Supreme God King

Chapter 1373: Dark brick

Forbidden zone, there are people!

Under this scene, not only Meng Fan was shocked, but Yang Qing, Qin Hong, Wang Soul and others were all shocked. They had never found this person before.

So forbearing, I had to make them all feel terrified.

Before that, the five people paid attention to each other. Even when they did hands-on, they still had strong mental power on each other. Meng Fan was not careless, but never thought that after these five people, there would be someone who could Come to this point.

After all, this is an imperial palace, everything is taboo, and if you want to step into this place, you must have great strength. Without the participation of the old monster powerhouse, you can enter here and look at the entire era... Only a few people are qualified. That's it.

Therefore, before Meng Fan and the few people were completely focused on the other party, the target was limited to five people. After the divine formation was opened, all five people rushed into it.

But there was one person in secret, and he came from the restricted area.

The most frightening people are the five great arrogances, contemporary outstanding people, but no one has discovered the existence of the latter, and the three great arrogances of Meng Fan before beating the greedy wolf, this mysterious person also concealed and did not appear.

Until the greedy wolf left, everyone thought that Tianjiao in the restricted area had completely disappeared here. After all, the ancient killer **** had all come back to the restricted area, but the latter really existed, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

"Who is he!"

Not only did the Undead Medicine Garden make a sensation, but besides the imperial palace, many temple elders also ran away together.

The number of people entering the restricted area, including them, is also unknown, but they have just witnessed the departure of Greedy Wolf before, and I didn't expect that there will be a back player in the restricted area.

"What a quick response, can you rise from Ten Thousand Territories and reach today!"

Above the sky, the black-robed man holding a broken sword stared at Meng Fan and sneered.

With his eyes facing each other, Meng Fan grasped his hands tightly, without noticing the blood left on his body, coldly.

"Are you from the Forbidden Zone of Youzi?"

"Yes, next... Youlong!"

The black-robed man said coldly, glanced at Meng Fan, and immediately turned around, moved in the void, and went straight to the undead herbal garden.

"You will remember this name, because he will be the one who killed you!"

The tone was cold and cold.

Over the years, there were definitely not a few people threatening Meng Fan, but the moment he met him, it also made Meng Fan feel an unprecedented sense of crisis.

The latter is absolutely equal to him, Qin Hong and the others, who are of the same level as Tianjiao, just now have such strength, shot between the electric light and flint, and seized part of the undead grass from his hands.

And that kind of forbearance, even if the opponent is his own enemy, it still makes Meng Fan have to admire. If it weren't for the latter, there would be no trouble when the greedy wolves were driven away. The five of them will definitely not be miscalculated.

"Haha, it deserves it!"

Above the sky, Wang Soul sneered, his tone full of disdain and sarcasm, but his movements did not stop. It's not just him. At this moment, Yang Qing, Longma, and Qin Hong are all like this. All their attention is on collecting the undead grass. The speed of their actions is staggering.

However, even if a few people are the most terrifying Tianjiao in the world, the speed at which the undead grass dissipates in the field is also quite fast, each of them transforms like lightning, and they are not given the opportunity to collect.

Even the Banzhuxiang that Yang Qing had estimated before, now seems to be too much. Under this kind of time pressure situation, Meng Fannai is undoubtedly a disadvantage. If he delays one point, he gets more than ten undead grasses. .

Regarding this, it is natural that both Qin Hong and Wang Hun have a feeling of schadenfreude, and the collection action is faster, Wang Hun said indifferently,

"Meng Fan, this is your retribution!"

When the voice fell, Meng Fan didn't have time to take care of it. He stepped out again and came to the medicinal garden of undead grass.

The previous defeat was already very hurt, and even You Long didn't want to deal with it. The most important thing was to collect this undead grass again.

"Why, you are already a step slower, do you want to continue, hehe, okay, anyway, after a while, it will kill you, and then all your things will naturally belong to me. Now Thank you so much!"

The voice of the king's soul came again, and the words were full of meanings that wanted to arouse Meng Fan's anger. Once the latter was uneasy, the rate of collection would be greatly reduced. It seems invisible, but it contains the vicious intentions of the king's soul.

However, at the moment when the voice of the king's soul fell, a sonic boom suddenly came out after it. Before the king's soul turned back, he saw a huge brick exploding on the back of his head. Smashed into pieces.


The voice fell, and the blow was successful, sending Wang Soul's body fiercely away, directly hitting the ground.

"Boy, make your mouth so cheap... I wonder if Meng Fan's brother still has me!"

A loud roar, resounding around, suddenly made everyone's eyes swept away.

