Supreme God King

Chapter 1394: Suppress everything

The first person under Shinto!

This voice is like thunder, spreading throughout the world, and it can be called an infinite thunderbolt. If Meng Fan's fight against Qin Hong and beating Qin Mingyue were already a major event, then the meaning contained in his words now is shocking!

Looking at the world, who would dare to call it this way, even Qin Hong thought that he had never said it. After all, among the world, there are many strong people, and there are countless capable people.

In addition to the Zhongtian Dynasty, there is a mysterious inheritance like Cao Qiushui, Dragon Horse, God Monkey, etc. Who dares to call himself absolutely invincible, no matter how many people under the Shinto are not his opponents .

This is the middle capital city, and there are tens of millions of people in the field. This sentence can be called a meteorite falling into the calm lake, causing a thousand waves!

All eyes were full of horror.

"what did you say!"

Qin Hong stared at Meng Fan, spitting out a few words between his teeth, his city mansion is also a bit difficult to understand now, it is impossible to imagine Meng Fan saying such a thing.

Looking at the entire era, Qi Tianjiao in the Imperial Palace Battle on that day was already regarded as the most terrifying junior in this era, and no one was able to rise above it in a hundred years.

But even if it is Greedy Wolf, Wang Hun, Yang Qing and others, they dare not say this in public. After all, the higher you stand, the more you are responsible for what you say, especially in this kind of public view. Next, once someone said this, there is no doubt that he will become a public enemy in this grand meeting, facing everyone's attacks.

First person!

These three words seem to be infinite scenery, but they also need to withstand endless pressure. In the next moment, the sky is solidified. Although countless strong people are standing around this world, their eyes are somewhat unkind, staring at Meng Fan. Like countless knives, Meng Fan could be completely shredded at any time.

Between heaven and earth, there is silence!

Under everyone’s gaze, Meng Fan’s whole body's hairs were upside down, feeling a great terror surrounding him, and the fight may be destroyed at any time, but the more so, the more calm Meng Fan was. Looked around, calmly said,

"Didn't you hear me clearly? I don't think you alone are enough to be my opponent. Today I want to stand in the middle of the river to prove my name, to be the first person under the gods, to look at the world, not into the gods, No one can be above me. If you are not convinced, then give it a try at this grand event!"

The words are powerful, resounding through the world!

If it were normal, Meng Fan would never say this kind of words. It would be too much ridicule, even with his self-confidence, he would not cause him such a big trouble.

But at this moment, his goal was not to capture the Seven-Colored Flower. Whether it was the previous battle or the so-called name, it was all for the action of the **** monkey.

What Meng Fan wanted was for the entire Zhongdu City to shake. Everyone's eyes were focused on him, including the five guarding elders. Only three of them were awakened before, and there was no divine consciousness spreading. The potential threat of monkeys, and Meng Fan made this bold statement because of the danger.

I have to say that this statement, including the other two guardian elders, was also awakened by him, and his eyes turned, even the five people in the field were a little strange, staring at Meng Fan.

Such a speaker is either a lunatic or already... . Completely desperate!

Under this circumstance, the heroes between heaven and earth remained silent, but the more silent, the more it proved that many of them were full of murderous intent.

Once this Zhongdu Grand Meeting begins, then they will all be Meng Fan's most terrifying opponents. They are far superior. If you want to be the first person, you need to pay that kind of price.

As my eyes passed, there was a murderous intent. Under this situation, not only Qin Hong was Meng Fan’s archenemy, but also countless potential opponents. All of them were powerful and hidden soldiers. Will be ready to kill Meng Fan.

The moment of life and death, after a stick of incense, is enough for Meng Fan to face a big murder and a big terror!

However, above Meng Fan's face, he was still very calm, without any regrets. As he said many years ago, men do what they think is right, and it's all right.

In the first battle in the restricted area, he and the **** monkey bathed in blood and experienced hardships, and they shared the same interests as brothers.

This has always been the case for my brother Meng Fan, in a word... . Take my life!

This is Meng Fan. Since he has come here with the promise of the monkey, there is no fear anymore, in order to achieve his goal, dare to fight the world!

Even if thousands of people stand in my way, I am alone!

Under Meng Fan's actions, it can be said that it is like a spark igniting a gunpowder keg, which shocked countless people around the whole world and geared up.

Their emotions are different, but including Zi Xueqing and Bai Lanling, who are accustomed to seeing the heaven and earth, are also full of hearts, incredible.

"Meng Fan!"

In the middle capital city, before the great prison, in a completely enclosed space, at this moment the figure of the **** monkey stands, standing upright, even in front of the **** array laid down by the Zhongtian Dynasty.

With his divine mind, he naturally sensed everything that happened above Zhongdu River. He uttered two words softly, and his voice was a little trembling. In the end, he only stepped out, a surging divine power from His body regained consciousness.

