Supreme God King

Chapter 1372: Join forces

The Undead Herbal Garden was originally murderous, but under Yang Qing's voice, it suddenly added a strange atmosphere to the air, and everyone fell silent.

After a few breaths, Meng Fan grinned and said calmly.

"Yes, my brothers, Qin Hong and Wang Hun, have the same siblings. How could we do it? Naturally, if we were to deal with this divine formation together!"

With a word, Qin Hong, who was opposite Meng Fan, nodded their heads as if they had happened.

"Yes, the grievances between you and me are not a big deal. If you let go, you should let go!"

"Yes, work together and break the battle together!"

The three of them looked at each other and smiled cordially, like old friends who hadn't seen them for many years, and suddenly both Longma and Yang Qing were a little dumbfounded, and the corners of their mouths twitched.

Even if they knew that the three of them might agree, they never expected that the other party would change so quickly, and they actually looked like brothers. The faces of these three people are...too thick.

Immortal grass!

Undoubtedly, this was the most critical part of Meng Fan's trip to the imperial palace. In any case, he had to understand the secrets of undead matter.

Meng Fan paid too much for this goal. Naturally, he didn’t want to disrupt his plan at this moment, and Qin Hongye Wang Hun also obviously had a great interest in undead grass, so he naturally let go of everything. .

But it seems to be harmonious, but in the hearts of several people, they are all pregnant with ghosts, each with a different mind.

"You guys...!"

For the three of them, Yang Qing gritted her teeth.

"Don't just talk about it, I can warn you, at least you can't have any hidden secrets until you break this divine formation. This is the ancient divine formation. Once you do it, one of them can hide secrets, and you can't use the power to the extreme. Then it may lead to inability to break open. Although I waited for the combat power to be sacred, but it is not sacred.

There is a great horror among them, and the power of backlash will be shared among the five of us anyway. If you don't want yourself to be forcibly obliterated by this divine formation, then don't pay attention when you do it! "

At a glance, the expressions of the Meng Fanji people suddenly moved. They are all the top arrogances of an era, and they control thousands of things. Naturally, they all have a deep understanding of the ancient gods.

It’s just that Ryoma tried once before, and he knew the horror of this huge array of heaven and earth. The undead herbal garden was surrounded by a real supreme array. Divine Dao methods were too terrifying. The taste of that kind of counter-shock can be felt by everyone. understand.

Glancing at each other, Meng Fan, Qin Hong, and Wang Soul both nodded their heads. There was no longer the kind of jokes they had before, with a touch of solemnity.

"Well, if there is no problem, then let's start. Remember what I said before, don't hurt yourself, or don't start. Once you start, it will be the ultimate power!"

Yang Qing's jade hand moved, three thousand green silks fluttered, reminded.

Around it, everyone nodded, and at the same time looked towards the Undead Herbal Garden, even if they didn't move, it made a kind of terrifying pressure in the void.

In the current world, several great arrogances all come from this. If anyone can see the identity of several people, they will definitely worship and cause a big sensation.

One line, Zhongtian Dynasty, Temple!

That one is not the name of suppressing heaven and earth, and at this moment the most outstanding juniors are all gathered together, breath exploding, and shot together.

Such a scene is extremely rare.

The five people in the field burst into vitality in an instant, each standing on the sky, with different attributes, like five stars, even if they don't move, they have already shaken the mountains and rivers.

The many temple elders outside the imperial palace are also eye-catching at this moment with unpredictable expressions.

"Do it!"

Along with Yang Qing's red lips spitting out two words, the five powerful and extreme vitality fluctuations also flowed out of the five people's hands, directly coming in the air.


The sky trembled, and a thunderous sound came out. At a glance, they saw the strength of the five people converging, and at the same time, they concentrated a little to destroy and distort everything.

Meng Fan didn't dare to have any hidden secrets, and absorbed the endless wild energy in the sky. He stretched out his big hand, and the waves of vitality among his five fingers burst out, blending into the void, and the five people worked together, and It is directly penetrating through its own power, the strong vitality fluctuation impact, and the ancient divine formation fiercely collided.

And at this moment, the ancient **** array guarding the outside of the medicine garden seemed to sense something. The breath broke out, and the **** array guarding the surrounding was lit up just for a moment, the runes flickered, layer upon layer, rows of ancient runes Surrounded by the text, everything here is confined.

After the two collided, the five great arrogances in the field were all trembling with blood in the body, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, it was difficult to conceal the shaking figure.

And in the void, that ancient **** array burst out with a monstrous power, and despite the spread of the power of the five people, it was...not moving!

