Supreme God King

Chapter 1334: Battle of Tianjiao

Outside the imperial palace, the six sacred gazes gathered, and it must be said that the more attention they paid, the more the interest of the six of them became stronger, and they looked carefully.

Even in the long road of cultivation, it is rare to see such a battle of Tianjiao, especially the two extremes between the two sides, but it also contains shocking combat power.

Such a battle is rare and thrilling.

hiss…. .

In the space, the roaring voice spread all over the sky, Qin Hong's figure strode forward, his whole body was covered with vitality, shadows shrouded, and the **** meaning was extremely strong.

You can see at a glance that there is an ancient gluttonous glutton around the whole body, constantly roaring, coming towards Meng Fan, not waiting to get close, but there is already a kind of hegemony that crushes everything.

"Gluttonous change!"

Qin Hong himself is a quasi-god-level powerhouse, and this kind of ancient god-level method is even more terrifying when it is deployed. He comes with his fingers and suppresses everything.

Standing in place, Meng Fan's whole body did not move, even though the pressure was very high, but his figure stepped out in one step, and the vitality exploded in his body, filling the surroundings.

"One thought has no form, one thought has no life!"

A few words were spit out from Meng Fan's mouth, and his body expanded, like a big Buddha, over the world. At the same time, his five fingers stretched out and the Dhamma enveloped him, and he slapped it directly with a palm.


The void trembled and the sky was torn apart. At a glance, I saw the huge gluttonous claws colliding with Meng Fan's handprints. At this moment, both of them didn't have any reservations. Instead, they directly used the god-level techniques, using the strongest means. Suppress everything.

With five fingers and a grasp, Meng Fan circulated the phaseless and silent sutra, but with this blow, it had the supreme power to penetrate from his palm. Even if it was the gluttonous virtual shadow, it was also overpowered by Meng Fanyi. Strike down.

But for a moment of pause, Meng Fan didn't stop, his other hand was tight, and a punch was blasted out.

After Emperor Quan, suppress the sky!

Even the gluttonous phantom of Qin Hong's body suddenly roared, cracks appeared on it, penetrated by Meng Fan's power.


It's just that Qin Hong's body was trembling for a moment, his eyes flashed and a word was uttered.

The whole body moves murderously, and as its vitality is permeated, the whole person suddenly rises into the air. All the vitality is transformed into infinite power. The gluttonous claws change, and they are caught again toward Meng Fan, turning into a **** handprint, infinite. The meaning of blood came, like a sea of ​​blood.

"Gluttonous three consecutive cuts!"

The sound is like thunder, covering the sky and the earth.

God level method!

This gluttonous change is just a change, and the really amazing thing is the killing method. Under Qin Hong’s sudden blow, the blood claw volleyed and burst out suddenly. There was no room for reaction, and it was worthy of avoiding the first. In the next moment, Meng Fan didn't wait for his body to stabilize, and suddenly the void tore apart, and another blood-red mark came.

Even if Meng Fan had imperial fist blocking, he was directly blasted away, the air wave traversed, and a claw fell on Meng Fan's shoulder.


With a crisp sound, under the impact of the powerful force, half of Meng Fan's body was almost shattered, and his flesh and blood exploded. If it were not for him to retreat quickly and protect his body with a small sky, then it is very likely that the blow was already The flesh was completely shattered.

However, even if he avoided the critical point, the price Meng Fan paid was quite substantial. The red shirt was stained with blood, his injuries were deep and bones, and the entire left arm was a little numb.

There is no doubt that this is definitely an enemy of life and death, giving Meng Fan a fatal threat.


Without giving Meng Fan any chance to breathe, the palm of his hand changed, and another blow came. The waves of air roared and the mountains and rivers changed color.

Between three combos, one blow is more fierce than one, and the momentum is not reduced, but it is more terrifying.

With a roar, Meng Fan didn't hesitate to be injured, but stepped out, standing in the void, black hair fluttering, and at the same time, the handprints merged with the law, blasting out.

"The Seal of the Mountain!"

"Small Demon Seal!"


In a flash of lightning, Meng Fan's hands changed, and three imprints were printed at the same time. Each of them was extremely terrifying, possessing the overbearing power to suppress everything, but now the three imprints are coming out at the same time, flowing clouds and flowing water, incomparably coherent, bursting here. In an instant, the blood-colored palms in the mid-air hit each other.

The three seals are printed together, one point!

In an instant, the void burst open, and even the gluttonous shadow that was as powerful as Qin Hong was blocked in the midair by it, and paused.

But just after a moment of pause, Meng Fan took a few steps forward, staring at him, and shouting.

"The Great Seal!"

The previous three seals only blocked, confuses Qin Hong, and held the opponent for a breath of time. And Meng Fan’s real killer is in this fourth seal, integrating the one seal of the emperor’s unique knowledge, and the power of rebellion in his body. They are all rolling in, and the whole body moves with vitality. Entering it, a mark suppresses the sky, golden dazzling, and slaps in the void, even if there is a cruel glutton on the body, but as if under this mark, it is necessary to Its life is crushed.


