Supreme God King

Chapter 1395: Get together

Zi Xueqing!

Hearing these three words, the corners of Meng Fan’s mouth suddenly twitched. Now, he did not announce the world as Meng Fan, but deliberately hide it. Although it won’t last long, it’s unexpected that such a moment came. Deceased.

A Yuehan from the Emperor's Gate was already extremely difficult to deal with, let alone a demon girl from the Purple Gate, Zi Xueqing.

"Hehe, you deserve to be Lord Meng Fan. I've heard of Yuehan, a descendant of the emperor's gate, but she is an out-and-out beauty. It is said that Qin Hong is interested in her. She once pursued her, but she didn't seem to have any. To succeed, once the descendants of the emperor gate are born, they must assist the strongest king in the world. It seems that Yuehan still has some hesitation."

Standing aside, Bai Lanling's gaze showed a hint of joking, and she lowered her voice.

"And Zi Xueqing even gave up her life to help you that day. It seems that she has an unclear relationship with you. It's really amazing... Master Meng Fan's romantic methods are not inferior to your cultivation!"

Such teasing naturally made Meng Fan speechless, silent for a moment, and finally said,

"Let them in!"

After receiving Meng Fan's orders, a very good smell came from the cabin not long after, and even the two beauties who walked in.

A cold and glamorous, graceful figure, with a blue silk draped behind him, the desire to conquer that naturally arises from men in the world can be described as extremely strong, and the body under the white robe is looming, naturally it is the moon cold of the emperor.

In addition, Zi Xueqing is also not inferior. The latter is a beauty of the same level as Yuehan, with a graceful figure and extremely tall. When the two appear at the same time, it is simply a dizzying feeling.

In addition to the three beauties of Bai Lan Ling in the cabin, it can be said that this place is enough to make thousands of men outside the cabin go crazy. There are five enchanting women and only one man. This kind of thing is unimaginable.

However, as the person involved, Meng Fan didn't feel as well. A black robe covered his whole body and concealed his breath. Although he didn't want to deliberately conceal Zi Xueqing, he had to guard against Yuehan. After all, there was no real moment to show up. , Something might happen in this stick of incense, and Meng Fan could not help being careless.

With a hand over, Meng Fan looked at the two of them and said calmly.

"Two girls, what are you looking for?"

Hearing what Meng Fan said, Yuehan's eyebrows lightly raised, staring at Meng Fan, and said calmly.

"It's nothing, but I saw Brother Bai Long's demeanor before and felt that the latter is really one of the arrogances of the world. If you want to come and take a look, why Brother Bai Long refuses to show his true identity?"

Zi Xueqing smiled as soon as he said, at the same time,

"Yes, it feels like Brother Bailong is a kind of arrogance, the little girl has never heard of it before, and I have never seen it, so I want to take a look, I don't know if Brother Bailong can meet the requirements of both of us! "

The two beauties were in front, staring at Meng Fan, so pitiful, enough to fascinate not knowing how many heroes.

But Meng Fan cursed inwardly, two tricky little girls...this is definitely to verify his true identity.

As Tianjiao, there are only a few people who can confront Qin Hong. It is definitely not accidental, and naturally aroused the suspicion of the two.

Especially Zi Xueqing. At this moment, Meng Fan's eyes became more and more aware that the aura between the other's body shape and her footing was really imagination, and it made her uncertain. Like a curious cat, her divine mind kept running. , To sense its changes.

"It's not that I don't want to show up in person, it is..."

The corners of Meng Fan's mouth twitched, and he couldn't find any good reason, and finally simply said,

"It's really so handsome, everyone loves, and the flowers bloom. The girl must be in love wherever he goes, so... you need to pretend to be a little bit. The two girls don't look at me. I'm afraid you two will bear it. Can't help falling in love with me!"

With a word, there was a dead silence in the entire cabin.

Rao is as clever and smart as Zi Xueqing, Bai Lanling and others never expected Meng Fan to answer like this, it is too speechless, this face is also... . It's too thick.

"It's okay... We don't care how handsome you are!"

Zi Xueqing stared at Meng Fan and spit out a few words between her teeth, which made her feel crazy. How could there be such a person in the world.

"No, I care, I care... I am dissatisfied that the two people who have a family can not have an affair with the two!"

Meng Fan waved his hand, looking righteous.

If these words came out, it would be enough to cause an uproar in the outside world. Who are the two beauties in the field, and that one is not supreme and overwhelming.

The men who pursued them were enough to line up the entire Zhongdu River, but Meng Fan looked like he didn't want it at all, and it is estimated that it would be enough for the suitors of these two beauties to slash him.


