Supreme God King

Chapter 1400: War sacred

Holy now!

Such a realm of power personally takes action, it is not a big emphasis on Meng Fan, the first move before this is just a temptation, if you want to see Meng Fan’s strength, the real murder It's here... . The second step.

Even though the black-robed old man is motionless, everything between Zhou and Tian is covered in his breath, creating an absolute realm. Although there is only one word difference between the quasi-shen and the gods, there is a difference between heaven and earth, in the other's realm. Under the pressure, Meng Fan was given a strong pressure.

Such a realm powerhouse is definitely beyond his imagination.

"Very good, as expected of the Zhongtian Dynasty!"

However, under this endless pressure, Meng Fan still didn't change his face and said calmly.

"There is still you waiting for the strong to appear, it seems that you really spent a lot of time!"

"Not bad!"

The black-robed old man nodded, using his strength to suppress everything, but at this moment he usually chatted with Meng Fan.

"If it weren't for you to show up, the old man would not come out, it's a pity... You are a kind of talent comparable to Hong'er. I can sense that your grade is even younger than him, but you have reached this point, which is really enchanting. I have to say that seeing your old man gave birth to a feeling of admiration. There is still a person like you in the world. If your style of behavior is not too strong, it is impossible to be used by my Zhongtian Dynasty. We still I really can't bear to kill you, what a pity, what a pity!"

The voice fell, sighing extremely.

It is a great honor to be able to make a sacred one like this.

This is indeed the real reason why the Zhongtian Dynasty wanted to kill Meng Fan. In addition to the latter's sweeping of Qin Mingyue's face in public, the most important reason was that Meng Fan was a Tianjiao junior who rose between heaven and earth.

Everyone understands that once this kind of person is offended, it must be suppressed with absolute strength, otherwise... The troubles are endless.


Meng Fan laughed, strode forward, and said calmly.

"You have your way, I have my way, they are not the same, if you want to make a move... just come!"

The three characters fell, and at the same time Meng Fan took a step forward and printed it out.

With just one blow, the world was opened up, all the qi and blood in the body were gathered, and under the operation of the power, a strange change occurred in Meng Fan's body, which was constantly compressed and merged. This method of qualitative change was naturally.... . Sunset!

The shocking fate obtained in the imperial palace that day was the sunset gate of the wind and clouds in ancient times, and the inheritance left by it is absolutely extraordinary.

This inheritance, even the many elders in the temple, did not feel it, otherwise, it will definitely cause a big disturbance, but it is truly uninherited, and even qualified to be comparable to Meng Fan’s Inverse God Scroll. Effect.

In the compression of this power, the vitality originally in Meng Fan's body was strong and unmatched, but at this moment it was even more domineering, fusing with himself, and after snapping his fingers, it blasted out with a blast, tearing the world apart.

"The Great Seal!"

The five fingers fell, opening up the world, even in the face of a sacred person in the world, Meng Fan was still fierce, and chose to take the initiative to attack and suppress everything.

Between this kind of power operation, it is simply the peak.

The billowing torrent of vitality covered the heaven and the earth, and compared to before, it was a difference between the heaven and the earth. There is no doubt that Meng Fan had already gone violently, and the trump card at the bottom of the box was taken out.


Under this mark, the black robe old man's eyes narrowed, and a word was uttered, and the next moment the palm of his foot stepped on the sky, the palm of his hand appeared, and his vitality revolved.

Under Meng Fan's full blow, even he did not dare to be careless, and burst out, a powerful and extreme power burst out, it was the true power of God!

Quasi-God Realm vs. Holy!

The gap between the two sides is just one step, but it is like heaven and earth. Even though Meng Fan has countless years of experience in defeating the strong with the weak, at this moment, it is completely useless.

Because a strong person in the realm of Shenyuan is definitely not something that can be easily guessed. It breaks through the good fortune and is rare in the world. In the moment of the impact of the air wave, it makes the eight deserts tremble and everything is vacuumed.


At a glance, you can see that the two mountain-like handprints collided, and the force of the collapse overflowed the world, causing the people around the void to avoid one after another, with a look of shock, for fear of being involved in it.

Within 10,000 meters, there is no human figure, countless times, and when they look over, they feel exceptionally surprised.

Under the power of the billowing divine way, everyone understood that this Zhongtian Dynasty played a hole card, no longer concealing it, and directly used the old monster power to kill Meng Fan.

The Great Emperor's Seal is so terrifying. After the fusion fell into the change, the combat power was even improved, but at the next moment, it made Meng Fan's handprints freeze in the midair, unable to move forward, and trembling.

The moment he touched it, it made his throat salty again, and a mouthful of blood almost spurted out, but was stuck in his throat by Meng Fansheng, stepped out, stabilized himself, and spit out a word at the same time.


All in one go, open the world.