With just this blow, it was completely out of Qin Hong’s expectation. He originally thought that Meng Fan’s three seals were at the end, but this fourth seal was the real killer, and he didn’t expect it. The handprints slapped. How overbearing, it turned out that the gluttonous shadow in his body was shattered under a single seal, penetrated through, and went straight to Qin Hong's true body.

"it is good!"

Outside the imperial palace, the six sacred expressions changed at the same time, but they did not expect that Meng Fan's reaction was so fast, and the speed of the counterattack made them all a little staggering.

"Destroy the **** king, war emperor, immortal **** emperor, although this little guy is not born in ancient times, he is a means of integrating too many powerful people. He deserves to be his disciple. It is not simple, not simple!"

One of the elders said dumbly, with a touch of shock in his tone.

The six sacreds in the field, it is estimated that there is not much emotional fluctuation in the time of this thousand years, but today can be described as the one they are most concerned about, including the headed old man at this moment, the eyes flicker, staring at the field Hold on.

Among them, it was unparalleled violence. Under Meng Fan’s backhand, he immediately attacked, but instead threatened Qin Hong’s life and death. However, under the impact of the storm, Qin Hong suddenly shouted. The whole body changed, one foot stepped out, and after a while, it was not gluttonous, but surrounded by his body. . . . A huge golden phantom is Kunpeng!

The sky trembled, and Meng Fan struck the Great Emperor's seal to blast away nothingness, and the waves of air ran through, tearing everything apart. However, it is a pity that the Kunpeng incarnation of Qin Hong is too fast. The moment the secret technique moves, the void moves and the space is torn. Its Kunpeng force bypasses Meng Fan's mortal blow, making him unable to succeed.

A thousand meters away, Qin Hong's figure flickered, staring at Meng Fan, a trace of blood appeared in the corner of his mouth, but even though he left, there was a trace of solemnity in his eyes.

He severely injured Meng Fan once before, but Meng Fan also almost killed him, even if the force of the shock jumped out of it, his blood was surging, enough to arouse Qin Hong's incomparable murderous intent, and he could not think of Meng Fan's killing The method turned out to be completely outside of him.

"Well, that's interesting!"

Spit out a word, Qin Hong stepped forward again, but the phantom between his body was changed again, and at this moment, it was only one, but two!

One true dragon, one phoenix!

Two colors appeared in Qin Hong's eyes, one for the hot fire and the other for the extremely cold ice. The two extreme attributes appeared in one person at the same time, and they were completely controlled by Qin Hong.

After a while, two phantoms surrounded Qin Hong's body. The latter strode again, a dragon and a phoenix flying, with fire in his left hand and ice in his right hand. The two powers were slapped towards Meng Fan. They are all god-level methods, but they are so bold!

Under this situation, even Meng Fan's mind was in a trance. It has to be said that the two ultimate holy places in this world, one line, one dynasty are indeed well-deserved.

This kind of Tianjiao has already explained too much. Before, there was Yang Qing’s body of Associating Immortals, and this Qin Hong was also incomparably terrifying. By coincidence, he broke through and became a quasi-god. With his previous cultivation base, he is definitely not Qin Hong's opponent today. The latter is not only an unworldly hero, but his own combat power has reached a world-shattering level.

One person controls the two phantom beasts, and is the ultimate beast among them. Before this, the so-called gluttonous transformation was only a means of Qin Hong. The combination of these two phantoms is the most cruel of the twelve secret methods. One blow, was cast by it.

The six sacred elders all took a breath of air, and they were too aware of how many people in the ages could achieve this. The Twelve Secrets, a gluttony and Kunpeng in itself, are difficult to cultivate, let alone true dragons and ice phoenix At the same time.

This kind of method is the real big method. What is a Tianjiao strong is to do things that no one else can do. Even the six sacreds are inferior. At this age, you can completely overcome ten. The two secrets are combined.

And the more so, the more intense Meng Fan’s intention to kill and kill is, looking at the two phantoms, he draws a strange arc at the corner of his mouth, muttering to himself,

"In this case, then this kind of power... It should be time to use it!"

The tone was calm, and at the same time he moved against the imprint of Meng Fan's most origin, which was transformed by the martial arts of Meng Fan's life.

In his youth, it was always the method of others, until Meng Fan gradually developed this kind of rebellious power, and finally turned it into his own attributes, integrating the results of his years of cultivation, and stepping into the quasi **** After this point, this kind of power against the gods finally reached a preliminary stage of perfection.

Only with a slight movement of Meng Fan, the void surrounding him is completely frozen. Even though there is no realm of gods, Meng Fan at this moment is like a demon king coming to the world, terrifying and cold. It turned out to be freezing the sky, turning every inch of the corner into an absolute vacuum.

After a while, a few words slowly fell,

"Go against the gods, swallow the sky and open the earth, the eight wilds, respect me!"


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