Supreme God King

Chapter 1383: Late friend

God monkey!

The two words fell, and the tone was extremely excited. There were definitely not many people who could make Meng Fan like this, but the golden monkey in front of him was definitely one.

Because the two of them came out of the forbidden area, all the way to the blood, and broke into the blood emperor... The feelings and trust established between each other are not a little bit, but condensed in life and death.

What is a brother? I have never had a blood bath together, but I will never understand!

The monkey strode forward, a slap fell on Meng Fan’s shoulder, and said in a deep voice,

"Please call me God Monkey, Lord Tianxing, kid!"

Without a word, Meng Fan directly punched him, hammering heavily on his chest, and sneered.

"Not asking you to play monkey is enough to give you face!"

The words drew a laugh from the **** monkey. The two eyes gathered together, and both could feel the excitement, but it was definitely not a disguise.

In the first battle in the restricted zone, the three men of Meng Fan escaped from the dead. After so many years, they finally met again. With such familiar feelings, it is really wonderful to be able to see each other again.

The breath induction also made Meng Fan's heart more shocked. Although a full ten years have passed, it is actually not a long time for the vitality practitioner.

However, the divine monkey in front of me is not what it used to be. Although the divine monkey used to be incomparably terrifying, it is really insignificant compared to today.

Especially in this kind of close range, even the monkey can converge, but Meng Fan can also sense the majestic coercion in the opponent's body, that kind of strong and unmatched vitality is rolling, as if one can be at any time. The eruption of the volcano, once shot, shakes the world!


Two words were spit out from Meng Fan's mouth, he had already guessed the other side's realm, and he had stepped into the realm of the gods, but it was this kind of power.

"of course!"

The monkey grinned and nodded.

"I said that when I saw you on the road to becoming a god, I understood the mystery of my clan. Naturally, the achievement of sacredness is achieved. Only when I break through, I will help you give you a severe lesson!"

The tone was calm, but it made Meng Fan's heart even more shocked. The monkey is worthy of an ancient alien species, supremely existing, and his bloodline is like a dragon horse.

Although it has not been recorded in the records of Warcraft, it is even more terrifying than the Seven Overlords of Warcraft. This kind of race has always been thinly blooded, and one person is the emperor. It is extremely easy to be targeted, but once it rises, it is really unstoppable!

It’s definitely not just a few years since the monkey’s star breaks through the sacredness, but it can defeat the Venerable Ke, who is already a figure respected in the sacred realm. According to the rules of the temple, he should have reached the sacred. This kind of situation in the second world.

It looks like a step, but it is heaven and earth!

However, the **** monkey Tianxing was able to severely inflict him, which is enough to show that the latter's blood is so powerful that it is truly unparalleled!

"Thanks a lot!"

Meng Fan sincerely said that this sentence is definitely not a polite. The monkey helped Meng Fan make a move, but it was a sacred one. Venerable Ke is not a red robe in this temple, but he definitely has great energy. It is even more powerful, which means that the monkey has an enemy out of thin air.

"Where is it, I just came here recently, and I heard about you, and I know that Kollopif let his disciples target you in the imperial palace. I am also itchy, just try it with him, hehe, where did I think That old Piff is so innocent, besides, I'm asking you this time!"

The monkey said with a smile.

But who is Meng Fan? I can see at a glance that the monkey has a lot of injuries in his body, and he has not completely improved. This battle is definitely not as simple as it says, but the relationship between each other is deep. Don't want to care too much about each other.

In other words, if Meng Fan achieves the sacred encounter with the enemy of the **** monkey, he will also attack him, no matter who the opponent is!

Touching his nose, Meng Fan smiled and said calmly.

"You asked me, isn't it a joke? I'm not sacred right now, I'm a step slower..."

"Hey, sit down and say, sit down and say!"

Hearing this, the **** monkey gave a dry laugh, but an awkward expression flashed in his eyes, and pointed to the distant table.

Before the two arrived at the stone table, God Monkey Tianxing took out a pot of spirits and three cups, poured them, and suddenly the rich aroma of wine spread throughout the garden, which smelled very good.

"Haha, you monkey, you have this kind of good thing. I didn't give it to the old man before. Now I take it out. The old man is going to be angry!"

Sitting on the spot, the old man from the beginning laughed loudly, raised a glass of spirits, and drank directly.

