Supreme God King

Chapter 1384: plan

life long love!

The fall of the four words made Meng Fan's heart tremble, but he really understood what these four words meant, especially for a man.

Swordsmanship, travel for Iraq.

The monkey sighed quietly and said slowly,

"Many years ago, I left my father and came to this Wanyu to practice. I was stained with blood all the way, contended for myself, merged with my own blood, and practiced alone in the Wanyu, with the help of that kind of life and death pressure to help me practice. I have always been very happy, and there is definitely a lot of growth, and my personality has become more and more indifferent and arrogant, until one day I met... a woman, she was my opponent before, and I and Zhengfeng, whose blood Being strong, not losing to me, caused me to also arouse the eagerness to win, and continue to fight with it, but after several fights, I found out... I may have fallen in love with her!"

The tone was calm, and he said slowly, but it made the expressions of Meng Fan and the old man from the beginning become solemn, and quietly listened to the words of the **** monkey.

"This feeling fills my heart, I am not sure... But when I keep in contact with it, this feeling becomes stronger and stronger, causing me to be unable to control it. I only have this feeling once in my life. I like everything about a girl, so I finally couldn't help but when I confronted her once... I said it in my heart!"

Having said that, a smile appeared on the face of the **** monkey, as if he was reminiscing about something.

"After she heard it, she naturally blushed and ran away, but I bit the bullet and chased it up, only to realize that she actually had a secret promise to me, so then we were together and we experienced together. Traveling together, seizing opportunities together, making continuous progress...

At that time, I was the happiest time. I have never been so happy or so comfortable in my memory. However, until one day she told me that she wanted to take me to her home and let her father know me. At that time, my cultivation was already for the Emperor Realm. I was young. Although I knew her home was extraordinary, I still promised him and followed to her home, hoping that our affairs would be recognized by her family, but What I didn't expect was... . She comes from the Zhongtian Dynasty! "

With a change of expression, Meng Fan said slowly.

"Although you are a princess of the Zhongtian Dynasty according to your identity and strength, you should also be qualified!"

As Meng Fan said, the sacred monkey line is the ancestor of the beasts, the ancient supreme existence inheritance, even if the Zhongtian dynasty is the peak of the pyramid strength in the eternity, but the sacred monkeys also have enough background, this is even It can be said to be a good story.

Hearing this, the monkey smiled bitterly and said calmly,

"I thought the same way at the time, and then I found out that I was wrong, because when I came to the Zhongtian Dynasty, I felt bad for a while. Once I heard my father said that when he was fighting the world... A prince who died in the Zhongtian dynasty, and sure enough, this prince was the younger brother of Yinyin's father, who came from a compatriot.

My bloodline is peculiar, and I was spotted after seeing Yinyin’s father, so what was waiting for me was not a banquet, but his father’s full effort. For the Zhongtian Dynasty, it has always been blood debts. My father fought all over the world, Sun Yue Wushuang, the Zhongtian Dynasty dispatched countless masters, but he still didn't imprison him and was freed by him.

Let Yinyin’s father hate him to the bone, so after seeing me, he immediately set up an ambush and used me as a bait to seduce my father to come and suppress him. My father knew that it was a dead end. But it was still for me to go to the Zhongtian Dynasty and fight against the heroes. This situation was completely beyond my and Yinyin’s expectations. I did not expect the grievances of the older generations to affect us, and it was so thorough..."

Speaking of the end, an endless sorrow appeared in the eyes of the **** monkey, making the atmosphere in the entire field condensed.

"and after?"

Meng Fan also didn’t know what to say. Since he knew God Monkey, he had never seen the latter when the latter was so low. Even when he faced an endless restricted area master, he was very likely to die at the same time, but God Monkey was still domineering. Wushuang.

The most hurtful thing is love, this sentence is absolutely true.

"Later, my father was seriously injured in order to save me, even to the origin, so he had to carry on forcible inheritance. Otherwise, once my **** monkey line accepts the inheritance, it will definitely be at the **** word level, which leads to my weakness, my father It was also the direct source of God’s collapse, and the void disappeared... I never saw him again, maybe he might have already... After that day, I hated this battle and became mad, and my father came to me. Said it was too important, and even after Yinyin forcibly ran out to find me, I let me spill her anger on her, thinking she knew the hatred between us, and deliberately helped her father, saying a lot of sorry What she said, hurt her and leave..."

The monkey sighed quietly,

"You know what happened later. In order to strengthen myself, I also avoided the tracking of the Zhongtian Dynasty. I escaped from this ten thousand realm and went to the forbidden area to find the secrets of my clan. In the end, I missed where the old monsters were.

