Supreme God King

Chapter 1333: Zhan Qinhong

Take your hand away, or you will die!

A few words, cold and unmatched, every word kills Ling Ran!

The emperor fist struck, and what fell in Qin Hong's eyes was naturally a figure like a scholar of Meng Fan, with black hair, dense like a waterfall, and eyes catching people. It was such a big step.

This is Meng Fan. Even the inheritance of the Ultimate God King is right in front of him, but since he has agreed to Yang Qing, it is no different from a kind of waste paper for Meng Fan, so he didn’t even look at it. He directly helped Yang Qing and blocked Qin Hong.


Qin Hong raised his hand with a punch, the two fists interlaced, and the forces collided, causing the space to burst, causing both of them to stop in midair at the same time.

Countless space fragments overflowed, causing Meng Fan and Qin Hong's eyes to be slightly squinted at the same time, and a murderous intent flashed past.

Needless to say, the two of them had fought before this. I don't know how much. Only when countless Tianjiao stepped on their feet would they have today's results.

Once you succeed, the bones are dead, and the bones are like hemp to repair the road!

At the moment of this collision, the two of them discovered each other's horror at the same time, whether the expert has it, that punch can be seen.

Standing in the sky, Qin Hong smiled cruelly, staring at Meng Fan, saying indifferently,

"Boy, but no one has spoken to me like this for a long time, and the last one didn't know where I was buried!"

The tone is calm, but the words are gloomy.

Meng Fan stood still, and said calmly.

"Is it a descendant of the Zhongtian Dynasty? Then don't talk nonsense, I haven't had the excitement of wanting to shoot for a long time, come... kill me, or... be killed by me!"

The words are powerful and hostile!

This kind of aura had rarely appeared before Meng Fan. When he was young, he fought against the world with his fists and fought all over the mountains and rivers. However, now Meng Fan is more than 30 years old, and he is already very mature.

Now I can behave like this because I already had an enmity with Qin Hong. Both sides interrupted each other's enlightenment once, and they themselves were able to do it. Now that he is blocking it, it is impossible to be good. Second, it is the latter. Coming from the Zhongtian Dynasty, this was enough to make Meng Fan full of combat power.

Others are weak when they are strong, and strong when they are weak. This is the rule of most people in Wanyu, while Meng Fan has always been strong when strong.

It is kind to the weak, but to the strong like Qin Hong, it gives birth to a strong force, which is to fight for the front and hit the ground.

It's okay to say Meng Fan is hostile or arrogant, but this is it. . . . Meng Fan, the white-haired Shura of the past, even though he has been certified as a quasi god, but that kind of breath that is unique to his youth has never changed!

"you wanna die!"

In the midair, Qin Hong let out a low growl, only two words fell, and the vitality in his body swept through the sky, covering everything.

It is not only a quasi-god powerhouse, but also a sense of the realm of Gods, so in a moment, the vitality is already running, the divine way covers, and the realm suppresses everything. That kind of strong and fierce divine power is shocking.

God's realm!

Meng Fan raised his eyebrows, but his movements didn't stop for a moment. He strode forward, and the blood in his body surged, like a king Yang, with his fists clenched, the emperor fist came directly.


Qin Hong also slashed out with one palm. At this moment, the two of them had all their combat power released, and their vitality was like a wave. It was just the moment when the fists collided, which turned the 100 meters into a vacuum domain.

Even a quasi-god powerhouse would be shocking by the side, even the overflowing vitality fluctuations were enough for him to drink a pot.

Although both of them are quasi-gods and not very young, they are the top arrogances of the entire era. They practiced ancient methods and formed from killing. When they stepped into this field, they dared to fight everything, comparable to any powerhouse in ancient and modern times. How terrifying is the combat power at this age.

Fighting like this, with the fists facing each other, has already caused the whole world to fall into a tremor.

The two figures intertwined, and any one of them is like a wild beast. There is supreme power between the shots, but they explode, hack, kick, chop, kick, punch... . For people like Meng Fan, anywhere on the whole body is an extremely terrifying weapon, it is such an attack that shocks the world.

Bang, bang!

The sound of the sonic boom continued to spread throughout the sky, and Yang Qing at the side of the sky was extremely relaxed. Without anyone blocking her, after just a few breaths, she had already come to this golden one. Around the small box.

Looking back at Meng Fan and Qin Hong who fought fiercely in the field, a gleam of light appeared in Yang Qing’s eyes, she smiled and muttered,

"I have you this time... Thanks a lot!"

The tone is sincere, with a strange smell.

Who is Yang Qing, a descendant of the same family, the dear daughter of the sky, can make her such a handful of people, and before that, she had a strong hostility towards Meng Fan.

But this way, after the previous undefeated naughty boy's union, Meng Fanke has never let her down. The more he understands, it makes Yang Qing feel good about her in her heart. It is even stronger, and few people can see the inheritance of the **** king and still keep the promise.

