Supreme God King

Chapter 1335: Who wins and who loses?

Bahuang**, respect me!

In one word, the world moves!

Standing in this mid-air, Meng Fan's breath exploded, spreading into the void, with an unstoppable dominance. Between the black hair fluttering, that kind of breath that subverted the world and the earth burst out, as if it was just a slight movement. Can tear everything.

This sentence can not be said to be overbearing, after all, in front of Meng Fan is the real Tianjiao powerhouse, the third emperor of the Zhongtian Dynasty, Qin Hong, who dares to say that, who is qualified to say that.

But when the two sides face each other, Meng Fan's words only mean. . . . . I can, you can't!

Crushing the current Tianjiao, the third prince from the Zhongtian Dynasty, apart from anything else, this kind of confidence alone is enough to make the heart tremble, and the arrogance to the extreme is a kind of temperament.


In the middle of the air, Qin Hong's expression moved, and he also felt the terrifying aura rolling in Meng Fan's body, which made him feel pressure like an enemy.

However, the more so, it made Qin Hong's footsteps faster, his eyes flickered, and a strong warfare appeared. A dragon and a phoenix roared at the same time, as if the real body had arrived, and the two extreme attributes appeared in Qin Hong's left and right hands. , As if one hand is yang and the other hand is yin, this yin and yang in hand is to melt everything.

"In that case, come on, let me take a look at the soil method you got from Ten Thousand Domains!"

The tone was harsh, yin and yang came, facing Meng Fan one left and one right, directly covering, two different forces sandwiched between them, it can be called supreme pressure.

This is not just as simple as doubling combat power, but is one of the most terrifying methods among the ancient twelve gods and beasts. Anyone who wants to condense one of them is difficult, and Qin Hong is not only completely condensed, but also As soon as it was displayed, it was merged to the most fixed point.

This fusion of yin and yang, even a sacred one is going to change color here, the real dragon and the ice phoenix roar, the two are one, annihilating everything!

"The soil method, isn't it?!"

And between the collapsed sky, Meng Fan raised his head, his eyes cold, and said slowly.

Between the few words, there is no emotion, his hands are put together, the power of the godless in the body is integrated into the palm, and it is printed!

In an instant, the sky changed color and everything was still.

Under this blow, their respective methods exploded, and each took out the most pressing card at the bottom of the box, running through the entire world, and at a glance, they saw two mountain-like handprints interlaced. Under the collision, it caused all Zhou Tian to lose its color, and all within 10,000 meters were swept by terrifying air waves.

Just a moment, to open the sky!

The emergence of a huge mushroom cloud, this destructive power is too amazing, even if it is a taboo space here, it has caused an absolute tremor, only the real strong can see the kind of power before this In the interleaving, the real dragon and the ice phoenix attacked at the same time, but they were disturbed by a black hole-like force. The force interlaced, causing the sky to collapse layer by layer, and countless space fragments fell around.

"The dragon and the phoenix are one, the yin and yang are in hand, die for me!"

Between the violent collisions, Qin Hong stood on the sky and roared. At this moment, the blood in his body exploded, and all the power was condensed and merged into his hands. Under the formation, he is a quasi-god powerhouse. He formed the realm of the gods. He was also emptied in an instant. I don't know how many vitality fluctuations, but there is only one effort to suppress everything.

As the sound fell, the dragon and the phoenix roared above the sky. The sound was like thunder, penetrating everything. At the same time, the force of the impact was even more terrifying, as if to completely shatter Meng Fan in it.

And in this endless pressure, Meng Fan's whole body tightened, his blood spread, and he also shouted.

"Yiyin Zhentiandi, one against the sky, break it for me!"

After the three words were uttered, the power of rebelliousness that belonged to Meng Fan himself was constantly surging.

All the trump cards emerged one after another, the power gathered, and the void intertwined. At this moment, even though the two were only quasi-god-level combat power, the interlocking power was already incomparably terrifying, and even threatening a sacred one. , But also to be seriously injured immediately.


After a while, under the intertwining of these two extreme forces, the void was finally unbearable, the eight wastes were torn apart, and the ancient taboo space was constantly trembling, a huge wave of air swept through the world, and at the same time Meng Fan The figures of the two and Qin Hong flew past.

A piece of gunpowder, the world is filled!

The vibrating force overflowed all around, causing the entire world to be overshadowed. This amazing destructive power, even for a god, caused it to be in the flying waterfall, but it was constantly trembling and messed up.


In the middle of the air, he fell to the ground with one step, and Meng Fan spouted out a big mouth of blood, and his whole body was exploded.

Fighting against one of the strongest arrogances in the world, even Meng Fan is also very expensive. If it weren't for the ten thousand mother and son Qi Ding to protect the body, the physical body would have burst and walked in life and death.

