Supreme God King

Chapter 1388: collision!

Princess Zhongtian!

It is conceivable that ordinary people would never do anything above Zhongduhe, because even the strong of the Xuanyuan realm would not be able to bear the price of doing this.

Zhongdu City is well-known in the world and encompasses billions of people, but not everyone is qualified to do it here.

But if someone who has been in Zhongdu City for many years understands that this sentence is completely invalid for this Zhongtian second princess Qin Mingyue.

The identity of the latter is where it is placed, and the temper is quite hot. Once someone offends her, then in the middle of the city, she immediately needs to tie her five flowers and behead her.

After a while, many people on both sides of the strait retreated one after another, giving way to the famous second princess. Some mockingly looked at the boat that belonged to Meng Fan, and whispered that they didn’t know who was so unlucky and angry. This is the mold of the second princess of the Zhongtian Dynasty.

"Who dares!"

In the mid-air, Bai Lanling’s beautiful body was also in the air, and two words were spit out. Behind him, the yellow robe and the blue woman followed closely. The three beauties appeared, each like a lotus in the water, and there was no fear of Qin Mingyue. Instead, the qi and blood exploded, and the vitality suppressed the sky and confronted it.


In the distance, Qin Mingyue sneered at the doctor and said calmly,

"Bai Lanling, what place do you think this is? If you dare to come here, naturally I won't make you feel better. I always remember the last time. I never thought you were so bold and swaggered in just to come in. The sign of the Pavilion is really looking for death!"

The tone is calm, facing each other in the air!

The appearance of the four beauties on this sky at the same time should be attractive enough, but they are all extremely powerful masters.

The relative difference between this kind of aura is to make all this not so peaceful, but to have endless murderous opportunities, and a blockade around the river bank.

"Hmph, what am I afraid of, Qin Mingyue, last time we were not afraid of you, this time the same!"

Bai Lanling said calmly,

"Don't say that this is the Zhongtian Dynasty, you can act recklessly. Our Heavenly Secret Pavilion is here. If you are afraid, you will not be too long for this long time. Besides, can you be the master?

I bet that your trouble with me is definitely not instructed by the ancient Zhongtian dynasty, but your own recklessness. I was so invited by the ancient Zhongtian dynasty. Why, you have to violate your family. The order? "

With a word, the heroes trembled!

There is no doubt that although Qin Mingyue and others have an absolute advantage in the entire scene, Bai Lanling is not an ordinary person. This is extremely harsh and directly points out Qin Mingyue's key points.

Even if it is the Zhongtian imperial clan, it will definitely not defy the Zhongtian dynasty's order on the face of it. After all, it involves the majesty of the supreme power.

Qin Mingyue raised her eyebrows and sneered.

"The teeth are sharp and the mouth is sharp. It is true that you are here by order. I can't kill you, but if I cut your ship to pieces, there should be no problem. Everyone, listen to my orders and give these three guys. Throw it into the water!"


At the same time, a sound came from eight dragon boats on the entire Zhongdu River, with only one word. At the same time, blood was like a sea, spreading the heavens and the earth, and eight meteor-like rays of light emerged and turned into eight black clothes. The big man made a bold move at Bai Lanling and the others, and his mighty force broke everything directly, hitting the world.

Experts will know if there is any!

The moment these eight people appeared, it made the hearts of countless people in the whole world tremble, and when they looked over, they all felt a great terror coming.

Because the eight people who shot at this moment are extremely powerful, they have already reached the level of quasi gods, and they are not very old, all belong to the younger generation, but the moment their own vitality surges, they have their own powerful auras. Yes…. Touching the divine way, breaking through good fortune.


The eight players in the field all reached the Quasi-God level, and they had such a means, and this was only in one move, each setting off a big storm, sweeping the entire world.

"It's Zhongtian Eight Kings!"

Seeing this scene, someone suddenly whispered and recognized it at a glance.

In the entire Zhongtian dynasty, there are naturally strong ones, especially for the training of the young generation. There have been countless talents in the past century. In addition to the direct royal family, there are also continuous elites in all branches, all belonging to The imperial family of Zhongtian.

Because of the emergence of the strong, this generation is called the golden generation of the Zhongtian Dynasty. In addition to the most famous ones, there are eight people juxtaposed together. They are not direct royal families, but each have a strong bloodline. It is a strong rise, known as the eight kings of Zhongtian!

These eight people are all powerful young generations who have risen in a century. Each of them is a quasi-god of achievement. Now they actually appeared in the field, and it has to be said that it caused a big shock.

"It seems that the second princess of Qin also attaches great importance to the name of the first beauty in the eight hundred li, so she will invite the Eight Kings to sit down, and those people in the field are afraid that it will be suspended!"

"Yes, although these eight kings do not have the qualifications to inherit Zhongtian Datong, they all reached the level of quasi-god in a hundred years. They have the qualifications to attack the divine way. They are too powerful!"

