Supreme God King

Chapter 1344: Forbidden area ancient god

The body suddenly changed, and the darkness covered the sky!

Even Meng Fan did not expect that Bai Haotian would be so sudden.

At this moment, even though the body is still Bai Haotian's body, the aura of his whole person is overflowing, but it is not the power that Bai Haotian can possess. His eyes become blood red, staring at Meng Fan, that kind of rolling terrible aura comes. .

Even though he was as powerful as Meng Fan, he shivered.

There is no doubt that Bai Haotian has no idea what will be replaced at this moment, but it is certain. . . . . Must be a supreme strong.

Emperor Pavilion!

His pupils shrank, and Meng Fan couldn't help but think that when he was in the Bai family, he was not only the first time he beat the Bai Dizi, but also Bai Haotian the last time, but it was not so obvious.

But the moment the latter breath emerged, it already gave him a feeling that it was related to the restricted area.

But today, the latter's body is an ancient existence from the forbidden area. That kind of rolling power operation has already surpassed the vitality fluctuations and reached the divine power. It is certain that this should be. . . . . An ancient god!

Ancient sacred!

After hearing these four words, I am afraid that anyone will be shocked. After all, this represents the highest existence standing in this world, the Divine Origin Realm. These three words are not even the imagination of Meng Fan. Dare, but today, standing in front of him is one.

The black death is terrifying, the space changes, and the great pressure is flooding the world around the world. At this moment in Bai Haotian's body, there is no more life, like a dead person, his eyes are staring at Meng Fan, hollow and terrifying, all the trees on the ground are constantly Withered, turned into a pool of pus.

"Be careful, Meng Fan!"

Bai Shui'er shook his jade hand, and a deep sense of worry appeared in his eyes.

"Don't worry, Shui'er, I'm fine. It should be an ancient sacred shot. There is no need to hide it. It is a pity that Xiaoye has already killed an existence like you before, and it is not long. , Maybe you should be... the second one!"

Meng Fan said calmly.

The strong are speechless, only fighting!

Since the other party took action against Bai Shui'er, then for Meng Fan, no matter who the opponent is, the result will be the same. Either you die or I die, ancient sacred. . . . . What is it!

"Jie Jie..."

In the distance, Bai Haotian's voice fell, and his laughter was harsh, but it was not his original voice, but extremely hoarse, even harsh.

"It’s been a long time since no one has spoken to me like this. Little guy, you are very interesting. I don’t think that my host moved you but it’s not just a murderous intention. This time, I even disturbed me at all costs. Just help him out... I don’t know if anyone in this era knows the old man Hangui!"

The last two words fell, and Xiaotian’s space was shocked, and the voice of Emperor Dao came.

"What, cold ghost!?"

Raising his brows, Meng Fan said intently.

"Why, Xiaodi, do you understand?"

"It's more than understanding... this guy shouldn't have died in the ancients, how could he still have a sage? He is an ancient sacred in the cold forbidden zone. In that era, he was beheaded by the master before me. I remember that the World War I was extremely tragic. My previous masters had one enemy and two, and in the end, they killed the two ancient sacreds in the cold forbidden zone at the expense of self-destruction.

The little emperor snorted coldly, with a dumb tone that could not be concealed.

"But how could this guy still have sage? Could it be the forbidden zone secret method? If so, there is only one explanation, that is, this Bai Haotian is his host, and the ancient existence of the forbidden zone has penetrated the soul origin that may have existed in the cold ghost into Bai Haotian's body. Then borrow the corpse to recover.

Although this cold ghost is already dead, the more Bai Haotian cultivates the forbidden area secret method, the more he can reunite the cold ghost's soul, which finally leads to the complete fusion of the soul of this body Bai Haotian and the cold ghost's soul. Let this sacred, incomparable evil in ancient times, reappear in the world! "

Bring the corpse back to the soul, the soul is restored!

Meng Fan's heart was shocked. He didn't expect this kind of strange method at this time, but according to the little emperor's words, it should be possible to achieve this step with some remaining soul origin.

This is very different from what Meng Fan thought in his heart. The origin of Ruo Shuiyi was not left behind. Only at that moment was a deadly bead. The restricted area is a method from one to existence. And what Meng Fan wants to do is out of nothing, the gap between... . Heaven and earth are general.

"It's already resurrected, so how much strength do you have now?"

After a while, Meng Fan stared at the cold ghost and sneered.

"Oh, do you know this method of mine?"

