Supreme God King

Chapter 1382: talk

Too early!

Meng Fan's heart moved, and what he didn't know was that in this temple, only when the Red Robe elder was at the level, he was qualified to add a word before his name, that's too!

Too, the beginning of everything!

Looking at the entire temple, there are countless ancient sacreds between heaven and earth. If one can cultivate to a certain level in it, then it is qualified to be called a sage.

However, above this Venerable, is the existence of the Taizi level, qualified to be called the Red Robe Elder, and this kind of existence, looking at the entire temple, is only a mere twelve people.

Sitting across from the old man gave Meng Fan a kind of respect. The latter helped him invisibly and brought him here.

After all, even the temple is not too safe, any sacred mind cannot be guessed, especially when the imperial palace is opened, the powerful people with all major forces will pay attention to it.

He may not have much in the imperial palace, because wherever there are all the taboos and many restrictions, the old monster powerhouse will not easily set foot there, but once he leaves the imperial palace, it is... maybe!

Xitian Protoss, Liu Family, Zhao Family, etc., now Meng Fan’s enemies in these ten thousand realms are not just restricted areas. The latter cultivates all the way and can reach today, even if it is not what he thought, but the enemies he provoked can be It is definitely quite a lot.

"If it weren't for the old gentleman, I'm afraid I really need to be desperate today!"

Meng Fan gave a wry smile. Now that he came out, he felt that he had walked on this cutting edge.

But the old man at the beginning shook his head and said calmly,

"You don't have to say that. The role of the temple is to protect the future viable power in the ten thousand realms. This is the purpose of the temple. Otherwise, the **** king would not let us guard here... and actually I If you don’t help you, there will be others who will help you. At least before Brother Bird and Brother Gui leave, they will secretly transmit me... They don’t want you to be harmed maliciously!"

Hairy finches, black turtles!

The voice fell, and Meng Fan's pupils suddenly shrank, a little shocked.

When the two guys, Longhair and Xuangui left, they didn't tell Meng Fan anything, but according to what you are too old, these two guys remember Meng Fan.

Thinking of this, Meng Fan couldn't help but give birth to a trace of warmth. The kind that has flashed through countless years quickly, I can't imagine that although the two old friends didn't say it, the friendship between each other was already quite behind, and finally hesitated.

"Dare to ask the old man, are they okay now?"

"Haha, you don't need to worry about them. The eternal time has passed, and it's time for Brother Bird and Brother Turtle to wake up. They are just fulfilling the ancient agreement. You should understand what is called the Golden Covenant!"

The old man laughed at the beginning,

"This is an oath made by the Holy Sky God King in the ancient times. Brother Gui and Brother Bird also participated in it. With your current strength, you are also qualified to know. Actually, there is nothing. It's just that the Holy Sky God King was sitting. At that time, some of the opportunities left to the gods of heaven and earth, and the gods who want to get these opportunities can only do one step, which is to fulfill the golden covenant, go to the passage of time in the outer space, and resist the strong in the restricted area!"

The voice fell, and Meng Fan's expression could not help but moved, becoming more solemn, and staring at the old man from the beginning, knowing that this must be an ancient secret.

"In fact, it's nothing. It's just that a group of old monsters in the restricted area can no longer sit still. You should know that the cultivation in the restricted area is only for their immortality and immortality!"

At the beginning, the old man sighed softly and said slowly,

"That's why the black death technique was born tens of thousands of years ago. In order to be passed on to one person forever, although this black death Qi technique is extremely domineering and can help them achieve longevity in disguised meaning, After all, there is a problem. This problem is...

They need a lot of hard work from the strong. The stronger the cultivation base, the stronger the cultivation base they need to devour if they want to maintain themselves. With the help of the powerful vitality of other people to transfer to themselves, the restricted area is bound to be inevitable. It’s going to fight the Ten Thousand Territories. Since ancient times, there have been countless bloodstained. I know you are quite dissatisfied with the temple deal, but in fact, we are also... "

Before the last few words fell, a sense of vicissitudes appeared on the face of the old man from the beginning, as if thinking of some unbearable experience.

"Old Mr. Taichu, forbidden zone... Have you done it again?"

Meng Fan's expression moved, hesitated.

"Yes, some of the old monsters have reached the point where their bloodline is dry again. You have been to the restricted area. You should know where people try to be pigs and dogs from Ten Thousand Realms, and use them to extend their bloodlines, but what about the powerful existence? It is so easy to find, especially in the environment of the restricted area, it is very difficult for the vitality monk to grow.