He knew that everything Meng Fan did was for himself, and now he cannot tolerate anything else. The more he delays, the more likely the two people are in danger. On the contrary, the faster he moves, the more he can help. Meng Fan got out of danger earlier.

With a punch, the power of the divine way erupted in an instant. At this moment, the divine monkey strode out, brazenly thinking that all the great prisons crashed away, just in one move, a force that penetrates everything is It came out with a blast, and collided with the infinite seal of the great prison in this seal!


Above the Zhongdu River, everyone was extremely speechless amid the uproar that Meng Fan set off. That kind of endless murderous intent spread all over Meng Fan's body, but it made him stand quietly without fear.

"Little guy, do you know what I said before, you will be responsible?"

In the Zhongtian Palace, the old guardian who spoke before slowly spit out a few words. Across the void, the five guardian old guards are all awakened from here at this moment, staring at Meng Fan as if to see through him. .

"of course!"

Meng Fan nodded, spit out two words.

"Well, everyone is proof, all of this is your choice!"

In the palace, the old man said slowly,

"No wonder the old man for everything. When the sea and the sky are all over, naturally I will meet with the branch school!"

The rumbling voice fell, and immediately the old man didn't speak any more, but at this moment, it was obvious that the interests of the five guardian old men had been jumped up by Meng Fan, and did not continue to fall into a deep sleep, but returned to the spiritual mind and waited quietly.

After just a stick of incense, there will naturally be a battle, and it will definitely be... extremely fierce!

Void bowed his hand, Meng Fan also hesitated and returned to his ship, but Qin Mingyue had already fainted and was handed over to the hands of the Eight Kings of Zhongtian and others. He also left temporarily and went to cultivate.

The protagonists on both sides took a temporary rest, which also relieved everyone around the world.

Under the eyes of everyone, the three people, Bai Lanling, also returned to the boat, and stopped the kind of domineering storm before, but the three people, who were accustomed to the big scenes, are now a little pale with pretty faces, showing a kind of innocence. Believe it, after arriving in the cabin in the dark, he immediately said to Meng Fan,

"What about the monkey, what on earth are you going to do, is it crazy?"

Bai Lanling has seen Meng Fan’s previous intelligence, and all the experience of the latter’s rise between heaven and earth is definitely not accidental. In his impression, Meng Fan is not a person who likes to steal the limelight. He can do so. To do, naturally has the intention to do so.

"It's nothing, this time I borrowed your identity, but I believe you will naturally have a way to solve it when the time comes. You can also say that I coerce you. I believe that with the power of the Tianji Pavilion, the Zhongtian Dynasty should not do anything to you!"

Meng Fan responded indifferently, sitting quietly in the cabin, and making himself a pot of tea. His movements were extremely skillful, and he looked like a scholar.

This scene fell into the eyes of the Bai Lanling trio, and the trio were a little dumbfounded. Before, Meng Fan still set off a **** storm on this Zhongdu River, and used his powerful strength to fight against the powers of the Zhongtian Dynasty. It seems to be personable, this kind of style change is too fast, too unacceptable.

However, before Bai Lanling could say anything, there was a maid outside her cabin in a quiet voice.

"Out there is a woman who calls herself Yuehan, who wants to come in to see her husband, saying that she is... from the Emperor's Gate!"

Hearing this, the eyes of the three Bai Lanling suddenly turned towards Meng Fan!

Yuehan, Emperor Gate!

Meng Fan frowned and hesitated, but in the next moment a voice came.

"The descendant of the emperor's door, she actually found you!"

The person who speaks is the spirit of the emperor's way, little emperor!

"What, does it have anything to do with you?"

Meng Fan hesitated and said that the two names were the same, which already faintly explained something.

"It doesn't just matter!"

Xiaodi sighed softly, and said slowly,

"Accurately speaking, I should be one of the three imperial artifacts of the Emperor Sect in the past. Later, something happened that caused me to leave them... Although I haven't returned to the ancient land for a long time, I don't know who the head is now , But believe you should know me, Meng Fan, don’t underestimate the emperor’s gate, they find you don’t know what it is, but it may not be good, now I am connected with you by blood, you are me, I naturally want to remind You, the emperor's gate is inherited from ancient times, and its meaning is to assist the current emperor.

The latter sect and the Tianji Pavilion have some imagination. They are composed of a group of extremely mysterious and powerful men. Tianji Pavilion is best at assassinations, while this emperor gate likes to assist people with the image of Chengdi. Throughout the ages, I don’t know that they assist. How many people have become the emperor and stepped into the three sacred realms, but the same.... . This emperor gate is also extremely overbearing. They have a rule. You must have the resources to give you, and they will definitely become their people. If you don't want it, they will be their enemy, then they will face... . Thunder means! "

The tone was solemn, and things that could make Xiaodi so solemn were definitely rare.

So domineering!

Meng Fan's heart moved, and before he could speak, another maid ran over and said at the same time,

"Mr. Huijin, there is a...a woman calling herself Zi Xueqing wants to see her husband!"


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