"Eternal time has passed, this piece of undead grass has already become a world of its own, defending it, and wanting to enter it to pick it is not an easy task!"

Outside the ancient temple, the old man guarding the red robe slowly said, staring at it.

Divine fetish and psychic, this undead grass is the most divine fetish among them. It contains sacred and jealous immortal matter. Naturally it is not ordinary. This divine formation is the defense left by all the undead grass in the entire medicine garden. .

It seems ordinary, but how terrifying the five people of Meng Fan are working together, but they haven't made waves on it. One can imagine how amazing the defense of this Undead Herbal Garden is.

"Come again!"

Yang Qing snorted coldly, her eyes flickered, and a mysterious rune appeared on her smooth forehead, the body of celestial being stood in the air, suppressing mountains and rivers.

Regardless of the king's soul, Qin Hong and the group dare not keep any more hands now. All of their hole cards are taken out, each with a terrifying aura of war and sacredness, and all of them once again integrate their vitality. Make a concerted effort.

Boom, boom!

The sound came out, the five great arrogances joined forces, and the energy and blood shook the mountains and rivers. After the previous failure, the five people had a strong fighting spirit. At this moment, the energy and blood broke out and gathered in the sky.

Stars collide, the ultimate domineering!

Including Ryoma, who has the worst cultivation base, is the top powerhouse in this era. Under the situation of anger, one can imagine how power is running, and the force of impact is like a storm. Down, even if it is guarded by the ancient gods, it can be seen at a glance, and the above...

There is nothing wrong, it is the collapse of the **** array.

One breath, two breaths, two breaths...

Under this kind of shot, it can be said that the five Meng Fans can withstand the powerful backlash. If the five are not ordinary people, then the first blow may have killed themselves, but they were forcibly suppressed by each of them. , And is completely united in this mid-air, shooting against it.

Above the sacred formation, the runes have turned into nothingness. It has to be said that the combined force of the five people is too strong, reaching the point where a sacred statue cannot be resisted.

Finally after the tenth breath, the world changed, the divine formation that enveloped the world suddenly collapsed, and a huge counter-shock force spread all over the surrounding area, causing the five people to step back dozens of meters each with a mouthful of blood. Squirting.

Ancient Guardian God Formation... Open!

With a violent movement in his body, Meng Fan let out a low roar. The force of the counter-shock under that kind of persistence was not terrible, causing him to suffer severe injuries.

But only for a moment, his figure flew out like a bow and arrow, and went straight to the medicine garden, without any concern about himself.

Not just Meng Fan, including the Wang Soul on the side, Qin Hong and others all moved quickly.

At the moment when the divine formation opened, everyone felt the changes in the heavens and the earth, and the undead grass in it was also awakened. It sensed this kind of strong pressure from the sun, so it turned out to be visible to the naked eye. , The undead grass among them began to disappear, and the speed was extremely fast.

Everyone worked together, but it was for this group of immortal grass, how could it be possible to watch him disappear into this place now.


In the void, each of the five figures cut through the sky and stepped out towards it.

Taking a stride into the air, Meng Fan's body moved into the void, just one step, and he came to the medicine garden.

With a beckon, the absolute realm burst out, confining everything, even if the immortal grass flees fast enough, but who Meng Fan is today, it is natural to be able to seal it.

In an instant, there were more than a dozen undead grasses to start with. This is not the place where Meng Fan was before, but the real undead herbal garden, rare in the ages, and the sacred place is jealous, extremely mysterious and erratic.

It can be said that at a glance, there is gold everywhere, enough to make people crazy, just an action is enough to make Meng Fan a huge harvest.

However, without waiting for Meng Fan to start his hands again, his body suddenly shook, and immediately moved to the extreme.


An aurora pierced the sky and brushed under Meng Fan’s body. Even if it reacted like Meng Fan, it was almost a hit. The hairs on the whole body stood upside down, relying on the perennial life and death instinct to dodge directly, tearing the space and avoiding the body. , But the undead grass that he got in his hand was grabbed by someone passing by in an instant.

A hundred meters away, a steady step, blood flowed from under his ribs, Meng Fan's pupils shrank and his body was standing, only to find a person appeared not far away.

He hadn't noticed this figure before, and it was not in the range of his attention, because it was not one of the five great arrogances, but had been hidden in the dark.

The latter was dressed in a black robe, slender, and unpredictable. She was shrouded in a layer of darkness. He couldn't see his face. He held a short sword in his hand with Meng Fan's blood on it. The most important thing about that person is that the aura of black death surging around him is full of richness.

"Forbidden area...There are still people!"

A few words came out from between Meng Fan's teeth, as cold as frost.

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