Supreme God King

Chapter 1336: Retreat

Yang Qing!

The sky is full of blue silk, standing alone, the terrifying breath covers the sky and the earth, the golden figure is like the same sun, and the shining sun is constantly trembling under it. At this moment, Yang Qing was just as domineering as before, and also in the realm of quasi-god.

The only thing that comes out is a strange symbol in the center of his eyebrows, which represents I don’t know what it is, but it is profound. With previous experience, anyone can understand that this must be the ultimate king. The inheritance of Yang Qing has made such a change.

He is a descendant of the same line, and now he is inherited by the ultimate **** king. Such a person is not the arrogant of the world, who is?

"Qin Hong, who do you want to kill!"

In the midair, Yang Qing's red lips lightly opened, and said slowly.

With a single word, the world was suddenly chilled, and Qin Hong's complexion became extremely difficult to look.

Up to now, all his calculations have been exhausted, and there is no chance, including Meng Fan, who cannot be killed, because Yang Qing is already completely integrated and inherited, reaching a more terrifying point.

Although his injuries were suppressed, Yang Qingtian was undoubtedly at an absolute disadvantage in the face of his heyday.

"Okay, very good, Qin Hong remembered today's affairs!"

With his hands tightly grasped, Qin Hong spit out a few words and missed the hatred of God King Chance, which made his face twitch constantly. If his eyes could kill people, then Meng Fan would have been slashed a long time ago.

"You have no chance!"

Yang Qing sneered, patted out her jade hand, and opened the sky with five fingers. After a while, the palm of her hand crossed the whole world and patted Qin Hong directly.

Between one seal, unparalleled dominance!

Even though Yang Qing's realm is still quasi-god at this moment, but she has reached the point of extreme horror, but in this shot, we have already seen the difference, that kind of vitality across the world, more mysterious than before, directly It is to seal all the space where Qin Hong is located.


Qin Hong snorted coldly, but he didn't panic at all between this kind of Jedi, but with a move of his palm, a compass appeared in his palm.

At this moment, the vitality merged, and the compass flashed, unexpectedly bursting out the power of infinite space, causing the entire week to be completely suppressed, the runes flashed, and the Qin Hong in it was completely wrapped, and the power of space was transmitted, letting Its body shape shifts directly.

Obviously, this compass is a ninth-order divine object, a peculiar object of space. Even if Yang Qing’s power is domineering and imprisoning everything, it cannot leave Qin Hong, running space in it, and transforming her figure. Teleported directly, only the cold voice slowly fell,

"Meng Fan, the imperial palace is infinite, and there are still a few years to go. If you fight again in the future, I, Qin Hong, will definitely kill you!"

The tone is gloomy and indifferent.

I have to say that Qin Hong’s previous game is already perfect enough. It already counts everyone, including Yang Qing. However, it is a pity that Meng Fan’s variable was under-calculated, which led to a move. Lose all the time.

The latter is not a worldly hero, and naturally will not be discouraged by this failure, but rather that kind of strong murderous intent has emerged, against Meng Fan, with incomparable resentment.

Sitting in the same place, Meng Fan, who suppressed the injury, suddenly opened his eyes, staring at the direction where the latter disappeared, and uttered two words.

"Waiting for you!"

A strong sense of war surged in Meng Fan's eyes when he spoke the method.

Rampaging the world, fighting all the arrogances of the world, suppressing all enemies, this is Meng Fan's consistent cultivation method.

And there is no doubt that this Qin Hong is an extremely good opponent. If it were not for Yang Qing to break through at a critical moment, then even he might be equally precarious after running the power of rebelliousness. Sure enough, this Middle Ancient Realm is worthy of being the core place among the Ten Thousand Realms, evoking Meng Fan's full fighting spirit.

Back then, the Wuzhen teenager was able to rise continuously under this kind of pressure, and the same is true for Meng Fan today. The stronger the opponent is, the more powerful his opponent can make his confidence soar, and he has the urge to beat him.

In the eternal ages, I am the only one, one is the emperor, and the other is the respect. This is Meng Fan’s Tao. Therefore, in this imperial palace, it is inevitable to fight Qin Hong again, and it is not just him. The existence of the **** king belongs to Meng Fan's cultivation path, and it is absolutely impossible. . . . calm.

The Supreme Throne also has many people to climb, and if you want to do it yourself, you need to defeat all those who climb, and this is the price. . . . Who can understand?

Even if it is inferior to Qin Hong now, for Meng Fan, there is still time. It has only been more than a year, and the latter has more opportunities to practice, if it is the next collision. . .

Thinking of this, the blood in Meng Fan's whole body could not help but boil, but after a moment, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and his body was in precarious condition.

Regardless of his ambitions, but at this moment, he was very injured and his whole body was broken. Even if he was constantly stable, it would take some time to cultivate.

