Supreme God King

Chapter 1385: Go to

Temple elder status!

Under this layer of protection, there is no doubt that Meng Fan and God Monkey have an extra halo on their heads.

You must know that there are no restrictions in the temple, except for a certain moment, other times to be so helpful, it is like a descendant from the supreme power.

Even if the king's soul has been in the temple for many years, it is just about to be obtained. Only when he reaches the sacred level can he have it, but in the hands of Meng Fan, he can obtain a piece. This kind of thing has been in the temple for countless years. This is an absolute exception.

A strong man who is not sacred, but a title of elder!

Although as the old man at the beginning said, this is also a cause and effect, but both Meng Fan and the monkey are willing to bear this kind of cause and effect, because for two people, even if they are not found in the restricted area, they will wait until one day. , They will also find the restricted area.

This kind of harvest is too important, but Meng Fan and Shenhou didn't say much. The two of them only remembered this kind of kindness and immediately prepared to go.

After all, neither of them is a mother-in-law. After making a plan, they can do as they please.

The space outside the temple was secretly cleaned up, and at the same time, Meng Fan also went to visit the old man in the capital of heaven. Of course, all of this moved in secret, and even the many elders of the temple had hidden the past.

With the help of the old man from the beginning, it became no problem in the temple, and the news of Meng Fan's birth was not made public.

After all, after these few years of hiding, everyone thought that the supreme arrogant, white-haired Shura had fallen into the imperial palace and disappeared.

Meng Fan was also happily happy about this. If everyone thought that way, it would be good to give him enough time, but hope that Bai Shui'er, Cao Qiushui, Longma and others will not be too sad.

After all, at this moment, the more low-key Meng Fan is, the better, otherwise, the original scene will inevitably appear. In this emperor road, there are strong people who are forcibly crushing him and shooting against the road.

After solving everything, Meng Fan was also a **** monkey and moved immediately, quietly setting out from the temple and heading to the ten thousand realms.

In ten years, the imperial palace has worked hard!

This kind of time spent is absolutely huge for Meng Fan's growth, with black hair fluttering, and his face is no longer the spirit of his youth, but looks extremely mature. Today, Meng Fan is already in his forties, and it seems that he has changed significantly from before he stepped into the imperial palace.

We must know that other people spent ten years, but in fact, among them, Meng Fan actually spent a hundred years in the dream of the sunset old man.

The changes between that state of mind were tangible, like rebirth of Nirvana, the moment Meng Fan stepped out of the temple space, countless emotions were born in his heart, and he experienced too many changes.

At this moment, Meng Fan looked like a human emperor with his hands on his back. The face left over countless years was sharp and sharp, surging with blood, and it was extremely shocking.

The Wuzhen teenager back then was indeed. . . . Has really grown!

Above the sky, the figures of Meng Fan and the God Monkey flew all the way, traversing the space. In this Middle Ancient Realm, even if there were countless monks coming and going, no one could pay attention to the two of them, stepping into their cultivation. Afterwards, it is too easy to hide one's own breath.

"Hey... I also went through some retreat, and I didn't see the outside, so I was so bored, you and I can walk slowly, drinking flowers and wine all the way!"

The monkey looked at the map in his hand and smiled.

The Middle Ancient Region is huge, and the area covered by it from the temple to the Zhongtian Dynasty is quite far away. Even if the two people's cultivation base wants to go on their way, it will definitely take a lot of effort.

Glancing at the **** monkey, Meng Fan chuckled and said calmly.

"Oh, isn't it? In that case, I can write it down carefully. If the plan is successful this time, I must have a good talk with Princess Yinyin!"

The voice fell, and the monkey was immediately embarrassed, and he became honest from the previous vigor, which caused Meng Fan to laugh. It seems that no matter how powerful people are, they still have a pure land they don't want to hurt, and they have that kind of own attachment.

The **** monkey is, he Meng Fan. . . . . Isn't it?

For a full month, Meng Fan and Shenhou both spent the journey on their way, traversing a small half of the Middle Ages, and finally reached the Zhongtian Dynasty's sphere of influence, getting closer to their goals. , Is the capital of the Zhongtian Dynasty. . . . Zhongdu!


The core of Wanyuyi Dynasty, this place is unknown to everyone in the entire Middle Ancient Region. The latter dominates in the region of the Zhongtian Dynasty. Such a capital is absolutely rare in the entire ten thousand domains, and few major cities can surpass here.

Cover the world, the dragon veins of the earth!