Suddenly, there was a shock in the field, and countless people were talking about them. They were no strangers to these eight people in the field, and after their shots, they were extremely terrifying. The eight handprints volleyed into the air and turned into infinite power. come.

Handprints volley, suppress everything!

Under this kind of vitality fluctuations, the entire world around the world seems to be submerged by vitality. The boat where Meng Fan is in looks extremely fragile. Under the violent storms between the sun and the sky, it seems that it may be completely torn at any time. .


Bai Lanling spit out a word, she was not frightened, she still maintained her composure under this situation, raising her jade hand, vitality surged, turning into a huge sword shadow between her fingers. Controlled by the runes, a sword slashed out.

The same goes for the yellow robe and blue girl behind them. The two of them surging in blood, standing in the sky, cooperating with Bai Lanling to perform secret methods, three sword shadows, accident happened.


The three of them also touched the divine way and set foot on the quasi-shen, not just as simple as beauty, at the moment when the sword was in the air, it directly collided with the handprints of the eight kings in the field.

Under this kind of impact, a big storm was immediately set off in the entire field, the void collapsed, and the world collapsed, creating an absolute vacuum between the sky and the sky.

"Hmph, don't fight, first smash their boats, especially the flags, I see what these three little **** will take to participate in this Zhongtian event!"

After that, Qin Mingyue sneered.

Obviously, after the three of Bai Lanling were standing, it was the Heavenly Secret Pavilion, who had been invited by this mid-day dynasty. The flag on the ship was the sign of this invitation.

Even Qin Mingyue couldn't kill the three directly, but he could humiliate the three in a disguised form. If the three were only to lose face, it would not be considered a violation of the rules of the Zhongtian Dynasty.

After hearing Qin Mingyue's words, the eight people in the field looked at each other. In the next moment, five of them closed their handprints, their vitality surged, the light flickered, and there was a direct roar, the Sanskrit sound fell, and each performed a secret technique on the sky. Although they are not a direct descendant of the Zhongtian dynasty like Qin Mingyue, they are also trained in the same way, each possessing the ancient law, and at this moment they display it, like several stars twinkling, bursting out a powerful extreme The hot power.

"Fuck the magic circle!"

The three words were spit out at the same time, like a mantra, spread all over the sky, and at the same time the powers of the five quasi-gods gathered, one was printed in the sky, across the sky and the earth, directly gathered five people and directly performed an ancient secret method at the same time, and the vitality fluctuated in this void. A golden giant formed in between, covering the three of Bai Lanling.

Real Shinto means!

If this kind of god-level method is seen in the eyes of ordinary children, it may be impossible to see it in the whole life, let alone mastery, but for the children of the Zhongtian Dynasty, it is commonplace. It is only a moment of operation, and the sky is covered. , The mountains and rivers changed color, which completely suppressed the three of Bai Lanling!

Even if the three of them have powerful and unmatched strength, it is difficult to open this golden magic circle in a short time.

In addition, the three powerful quasi-gods of the Zhongtian Dynasty came from the waves, expressionless, with the powerful handprints in their hands condensed, slashed out with one palm, and went straight to the ship where the three were located!

Three quasi gods shot at the same time!

Under these palm prints, one blow was enough to completely split the ship, and the fierce and extreme air wave impacted, unparalleled.

"Hey, I just want to **** a robbery quietly. As for dealing with me in advance, I haven't taken any action yet..."

In the cabin, a helpless voice came out, the slender figure also put on a black robe that covered the whole body, walked out, the whole person was completely enveloped in it, with runes covering the surroundings, there was nothing to see, it was natural. Meng Fan.

Although he didn't want to make a move, he couldn't help Meng Fan at this moment. If he didn't make a move, the hull would shatter and there would be no possibility of hiding it.

One person is in the sky, and the moment he steps out of the hull, he is facing the three big palm prints between the sun and the sky!

The power of the three quasi-god domains is crushed, and the extreme vitality fluctuates. Before the power is reached, the air wave still makes the clothes on Meng Fan scream, as if under this kind of power, it is possible at any time Break it completely and destroy it!

At this point, you can kill tens of thousands with one blow!

But beneath it, Meng Fan's face changed incomparably, looking at it, the palms placed on both sides slowly stretched out, making a mark in the sky!


The sky trembled, and everyone noticed that the sea was surging, the tide was surging, and a big storm was set off. The three previous masters of the quasi-god level bombarded the hull, but it was not what everyone expected, but the whole The hull did not move, and the light flickered. Among them, a black-robed man resisted the attack of the three people. Only one hand protected everything this week!

Under countless shocking gazes, Meng Fan looked at the three of them, grinned, and said helplessly,

"Three, listen to me... On such a happy day, can we quarrel and try our best not to do it?"


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