Supreme God King

Chapter 1399: Suppress

Five sacred guards of Zhongducheng

There is no doubt that if Meng Fan can't see it now, then he won't be able to reach today. This group of people was not arranged here by others, but these five guardian elders.

If you want to crush Meng Fan and be fair and honest, you can only let him die in this struggle, rather than the sacred shot of the older generation. For them, it would be great if they could be killed by many cultivators.

Therefore, there are eight people hidden in them, mainly for the purpose of instigating people to target Meng Fan.

This kind of murderous intent seemed invisible, but if it hadn't been for Meng Fan's incomparable absolute power, he would have died in such a conspiracy.

The palm smashed it into pieces, Meng Fan retracted his gaze, stepped out immediately, and went to the sky again.

This kind of shot made Meng Fan disdain, and it was a kind of resistance against it. Even the Zhongtian Dynasty, a living sacred strongman, but Meng Fan who has arrived today is not afraid at all.

If someone wants to kill you, no matter who they are, the more humble they are, the more they will make the other person feel that you are afraid of him. On the contrary, the more domineering, the more qualified they can be.


In the guarding palace, the faces of the five people became gloomy at the same time, even they did not expect that Meng Fan's combat power would reach this point, which was even more terrifying than before.

In this battle with Qin Mingyue, Meng Fan was only allowed to show his flesh and fight with strength. Now that his vitality has exploded, he is even more mysterious and terrifying than a monster like Qin Hong.

Such people, heaven and earth are extremely rare, and they appear in the field.

After a while, one of the old men said coldly,

"It's just that the first step was not successful, and there is still a second step, kid, don't be too proud. If you want to face our Zhongtian Dynasty, you are not strong enough. Such a clamor will only make you die faster. , I don’t know how many people claiming to be able to come to challenge my Zhongtian Dynasty in Eternal Age, but none of them will be any better at the end!"

The tone was cold, but things about the palace would not spread to the outside world.

This scene only happened in an instant, and after a moment, under everyone's eyes, Meng Fan was already a striding meteor, heading straight to the deepest part of the sky.

The blocking before this has already delayed him for a while, and there are many strong people before him. The opportunity is fleeting, not to mention the countless strong people in the field. Naturally, Meng Fan speeded up, volleyed step by step, and went straight above the sky.

The more towards the sky, the strong sun also shines down at the same time. Although there is no attack, this kind of sunlight is accompanied by high temperature, without a strong physical body, it is impossible to hold on in it at all. It is more terrifying than taking a bath in magma.

There is a kind of strange power in this hot light. Even if Meng Fan accidentally has no vitality to defend it, his body will be torn apart.

However, in this kind of harsh environment, there is an extremely strong prehistoric power, which is comparable to the imperial palace, and the billowing prehistoric power is condensed.

Under the influence of the strange power that naturally spreads in the sky, there are many golden flowers blooming in this mid-air, which looks very beautiful.

Each of them is a divine object condensed by the energy of heaven and earth, which is of great value, but everyone's eyes are not on this.

Because once this Zhongtian event is opened, it can be said that the time is limited, only about half an hour, the strange scene here will disappear, and everything will return to normal.

The next time it is opened, I don't know what year and month, the strong will not be here, but put on a higher goal.

The more colors there are, the stronger the prehistoric power condensed in it, and it is also extremely precious, and it is said that the seven-color flowers that are formed every time the sea and the sky are the same color are only a few, and they are extremely easy to wither. The strong have seized one after another, at any cost.

"As Bai Lanling said, Qi Se Hua is just a gimmick. What is really important is the core area of ​​the fiery sun, what is there, it can make me feel so strong!"

Meng Fan said to himself, a hint of curiosity appeared in his eyes.

And just as Meng Fan stepped forward, although he was slower for a long time, but with his own strength, after a few breaths, he caught up with many people.

And as soon as I could see, I found that a figure above the sky is leading the way. Before everyone, even if there are countless strong people in the sky, they are inferior to the figure. The latter is like a star, shining. Heaven and earth, impressively... . Qin Hong!

Seeing the latter, Meng Fan's pupils couldn't help but shrink, and a few words later spit out like Hong Zhong,

"Qin Hong, I am here!"

Words are powerful and spread all over the world.

Under this voice, Qin Hong could not help but turn his head, his eyes were opposite, and there was an infinite chill in his eyes. The whole body also stopped for a while, like a magic weapon, it may burst out extremely powerful at any time. Edge.

Enemies meet, especially jealous!

Prior to this, the enmity between the two parties had already accumulated, and this moment was just the moment when their eyes met each other, which allowed the two to have the most powerful murderous opportunity to appear at the same time.

