Supreme God King

Chapter 1401: Really do not have!

I don't have it!

The tone was calm and spread all over the world, but it made everyone's expression condensed.

From beginning to end, Meng Fan was too calm, even facing a sacred powerhouse without a trace of panic, so everyone was shocked and hesitated at this time.

Hole cards!

In the attic, Yuehan's eyebrows lightly jumped, recalling all the information about Meng Fan carefully in his mind, and slowly said,

"Is it convening the old ministry? But it shouldn't be it. This is the Zhongtian Dynasty. He is still talking about the past in his personal capacity. It will not attract forces to crush, but if he brings people into this place on a large scale, it will be inevitable. It was an extermination. Compared with the Zhongtian Dynasty, his power is nothing but an ant. He would not have thought of this. Then what is the trump card for this!"

Not only Yuehan, but also the five sacred ones in the palace and the numerous heroes between heaven and earth are all caught in hesitation. The stronger you are, the more you think.

Including the black-robed old man in the field, even if his birthday is about to come to an end, he stopped at this moment, took a deep look at Meng Fan, and sneered.

"If you have any trump cards, just take it out. The old man is waiting for you here. Maybe you don’t understand. The old man has lived for thirty thousand years. Now he is sluggish and has no hope of breakthrough. Death is for Meng Fandu. It's not terrible, what are you using to threaten the old man!"

The tone is arrogant, but it is just like the old man said.

Even the sacred powerhouse cannot be immortal forever. Once the limit is reached, it will simply drive the countless vitality monks between the world and the earth into madness.

The stronger the vitality monk has experienced, the more he has the supreme power in the world, and naturally the more he does not want to dissipate between the world, so there is a restricted area.

And like the old man, he was completely hopeless and sacred, the most terrifying, because even death could not be afraid of him, there was no weakness in his body.

Hearing this, Meng Fan smiled disdainfully and said indifferently.

"You can certainly not be afraid of death, but once my trump card is played, you can... pinch you to death with one finger!"

Between a few words, it is sonorous and powerful, spreading all over the world, as if it were a rule, saying one thing.

However, falling between the heavens and the earth, there was a boo, including the coldness and the coldness of Yuehan who almost bit his tongue, hesitatingly looked at the sky above the sky, thinking that he had not heard it wrong.

Holy now!

Even though the old man is completely in his twilight years, he already has sacred power. Looking at the world, who is qualified to say this, who is qualified to do this step.


Standing on the spot, the black robe old man snorted coldly and laughed in anger.

"Boy, you are really arrogant to an idiot. Looking at this world, although the old man has spent his entire life and has not stepped into this second sacred level of cultivation, how can he be a sacred strong person, able to pinch it with one finger? I am afraid that the dead old man can be counted by one slap in the course of time. Could it be that your trump card is the king of the gods?"

The tone was full of sarcasm, but in the next moment Meng Fan said indifferently.

"Hmph, old Piff, do you really think that you are the only one who has the background, and the little master can go to this day, with this kind of grade, how do you know that you are not the king?"

As he spoke, his palm was raised, and in the next moment a small golden tower appeared in Meng Fan's hand. The shadow of the tower flickered, and the ancient vicissitudes of life, and in the next moment an immortal aura surged from it. , And getting stronger and more terrifying, permeating the world.

Under this kind of breath, it is as if there is an immortal existence in this small tower, unparalleled mystery, just the moment the breath spreads all over the world, it is to freeze everyone's expressions.

this is…. .

The stronger the stronger, the more trembling, and he looked at the small tower in Meng Fan’s hands in disbelief. That kind of immortal aura really exists, making their minds follow the attraction, unable to extricate themselves. .

Between heaven and earth, there has been a legend throughout the ages, that is, once you break through the three sacred realms and become a **** king, you can completely reverse reincarnation, break life and death, control fate, turn back time and so on.

And this kind of existence is a legend to anyone in the ten thousand domains, but it is heard that once it appears sacred, it has an aura of immortality.

The origins of Meng Fan in the field are mysterious. Until now, he has never revealed his real body. With his grade and powerful methods, everyone can't help but let everyone guess that Meng Fan is really related to the legendary **** king.

Under this situation, the black-robed elders in the field trembled at him, staring at the field, and there was an instant loss of consciousness. A kind of endless fear, instinctively felt the terrible breath of immortality in Meng Fan's hands.