And even after I came back with you that day. . . . In fact, the Zhongtian Dynasty did not chase me down after that day, because even Yinyin, who was convinced to leave, fought against his father after returning home. He forced his father to death, which caused his father to stop attacking me, but Yinyin was also betrayed The Zhongtian line paid a very tragic price, and was suppressed by his father himself in the great prison of the Zhongtian Dynasty. Now it should be a thousand years old. . . . . . "

When the last few words fell, whether it was Meng Fan or the old man in the early days, there was a sigh. I have to say that life is like a play, and it is really a trick.

"Don't worry, your father may not die, even if he gave you the origin of his own divine monkey lineage!"

After a while, the words of the old man from the beginning suddenly caused a glimmer of hope in the already silent eyes of the **** monkey.

"Mr. Taichu, what do you mean?"

"The old man fought against your father back then, and he understands the heavens of your clan!"

In the beginning, the old man sighed softly and said quietly,

"Even in the blood of the gods, there are not many people like you. Your father was a person who was qualified to be the red robe of the temple and was unwilling to be. He liked freedom more, pursued the ultimate breakthrough, and walked. At that point, eternal time has passed. If I have ever seen someone qualified to become a **** king, then your father is definitely counted as one. You two little guys seem to have unlimited potential. When that step is reached, you will I know how difficult it is to break through this last step, but your father has that talent. This old man laments himself. So... his disappearance in the past means infinite. The possibility of Wanyu is still big, even the old man dare not say to see through all the secrets of the world, so it is very likely that someday in the future, you will have a chance to meet again!"


The monkey sighed faintly, and he understood that the words of the old man from the beginning had the meaning of comforting him, but in any case, it was a good thing after all.

"Haha, be happy, so we can discuss when to leave!"

Meng Fan laughed and slapped the monkey on the shoulder.

"You agree?"

Tianxing the monkey raised his head and looked at Meng Fan dumbly.

Although he came to ask Meng Fan, he must be quite embarrassed, because this is a major event involving life and death. It is as powerful as Meng Fan, and it is extremely likely to fall into it if he is not careful. Therefore, the monkey is extremely worried. .

"You're all here, do I have any reason to refuse, and..."

Meng Fan smiled slightly and said calmly.

"The style of what you do is what I like, no matter from morality or reason, I will help you!"

The tone was calm, but both God Monkey and Meng Fan understood that people like Meng Fan would not easily agree to others, but once they agreed, they would surely realize it.


On the side, the old man from the beginning smiled slightly, looked at the two of them, and said calmly,

"Two funny little guys, if the old man doesn't do anything, he feels a little unreasonable!"

With a word, two fast tokens appeared on the palm of the old man at the same time, the whole body was golden, the size of a palm, and there was a golden font on it, yes. . . . Holy!

"This is the waist card of the temple elders!"

The eyesight of God Monkey was amazing, and he saw it with a sweep.

Temple Elder!

The influence of these four words in the ten thousand realms is absolutely huge, because in tens of thousands of years, this temple is quite independent, and there are so many monks willing to step into it, but they can only practice in it. Those who reach the sacred point can get this waist card instead.

Elder, sage, red robe!

This is the three highest classes in the temple. Unlike ordinary disciples, once they have the qualifications of elders, they completely mean being a member of the temple, whether in Wanyu. Anything in it will be blessed by the temple.

Looking at the whole world, no one wants to offend the temple, and even fewer people. . . . Have this courage.

"These two waist cards are given to you. If it's a critical moment, you can take him out. Maybe... there is a little use!"

The old man said indifferently.

However, these words fell into the ears of Meng Fan and Shenhou, but they were extremely excited and looked towards Taichu. He understands what the two of them are going to do, but giving this waist card to Meng Fan and Shenhou not only greatly improves their status.

Even in the Zhongtian dynasty, once it falls into its hands, it is definitely quite a gold medal from death. After all, if Meng Fan and Shenhou take this waist card, it means that the latter belongs to the temple. People, high status, blessed by them!

"Thank you old man!"

Meng Fan and Shenhou held their hands together at the same time, their voices were extremely sincere, and they didn't say thank you for their great kindness. At this moment, saying anything more would be vain, only to remember this kind of kindness in their hearts.

Hearing this, the old man waved his hand in the beginning and said calmly,

"This waist card is not so easy to take. For eternity, the temple has been standing in the sky and the earth. It has always been neutral, but it is inexhaustible. It is only to fight the forbidden area. We are old. The future world is yours. Sooner or later, you will also deal with the enemy he wants to deal with because of this waist card. This level of identity is also a cause and effect. I hope that the two of you will be able to do it yourself. , Cause and effect are not empty!"

The first is more, there are later.


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