Diaoman, like Zi Xueqing, was also quite speechless at this moment, her hands clenched tightly, almost running away.

However, Yuehan, who had been standing still in the next moment, smiled slightly and said calmly.

"Sure enough, you... Meng Fan, you didn't die in the imperial palace!"

A few words fell, and the atmosphere in the cabin suddenly changed again. If it were the embarrassing words made by Meng Fan before, then this moment would be completely frozen.

Meng Fan!

What these two words represent can mean a huge amount. The most dazzling existence of the Seven Heavenly Pride that day came out of this imperial palace alive, and it is estimated that there will be an uproar between heaven and earth.

A sharp glow in his eyes flashed by, Meng Fan smiled.

"I don't understand what Fairy Yuehan said!"

"Oh, are you still pretending, why did you come to this central capital this time? According to the truth, you shouldn't have to deliberately face the many powerful people Qin Hong is already outside, but you are so tough, under the gods. The first person, tut..."

Yuehan’s delicate body is standing, but her eyes seem to have insight into everything.

"It seems that you still want to hide your identity to complete your plan. Since you don't want to admit it, then I might as well help you!"

The tone was calm, but in the next moment a jade hand suddenly shot out.


It's just a seal, suppressing everything, with a kind of overbearing power, Yue Han brazenly shot, the speed is extremely fast, but this attack is not coming to Meng Fan, but to Zi Xueqing!

What a cruel woman!

After a while, Meng Fan reacted. The latter's strength was extremely terrifying, and he had cultivated a powerful secret technique, which made Meng Fan unable to figure it out. In one move, the murderous Ling Ran had already reached the level of the Quasi-God Realm.

But if Yuehan targets Meng Fan, then Meng Fan has 10,000 ways to resist, calmly resisting, and does not reveal his identity, but the latter is not Meng Fan, but Zi, who has a weaker cultivation base. Xueqing was forcing Meng Fan to make an all-out effort to show all his breath.

The imperial gate!

Thinking of what the little emperor said before, Meng Fan became more and more afraid of this mysterious sect like Tianji Pavilion, but even though he knew the plan of the latter, Meng Fan still stepped out among the electric light and flint. , Moved the space, and instantly came to Zi Xueqing's body, punching out!


The power of the two is relative, and the cabin shakes, thanks to the existence of the Quasi-God Realm, it is able to absolutely control the power, without letting a trace of aftermath spread, but the collision between them completely breaks the vacuum.

"What a domineering atmosphere!"

Yuehan's delicate body was shaken back by Meng Fan's punch, but he did not move forward, but stabilized himself. The cold face gave a chuckle, watching Meng Fan coldly.

"It deserves to be the head of Tianjiao in the imperial palace that day, suppressing everything. It seems that the last undead root has also fallen into your hands. Meng Fan, I am right. If you are not, there is no need to take action. Meng Fan, who has an unclear relationship with Zi Xueqing, can just help her resist my blow!"

The tone is calm, but organized!

After Meng Fan, Zi Xueqing also reacted. It was not the first contact between the two parties. If he could not recognize Meng Fan from a long distance before, but now his broad back and the familiar familiarity of Meng Fan himself The breath finally made Zi Xueqing sure, this white dragon... . It's Meng Fan!

"It's you!"

With a squeeze of Jade's hand, Zi Xueqing's pretty face showed an extremely happy expression, and directly grabbed Meng Fan's palm.

Under this situation, Meng Fan couldn't hide it, and sighed quietly.

"Not bad!"


With Meng Fan’s affirmative answer, Zi Xueqing smiled like a flower, but after a while she became frosty again, she lifted her up and kicked it.

"You guy, you still pretended to be before, is it necessary, or you don't want to see me, I saved you last time!"

With a flick of a finger, two extreme moods have changed, and Meng Fan is speechless and helpless.

"I have something to do this time, it is not good to have a relationship with me!"

The tone was calm, but it suddenly made Zi Xueqing's expression serious. She knew Meng Fan. The latter was definitely not the kind of person who was aimless. Once it was what was said, then there really was something important. Only then was it possible to make Meng Fan so serious.

"Sure enough, it seems that Master Meng Fan's picture is unusual!"

Yuehan said calmly,

"Why not talk about it alone?"


Hearing Yuehan's words, Meng Fan nodded, but a trace of extreme indifference flashed through his eyes.

After many years of cultivation, for Meng Fan, a negative scale means not allowing others to touch people around him, and he has never been threatened by others. Obviously Yuehan’s actions have already touched Meng Fan’s bottom line. In other words, you don’t mind killing people, no matter where the other party... comes from!


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