Supreme God King

Chapter 1406: Tu Shen Zhan


It was just a word out, but for any sacredness in the world, a great determination is required. You must know that even a sacred one is not sure here, let alone Meng Fan and Qin Hong.

This is not because of the relationship between the two of them. After all, the most important thing is their own life, but both of them have invincible self-confidence.

The supreme arrogance is definitely not because of his birth, but because of... It has the meaning of being supreme, in heaven and on earth, I am the only one!

For eternity, people like Meng Fan couldn't appear, just because this kind of courage and methods are absolutely beyond the possession of ordinary people, and they are the emperor of the emperor, and they are extraordinary things.

"it is good!"

Hearing what Meng Fan and Qin Hong said, the heroic woman nodded, stood on the lotus, and spoke calmly.

"Since you choose, then you are optimistic about this blow, he is called... Tu Shen Zhan!"

Three words were spit out, and the jade hand changed. In the next moment, the jade hand that was originally extremely beautiful and looked extremely delicate changed. It slapped towards Meng Fan and Qin Hong. Only the moment when the hand was shot, it covered the whole world and swept through eight. shortage.

It was just a phantom falling, but in the eyes of Meng Fan and Qin Hong, it was as if everything in the world was empty. Only this palm crushed it. No matter how strong it is, it must... All died!


In an instant, both Meng Fan and Qin Hong exploded their scalp, clearly understanding that this blow was exactly the same as his name, and it was used for... Tushen!

Divine Origin Realm!

What kind of existence among the ten thousand domains, high above, possessing countless years of life, but some people practice a kind of exercise specifically to kill it. What courage is this!

Even if the two had chosen by themselves before, they couldn't help but feel regretful now.

After gritting his teeth, Meng Fan stood on the sky, the sea of ​​consciousness revolving, frantically comprehending the breath of this blow, and having previous experience already let Meng Fan know.

What the former Saint Empress of Central Capital laid here was not an absolute killing, but an elaboration on the evolution of power, leaving the three ancient gods and methods here, waiting for the destined.

This destined person is not so good. He needs to crack the three combos. Any one of the three combos should be extremely terrifying, enough to suppress the sacred, but on the contrary, as long as the method can be found to crack.

Then it is to be able to pass this test, see tricks and dismantle, feel the body, this is what the sage of Zhongdu needs the inheritor to do, leaving this Zhongdu grand meeting can not be said that it does not contain a deep meaning.

However, once the trick is unsuccessful... . But it is the price of death.

The killing blow is to sense the absolute killing power of oneself, and integrate all the evil auras and methods of oneself into the law of killing, to suppress the opponent with absolute strength, and to fight against it with absolute strength, you kill me, I am also killed kill you!

And between this blow, Meng Fan's mental power circulated, constantly sensing his breath, but found that no matter how it was, he couldn't survive this blow.

The jade hand slap can cut the sacredness, and the slaying of the gods is definitely not talking, but in this mudra, it can really kill a sacred person in the world.

Looking closely, Meng Fan found that it seemed ordinary in this palm, but it turned out to contain three ultimate powers, one seal slap, three powers.

The first way destroys its body, the second way kills its soul, the third way transforms its power!

Only in an instant, the three powers turned into a seal, and at the same time they penetrated into the body of the cultivator. Only in this way can the sacred one be completely annihilated, and the three methods of killing and cutting are unified and completely wiped out!

Even if Meng Fan forced himself to come up with countless ways in an instant, he couldn't resist this blow, because the power to fight against his flesh-killing body cannot fight against his soul-killing spirit, and the power to fight against his martial art cannot be countered. Against the flesh.

The three killings came at the same time, and with the current state of the two of them, no matter which one they were to bear, they were totally unqualified.

Dead end!

With such a method, Rao Meng Fan couldn't help but brave the cold. The person who was able to create this kind of killing method must have reached the point of incomparable horror, and he was able to display it with his own power. After that, the strength is indeed earth-shattering, turning the people around.

