Supreme God King

Chapter 1396: Win over

Interview alone!

Hearing the words of Meng Fan and Yuehan, the Bai Lanling and Zi Xueqing's eyebrows wrinkled slightly. Even if their reaction was slow, they found that there was something wrong with the atmosphere between the two. .

"Meng Fan!"

Zi Xueqing spoke, hesitating.

"It's okay, you are waiting for me outside, and I will go out after talking with Fairy Yuehan!"

Meng Fan said calmly.

After hearing Meng Fan's words, although Zi Xueqing hesitated, the four of them all nodded and moved out of the cabin.

In the huge cabin, Meng Fan and Yue Han were left in an instant.

"Fairy, please have tea!"

Meng Fan smiled slightly, made another pot of tea, and placed it in front of Yuehan.

However, Yue Han shook his head and said calmly.

"The tea you make is murderous, I don't drink this kind of tea!"


Hearing this, Meng Fan’s expression was condensed. He didn’t expect the latter’s reaction to be so sharp. He just showed a trace of murder and was sensed by the other party. The latter really coexisted with strength and scheming, making Meng Fan treat this emperor. The royal family became more and more interested.

"In fact, you don't need to be too nervous. My Emperor's Gate may not be your enemy. On the contrary, if you can follow our requirements, we may be your greatest help. Didn't Tianji Pavilion want to kill you before? !"

Yuehan said indifferently, the face like a city is extremely cold, with a breath that does not contaminate any human fireworks.

"The emperor's gate is much more open and upright than them. I never play assassination. The emperor, the world is righteous, the king, and the king is driving domineering. What we are looking for is the king between the world and the world, to assist him. , Among the group of arrogances in the world, we have already seen some information.

The Tianjiao in the imperial palace has the posture of becoming an emperor, and if it can be an emperor in the emperor, according to the existing information, we are most optimistic about you among the few people. Before your life and death are unknown, we can't think of you. Where can you really come out alive is enough to make you a plus on our evaluation! "

"The fairy is ridiculous. Zai Xia just wants to know what the fairy is trying to find in Xia!"

Meng Fan took a sip of tea and said calmly, but his eyes were staring at Fairy Yuehan, very energetic.

"I have already said that I am a descendant of the emperor's family. Once out of the mountain, there is only one picture, which is to find the current emperor and the emperor to help improve myself as an investment!"

Fairy Yuehan said calmly,

"The descendants of the emperors of the past generations are not the case. They assisted a generation of great emperors to achieve the supreme cause. You are among our candidates and naturally attracted me to come for a while. Now it seems that your thoughts and methods are all superior. Great chaos will come out, and we also take the world as our own responsibility. The previous evaluation of you is really true.

How about this, I now give you a chance, whether you are willing to join the Emperor's Gate, you do not need to do anything immediately, just make a blood oath to be loyal to our Emperor's Gate, and there will be great resources to help you in the future, and In return, no matter what you do here today, our emperor will help you leave safely and ensure you are safe! "

When he said it, Meng Fan's heart was shocked.

At first glance, he could see that Yuehan was definitely not a braggart, and to be able to make such a guarantee would naturally have absolute strength.

The other party had already seen that he had other purposes, but he dared to say so. I have to say that this really has a strong confidence. After all, this is the Zhongtian Dynasty, in the Zhongdu City.

"Perhaps you are not very familiar with our emperor gate, but I can tell you responsibly that in the ancient times, the Zhongtian dynasty could have this kind of sight, and after that, it was followed by the predecessors of my emperor gate! "

Yue Han said slowly, her red lips lightly opened, but there was already a hint of pride in her tone.

"I don’t know how many fights and plans, all because of the support of my emperor’s ancestors that led to the great achievements of the ancestors of the Zhongtian Dynasty, but we have always liked to handle things in a low-key manner. Now between the world, what I said can be fully guaranteed.

And to help you become a **** is only a few years, I know you do not have a strong background, but with the support of this emperor, then I can guarantee that the resources you get will be comparable to Qin Hong, to When you have enough strength to compete with him! "

The tone was calm, but if the content of the words came out, it would inevitably cause an uproar, comparable to the resources obtained by the prince of the Zhongtian Dynasty, and no one could believe it.

However, at the next moment, the little emperor spoke,

"Meng Fan, what he said is true. The Emperor Sect does have this strength. There are very few people among them, but that one is extremely mysterious. It belongs to a group of people who are neutral between the world and the earth. Weird, but in those days, the open master of the Zhongtian Dynasty did receive countless help from this emperor.

And it’s not just the Zhongtian Dynasty. It seems that there are countless forces in this Middle Ancient Realm that have risen because of the secret help of the Emperor Sect. Once you get their help, you can imagine that you will be in this Middle Ancient Realm. With the wind and the water, even the hatred of the great emperors against you will be cancelled because of this, but there are reasons and effects, and you know what the price is! "

All laws are empty, cause and effect are not empty.

Meng Fan fell into silence, and he never thought that the Emperor Sect would have such a powerful force, and could even help him resist the imperial clan.

