Supreme God King

Chapter 1381: go away

After trading with the undead fetus, Meng Fan also got a huge amount, only then he understood the secrets of the ancients and determined the way he was going.

God King Realm!

This kind of goal, only to arrive here is to have the qualifications to participate in that kind of plan, this kind of qualification is bound to be strived for, this is the road that Meng Fan will go after.

It's still ahead, although far away, the Wuzhen teenager never thought about today's white-haired Shura.

After solving everything, Meng Fan naturally looked around. This is the space left by the ancient medicine ancestors, contaminated with the power of his past.

Even if Meng Fan's body is now perfect, he is extremely comfortable in this space, affected by this kind of power.

Taking a stride out, Meng Fan took the immortal fetus and walked in this space, sensing the strength of this old medicine ancestor. Although the whole medicine garden does not have any treasures that are too cherished, countless precious treasures have grown in the eternal time. Many things have disappeared from the outside world and it is impossible to see.

Under such circumstances, Meng Fan was naturally not polite and began to search intensively. Of course, he was also very measured. The gods here have grown over eternity and are already alive, so the large amount of herbs Meng Fan is just Collect half of it and give it half alive.

But even so, it definitely made Meng Fan a huge fortune.

And while walking, he felt the breath of ancient medicine ancestors, but here it gave Meng Fan a feeling of a pure world, and he didn't even want to leave.

This feeling has been extremely rare for Meng Fan for many years, just because this space is too peaceful, it is a pure world, far away from the killing of the outside world.

If this life is happy and full, who wants to be displaced!

In Meng Fan's heart, there is always a heart that wants to let go of everything, and here is the place where he wants to go.

I have to say that the power of this ancient medicine ancestor is really terrifying, filling Meng Fan's heart with a kind of endless yearning, but it is a pity that everything is just... yearning.

After walking around the medicine garden, what caught Meng Fan's attention most was that he was now outside of this pure land, which was no longer where he was before.

The imperial palace, 50% of the land!

People who claim to be honored among the gods are qualified to see this kind of place. Standing on the edge of this medicine garden, they can see it.

That kind of endless prehistoric world, at a glance, is like a universe, in which the emperor road is buried deeper, with endless secrets.

If it weren't for a coincidence, Meng Fan would definitely not have the strength to step into this place, but today he can witness the endless scene in this imperial palace with his own eyes.

Trying to take a step forward, Meng Fan suddenly felt the whole world's rejection of him, even if it was just a step out of this pure land, there was a feeling that he was about to tear his whole body.

There is no doubt that the entire medicine garden is within the scope of Meng Fan's actions. Once he leaves this pure land, his body will inevitably burst under the infinite pressure in this week.

This kind of majesty is too terrifying. Meng Fan can imagine that if he leaves this hundred meters away, it will be enough to completely turn him into ashes. If there is no sacred strength, it will not May go further.

"How to leave this kind of place!"

Meng Fan's brow furrowed, and now he was stuck in this world, unable to move forward at all.

Although he was full of curiosity about the secrets contained in the imperial palace, if he went further, it was no longer an adventure, but a death hunt, so naturally he wanted to let Meng Fan leave the imperial palace.

"You have to ask the undead root for this question, he should be able to answer you!"

The emperor said, the tone was quite profound.


Meng Fan's expression moved and he looked at the immortal fetus.

But the undead fetus gave Meng Fan a vicious look, and finally said,

"You can borrow the large array of space left by the ancestors of the medicine and teleport you directly into the imperial palace. There is no turning back in this imperial palace. If you leave, you can only go out completely and let you return to the temple!"

Upon hearing this, Meng Fan was silent for a moment. Nodded,


Ten years after the incident, in a flash, Meng Fan understood that it was time for him to leave, and the outside world really had too much concern.

"Then you prepare, I will inspire Yaozu's breath!"

Undead's fetal road, a look of resignation.

Obviously he fell into the hands of Meng Fan, there was not much to escape, and was imprisoned by Meng Fan in the space of Xiaotian. He simply didn't take his life. Naturally, he did not let the immortal fetus move rashly and chose to help Meng. Where.

And after all this preparation, Meng Fan was also wrapped in the endless wild aura between this pure land, transmitted from the sky, directly torn, and the billowing medicine ancestor aura that permeated this pure land also struck.

There seemed to be a kind of power awakened in this hidden medicine garden, wrapped around Meng Fan, helping him open up the space.

If this kind of power were not for the immortal fetus, Meng Fan could not control it at all. The latter stood in it, and the whole person moved in the void, constantly tearing the world and teleporting his figure away from this space.

But the eyes flickered, looking at the endless road, a strong war spirit also appeared in Meng Fan's eyes.

This trip to the imperial palace took ten years. After all, it was only half of the journey. The rest is generally not finished. It also includes the most secret place, but it is a pity that Meng Fan can’t know. .

Although I got the immortal fetus, I finally found a glimmer of hope, but this glimmer of hope is too slim, just a vague clue, and it is extremely difficult to reach it.

In the final analysis, all are strength.

If Meng Fannai is the King of Gods today, then he has enough strength to complete the emperor's path and witness more secrets. It is certain that it must include ancient secrets.

