Supreme God King

Chapter 1398: Climb to the sky

Do not make me angry!

The four words fell, like a thunder in the sky, resounding through the world.

Today's Meng Fan is a strong man who has stepped into the realm of quasi-gods. If he does not look at his age, he is definitely an old monster-level existence. His strength is terrible. Even if he faces the medieval heroes, he definitely has the power to suppress everything.

In particular, it controls many secret methods. Between these eight steps, like the Emperor's arrival, the breath is suppressed, and the breath of letting me down at each step is stronger than before, crushing the countless strong above the sky. By.

This last sentence even contained Meng Fan's powerful divine consciousness, an invisible warning.

People who don't interfere, get out!

The sound waves and divine consciousness were one, spread all over the world, shocking countless people who probed Meng Fan here were spewed out of blood, divine consciousness was damaged, like a scorching sun.

Among them, countless powerhouses showed a trace of horror in their eyes. I did not expect that the latter could still maintain this invincible means under the suppression of so many powerhouses, without changing his face, I have to say that he dared to call himself Being the first person under Shinto does indeed have a certain truth.


Inside the palace, the eyes of the guardian of the five sacred elders are all focused on Meng Fan, extremely deep.

"The exercises he was practicing did not come from this Heavenly Secret Pavilion. This is not his true identity. The old man really doesn't understand what he really wants to do. But no matter what it is, it is absolutely impossible to take the air today. It's not that easy. Since he himself is so tough, he has to pay for it!"

One of the old men said sternly, with a hint of chill in his tone.

The Zhongtian Dynasty is inviolable. This sentence is already a conclusion, so that it will have a strong deterrent in the long river of guaranteed existence in the eternal time.

And what Meng Fan did before has undoubtedly touched the Ni Lin of several old guardians. Although the latter did not act openly on them, it was like this kind of existence, the time of a stick of incense... . It is enough for them to arrange a lot of things.

After a while, despite the fact that Meng Fan, who was in the void, was like a scorching sun, a voice came from among the endless crowd.

"Huh, what are you? When people of my generation are mentally retarded, what is the first person to kill him, he is so famous now, who can kill him, he must be famous in the city, and will win the beauty of the world note!"

The tone was dark and unpredictable, I don't know which corner it came from, but it fell into everyone's ears, but it made many people's eyes become hot.

In the middle of the river of eight hundred miles, I don’t know how many gorgeous women are gathered now, all around, they are all the princes, saints, celebrities...

In the world, Tianjiao gathered, beautiful women like clouds, and countless crowds onlookers. Naturally, many of them were eager to become famous in World War I. The gaze towards Meng Fan also changed from fear to fierceness. ,

"Can't let him go to the sky!"

"Yes, kill him!"

Amidst the crowd, a voice of indifference came, and at the same time riots again, targeting Meng Fan.


It was just an instant that the place where Meng Fan was located was under siege. If his cultivation was not so famous, he would definitely not encounter such a siege, but now he is the most dangerous one in the field, as seen by Zhou Tian, Everything was sealed, and powerful energy descended from the sky, suppressing the sky, and attacking Meng Fan boldly.

The vitality is like a tide, like a mountain and sea!

In this endless pressure, Meng Fan was expressionless. He had already calculated that this line would never be so peaceful. The hands placed on both sides shook slightly and said calmly.

"Since you choose to stop me, then I'm just going to shoot!"

The previous warning was that Meng Fan had given everyone a chance, but the other party did not cherish it. Instead, he wanted to take his life. Then in the next moment, Meng Fan, who was standing in the void, had no mercy. But there is more meaning of endless cruelty.

Hand up, punch!

Suddenly, Meng Fan stood in the void and blasted out with a fierce punch, but this blow was a kind of overbearing power that moved the world.

Practicing all the way, accumulating, and reaching today, perfect!

Even though Meng Fan is not sacred at this moment, his control of the power of the divine Dao is completely integrated into himself, martial arts are integrated, and a road that belongs to Meng Fan completely.

This road is extremely lonely, this road is doomed to bloody, this road, no one succeeds... but it does not prevent Meng Fan from going on.

Taking the Inverse God scroll as the foundation, integrating many divine methods and creating martial arts that belong to him, the most important thing is the kind of meaning of Meng Fan. This kind of meaning is domineering, one person, and... unbelievable!

I have to reverse everything, with one person's strength that has never happened in the past!

What Meng Fan wanted was his own step, and it was also the source of all the power in his body. Standing on this sky, it was just a punch, which looked like an ordinary blow, but it contained all of Meng Fan’s spirit and spirit, like a meteor. Defiantly, facing the heroes.


Between the heavens and the earth, a thunderous sound fell, shaking the heavens, and not knowing how much space was broken, causing the layers of the void to tremble.