I have to say that this is indeed a rather big temptation for Meng Fan. We must know that his enemies are all over the world, Liu Family, Zhao Family, Xitian God Race, and even after today, there is a possibility that there will be an extra Zhongtian Dynasty. Under such circumstances, even with Meng Fan's current cultivation base, it would be even more difficult to gain a foothold in this Middle Ancient Region.

But if there is secret help from the Emperor Sect, the lure conditions given are indeed not small.

"how about it!"

Yuehan said calmly,

"Meng Fan, you should know that no matter what you want to do in this Middle Ancient Realm, you must break away from the imperial clan level. Although you are close to the gods, you are not yet the gods. I conclude that you have achieved the gods. It will take a few more years, but infinite changes will happen!"

"It seems that Fairy Yuehan is well-informed. It is indeed an excellent opportunity to come here before I face the pressure of the Zhongtian Dynasty!"

Meng Fan sighed quietly and said softly.

"Naturally, I don't fight a battle of uncertainty!"

Yuehan nodded,

"What you said before was too full, Qin Hong wants to kill you, and the medieval heroes who came here want to kill you, what do you do? Many arrogant arrogances are self-righteous and rejected my emperor gate. It is a pity that they all fell here The Middle Ages... I believe that His Excellency Meng Fan should be a wise man, with the help of my emperor, but he can free you from everything!

Between the last few words, it suddenly changed the atmosphere in the cabin. Although Yuehan did not move at this moment, a cold breath spread from his body, giving Meng Fan a strong pressure. .

If you are interested, you can naturally hear that the latter is not only telling Meng Fan how to help, but the subtext is to use the emperor’s gate as pressure. If Meng Fan agreed today, everything is easy to say, but if he doesn’t agree. Not only could he not get help from the Emperor's Gate, but he might even be offended for it!

Once you choose to join, you are completely out of the predicament, and with the help of the big forces, if you refuse, it will be worse than the abyss. Under these two choices, normal people will choose the first one. Yuehan's scheming is absolutely powerful. Only at this moment can he find Meng Fan. The more he is attacked by his back and abdomen, the more easily he will be shaken, and under such circumstances, he will exert both kindness and strength, giving him pressure.

Such a method is really flawless, even if it is a man of the world, it must be controlled by it.

While speaking, Yuehan already had a feeling of being ready, staring at Meng Fan, and calmly brewing himself a pot of tea. After drinking, his movements were extremely graceful.

"Good means, good intentions!"

Meng Fan clapped his hands, looked at Yuehan, and said calmly.

"Fairy Yuehan is also less than a hundred years old, but he has the strength in the Quasi-God Realm, and such insight is really a mission that I have rarely seen in my life. It is powerful, worthy of the Middle Ancient Realm, and it is really a gathering of the world’s heroes. There are so many powerhouses in the imperial palace, it is unexpected that there is a strange person like Yuehan Fairy in the outside world, but...this time I will disappoint Fairy Yuehan because I chose to refuse!"

The tone was calm, but what he said made Yuehan enter the cabin for the first time with a raised eyebrow, and a slight change appeared on his cold face.

"Oh, Your Excellency Meng Fan seems to be going to the meeting alone, facing the many medieval heroes outside?"

Yue Han stared at Meng Fan, seeming to want to see through his heart.

"Not bad!"

Meng Fan nodded, made a gesture of seeing off the guests, and said calmly.

"Fairy Yuehan is indeed a good plan, good intentions, but my life, Meng Fan, is not controlled by others, and the so-called blood oath of allegiance will not be issued, because there is no one in the world, and any force is worth what I do. The condition proposed by the fairy It is indeed a temptation, but compared with my cultivation, it cannot affect my cultivation. Anyone who wants to kill me Meng Fan, let him come!"

The swords, the fire and the seas do not shed tears, so what a fate!

This sentence was what Meng Fan said when he left Wuzhen that day. It was also his life's ambition. The many years of life and death made Meng Fan's own cultivation very strong.

Now he is indeed struggling in this Middle Ancient Realm, but it is impossible for him to give up his freedom because of his own murder. The reason why he chose to enter the temple is because the temple is completely neutral and will not require Meng Fan to do it. What, but this emperor's gate is obviously ill-intentioned, and Meng Fan naturally would not agree.

Despite all the difficulties and dangers, life and death are all!

Feeling Meng Fan's determination, Yue Han's expression changed, and finally got up, left the cabin, and said coldly,

"Well, you can remember today's matter. Since you refuse, then I will see how you leave this city alive!"

"Hold on!"

Meng Fan uttered two words, causing Yue Han's footsteps to pause, turning his head to look at Meng Fan, and sneered.

"Why, changed your mind?"


Meng Fan held a teacup and said with a smile.

"I just want to remind Fairy Yuehan that I, Meng Fan, never liked other people's slopes in my life. You have the first time today, so forget it, but if there is a second time... I'm afraid it will not be like now Go out like this!"

Between the last few words, the interior space of the cabin was immediately allowed. . . . . . Frosty!


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