Regarding the powerful method of drawing people out of the long river of fate, as the immortal fetus said, this is what is being pursued to reach the level of destruction of the **** king.

For Meng Fan, this method is far away in the sky, right in front of him, separated by an emperor road, but it makes him unable to step forward at all, even if it is a step!

"Don't worry, I will definitely come here again in the future, and I will definitely finish this emperor road!"

Looking into the depths of Dilu, Meng Fan said slowly, with a calm and sonorous tone.

This statement is his oath.

For many years, Meng Fan has never promised lightly, without any big words. According to his personality, once he says something, it will be like a sword and a sea of ​​fire, and he will continue to finish.

The body is hidden between this space and the sky changes. The whole person is also completely attracted by this kind of space, teleported out, and directly began to repel it out of this space.

Only Meng Fan's gaze stared at Dilu, without blinking, as if to see through everything.

I don’t know how much time has passed before Meng Fan’s eyes slowly opened, looking at the surrounding world, there is no longer the majestic and wild aura of the previous emperor’s road, there is a fragrance of birds and flowers between the sky, on the contrary There was also no such great pressure, which made Meng Fan's body feel suddenly light.

But at the next moment, Meng Fan's expression changed, and he immediately discovered that someone was watching him not far away. When he looked at him, he realized that he was an old man.


His pupils shrank, Meng Fan hesitated for a moment, then said dumbly.

"You are one of the six elders who guarded you before!"

"Not bad!"

The old man in the distance nodded, dressed in a white robe, all around his face, after looking at Meng Fan, he smiled slowly and nodded towards him, and the latter was also the six old men who had guarded outside the imperial palace before. The head of that person, one of the twelve red robes in this temple!

Even if this person's identity is in this temple, it is absolutely crucial.

Meng Fan didn't sense the horror of the old man before, and at this moment, the distance between the two sides was less than 100 meters, which made Meng Fan truly sense the strength of the other party.

Absolutely sacred and powerful, the vitality fluctuations flowing in his body are like the vast ocean, majestic and extreme.

Even with a glance, it made Meng Fan understand that the other party might have a thought, which is enough to drink a pot by himself.

"Mr. Lao can drive!"

Meng Fan looked around and arched his hands, only to find that this was a garden, closed in the sky, as if everything was under the control of the old man, and he couldn't help but feel a little nervous in his heart.

If the old man in front of him was malicious to him, then Meng Fan could definitely not resist.

"Haha, don't worry, the old man knows your master, you are as interesting as him!"

In the distance, the red-robed old man smiled slightly, as if he could see Meng Fan's thoughts in his heart, and said slowly,

"I have already seen that you were not buried in the imperial palace, so I specially put down the space yoke. Once you leave it, you will be teleported here. This garden is a place where the old man retreats. No one can. Excuse me, no one knows you are here, and the old man will not hurt you even more!"

The red-robed old man broke his mind with a single word, and suddenly made Meng Fan laugh, a little embarrassed.

However, all the doubts in his heart were dispelled. He was able to sense the old man's cultivation base. He was powerful and unparalleled. If he really wanted to hurt him, he might not even have room to resist and he didn't need to do anything.

"Thank you old gentleman. I don't know if the old gentleman brought me here. Any instructions?"

Meng Fan arched his hands.

"I didn't have any orders. I just thought that this little guy of you was very interesting. You performed well in the imperial palace, especially at the last moment. You did what others did not. You are even smarter than your master. some!"

The red-robed old man smiled slightly, came to a stone table in the garden, sat down gently, and gestured towards Meng Fan with a finger.

"So... I don't want you to be disturbed by too many external forces!"

External interference!

The last few words fell, Meng Fan raised his brow, and immediately understood.

This trip to the imperial palace caused a sensation in the world. When he stepped into this last space, the seven great arrogances of the battle can also be said to spread throughout the world, leading countless old monsters in the temple to know that there is undead grass in it. A message can never be hidden.

Ten years have passed, Yang Qing and others will inevitably leave, and the undead grass in their hands will inevitably attract too many people’s jealousy. This kind of thing is not only needed by Tianjiao, but also for the old monster powerhouse. in this way.

But Meng Fan believes that both Yang Qing, Qin Hong and others must be safe and sound. There is only one reason, that is, behind these six people is standing a statue of no inheritance, which is the top of this ten thousand domain. Exist, that old monster powerhouse dared to attack them, and tomorrow will attract the strongest crush of the supreme power behind him.

A descendant, the prince of the Zhongtian Dynasty, this name is its best shield!

On the contrary, unlike these six people, Meng Fan can be described as the climbed-up monk among the lowest level among the ten thousand domains, but he does not have such a strong backing.

The old man brought him here secretly to help Meng Fan hide himself and prevent him from being discovered by others.

Wanting to understand all this, Meng Fan suddenly felt relieved, looked at the old man, and said sincerely,

"Boy Meng Fan, thank you old man!"

"Just understand the old man's mind!"

The old man shook his head and said calmly,

"Come and do it, your master also did this back then, you can call the old man... the beginning!"

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