Not only Qin Hong wanted to kill Meng Fan, but Meng Fan did the same.

He has never been merciful to his enemy, especially when the opponent has repeatedly targeted him. As long as he gives Qin Hong a chance, he will always be his own enemy, and the latter is also the most terrifying in the entire era. The juniors of Meng Fan didn't make Meng Fan too much cheap before.

Naturally, Meng Fan could only kill him. Even if he couldn't be wiped out, he still had to break his mind cultivation, let him try the bitter fruit of failure, and dare not shoot himself again.

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

Qin Hong uttered a few words, and the murderous intent on his body became more and more vigorous. However, before Meng Fan responded in the next moment, an old voice came from beside him.

"Young Master, I'm here to solve this, your important matter is important, it is not easy to entangle him!"

After a while, a figure appeared, a black robe, white hair, and many wrinkles on his face, which appeared between the heaven and the earth, standing behind Qin Hong.

Hearing that, Qin Hong's expression moved, he looked at the old man, hesitated for a moment, he no longer confronted Meng Fan, but strode out before turning and heading straight to the core area of ​​the sea and the sky.

However, the road that Meng Fan went was blocked by the black robe old man. Even if there was no fight, Meng Fan felt that the sky seemed to be an extra mountain, cutting off all his paths.

There is no doubt that it is the powerful power of the black-robed old man in front of him that has created the absolute realm of this world.

"It seems that there is something in it, you want to give Qin Hong!"

Meng Fan sneered. The enmity between him and Qin Hong was not insignificant, but now the latter gave up killing himself and went to this core place. It is conceivable that the things in it must be quite extraordinary. The fierce and fierce Qin Hong also chose to forbear temporarily.

"Not bad!"

The black-robed old man nodded and said slowly,

"It's from the hands of the Sage Empress of the Zhongtian Line. How could it be ordinary, but it's a pity... You don't have the chance to see it!"

After speaking, Meng Fan smiled slightly and uttered two words.

"Is it?"

And at the moment Meng Fan showed a smile, he stepped out in one step, without any greetings, it was just a punch.

And at this moment, he also no longer hides his strength, his qi and blood are fused, and the hair is flying, the power of his body is concentrated on the front of the boxer, and he punches directly.

Emperor Fist!

At this moment, Meng Fan was hiding his strength. If Qin Hong was given enough time, then the so-called Saint Queen’s inheritance would probably be gone.

The seven heavenly arrogances in the imperial palace that day were absolutely extraordinary in their minds and means, and they were able to claim that they had become gods for a century, comparable to the past and the present.

The force of a punch, penetrate everything, the ultimate Meng Fan!

Meng Fan, who has arrived today, is trying to smash a person with all his strength. It is so terrifying, even a strong person in the same realm will be blown up with a punch under such a fierce force, and he does not know how many bones are broken.

The punch has not arrived, the breath has arrived!

With just one blow, the world was suppressed, but the body of the black-robed old man who stood in place did not move, and even a sardonic smile leaked under this overbearing and extreme power, just as Meng Fan’s fist was about to strike. For an instant on his body, the black robe old man stretched out his palms on both sides, slowly spreading out.


The sound hit, the void burst, and at the next moment Meng Fan's body retreated, a mouthful of blood spurted out, even if it was as strong as him, he could not resist the force of his own counter shock, and the tiger's mouth was torn apart.

A few meters away, Meng Fan’s figure was standing still, a mouthful of blood spurted out, looking at the black robe old man not far away, coldly spit out a few words.


Two words, cold to the bone!

Powerful in the Divine Origin Realm.

For Meng Fan, this level of realm existed in the past. I was afraid that I never thought that one day would stand in front of him, looking at the world, the true peak of the pyramid, a living god.

"Yes, surprised?"

Facing Meng Fan, the black-robed old man smiled and said calmly.

However, between the tone of voice, there was a kind of rush.

This is a grand meeting in the Central Capital. Although it is extremely grand and covers a hundred rivers, it is generally not a strong person with the level of Shenyuan.

Because the opportunity here is not the realm that can be obtained, and secondly, the existence of this level is extremely rare. In the eternal time, there are very few gods walking in this ten thousand realms, even in the middle ancient realms. It is no exception.

But now a sacred figure is standing in front of Meng Fan.

There is no doubt that the five guardian elders in the Central Capital Guardian Hall want to attack Meng Fan. Naturally, the attack is the thunder force, and it is bound to kill him. The first move of the previous five people is to rely on everyone Power to stop Meng Fan.

The black-robed old man in front of him was used by the five to kill Meng Fan... the second move!


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