Supreme God King

Chapter 1397: Start

Not coerced!

Prior to this, Yuehan's shots and the threat in his words naturally let Meng Fan know that the other party's plan was not small, and he was forcing himself to submit.

However, in the past few years, Meng Fan has never succumbed. Even when he hit a rock with a pebble in the past, it did not make Meng Fan any retreat, let alone now.

Hearing Meng Fan’s words, Yuehan’s pupils shrank, and a moment later said coldly,

"As expected, someone called you the white-haired Shura, so mad, you can still survive this level and then talk to me, otherwise you are not qualified!"

The tone was calm and sonorous in response.

Obviously, Yuehan is definitely not an easy generation, but Meng Fan shook his head and said calmly.

"Is there such a qualification? Just wait and see. Although I don't want to hit a woman, I will learn it when I should teach it. Your previous shots are enough to make me... three hundred blows on your ass! "


Hearing this, Yuehan’s eyebrows were immediately raised. With her identity and strength, even Qin Hong was extremely polite in front of her. Several people in this world dared to say that to her, but Meng Fan not only took her Rejected and threatened in reverse.

Thinking of the meaning of the words, I couldn't help but make a hint of flushing appear on her pretty face, not shy, but angry. With her cold appearance, she looked very moving, like an ice fairy. The smell of fireworks.

However, after a few breaths, Yue Han forced his anger to be suppressed, gave Meng Fan a deep look, and walked out of the cabin.

Maybe a battle between the two might have erupted before, but now it won't, because Meng Fan is about to face a life and death crisis.

In this case, Yuehan would naturally not fight him, because there were too many enemies outside Meng Fan, and it was indeed unknown whether he could survive.

"The Emperor's Gate!"

Meng Fan sighed faintly, knowing that there will be another potential enemy in this Middle Ancient Region after today, and it is really difficult.

However, in the next moment without waiting for Meng Fan to sigh, the sky shook, and the law conversion between the voids was obviously time for a stick of incense.

A strange change began to take place in the rivers of Zhongdu, even if Meng Fan was in the cabin, he felt the noise of the outside world.

The Medieval Festival, has it begun!

With a change of expression, Meng Fan immediately stepped out and came out of the cabin.

Nowadays, the surrounding area of ​​Zhongdu City is already crowded with people. After the previous turmoil, it has made it even more lively. There are tens of millions of people gathered around the two sides of the strait, and the noise is full of noise.

And in the faintness, Meng Fan instantly sensed the five indifferent gazes passing over, and he was naturally the five guardian elders in this imperial city.

Even though all of them are not moving, they still have the aura of suppressing everything. This is a sacred one that has been alive since ancient times, and its strength is naturally extremely terrifying.

On weekdays, even if one of the elders would wake up and talk to others, it is definitely not like today, five people at the same time fully recovered from the state in the middle of the city, and gathered in one place, especially It's a person.

I have to say that what Meng Fan did before this has completely shocked them, making these five sacreds follow Meng Fan's actions and feel extremely surprised, wanting to see if the other party can pass this level. .

All you need is to wake up!

With a sneer in his heart, Meng Fan's complexion remained motionless, even though he had sensed the pressure of the five sacred moments, he stood on the ship like a rock.

Arrogant Ling Ran, the wind does not move!

This is Meng Fan, just for his own promise, that he can dare to fight against the sacred.

"Meng Fan, be careful!"

At the next moment, Zi Xueqing and Bai Lanling also walked over and spoke to Meng Fan.

The previous scene made them all in their eyes, and now things have happened, so there is no room for maneuver, and the few people have to follow incomparably nervous.

The first person under Shinto!

This title alone is enough to make countless monks crazy in ancient times. Whoever dares to say this in public must face endless murderous intent.

"rest assured!"

Meng Fan nodded towards Zi Xueqing and signaled that he was fine.

At this moment, the entire river bank was boiling, and countless eyes turned towards Meng Fan. I have to say that most of them have a spicy taste.

Regardless of whether it is a strong man who has emerged in a hundred years, the title of the first person under the gods is too domineering, and naturally it makes countless strong people dissatisfied.

And between this week and the sky, that kind of strange spatial change has become more and more intense, the sky is shaking, and after a while you can see that the void has turned into gold, with a breath of ancient vicissitudes enveloping the entire Zhongdu City. The strength is condensed, and the wild aura is flooded, and it turns out that golden petals are condensed.