And in the void, Qin Hong did the same, his whole body exploded and became a complete blood man, falling to the ground with one step.

Under the general absolute collision, the strength of the two people turned out to be evenly divided, and no one can fully gain the upper hand. As a result, both of them are now seriously injured, and their combat strength has lost nine out of ten. The moment they sat in place, Both of them immediately stabilized themselves, suppressed them forcefully, and prevented the injury from spreading again, otherwise, their souls would collapse first.

Such a scene can completely fall into the six sacred eyes off the field, glance at each other, and one of the old men slowly said,

"It's been a long time since I saw such an outstanding junior, and it's been a long time since I saw such a fierce battle. The future world and the earth will definitely be fighting again, but it seems that Qin Hong has won by a lot, and his physical speed is faster than Meng Fan. be quick!"

"Yes, both of them are seriously injured now, but I guess Qin Hong should be able to recover before Meng Fan after a stick of incense, then Meng Fan will be in danger by then, and after all, Qin Hong has won!"

The other old man also nodded.

However, at the next moment, the old man headed in the most center smiled slightly and said calmly.

"Have you all forgotten?"


Hearing this, the eyes of the other five people came out with a hint of doubt.

And the most central old man is a little empty, and said indifferently,

"Meng Fan...just a quasi god!"

After speaking, the expressions of the two old men who spoke before suddenly changed, and a trace of horror appeared on their faces. Indeed, as the leader of the old man said, they really forgot. The previous battle was too fierce and overbearing. It made them forget that Meng Fan was not in the realm of Quasi-God, and they had just broken through, even Before he could stabilize himself, he came to fight Qin Hong.

And Qin Hong had already formed the realm of gods, which was equivalent to suppressing half of Meng Fan's realm, but in the previous collision, the two were evenly divided.

Calculated in this way, Meng Fan not only has the upper hand, but even has an absolute advantage, because once Meng Fan is given time, then he truly controls the power of the gods, and when he is above the same realm with Qin Hong. How far it will be, who dares to say!

That kind of battle was so fierce that the sacred powerhouses were a little ignorant of Meng Fan's own realm, but only noticed its shocking power. I have to say that this in itself has reached a terrifying stage!

In the temple, among the countless corners, this moment is not only the six sacred guards in the field can see, but in the hidden corners, there are phantoms emerging, and everything in the imperial palace falls into it. .

So at this moment, it also caused a big shock in the entire temple, and countless people's expressions changed because of this scene in the field.

Including the old man in the sky, a golden mirror appeared in the Caolu, and everything about Meng Fan's battle was also seen in his eyes.

A smile appeared on the plump face, and the old man said slowly,

"Senior Brother Xuanhuang, you are already so domineering, you really are not... I have taken the wrong person!"


In a secret room in the temple, the immovable figure sat on the spot, his vicissitudes of life slowly closed, but his fingers shattered the empty mirror in front of him, because this scene seemed to be It made him think of something he didn't want to think of, a hint of coldness and murderous intent appeared in the closed eyes, and finally disappeared slowly, he was. . . . Venerable Ke.

Regardless of external shocks, in this imperial palace at this moment, the fierce smoke of gunpowder has not completely dissipated, causing chaos in the week.

And at the next moment, as the six sacred elders had guessed, Qin Hong opened his eyes, his body suddenly stood up, and his blood exploded. Before Meng Fan suppressed his injuries, he had the ability to move.

"Meng Fan!"

Two words were spit out from Qin Hong's teeth, killing infinitely.

Rao was Qin Hong at this moment and couldn't help but admit that Meng Fannai was a powerful man of the same rank as him, and his killing methods were extremely fierce, so he was hit so hard before then.

Taking a stride, Qin Hong's eyes at this moment in addition to murderous intent, there is even a strong sense of fear. There is no doubt that these young talents can never be put back into the ten thousand domains, otherwise they must be one Big threat.

The prince of the Zhongtian dynasty is aloof and doesn't care about anything, but it doesn't mean that he will let Meng Fan and others go. Such enchanting from ten thousand realms is no longer as simple as ordinary Tianjiao.

With a big hand shot and a seal of control, Qin Hong wanted to completely kill Meng Fan.

However, at the moment he shot it, the sky trembled, and a word in the void fell, extremely shocking, shocking the world, forming layers of sound waves that resisted Qin Hong's palm.

After Meng Fan appeared a beautiful figure, three thousand green silks flying, a pair of beautiful eyes moving the world, graceful and graceful, absolutely a rare beauty, but at this moment the murderous intent is incomparably terrifying, and his eyes look at Qin Hong , It's not Yang Qing, but who can be.

Obviously at the same time when Meng Fan and Qin Hong fought, Yang Qing finally completed the integration of the inheritance of the gods during this period of time. . . . . Break through!

First, it broke out today.


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