However, at the moment when the old man was distracted, Meng Fan, who was standing between the place, showed a slight smile. He stepped out, and at the next moment his body moved out of space, suddenly punched out, but it was not aimed at the old man. Then, the powerful force came out, directly breaking the absolute realm of the black-robed old man, tearing it apart, and the whole person moved quickly, leaving the spot, bypassing the old man, and heading straight to the core area of ​​the sky.

Such a speed can be said to be as fast and swift as it is, how fast and how fast it must be. Many strong players in the field are unable to react, and their eyes cannot even keep up with Meng Fan's footsteps.

The latter still vowed to swear by the horrible appearance of crushing the sacred, but only quickly fled and broke through the realm in a flash.

Without the suppression of the black-robed old man, Meng Fan was like a fish entering the sea, almost terrifying. After a few breaths, there was no trace. At the same time, a faint voice fell.

"Old dog, let's play by yourself, Xiaoye takes a step first, and let me say, I'm sorry that Xiaoye brag before, this trump card...I really don't have it!"

The last few words can be said to be Meng Fan’s heartfelt voice. He followed the divine monkey to come here, facing the sacred existence where there are any trump cards, if there is really, then he is not Meng Fan, but a disciple of the forces without inheritance. However, all the previous methods were caused by the breath of the undead roots in the small sky.

The latter is the tenth-level **** between the world and the earth. It is not visible forever, and it can only have this effect. Even the black-robed old man, the five sacreds, Yuehan and others are all confused, making it impossible to see through the small tower space. What is in it, can be described as Meng Fan's empty city plan.

Of course, this empty city plan is also divided into who is performing it. If ordinary people say that the old man in black robes would have slapped it out earlier, he would not believe it.

But Meng Fan was too enchanting, and he was born out of nowhere. He didn't play cards according to common sense at all, which caused the black-robed old man to hesitate a little, so he would lose consciousness for a moment under the breath of immortality.

As for the existence of Meng Fan, just a moment is completely enough, disappearing in the body, like a Kunpeng moving, directly under the eyes of everyone, disappearing from the sight of all the people, only that sentence echoed the world.

Really... No cards!

This sentence can be described as a blast of thunder, causing countless people above the sky to petrify. No one thought that after the terrible breath of immortality filled the world, such a scene would follow. Thinking of the previous scene, it was simply Meng Fansha's acting skills deceived everyone.


In the midair, the black-robed old man's body trembled, his face was like pig liver, and finally a mouthful of blood spurted out, unable to restrain the riot in his body.

Before this, even in front of the Great Seal of Meng Fan, he didn't shake the old man a bit, but now he still doesn't move. The old man's own anger attacked his heart, unable to suppress the fluctuation of vitality in his body, resulting in a surging Qi and blood. . Self hurt!

Unexpectedly, he lived for more than 30,000 years. He was actually played by Meng Fanzhong, and he was so thorough and vivid. Under this situation, he completely lost Meng Fan’s trace. Unable to control it again, trapped in this world.

"Little beast, old man... old man..."

The tone was trembling, and he gritted his teeth. If it weren’t for the old man’s strong cultivation level, he would have fainted even when he was extremely angry and hurt himself. Crushed!

Such a scene fell into the eyes of everyone, it can be called a flat ground mine.

With a squeeze of the jade hand, Yuehan groaned for a moment, and finally her red lips lightly opened, and she uttered a few words helplessly.

"What a Meng Fan!"

In the previous crisis, Meng Fan calmly dealt with it. It was a momentary arrangement to deceive the black-robed old man and escape from the hands of a sacred person in the world. This is really a special ability!

Not to mention 10,000 people, there are millions of people who can't find such a reaction, too treacherous, too clever, even the hairy finches here might have to shout for Meng Fan.

Between the sky, Meng Fan completely ignored the horror between the sky and the sky, and strode out. Without the entanglement of the black-robed old man, naturally the sky is high and the bird will fly. After a few breaths, his body has arrived. The most central place between the sky.

The aura of the wild and wild here is flooded, permeating the surroundings, and the condensed petals have reached the five colors, all over the world, and they are extremely beautiful.

With Meng Fan's gaze, one could see at a glance that there was a sun-like existence in the depths of it. It was radiant and extremely hot, which was the real reason for the uniformity of the Shanghai sky in the entire Zhongtianhe.

One step out, and at the next moment Meng Fan's body suddenly stopped, and a powerful and extreme oppressive force came out loudly. After crossing the five-color petals, the world seemed to be completely different from before.

A piece of gold, and at the same time there is an extremely terrifying gravity in this space, covering everything, even Meng Fan almost tore his whole body in an instant, the whole person is... Out of breath, it was as if a mighty force was on the body, completely suppressed.


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