However, as far as the next moment, he saw that all the vitality fluctuations that were bombarded in front of Meng Fan were blasted away by all of them. A hundred meters ahead, it was accessible.

With one step out, Meng Fan walked over like this, and after a while, he punched again!

Faced with the tens of thousands of thousands of qi monks hidden in this Middle Ancient Realm, one person was blatantly unimpeded. Under Meng Fan's fist, even if there were countless strong people around this world, he was blasted away as quickly as possible.

Under Meng Fan's absolute domineering power, there was no hand left at all. The power passed. All the people who shot against Meng Fan were blasted by force, suppressed by the power, and a group of low-minded people directly exploded and turned into a blood. mud.

Kill me decisively and cause me to die!

This has always been Meng Fan's principle, and it has never changed in his life.

Counting steps in the sky, nineteen punches!

At the moment when Meng Fan was above this mid-air, a mouthful of blood spurted out. With his powerful body and strength, it was difficult to resist the siege of so many powerful men at the same time. He suffered trauma, but he took a look below. It looked, but it was a mess.

One person vs thousands of monks!

Under such a scene, an earthquake was immediately set off in the entire field. Even if Meng Fan's realm is stronger than usual, but the people who prevented him from this world before include countless strong people, and even quasi gods. The level of existence secretly shot, but it was unable to resist even Meng Fan's enemy.

This can only explain one thing, that is, Meng Fan's own combat power is beyond the realm, and he already has... the sacred qualification of World War I!


In the distance, in the attic, a delicate body stood quietly, it was Fairy Yuehan.

The latter did not go to the sky to seize the ultimate inheritance of this physical body, but stared at Meng Fan, a strange look appeared on the cold face.

"What a powerful body, its blood is completely integrated, without any blemishes. How can we achieve this step? Only taking Tianshen Liquid can help it change. This Meng Fan must have never experienced it, but it is He repaired all his own damage, perfect vacuum.

This body of him now is like an immortal, and it has only been able to reach today. I can't think that there is still this kind of person in the world. By virtue of himself, he can be compared with the powerful resources without inheritance, but I see where you can go. , I, Yuehan, who wants to save, have not been unsuccessful yet! "

Above the sky, a smoke of gunpowder!

Meng Fan's body was stable. He was alone in the sky, and after a few heavy coughs, he finally recovered, his eyes swept around, and at a glance, he sensed the ultimate power coming from the depths of the sky.

Such power is like a blazing sun!

Under the faint feeling, it turned out that Meng Fan's own physical body became extremely comfortable, as if all the blood in the whole body was running wildly, and he wanted to echo it.

What a power!

Meng Fan’s heart was shocked. Others might have nothing, but now Meng Fan’s physical body is already at its peak, perfect and flawless, but it has this feeling. Which kind of power in the sky has a great attraction to it, this is absolutely It was a strange thing, enough to make Meng Fan feel a tremor in his heart.

After Zhongdu Sheng, this name is indeed not false, giving Meng Fan a great attraction.

However, although Meng Fan swept across the four directions before, his own speed has slowed down. Above the sky, you can see that countless people with strong cultivation bases did not forcefully attack Meng Fan, but moved towards it. Ben inheritance.

With a step on the sole of his foot, Meng Fan suppressed a trace of impulse in his heart, stepped out again, headed for the sky, and headed straight for the sky against the powerful rays of the sun.

"Stop him, don't let him go!"

There was a gloomy voice among the crowd, but before the next moment to wait for the voice to speak, Meng Fan, who was above the sky, moved suddenly, with five fingers stretched out, and he came to one of the places, his hands changed, eight at the same time He slapped it out and hit eight places in the void.


Suddenly, under the power of Meng Fan, the void suddenly burst, spattering countless blood, and there were several screams, all of whom were hidden in the void. There were seven people in total. Fan was directly killed in this midair.

Prior to this, Meng Fan was a force to suppress the group of heroes. Even if there are countless people who want to fight against him with his power, there will not necessarily be so many people who immediately target Meng Fan, just because someone is among the crowd. The provocation just put pressure on Meng Fan.

And this group of people hidden in it, a total of eight people, had already fallen into Meng Fan's attention.

Now his words were careless, Meng Fan grabbed the space and locked the position of the eight people. He came directly and shot seven dead. Soon Meng Fan stood in the sky, grabbed his backhand, and grabbed the last one. Hands.

With his five fingers closed, Meng Fan looked at a place in the middle capital, crushing the bones of the person in his hand inch by inch, his eyes were extremely deep... It was extremely cold, and the direction he looked at was surprisingly... the five patron saints of the guardian palace of the Central Capital!


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