Supreme God King

Chapter 1343: Beat

The laughter was very moving, even enough to make people imagine, but the murderous intent contained in this sound was also extremely obvious.

Following the sound, everyone discovered that not far away, two figures were standing on the primordial trees, a man and a woman, looking at this place without moving like a mountain.

Among them, holding a handful of stones in the man's hand, it should have been picked up before that, and the eight rays of light that were as fast as extremely electric were emitted from his hand.

In an instant, the expressions of everyone in the field changed. Even if they were all strong people from the restricted area, they also felt a horror, as if some great terror had come.

"Meng Fan!"

At the next moment, Bai Haotian's expression became distorted, and two words were spit out from between his teeth, immediately causing a wave of waves in the entire field.

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree.

Nowadays, the two words Meng Fan are spread all over the world, especially for the many powerful people in the restricted area, but it is absolutely no stranger. In the battle a few years ago, the blood emperor was broken and the first battle shook the seven restricted areas.

Rao is that the scene is only a restricted area of ​​blood happened, but for the other restricted areas, the name Meng Fan is also like a thunder.

Breaking the law of eternity, there was someone in the Ten Thousand Realm who broke into the restricted area alone and walked back and forth.

I have to say that if it is the Wanyu junior who is the most impressed by the restricted area, then it is not a line, the prince of the Zhongtian Dynasty must be Meng Fan.

No one is as profound as Meng Fan in this eternal time, and his reputation is so great that he can be called the first person, he is truly worthy!

"Meng Fan!"

Bai Shui'er's delicate body trembled, looking at the slender figure not far away, her familiar face, she couldn't help but smile, even though it was seriously injured, she was extraordinarily happy.

Seeing each other again, even if only seeing each other, is already making Bai Shui'er extremely happy.

However, the moment the smile fell in Meng Fan’s eyes, it made his fists clenched slightly, and his heart felt like a knife cut. This pale face was enough to make Meng Fan feel very distressed, especially the blood-stained shoulder wound. .

"Hehe, what, do you feel distressed?"

Aside, Yang Qing's eyes looked softly.

Hearing this, Meng Fan didn't answer, but looked at Bai Haotian, standing still, but with his eyes. . . . . Increasingly indifferent.

Shura will come out, but it is never a word. For Meng Fan, his character has always been like this, blood debt. . . . . . . Only blood will pay for it.

Suddenly, the world trembled, and under his anger, the entire space was completely frozen. Even if he didn't say a word, it made all the Tianjiao in the restricted area take a step back.

"Meng Fan?"

At the next moment, a voice came out, above the woods not far away, a voice fell, and the speaker was enveloped in a black robe, but the tone was extremely gloomy.

This person did not do anything before, but just at the moment his breath appeared, a surging vitality wave burst out.

The runes flickered, suppressing the world, and the strong black death aura was terrifying to the extreme, but the moment it appeared was to let everyone know that this person is. . . . . Powerful at the quasi-god level.

"Introduce you, the Youlong from the Forbidden Zone of You, I have heard your name for a long time, and I never thought it was great to meet here!"

The voice fell, and the expressions of Meng Fan and Yang Qing suddenly moved at the same time. If they were ordinary people, it might not have caused much fluctuation due to this name, but they all understood that the synthesis of the seven restricted areas is called Ghost Hanming. Blood cut the sky.

And the other party's surname is You, and it comes from the restricted area, so there is no doubt that he was born in the first restricted area of ​​the seven major restricted areas.


Meng Fan raised his brow and said calmly.

"Do you want to see me?"

"of course!"

Standing in place, Youlong stared at Meng Fan, the smile on his face became more and more obvious.

"Your top leader is among the major rewards in the restricted area today, but it is quite valuable. You are not talented at the bottom. If you want to borrow your head for use, I don't know if Your Excellency Meng Fan can promise me this request!"

"absolutely okay!"

Meng Fan said indifferently, his eyes met Youlong, and his body stepped out in one step. Even if the top players in the penalty area are all top talents in the penalty area, they are all arrogant talents, but Meng Fan is so calm. I walked over, even though the surroundings were already murderous, but they were walking idle.

"My upward head is here, come here if you have a kind!"

The tone was calm, and at the same time his body strode forward, and he walked directly towards Bai Shui'er, almost as if the surrounding heroes were nothing.

"You count as a fart!"

Hearing Meng Fan’s words, the two big forbidden areas Tianjiao couldn't help, and they uttered a low growl and violent at the same time. Each of them had reached the eighth stage of the Profound Origin Realm. They were also well-deserved Tianjiao in the restricted area. This is the case in less than a hundred years.

In one movement, the mountains and rivers changed color, and two waves of air came directly towards Meng Fan.

But as he stepped forward, Meng Fan didn’t even look at it, just spit out two words.

"Go away!"

The sound trembled, and the moment it fell into this square of heaven and earth, like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, it directly caused the vibration of this square of the sky, and sound waves covered the heaven and earth.