At this moment, it can be said that Meng Fan’s life is rare, and he has never really faced a divine enemy. It is a huge test for him, but the instinct honed between life and death is more active. It is natural to understand that the next step at this time is to step back.

At the moment of life and death, whoever retreats will die!

The power confronted, and the imprint in Meng Fan's body moved, a terrifying swallowing force spread, and the energy of heaven and earth between the sky and the sky was trembling.

Furiously surging in the direction where Meng Fan was, gathered in his body. Under the absorption, Meng Fan's body doubled in size. The Great Emperor was printed in the sky, continuously crushing, and black robe. The strength of the old man is intertwined.

One breath, two breaths, three breaths...

Between this kind of staggering, just a moment later, the black robe old man's handprints faintly had a broken posture, which belonged to Meng Fan's fierce impact, suppressing everything.

Suddenly, there was a huge fluctuation in the entire field, and countless people looked astonished, including the five guardian elders, all stood up at the same time.

For the quasi-god realm, sacredness is absolute suppression. This is a law that the heavens and the earth cannot resist, but now it is completely broken by Meng Fan.

Under his full exertion, it turned out that the power of the sacred old man almost collapsed. For everyone, it was impossible to believe their eyes. This was definitely a miracle.


After a while, the black-robed old man standing above the sky suddenly uttered a word, his palms closed, runes flickered, and an ancient secret method suddenly burst out.

An unpredictable force surged in his body, like the burning of the whole body, the handprints expanded, and resistance went away. The handprints that were already about to be shattered were suppressed again before finally resisting Meng Fan's fierce power. .


The void trembled, and in the next moment Meng Fan's body retreated again, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and two bones in his chest were broken and flew out by him.

However, although the collision between the two sides ended with Meng Fan's retreat, it made everyone's heart tremble. It was normal to know that the Quasi-God Realm vs. Shinto masters were crushed.

But before that, it was Meng Fan who almost blasted the black robe old man's handprints away, breaking through his defenses. This was simply too amazing. This level of combat power alone was enough to shock everyone.

After a few steps backwards, Meng Fan barely stood firm, his eyes were indifferent, but he also suffered a lot of trauma at this moment, coldly said.

"Your birthday... Is it about to end?"

The tone was calm, but what it meant was to make the expressions of everyone in this world move, a little hesitant.

There is a blush on the face of the black-robed old man, as if he is extremely angry, but it is not normal to fall into the eyes of powerful men like Meng Fan. After a few breaths, the black-robed old man is indifferent. Tao,

"Yes, boy, your eyesight is very poisonous, the old man really only has less than ten years of life left!"

"After this battle, your remaining lifespan is less than three years!"

Meng Fan said coldly. With his current combat power, he did not shrink even when facing a sacred one. However, in the previous confrontation, he felt that the black-robed old man in front of him was not. Normal, its blood is not as strong as a normal god, but in a dry state.

And during the previous confrontation, if it were not for the old man to run the secret method and burn himself, it would be difficult to fight against the overbearing Meng Fan.

"so what!"

The black-robed old man stood there, staring at Meng Fan with a pair of eyes, revealing a kind of murderous intent.

"I have to say, boy, you are indeed powerful. If you want to subdue you, you can only reach the level of Shenyuan. It is a pity that the five guardians of wood, wood, water, fire and earth can't do it personally. All only makes the old man checkmate The person of the person is here, don’t worry... The old man made some mistakes before the eternal age, and he can no longer be regarded as a person of the Zhongtian dynasty. You and me are at most private grievances. The old man is just a sinner, come here It's just a chance. Even if you don't have enough lifespan, today with the old man's cultivation base, dragging can drag you to death!

After speaking, this sentence was not openly falling, but the old man passed it into Meng Fan's ears with a secret method, revealing a kind of ridicule, and suddenly the corners of Meng Fan's mouth twitched, and there was a hundred thousand grass mud horses running past his heart. !

Barefoot is not afraid to wear shoes!

In these years, Meng Fan has always been like this. Fighting the enemy's life and death often caused his opponent to restrain his hands and feet and give him a chance to fear Meng Fan. But now Meng Fan has encountered a more bachelor.

Even in the Zhongtian dynasty, powerhouses of the sacred level are definitely rare. Most of them are in a deep sleep. The black robe old man in front of him came to consume Meng Fan. He has had a life span of less than ten years, his blood is dry, and he is in the most sluggish state in his life. However, against Meng Fan, if it is consumed, it can bring Meng Fan a great murderous opportunity.

If you were to die with a person who was about to die, this choice was totally unacceptable to Meng Fan, it really was. . . . Too little IQ!

I have to say that the second move played by the five sacred sacreds of the heavenly dynasty is really quite a loss.

However, after a few breaths, Meng Fan sneered, looked at the old man, and said calmly.

"You have a back hand, really think... I don't have one?"


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