Supreme God King

Chapter 1387: Zhongtian Festival


The river fluctuates and the light is shrouded, and a ship above it is also moving quickly, rowing into it, even if there are guards from the Zhongtian dynasty along the way, there is no obstruction, and it enters here smoothly. In the capital of heaven

"Well, are you satisfied?"

In the cabin, the layout is exquisite. Bai Lanling picked up a grape in one jade hand and put it in his lips, smiling like a flower, looking at Meng Fan, and said softly.

While sitting in it, accompanied by three beauties, Meng Fan gave a wry smile and said helplessly,

"Why do I feel like getting on a thief ship..."

As soon as he said it, the laughter of the three beauties of Bai Lanling was immediately evoked, like a silver bell, very pleasant, with a feeling of calculating Meng Fan.

Because the key to the qualification to set foot in this Zhongdu City lies in the flower-protecting messenger, because once this Zhongduhe in the past is a grand event, it will be swarmed. I don’t know how many Tianjiao beauties have come here for these 800 The title of the first beauty in the country is naturally unavoidable.

The more upwards, there will be the existence of Seven-Colored Flower, and the pressure is extraordinary, like being close to the scorching sun, even a powerful person in the Profound Origin Realm will lose their lives if they are not careful, let alone countless battles.

The beauty of the beautiful city generally does not do it personally. Naturally, someone enters the sky and picks the seven-color flowers for it, so naturally there are a large number of flower protectors who come with the beautiful woman of the beautiful city.

After Bai Lanling’s ship approached, he simply explained the identities of Meng Fan and God Monkey, and the guards here let them go. It was completely out of Meng Fan’s expectation. I thought it was so difficult. .

However, the three of Bai Lanling looked at Meng Fan eagerly, with watery eyes, but the meaning of the words was that since Meng Fan had entered it with this identity, the task of capturing Seven Colored Flowers was also explained in Meng Fan. Body.

What a grand event in the capital!

I don't know how many old monster-level powerhouses will come. Once it is turned on, there will be a big battle, and it will definitely not be that simple at that time.

Rao Yi Meng Fan's powerful strength is a bit guilty, naturally he understands that this seven-color flower is not so easy to get, and will face a **** battle, this flower protector is definitely not so good.

"Haha, Meng Fan, you also said that Xiaoye, I think you are the one who can pinch flowers best, how can you have your old friend everywhere!"

On the side, the **** monkey was eager and shocked.

I met Lei Yingying in the restricted area before, and it seemed that she had an unclear relationship with Meng Fan, but after coming to this city, there were three big beauties who accompanied Meng Fan. All of them were the same. The existence of this kind of disaster to the country and the people, I have to say that Meng Fan's female relationship is really good to the point of scary.

"Don't get me wrong... all just friends!"

Meng Fan's mouth twitched, helplessly said.


The monkey nodded meaningfully, this look seemed to be more sarcastic.

"Fuck off, you don't believe me if I tell you too much, but I am really interested in the inheritance!"

Meng Fan's expression moved and said slowly.

Prior to this, Bai Lanling had not concealed Meng Fan. He had previously said her guess to Meng Fan. Once it was empty, it would be a baptism to the flesh of every cultivator.

And every golden flower in full bloom is quite targeted, the more upwards, the more colors, but they are all gods of heaven and earth, which can attract so many powerful people.

And that kind of physical baptism is even more terrifying. Even the quasi-god strong will make progress again. The core of the sky has a strange power. Before that, countless strong guesses that it contains the past. Inherited after the sage of the capital.

However, in the past, there were some powerful gods who forcibly stepped into it at this time when the sky and the sea were uniform, but they were shocked by it. This is to make everyone understand that the inheritance is not strong, but requires a chance. .

As for what the fate is, I just don't know!

The physical body is advanced again!

This kind of temptation is absolutely not small for Meng Fan. Now that he has reached his level, all levels are already extremely terrifying. Having reached the peak of cultivation, it is undoubtedly harder to improve again. Than Dengtian.

But having such a mysterious inheritance undoubtedly gave Meng Fan a chance, making him uneasy.

But this kind of heartbeat is just thinking about it, for Meng Fan, everything is still going to be the matter of the gods.

The small boat floats gently and flows directly into it along the Zhongdu River. This river is extremely long, and it is extremely prosperous around it. There are countless powerhouses between heaven and earth, so Meng Fan and others have finally seen this. The behemoth of the capital.

After half the incense, even Meng Fan had to sigh. It is worthy of being one of the immortal inheritances between the world and the earth, encompassing the world and integrating the rivers.