It was only then that there was another person in the court who came here, a black robe, a slender body, and a trembling face, but...Cao Qiushui!

A brick was moved behind him, and it was called a sturdy brick fragment that was flying all over the sky.

Cao Qiushui also lived from this forbidden area and came here, and appeared at the last moment. There was no one from the Kunshan line, and he almost killed the king's soul.

There was dust on his head, Wang Soul stood up, touched the back of his head, and suddenly found a hole appeared with blood flowing, he couldn't help making his face hideous and roared.

"I killed you!"

"Come on, come on!"

Cao Qiushui yelled in response, but the action didn't mean to stop. He directly stepped into this undead grass gathering team with Meng Fan and others.

Such a scene simply caused Wang's soul to blow his lungs, but after a while, he had no time to take care of it. The corners of his mouth twitched, and he only stepped out, heading towards the surrounding undead grass, and capturing the motion again.

However, like Meng Fan, it was a long time delay. Under this situation, every second was extremely cherished, which caused Wang Soul to almost die of anger, but there was no way.

Especially before that, he was still mocking Meng Fan. He never expected that Cao Qiushui would be killed halfway, with such a solid brick moving behind him!

"Haha, that's it!"

Long Ma suddenly laughed from ear to ear, and the voice came out, the tone was exactly the same as the previous Wang Soul, full of endless jokes.

Creak, creak!

With his teeth clenched, Wang Soul almost didn't crush his teeth, he could only hold back the monstrous anger in his heart, and put all his attention on catching the undead grass in front of him.

This kind of feng shui turns in turn, and it really makes anyone feel that it is really some drama.

In the medicinal garden, there are five Meng Fans, plus the two great arrogances, Youlong and Cao Qiushui, who are now extra. However, there are a total of seven people, all of which are the top tianjiaos in the world. The rapid movements of the seven will make their lives. The strength to eat milk was taken out, frantically collecting the undead grass in the field.

It was just less than half a stick of incense. Faced with the undead grass in Man Yaoyuan, it was already driving the Meng Fan seven people crazy and had no time to fight. Everything was to imprison and capture the undead grass.

Although it was a bit slower than those of Qin Hong, the moment when Meng Fan's mind was also angry, he was suppressed by his life, concentrated on his vitality, and imprisoned the world.

After the big hand passed, a whole row of undead grass fell into Meng Fan's hands, but compared with the disappearing undead grass, the speed of his collection was still too slow.

After just a few breaths, all the undead grasses in the entire medicine garden have disappeared in large areas, but Meng Fan also received a lot of goods, and hundreds of undead grasses all fell into the space of Xiaotian. Contains the ultimate immortal matter.

Other people have gained a lot, including Youlong and Cao Qiushui.

However, at the moment when all the undead grass was about to disappear, Zhou Tian trembled, and the minds of the seven great arrogances of the world followed and moved, and when they looked at it, they found that one of them came out of the ground.

It's almost the same as other undead herbs. The only difference is that the moment it emerges, a kind of unparalleled terrifying prehistoric aura is surging, filled with a kind of vicissitudes, as if I don’t know how much time, that kind of pound The stubborn spirit is even more heart-shaking.

"This is...the tenth-order god, immortal root!"

After a while, Ryoma roared, staring at the streamer, his eyes were about to fall out.

The gods have spirits, gather the power of heaven and earth to fuse themselves, and among the unknown number of gods, they will give birth to a spiritual root. The so-called spiritual root is a kind of mutation that appears after the ultimate reproduction of the gods. , The power in it is a hundred times, a thousand times more than the normal fetish, and its place is that the fetish that will breed itself is constantly born, Fuze.

Between heaven and earth, the more terrifying the treasures of heaven and earth, the more difficult it is to give birth to spiritual roots, but once they are born, they will inevitably be earth-shattering. At least a seventh-order divine fetish is enough to make any party force a general. It is regarded as the treasure of its own town, and the flashing light of the spiritual root in front of him belongs to... the rare undead grass in ancient times!

Such a thing is enough to make the sacred crazy, rare in the ages, and extreme existence.

It was just a moment that the eyes of Meng Fan, Youlong, Yang Qing and others in the sky were red, as if everyone's breathing could be heard.

Even Meng Fan, it is impossible to keep calm when seeing this thing. Once it is obtained, then the effect that this thing will exert is too great, it is simply the best existence for the study of immortal matter.

And after a moment of dead silence, the sky suddenly tore, seven meteors pierced the sky, vitality burst, and boldly shot, everyone... went straight to the root of the undead.

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