Therefore, they naturally set their sights on the Ten Thousand Realms. In fact, there are still several spatial passages between the Forbidden Zone and Ten Thousand Realms, and they can communicate freely, but this group of passages have already been sealed by the Temple and the Golden Family, but they need There is constant suppression by the strong in this passage. Brother Que and Brother Gui have fulfilled this kind of covenant, and go to this passage! "

Taichu explained,

"Only when the supreme power is suppressed in this channel can the old monster power in the restricted area be unable to come over, but where is the outer space, the space for growth is basically cut off in it, leading to where the station is. The strong man undoubtedly has to sacrifice his own cultivation opportunities, and is always in danger of life and death.

There are some cultivators who have reached the edge of their life expectancy and will attack like crazy. If they want to enter the ten thousand realms, no one is willing to go. That's why the king of the gods made the golden covenant. Whoever gets his chance will go there. In this passage, it will take a hundred years to come out, and then someone will go! "

Ancient channel, golden covenant!

Hearing the words of the old man from the beginning, it was Meng Fan who finally understood this ancient mystery. Why did the Feitian Waterfall Meeting tell me that it was indeed a chore.

Although Shouyuan is a very long thing for a strong man who stepped into the divine way, it will soon have a limit if it is too long, and the more you want to break after it, the more difficult it will be.

Just like Meng Fan, the ten years in this imperial palace were only the realm of advanced quasi-gods, and it only took 30 years to reach the quasi-god in the ten thousand realms!

This is the gap, especially since Meng Fan is still one of the best, it is different from common sense.

Once you stepped into the passage, it meant that you would be caught in an extremely cruel battle, endlessly dying, because it was facing the crazy old monsters in the restricted area, which was too terrifying.

Thinking of this also made Meng Fan faintly worried about the Hairy Sparrow and Black Tortoise, but now he has nothing to do. In the final analysis, it is a question of strength.

"Don't worry, although Brother Bird and Brother Turtle were severely injured in World War I, they should have recovered a little bit after the transition. Even if the two of them want to survive in that environment, it is not a problem. You little fellow, you should be more careful!"

At the beginning, the old man smiled slightly and said calmly,

"You have too many enemies, and that one is powerful. The restricted area has rioted wildly during these years, and even actively attacked the Middle Ages. The transaction between us only caused them to delay some time, and hope to give us more. The opportunity to prepare, and this opportunity includes you little guys. I hope you can grow up and contribute to the ten thousand domains in the future wars, so remember to practice safely in the ten thousand domains and pay attention to everything. !"

With a word, Meng Fan's heart moved, and he smiled after a moment.

"Thanks to the old gentleman for reminding me that I am not afraid of waiting in the restricted area, but...I am a little worried here in the temple. Although there are people like old gentlemen, well..."

"Haha, you little fox, no wonder you can reach today!"

At the beginning, the old man shook his head, laughed, and he could see through Meng Fan’s mind.

"Are you secretly reminding Venerable Old Fu Ke, right? Meng Fan, the old man can assure you that the temple is neutral forever, guarding the imperial palace wholeheartedly, and penance is only to fight against the restricted area. There may be some changes in it, but like the old man The twelve people in the first-class temple will not change their original intentions. I have promised Lord God King that you don’t have to worry about this. I will tell the people in the temple to go down. Someone may have thoughts about you, but The old man will help you solve it. As for... Venerable Ke, someone has already vomited blood for you!"

The voice fell, and Meng Fan's heart was shocked. He looked shocked at the old man from the beginning, and he couldn't believe it.

Who is Venerable Ke? The one who dares to call Venerable in this temple is not a terrifying old monster who is cultivated in the sacred realm. What is the concept of vomiting blood, especially for himself.

There are very few people who can have this kind of ability in Meng Fan's memory.

"who is it?"

Meng Fan uttered two words, which was really unbelievable, but in the next moment a voice came.

"Hmph, looking at this world, besides this lord, who has this prestige!"

With an arrogant tone, Meng Fan turned around and looked, and he saw a small mountain-like figure appeared outside the garden, with golden hair growing on his body, and his eyes with endless depth, as if it contained the universe of heaven and earth. , The Great Thousand World.

Seeing this silhouette, Meng Fan's body trembled and he was so surprised that he blurted out.

"It's you... the **** monkey!"

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