It is definitely not an exaggeration to describe this ancient capital city like this. The time of eternity has been standing here. I don’t know how many frontiers to rule the entire Ten Thousand Realms. Every decree coming from here will be set off in the Ten Thousand Realms. Huge waves.

Even after Meng Fan and God Monkey approached this Central Capital, they felt a sense of excitement in their hearts.

Throughout the ages, I don't know how many Tianjiao set foot here to write their own legends, and the two of them wanted to do something big in it.

If it succeeds, it is destined to be included in the history of this capital, not to mention the qualifications. It is estimated that there will be no one who has the courage to do so in this long time.

Three days later, the two finally arrived before the capital, but looking at this huge ancient city entrenched between heaven and earth, the **** monkey frowned, staring at it and snorted coldly.

"Sure enough... It's the same as before, Meng Fan, we want to go in, I'm afraid it's not that easy!"


Meng Fan doubted.

"This is the Central Capital. There is an ancient magic circle that covers the entire city. It is extremely powerful. Once it is activated, let alone sacred, I guess it is the king of the gods that may be injured. It is rumored to be the Zhongtian Dynasty. The former strongest man combined with several great powers left behind. Although I wait to get into the crowd, it doesn't mean I can get in, because this sacred formation has its own spirituality and can remember my breath!"

The monkey spread his hands and pointed at the magic circle glowing above the distant city.

"Anyone who enters the city needs to walk over that magic circle. Normal people have nothing at all, but the stronger the aura, the more it will attract the attention of this magic circle.

The latter is like an old butler in the middle of the city, helping the Zhongtian imperial clan to maintain the entire city, and people like me are hated by this city. Once I pass by, my breath cannot be hidden at all, it must be. Alarm him, so that the royal family of the Zhongtian Dynasty will also know! "

So defensive!

Meng Fan's heart was shocked. Looking at it, he couldn't think that the Zhongtian Dynasty would have this kind of method. It is worthy of standing on this immortal inheritance, reaching the level of God Monkey, which cannot be avoided.

Both of them understand the purpose of this line of business, and absolutely can't alarm anything before the action, otherwise there is still a chance of winning before, it is estimated that by the time they will only die in vain.

For a full half an hour, both of them were staring at them not far from the capital city. They were quite helpless, but they were helpless.

Facing this ancient **** array, it was too difficult, and it was really not something that could be resisted by ordinary means.

Scratching his head, Meng Fan's gaze swept around, and in the next moment he stayed on the moat not far away from Zhongdu, sparkling on it, the water surging, and an extremely long river flowing into Zhongdu. , Floating above it are rows of extremely delicate boats.

If you want to enter the middle capital city, you need to pass through that kind of sacred formation. You must walk over it and cannot avoid it, but Zhongduhe, which is not far away, doesn’t need it. Although it has the defense of the sacred formation, one glance is It can be seen that this kind of divine formation is actually not the same as the guarding divine formation, and cannot be completely covered.

However, above the moat, there are large platoons of Zhongdu guards, all of them are powerful and extremely terrifying. The ships that can pass through it are not because there is a golden battle flag hung on it with a blue symbol on it. Text.

this is……

Meng Fan frowned, immediately spreading his spiritual power, collecting the conversations of the people around him, and after a few breaths of his ability, he had heard about the origin of the rows of ships.

It turns out that there is an extremely ancient Zhongdu River in this Zhongdu City, which has been passed down through the ages. I don’t know how many years have passed. Its origin is said to be that the queens of the first Zhongtian dynasty liked river water, which is to communicate with the world and change the mountains and rivers. Finally, this Zhongdu River flows through the capital.

And every few years, there will be a heaven and earth anomaly in Duhe, the sea and sky are the same color, the whole world, including the river, becomes a piece of gold, just like countless golden dragons flying into the sky, causing it to be in the sky every once in a while. There is a grand event here, attracting a large number of people to watch it.

And the more you go later, the more people there will be. Not only are there many powerhouses from this heavenly dynasty, but once it is turned on, it will gather countless talents, top powerhouses of major forces, and later Fighting over the Zhongdu River who is the first beauty of the day, spreading all over the world, is a rare event in this Zhongdu city, extremely lively.

With deep gaze, Meng Fan looked at the rows of ships, and finally grinned, revealing a hint of deep meaning.

"What's wrong, have you figured out a way?"

Seeing Meng Fan's look like this, he immediately made God Monkey understand that the latter should have something wrong.

"Not bad!"

Meng Fan nodded, and at the same time stepped out on the water of Zhongdu River in a stride, and smiled at the same time.

"It seems that you and I really need to... drink flower wine again!"


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