There are countless strong people and various shops, but everything seems to be well-regulated. The stronger you are, the less you dare to be presumptuous, because this capital city is enveloped by the ancient supreme gods and can remember everyone. Breath.

Once it is remembered by him, it is like a **** monkey and is included in the blacklist.

Under such circumstances, no one wants to offend this Zhongtian dynasty and will never enter this Zhongdu forever.

A city full of tens of billions, but everything is in order. This is simply too shocking. Even Meng Fan rarely sees the guards. To be able to do this scene is worthy of the four words of the Zhongtian Dynasty.

"Huangtu Baye, maybe this is the case, I don't know if the dark guards will one day have a chassis like their own!"

Meng Fan said to himself, it was that he also gave birth to a kind of envy in this kind of place, only to rule this kind of huge capital, with a frontier that overlooks the world, flying to the end, maybe he can dare to call it. . . . The emperor of the world!

Silent all the way, under this boat, Meng Fan, Shenhou and others directly came to the core area of ​​Zhongdu River.

There are also more and more people around it. Because of the grand gatherings in this, the riverbank is surrounded by rows of boats. There are many powerful atmospheres, and many of them are all in this Middle Ages. The great forces were invited to come, and just a movement of their divine thoughts could sense countless majestic qi and blood.

Between the two sides of the strait, there are countless figures of people, like ants, gathering around, drinking swigs among the rows of restaurants, but they have a very pleasant feeling.

Meng Fan also felt a moment of relaxation and let out a sigh of relief. However, before he could react in the next moment, the ship he was on shook suddenly, and the defensive array on the boat was activated. , But was attacked by a powerful external force, just now!


Just for a moment, everyone’s expressions were moved, and a cold voice came from the void.

"Bai Lanling, you a little **** dare to come here, don't you want to die?"

The tone was extremely indifferent, spreading throughout the sky, attracting the eyes of countless people, and under everyone’s eyes, a huge ship could be seen approaching. The whole ship was golden, extremely tall and domineering. A dragon boat is like a golden dragon.

And above the bow is a woman standing with a blue robe, a very good figure, graceful and graceful, with the blue silk draped behind her, a pair of eyes looking at it indifferently, with a powerful and noble aura.

Her own strength is powerful, and it was naturally her shot before that made the ship sway. If it were not for a defensive array, I am afraid that the blow would cut the ship to pieces!

And as the woman's voice fell, there were a large number of dragon boats approaching here around the river bank, and each of them had a lot of big men in black, all expressionless, without anger and mighty Without waiting for it to approach, an infinite evil spirit came and enveloped the small boat where Meng Fan was.

A full eight dragon boats blocked the entire river course, completely preventing the boats of Meng Fan and others from advancing, and completely confining the entire world.

Such a scene immediately caused an uproar in the surroundings. Numerous eyes focused on this place. The vitality monk was naturally hot-tempered, and if he didn't agree, he would fight hard. The more lively places, the more likely a fight would occur.

However, it is absolutely necessary to divide the place. This is the capital of the Zhongtian Dynasty, especially the core place of Zhongdu River. If you don't have powerful means, everyone understands that you should never act rashly.

Because there are many lawless people living in the great prison of the Zhongtian Dynasty, even the strong in the Xuanyuan Realm need to behave well here. There is only one consequence of chaos, which is to cause the anger of the Zhongtian Dynasty. No matter who is wrong and who is right, both sides have to bear certain consequences.

However, after focusing on them, many of them seemed to know women. At this moment, they all pointed to them, but they all talked quietly, with a natural fear of the woman standing on the bow.

"Qin Mingyue!"

Looking at it, Bai Lanling's beautiful body stood up, and a few words were spit out from Yinya, the expression on the pretty face showed a trace of indifference, naturally she knew a woman, and she seemed to have a rather bad experience.

And the woman in the blue and yellow robe also had an ugly face on the side, stepped out, walked out, and said in a deep voice.

"I knew I would meet this bitch, but I didn't think she would really come to ask for trouble, so hypocritical!"

"Hmph, that's right, don't you just rely on her chassis? The second princess of the Zhongtian Dynasty is amazing. A little thing is just a small belly. Isn't it the last time the three of us took her chance!"

Hearing the words of the three of them, Meng Fan's brows were raised, his eyes were also looking, and a playful smile appeared on his face.

The second princess of Zhongtian Dynasty!

In this case, the latter is also Qin Hong's sister. I don't know where the latter is now. It seems that this time is destined to be. . . . . Met a lot of acquaintances!


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