powers. The aura spread and was ethereal and immortal. Although it did not have the general dominance of Qin Hong, its aura was incomparable. Unique, like nothingness, seemingly true and unpredictable, mysterious.

"The immortal in the human, the spirit in the Yuan, the Yang family of the same line, it really deserves its reputation!"

Xiaotian's voice came, full of admiration.


Meng Fan laughed, looking at the mental power of the two people in front of him while sensing the path of the gods, he was also inspired by a heroic emotion.

Invincible at the same level, peers compete!

This has always been Meng Fan's goal, and it has always been what he wants to do.

The mental power is running, the power that swallows everything spreads, and it is also integrated into one of the divine powers.

"My cultivators are afraid of people? Why are my cultivators afraid of people? If that's the case, then try it!"

The words are sonorous and powerful, and now the three spiritual powers in the entire field are integrated into them, and their attributes are different, but the moment they merge into this divine power, it makes the entire ancient space shine brightly, shaking the sky, and the three thousand gods The whispering sound.

The Zhongtian dynasty, Qin Hong, and Yang Qing from the same line, the two great princes and giants in this world are all already here, and although Meng Fan himself was born recklessly, his own combat power and methods are also unmatched horror. Each person reveals the divine power cultivated throughout his life, integrates into the divine way, and directly impacts the inheritance of the divine king.

This scene can be described as quite thrilling. Among the three people in the field, none of them are weak, but they are all the top talents in this era, but now they collide with each other in this imperial palace and compete at the same time, which is enough to shock the world.

"One vein, transit, destruction..."

Including that outside of this emperor road, the six strong guardians also gathered their eyes at the same time, and one of them said something with a vicissitudes of tone.

"I'm afraid there are not many such battles in the ages. I don't know who can compete for the first place. The potential of the three of them is comparable to any strong in ancient times. At this age, I don't think there is such a class. things happen!"

"Yes, except for those few, these three are considered top in this age. This time it should be the first time to compete. Although you may not be able to see anything, it is enough to witness some clues!"

The tone of the vicissitudes of life, if this word is heard by others, it is enough to cause a major earthquake, you must know that these six people are the six ancient temples, the sacred powerhouses in the eternal age, but the evaluation of the three people of Meng Fan turned out to be so. Higher than imagined.

The combat power is comparable to that of any strong man in the old age. This in itself has already explained too much. Any one is a peerless freak, and now there are three in this hall.

The power of the gods revolved, and the sky trembled.

Under the mental power of Meng Fan, Yang Qing, and Qin Hong, each of them is directly like a tide, and at the same time, they are attacking the inheritance of this god. The trio belonged to different divine power attributes, but they were equally overbearing, suppressing everything.

Even though they have the divine power that once belonged to the ultimate **** king, the three of them quickly sensed it, merged it into themselves, and continuously absorbed it with their own divine power, surpassing it.

The breath of Inverse God scroll blended, Meng Fan has a lot of disadvantages compared to the other two. After all, he has just become a quasi god, not like Qin Hong and Yang Qing themselves are already standing in the realm of quasi god. Stable, and has formed the realm of gods.

In the realm of gods, these four words are not just talking. In contrast, Meng Fan has just taken the first step in the realm of quasi gods.

However, at the moment of fusion of the divine Dao, Yang Qing and Qin Hong were surprised to find that Meng Fan’s fusion of the divine Dao power was not any bit slower than them. The latter’s divine Dao power seemed to be nothingness, but it was capable of devouring everything. For Meng Fan, his posture includes the power of the ultimate **** king's divine way. For Meng Fan, he is not only surpassing it, but he is engulfing it, turning it into himself, encountering the gods and devouring the gods!

Under this engulfing, it was faintly faster than the other two powerhouses, which immediately made Yang Qing and Qin Hong quite unhappy.

The ancient twelve golden families, one line, one dynasty!

These two powers are already the extremes of this ten thousand realms. Any of the juniors among them thinks that they can occupy the top of any era. Now Meng Fan is only a reckless background, but not only is there no inferiority, but he still wins. If it is, then it is too slapped.

So in an instant, Yang Qing and Qin Hong didn’t have any words, only the mental power in the body was running wildly, the breath blended in, and what they had learned in their lives was used in an instant, and the divine way that was continuously integrated into it, suppressed the divine power, and overwhelmed all.

Such an impact is unparalleled and amazing, with the passing of time, one stick of incense and two sticks of incense. . . . When the fifth pillar of incense was full, the naked eye could see the three divine powers flickering at the same time. At this moment, they went hand in hand, and they reached the end of the gods together.


Void trembled, Bahuang trembled!

It was just a moment, which made the entire space boil. The divine powers of the three people turned out to be able to fully understand the divine way they were in at the same moment, reaching the end, which means that the three of them started the inheritance of the divine king at the same time. Eligible to win the inheritance of this ultimate **** king!

Mental power turned back, the three of them opened their eyes at the same time, their bodies resumed their movements, and they could be seen at a glance. Not far away, the void was torn apart, and a golden box appeared at the end.

This thing was only the size of a slap, not conspicuous, but it fell into the eyes of the three Meng Fans, but their hearts trembled at the same time, clearly understanding that this should be the treasure hidden in this flying waterfall.

Its value. . . . Immeasurable!

The gazes of the three of them only froze for a moment, and they rose into the air at the same time, their respective powers pierced through the sky and the earth, rushing at extreme speed, like three Primordial Monsters shooting at the same time.

The jade hand shot, Yang Qing's body was in the sky, and the palm of her hand turned into a knot and caught it.

And Qin Hong, who was above the sky, just wanted to do it, he suddenly saw a huge punch in the void, the emperor fist swept across the sky, suppressing everything, and at the same time a few cold words fell.

"Remove your hand or you will die!"


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