Bai Haotian's expression moved, or it was Han Gui, the two souls were already completely one. Once Han Gui's main body awakens, it is such an eternal sacred body that controls him, that kind of strange aura is far from Bai Haotian. Comparably, the entire Zhou Tian was covered by the aura of black death, terrifying to the extreme.

"Little guy, it seems that you have a lot of secrets, so if that's the case, I will kill you first, and then I will take a look at it slowly. What do you think?"

With a sharp tone, the cold ghost standing in the same place stepped out, and the whole person disappeared in the mid-air, and a moment later, Zhou Tian flashed, a huge palm print appeared ten meters away from Meng Fan, and the world closed. , The sea of ​​blood churned, and the billowing black death air surpassed this world, completely enclosing Meng Fan in it, and the **** meaning came.

This…. .

Under the endless murderous intent, Meng Fan's expression suddenly changed, and an inconceivable trace appeared above his face.

As soon as the expert made a move, he knew if there was any. The moment when the cold ghost made his move was that Meng Fan sensed the other party's realm, not a Xuanyuan, not a quasi-god, but a... Holy, the person who completely took that step just now has such a domineering hand.

Yiyin volleys, ancient sacred... . Outrageously shot!

If the quasi-shen takes the shot, it is the power of the gods covered in the vitality, impacts the world, and suppresses everything, and a true god-primary realm powerhouse takes the action, the vitality possessed is already pure and unmatched divine power.

Quasi-God, after all, there is still one step!

And after that step, the realm of gods is completely controlled by the cultivator, and all qualitative changes, if the realm covered by the quasi-god is his absolute law, then there is no realm needed for the divine powerhouse. Now, where his supernatural power comes, where is his absolute world.

The divine power that completely transformed the black death energy permeated, suppressing Zhou Tian and devouring ghosts and gods. It was already a terrible power that broke through all creations. Just under this palm, it caused Meng Fan to fall into... . A mortal game!


Between the primeval forests, vitality flew wildly, bursting out, except for Meng Fan, the battle between Yang Qing and Youlong was even more intense.

Although Yang Qing's battle strength erupted from the body of the immortal was shocking and possessed infinite power, but now she faces more than a dozen enemies.

Not only has the dragon that has already stepped into the realm of the quasi-god, but also includes more than a dozen tianjiao experts from the major restricted areas. Qi Qi all circulates the black death spirit and directly targets Yang Qing. Deploying ten killing formations to suppress everything, even if it is as powerful as Yang Qing, it is extremely difficult at this moment. The vibrating body's blood spread and retreat.

The impact of the air wave, Zhou Tian collapsed!

Under this kind of impact, the sky is changed suddenly, and both sides are top powerhouses. Under the fight, infinite vitality bursts out naturally, and the terrifying destructive power makes this world full It collapsed quickly, countless pieces of space overflowed, and a great battle began!

And in such battles, at this moment outside the imperial palace space, there are countless eyes locked here.

Including the six ancient sacreds guarded by the imperial palace, including the ancient existences in the sanctuary, including Venerable Ke, including the old man in Tiandu, all in a corner staring here.

In the imperial palace, there will be strong people in the restricted area. If this happens, it will inevitably cause a big wave, which is enough to make countless strong people in Wanyu angry.

In the eternal ages, countless people have joined this temple, many of them are to fight against the forbidden area, and it is the covenant left by countless ancient gods to kill the people in the forbidden area.

However, this kind of unfairness has really happened now, and Tianjiao in the restricted area shot and killed Meng Fan and others, but many temple powerhouses chose to ignore it and said nothing.

I have to say that this is the most cruel reality. Even the temple in the forbidden area that should be confronted in the most ten thousand domains is still silent. If you want to survive in it, you can only rely on Meng Fan and Yang Qing themselves. Otherwise, there is only one way, which is... dead!

"Meng Fan!"

With a squeeze of both fists, the eyes of the old man in Tiandu were filled with infinite anger, staring at the battlefield that broke out, roaring in anger, but there was no way.

After a few breaths, Tiandu calmed down, and finally looked at it, saying every word,

"The heavens and the earth are not fair, the temple is not fair.... The forbidden area is a kind of clutter that can appear here, if it weren't... How could it be like this? I didn't expect the old guys in the temple to hide from me, Meng Fan, Uncle Master, I’m sorry, there is no such great power to protect you. Now you are the only one who depends on you. The ancient divine resurrection, the method of resurrection, all the flaws... Only you are the one to find it, come on, little guy , I know this responsibility is a little bit more than your shoulders... Brother Xuanhuang, the soul can return, help this battle!"


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