Such a person can only be called a real strong person. A man is worthy of promise. This quality makes Yang Qing a little surprised. I have to say that she really underestimated Meng Fan before this.

Her heart was strange, but after a while Yang Qing was already suppressing it, and her jade hand opened the ancient golden box. At a glance, she could see a golden stone in it. The moment her finger touched it, Yang Qing suddenly knew the sea. Trembling, as if entering an extremely strange world, the whole person is silly.

The void was shocking, and the world was calm, but the ancient aura overflowed, enough to eclipse any strong man in the world. This silence, the ultimate **** king inheritance, which I don’t know for many years, finally slowly... . opened!

With the opening of the inheritance here, the fighting in the space became more intense. Just a moment later, the void was torn apart, and the two figures separated and quickly retreated. At the same time, blood overflowed around the heaven and the earth, naturally coming from... Both Meng Fan and Qin Hong.

Absolute collision, how overbearing!

The two had set off a big storm before, and in a few breaths, I didn't know how many fights they had experienced. Each of the strongest killing methods emerged one after another, fighting in close quarters, and countless collisions.

Standing steady, Meng Fan stepped on the soles of his feet and covered his chest with his hands. At this moment, his blue shirt was already infested with blood, and a big bone-in-depth opening appeared on it, and blood was constantly flowing out, obviously from before Fight what Qin Hong left on him.

Qin Hong, who was not far away, didn't feel too well, and he was unharmed, but the blood continued to fall from his head, dripping drop by drop, following his pale face, but it seemed exceptionally bloody.

There is no doubt that in the previous collision, neither of them had too much advantage. Each of them wounded the enemy a thousand and self-harmed 800.

However, if someone saw it, it would be enough to startle his chin. After all, Qin Hong was the strongest arrogant from the Zhongtian Dynasty, but Meng Fan was not quicker than Qin Hong in terms of mental power or close hands. It was a miracle, and the latter did not form the realm of gods, but the combat power was... Powerful to the extreme, not weaker than others.


Qin Hong shook his hands, spit out a few words, his tone was like a devil, extremely stern.

Prior to this, he had laid out layers, starting from the discovery of Yang Qing and Meng Fan, he had set up routines, delayed time, suppressed Yang Qing, and spent much thought.

It is a pity that all of this was broken because of Meng Fan, otherwise, the inheritance of the ultimate **** king today would definitely fall into Qin Hong's hands.

Staring at Meng Fan, I am afraid that Qin Hong had the thought of eating him at this moment, but he is also a worldly hero. The more angry he is, the more he calms himself.

Holding both hands, Qin Hong's breath exploded, and his whole body changed. A layer of golden armor covered his whole body, making his god's realm more terrifying, covering everything in this world.

"Meng Fan, I remember you, but I have some abilities, but everything is over, because the price of being remembered by me is you now... Give me death!"

With his hands changing and the secret technique operating, Qin Hong at this moment was even more terrifying than before. He was already using an extremely powerful hole card to prepare for the killing.

For Qin Hong, the fastest solution to Meng Fan was the chance to get the inheritance of the God King. Naturally, he didn't delay any point, the sky was shrouded and the temperature kept dropping.

Standing in place, under this terrifying aura, the first person to bear the brunt was Meng Fan. His whole body seemed to stand upside down, and he felt a kind of life and death.

For many years, Meng Fan had this kind of feeling at that time, but he was almost alive and would face a big threat.

But Meng Fan grinned and said calmly.

"My head is cut off by the little master, so I don't want to brag about it. If you have any skills, take it out!"

Hearing Meng Fan's words, Qin Hong immediately let Qin Hong snorted and strode out. In just one step, the golden armor in front of his body began to illusion, and finally a very fantastic phantom appeared.

This phantom seemed to be an ancient fierce beast enveloped the whole body, like a dragon and not a dragon, like a beast and not a beast, with flashing runes, vaguely visible with scales, with a strong breath, and the intent to kill is extremely terrifying.

The whole body was tensed, and after a glance, Meng Fan's pupils shrank even more, clearly understanding that if he had not guessed wrong, this should be a kind of ancient prehistoric alien species called gluttonous, which had long since disappeared.

And if you want to revive its phantom, it’s as if the gluttonous real body is there. It is said that there is a method that Meng Fan saw from ancient books many years ago, which is the ancient twelve gods and beasts secret method to reach the method of the gods. The law is shocking, the ultimate killing!

"Qin Hong.... It's really good!"

Outside the imperial palace, one of the six ancient ancient people said slowly, his eyes locked at this moment, and he was watching the scene with extremely interest.

"This gluttonous transformation is extremely difficult to cultivate and requires cultivators to pay an unimaginable price, but it can be called the supreme killing method. The emergence of the past dynasties must be a life-infestation, otherwise the gluttonous will be unhappy and hurt yourself, and I remembered that I should It must be killed every time it comes out. I am afraid that there are not many people who can survive the gluttonous transformation. I don't know this little guy named Meng Fan... Can he hold it?"

Second more.


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