And at the next moment a good smell came, and the jade hand stretched out, a spiritual pill with a strong medicinal fragrance also fell into Meng Fan’s mouth, naturally it was Yang Qing, and when he raised his hand, he gave it to Meng Fan. A healing medicine that can be called a seventh-order divine object.

The billowing medicinal power turned into every bloodline in the body, and it immediately helped Meng Fan maintain his injuries and nourish his body. It was definitely a rare magic medicine. Lifting his head, Meng Fan glanced at Yang Qing, couldn't help but chuckle, and said calmly.

"Thanks a lot!"

"No need to!"

Yang Qing snorted, expressionless,

"Before you crossed me, now I help you, nothing owes each other!"

The tone was indifferent, as before, Yang Qing seemed to be quite hostile to Meng Fan, but only the most careful observer could notice that there was a gentleness in the depths of Yang Qing's eyes.

Make a promise, fight Qin Hong to death.

What Meng Fan did before this is definitely not something that ordinary people can move to. Even before this, Yang Qing had a lot of hostility towards Meng Fan, and there were even undefeated urchins trapped. The embarrassment at that time, but now it is also a relief, and I have to recognize Meng Fan.


Meng Fan didn't care, and said with a smile,

"No matter how you are, if you think you are good anyway, you can be friends. Yes, in the future we will be considered as brothers and conform to your orientation, how!"

With a word, all the tenderness in Yang Qing's eyes disappeared, her pretty face was frosty, she stared at Meng Fan, her teeth bit her red lips, and she stepped forward. If it weren't for the serious injury of Meng Fan at this moment, I would really want to wait Go over and kick it directly to the ground.

This guy, my mother. . . .

Yang Qing's heart was extremely resentful, and she couldn't say anything. Looking at Meng Fan's smiling face, she really wanted to tear it apart completely, and a hundred words of scolding Meng Fan flashed across her heart.

But in the next moment, without waiting for Meng Fan and Yang Qing to say more, the void trembled suddenly, a soft force bound Meng Fan and Yang Qing away, and directly moved them to the inner space of the flying waterfall.

"Senior Feitian Waterfall!"

Yang Qing raised her eyebrows and bowed her hand towards the void. Now she has obtained the inheritance of the ultimate **** king, but she has a great relationship with this flying waterfall, and her tone is more respected.

The void trembled, and the voice of Feitian Waterfall came slowly,

"You are fine. I have already obtained the inheritance of the ultimate **** king. Then there is no need for me to stay here. If the things that I protect are gone, I am also going to where I should go!"

The tone was calm. At this moment, the two of Meng Fan appeared outside the Feitian Waterfall. It was obvious to the naked eye that this huge waterfall was beginning to shrink, the currents were turbulent, and the sky changed, disappearing from the valley, and thousands of currents converged. Turned into a middle-aged man.

He was so energetic, dressed in a yellow robe and hair flying, standing on the sky.

The artifact of the ancient **** king appeared in the flesh, and at the moment it appeared, the middle-aged man's eyes looked beyond the sky of the imperial palace, as if through the endless void and the people of the temple outside the imperial palace were looking at each other.

In the temple, in countless corners, there are ancient existences who don't know where they are sitting. They also opened their eyes, facing their gazes.

After a while, the middle-aged man transformed by the Feitian Waterfall said calmly,

"Ultimate line, abide by the ancient golden covenant, go to the galaxy, my oath, even if you are alone, never change, I hope you will abide by the covenant. Lord God King once said that if the covenant collapses one day, it is not from outsiders. It's me, Wang'er waits to do it for himself!"

The tone was calm, as if warning, with a cold chill.

On the side, Meng Fan and Yang Qing looked at each other, they were a little confused, even Yang Qing, who was born in the same line, could not understand what Feitian Waterfall was talking about.

However, both of them felt a great horror at this moment, because they seemed to feel that the eyes of countless ancient existences outside the void were focused on this, even if they did not enter the imperial palace, but that kind of breath in the dark It was incomparably shocking, and both had a frightening taste.

It is conceivable that the appearance of the Feitian Waterfall at this moment must have alarmed how many powerful people in the temple, it must be the existence of the holy realm, that it can be so terrifying.

But at the next moment, Feitian Waterfall turned his head and turned to look at Meng Fan and said calmly,

"You guys... are you coming?"

When he said that, Meng Fan was stunned and looked at the Feitian Waterfall hesitantly, really wondering what happened.

"Senior... You mean me?"

Pointing to himself, Meng Fan gave a wry smile. Although I don't know what Feitian Waterfall is talking about, it must be a terrifying place that can make so many ancient existences so important.

Even with Meng Fan's cultivation base today, there is no possibility of participating, or even the right to know.

However, before his voice fell, a word suddenly dropped in the space of Xiaotian.


Second more.


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