The two restricted areas Tianjiao who had just shot before reached Meng Fan before they were blocked by a powerful wave of air. A mouthful of blood spurted out. If they were struck by lightning, they flew out directly to connect with the qualifications of Meng Fan. Yes no.

Just a roar, it is unmatched violent, like an ancient wild beast roaring, looking towards.

"Yang Qing, you come to deal with people in other restricted areas, let me settle my own business first!"

Meng Fan said indifferently, even if the entire field is full of Tianjiao in the restricted area, and there are still such existences as Youlong, but in Meng Fan’s tone, everyone can hear a kind of indifferent, as if fighting with this group of lives. Playful in general, explore the bag and get things.

"Boy Meng Fan, you are looking for death!"

Standing between the same place, You Long roared, his whole body exploded, just about to make a move.

However, his body suddenly changed before, and the space trembled. Yang Qing's beautiful body was standing in front of him, with blue silk flying in the sky, and the rune belonging to the body of immortality also gradually emerged from his forehead. Come, look at the people in the restricted area, smile and say softly,

"I forgot to tell everyone, I am also very angry..."

With a word, the jade hand slapped, the sky was torn apart, and the horrible vitality fluctuations that swept through the eight wilderness were overwhelming, and he attacked all the restricted areas in the court.

One person in the field stood behind Meng Fan and intercepted all Tianjiao in the restricted area.

Heir to one line, unparalleled domineering!

On the side of the void, at this moment, Meng Fan is completely ignoring the surroundings. He naturally believes in Yang Qing's ability. Now there is only one shadow in his eyes, yes. . . . Bai Haotian. When Meng Fan arrived in the distance, he witnessed Bai Haotian's sneak attack. It was a pity that his eyesight was amazing, but he was helpless. Before he arrived, he used a stone to break through the sky and block Bai Haotian.

Now that the distance between the two sides is less than 100 meters, Meng Fan can't restrain himself anymore, and strode out without saying a word.

With each step, the whole ground trembled, black hair fluttering, Meng Fan came personally like a great emperor, suppressing mountains and rivers, and without hesitation, the hands placed on both sides directly punched him.

Emperor Fist!

Just a punch, there is a kind of overbearing that shakes the mountains and rivers, only domineering.

Bai Haotian's expression changed drastically. As soon as he gritted his teeth, the vitality fluctuations all over his body were circulated, and he split out with a palm.

Fists opposed, there was a loud noise!

Under the impact of the power of the two in the midair, the void broke apart, and after just touching it, it caused Bai Haotian's body to fly out directly. It was only in the Profound Origin Realm, unable to resist Meng Fan's blow.

This punch alone almost killed Bai Haotian.


Meng Fan's body moved in the void, breaking through the air in an instant. The moment Bai Haotian retreated, his five fingers stretched out, and a big mouth volleyed in the air. Before Bai Haotian had waited for the landing, he had taken Meng Fan's blow again and his face had the closest contact with his palm.

In view of how terrifying Meng Fan’s current blow was, the power that was powerful enough to break the mountain and twist the river fell on his head. Suddenly, blood and water splashed in the void, his teeth flew horizontally, and he drew Bai Haotian on the ground. A mouthful of teeth were broken, blood flowed out, sobbed, tears and blood mixed together, it seemed to be more embarrassing and embarrassing.

"The price of that sword is more than that!"

Meng Fan said calmly without expression.

The dragon has inverse scales, and you will die if you touch it!

This is Meng Fan and his only choice for many years of cultivation. No one is allowed to touch the person next to him. There is no doubt that he and Bai Haotian are already on the narrow road. The latter tried to kill him repeatedly. Bai Shui'er, this time almost succeeded, has already touched Meng Fan's bottom line.

Previously, Bai Haotian didn’t kill Bai Haotian because he was in the imperial Bai family, and Meng Fan couldn’t make a move. But today, in the imperial palace, Bai Haotian could kill Bai Shui’er, and Meng Fan could even kill Bai Shui’er. In the eyes of ordinary people, it is supremely overbearing, but in the eyes of Meng Fan. . . . . Like ants!

"You... Meng Fan... Me..."

Bai Haotian's body climbed up, the corners of his mouth whimpered, and now his mouth was full of teeth because Meng Fan broke it. It was naturally extremely difficult to speak, so the words that were spoken between the mouths were also completely inaudible, only Sobbing.

An emperor of the Bai family has no advantage in front of Meng Fan. Among the ten thousand domains, Bai Haotian, the emperor of the Bai family, has always moved the world with his elegance. People are shocked, the so-called Godless Son is so vulnerable and embarrassed.

However, at the next moment, Xiaotian’s voice came.

"Be careful, Meng Fan, this guy is weird!"

After a while, Bai Haotian roared, his eyes were bloodshot, his breath burst out, and the billowing black death air surged from his body. His body seemed to be unable to withstand the power in his body, and even had a posture of breaking down at any time.

Just the moment when the breath surged, it made Meng Fan pause and sensed a kind of supreme horror, as if a breath of ancient vicissitudes was revived in Bai Haotian's body, he wanted. . . . . Tear it out!


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