At the side of it, Meng Fan also felt that his throat was a little interfered at this moment. He had personally tried the mellow aroma of this wine before. It is definitely the world’s fine wine, unique to the **** monkeys. Nowadays, he can’t drink it at ordinary times. , Also swigged!

After a cup of strong wine, Meng Fan felt the blood in his body swell, and he couldn't help laughing. He picked up the flask in the hands of the **** monkey and poured it on himself, and smiled.

"Let's talk about it, what is it that makes you come to this temple and come to me to do things for you personally?"

Hearing what Meng Fan said, the monkey coughed dryly, was silent for a moment, and said slowly,

"In fact, it's nothing, just want you to help me go to a place... to grab someone!"


Meng Fan’s eyes flashed, but he became interested, and smiled.

"Why can't you go to your current repair place? It's even easier to grab people?"

"That... the place to go is a bit dangerous... and the identity of the person I want to grab is also a little special!"

The **** monkey said dryly, staring at Meng Fan with a pitiful look.

"Haha, what place, where is the fierce place in the Middle Ancient Territory? Don't worry, you helped me beat up Ko Old Pifu, I am in a good mood, I will help you all, you and I are brothers!"

Meng Fan patted his chest, and poured himself another glass of wine!

"Oh, I'm relieved with your words!"

The monkey nodded and grinned.

"Then you come with me... the imperial capital of the Zhongtian Dynasty, I want to grab their princess!"


Meng Fan spit out the spirits he had just drunk, almost choking himself, his eyes widened, and he looked unbelievable.

Powerful like Meng Fan, bold and bold like him, but he was definitely shocked by this sentence. Before that, he only thought that the monkey needed to break into a dangerous place and needed help, but he never thought that this dangerous place would Have. . . . . So dangerous!

Jokes, Zhongtian Dynasty!

Twelve golden families in the Middle Ages, one line, one dynasty!

This is such a powerful existence. Looking at the forces in the entire ten thousand realms that can compete with the Zhongtian Dynasty, it can only be counted with one hand, and what the **** monkey wants is to go to its imperial capital and still want to rob others. The princess, this is more than dangerous, she is going. . . . . Send to death!

The old monster powerhouses in it exist in the Divine Origin Realm. Even with the current strengths of Meng Fan and Divine Monkey, they can only be seen. People who come out under a roar and have the same realm of power must have Arranged!

"That **** monkey... You are an illusion today, you didn't see me!"

Meng Fan uttered a few words, and he turned around and wanted to leave.

"What's the matter, you and I are brothers!"

The monkey roared and repeated what Meng Fan had said to him before.

"If you are a brother, don't hurt me... Let me go!"

Meng Fan really has a feeling of crying without tears. I have to say that Venerable Ke is a big trouble for Meng Fan, but compared with the Zhongtian Dynasty, this trouble appears. . . . That's so small.


On the side, the old man couldn't help laughing and shook his head, but his eyes were like torches, but he knew that according to Meng Fan's character, he would definitely agree to it, and he was just a little sigh.

After a few breaths, Meng Fan finally said helplessly.

"Let’s talk... what do you want to do, why do you want to go where... to grab someone, to be honest, you really found yourself an opponent who is definitely not easy to mess with. There are not many Wan domains anymore, this matter is basically the same as what we did in the restricted area..."

"I know, that's why I found you. Looking at the entire ten thousand realms, my **** monkey knows a lot of sacred powerhouses, but the one who dares to do this is you brat!"

The monkey slapped Meng Fan on the shoulder, looking like he could see his confidant.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with this sentence, even those who are in the ordinary gods realm must be respectful when they hear the four words of Zhongtian Dynasty, the top existence in the entire world.

Countless years are still standing at the highest point of this vitality strength pyramid. It is no longer possible to describe its horror in words. It can be said that there are very few people in the entire world who dare to be their opponents, let alone The emperor who was going to reach the heavenly dynasty robbed people.

"Can I be complimented by your words?"

Meng Fan really didn't know what to say. When to start to kill him is also a good quality. . . . . Can be used to brag.


The monkey smiled, staring at Meng Fan, and slowly said,

"Brother, I know that this request of mine is a bit embarrassing for you, but I really can't find the second person who is willing to accompany me in this matter. Only you are my true friend of the sky star and possess this If you can succeed this time, the life of my **** Monkey Tianxing is yours. I hope you can help me, because... the person I want to rob is my... the love of my life!"

The last few words fell, but a trace of loneliness and desolation emerged in the eyes of the **** monkey.

Second more.

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