This kind of rich heaven and earth energy alone is enough to make the people in the field crazy, if you can cultivate in it, then it must have a powerful improvement.

"The sea and the sky are all in one color, as one!"

After a while, the old voice also came from the imperial city of Zhongdu. It was the old man with wooden characters who had spoken before, and the rumbling might swept around Zhongduhe.

"Now, you can go to the sky for a battle, get the famous flowers in it, and give it to the beautiful woman!"

After hearing the words of the old man in Mu Zi, the countless strong in the field suddenly became crazy, not only the many monks who wanted to participate in this grand event, but also the concentration here. I don’t know how many come from this world Beauty.

All of them are beautifully dressed and ecstatic, some of them shot themselves, and some of them stood on the banks of the river, all for the first beauty in 800 miles. Under this situation, naturally There are many strong men who don't want to die.


After a while, the air wave impacted and moved in the void. Countless people were already unable to bear it, and the vitality revolved directly, rising into the sky, turning into a series of meteors, and going straight above the sky.

Between the many monks acting at the same time, the entire field was boiling instantly.

Standing in place, feeling this kind of atmosphere, the blood in Meng Fan's body gradually heated up, expressionless, and stepped out in the next moment.

"Wait, don't follow me, split up, don't pester!"

This is for Zi Xueqing. If it is normal, Meng Fan would naturally be a flower protector, but now he himself is a gunpowder barrel that will explode at any time. Whoever follows Meng Fan will only be Faced with endless risks, it is natural to let the daughters of Zi Xueqing leave under this situation.

Although Zi Xueqing was a little reluctant to do this, but seeing Meng Fan's resolute back, he knew that he couldn't help him. The latter would inevitably face a **** battle. Her cultivation level might add to the chaos, so she is the best. Nodded, his delicate body moved, and went straight to the sky above the sky alone.

Suddenly, Meng Fan and the others also turned into a figure among the many meteors, but before Meng Fan took a few steps, they sensed countless murderous intents to attack him.

This wave of qi came from all directions, not just one person, but thousands of people, and they targeted Meng Fan in this direction.

Under this situation, the vitality swept across and hit the world, completely submerging the place where Meng Fan was!

There is no doubt that the latter's previous words have made him the biggest living target of this Zhongdu event. After only the first step taken by Meng Fan, he has already encountered the most powerful attack.

The world is pale, everything is dim!

Amidst the violent storms of vitality fluctuations, Meng Fan was expressionless, his body did not retreat but moved forward, and the blood circulated around his body. Surrounding Meng Fan, a golden dharma image appeared, which enveloped him like a mountain. The runes flickered, allowing the endless fluctuations of vitality between the sky and the week to bombard it, but Meng Fan could only step out and walk forward.


At a glance, I saw that countless attacks collided with Meng Fan's law, but they did not advance at all. Instead, they were resisted by Meng Fan's law.

One thought of no form, one thought of no life, is for... no form, no life!

This is the powerful physical cultivation method that Meng Fan obtained that day. With the improvement of Meng Fan's realm now, he has become more and more exquisite in his control of this god-level method.

The power of oneself is integrated into it, and it is many times larger than the Dhamma he formed before, forming a powerful defense. There is no need for Meng Fan to respond deliberately. This kind of Dhamma surrounds Meng Fan like a big Buddha. Resist all attacks between heaven and earth.

And in the midst of the stormy sky, Meng Fan stepped forward, only this foot fell, even if he didn't deliberately attack, but a powerful power has erupted from his body.

There is no phase and no birth sutra, this kind of god-level method is not for nothing.

With the integration of Meng Fan, it is now possible to release the power of the law and suppress the world. During this step, the force of the vibration penetrates the void, which makes it possible for many powerful people who have shot Meng Fan before. Blood spurted.

With one step, Meng Fan surrounded him, and another step went toward the sky.

Just like this, under this endless attack, Meng Fan's movements were a bit slow, but he took a steady step, but there was no resistance, but between each step, he was not only staring at the vitality that destroys the world. Moving forward under the storm, the countless masters who had shot at him spewed out blood.

One step, two steps, three steps... after eight full steps!

Meng Fan’s body was already ascending to the height of the Zhongdu River from the cabin, with no surroundings, and falling with a foot. The powerful counter-shock force was twice as high as before, as if there was no end, and it was fierce. The power of the horse spread, and at the same time the voice came out, only four words,

"Do not make me angry!"

Wish all book friends a happy Dragon Boat Festival and a price reunion!


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