This kind of method basically left Meng Fan with no way of cracking it, many years of life and death, countless experience, even his mind was born with the idea of ​​waiting for death.

"This blow... cannot be resolved, cannot be avoided, cannot be reversed, unless it is immortal, otherwise... Immortal is immortal!"

At the next moment, Meng Fan's heart suddenly shook, and his reaction was like electricity. In a flash, there were only four words in his mind... . Immortal.

The sacred immortality, the only immortality!

This sentence is an ancient rumor, but it is a special state. It is rumored that once it is sensed, even if only a trace of soul remains, the cultivator can be immediately resurrected, reborn in flesh and blood, and reborn.

"With my strength, cast my body, forge my soul, condense my way!"

At the next moment, Meng Fan yelled up to the sky, standing in the sky, his eyes flickering, and his mental power revolved, sensing the three ultimate killing powers of the Heavenly Queen to cast himself at the same time.

A thought of life and death, with your power, cast my law!

Under this kind of powerful pressure, Meng Fan was almost energized. What he had learned in his life was running like crazy, his strength evolved, and his own vitality fluctuations merged into every corner of his body.

The evolution of those three forces continued to fall into his mind, causing a lot of pressure on Meng Fan, and he himself was constantly forging, not with his own strength, but with the help of the three ultimate killing forces. Sensing a peculiar realm, Meng Fan's whole person became extremely ethereal.

Meng Fan couldn't do this kind of induction at all on weekdays, because without this kind of power, people who can find the power to see and kill the three major means to gather a seal are probably absolutely rare.

In these ten thousand years, there is no such kind of village at all. Only the Queen of the Central Capital, who stood at the peak of the power of this world in the past, can do it.

The palm print opens the sky, and it comes in an instant!

After a short while, it fell on the bodies of Meng Fan and Qin Hong. The three major forces bombarded and intertwined. After a while, the void burst, sending out two extremely stunning sparks.


Such a scene can be called the opening of the sky, turning everything into nothingness, causing countless people between the heaven and the earth to exclaim and stare at the sky in shock.

Either Meng Fan or Qin Hongke is the supreme arrogant of the world, and the fall of any one of them is definitely a big loss in the entire ten thousand domains, which will cause a big sensation.

At this moment, including the guardian five elders in the palace, they all stood up suddenly. They wanted Qin Hong to come to the trial, and with their own power and understanding, they sensed the inability to kill the Queen of Heaven. A huge improvement, but in their previous expectations, only the first blow was enough.

After all, the most important thing for anyone is life.

But it was unexpected that under the battle between Meng Fan and Qin Hong, both of them had to withstand the second blow abruptly, but no one would know more about what this second blow was than the five sacreds of the Zhongtian Dynasty. Even the five people underneath clenched their hands faintly, and drops of sweat appeared on the old face, dripping continuously.

This moment was too critical, and it simply made them crazy. Once Qin Hong fell, they would not be able to bear this price.

Among countless gazes, one glance saw two voids exploding above the sky. Among them, the bodies of Meng Fan and Qin Hong were torn apart in an instant, as if the spirits, including the spirits, were all disappeared in a blast.

died…. .

Everyone was speechless, their eyes widened and stared into the void, full of shocking expressions. After these two incomparable and terrifying attacks, the figures of the two of them completely disappeared and turned into nothingness. In this case Going down can be said to make the whole world extremely quiet, not only is the silence above the sky, but also under it, it can make everyone seem to be able to hear their own breathing and stare at the sky.

I don't know how long it has passed. In countless people's somewhat disappointed expressions, the world suddenly changed after a while, and at a glance I saw two fireflies appearing in it.

Just the moment it appeared, the heaven and the earth changed. The Queen of Heaven who was standing in the lotus flower smiled, nodded, raised her hand, and the two rays of light merged into it.

After a few breaths, the two firefly-like rays of light immediately became bigger and bigger, casting themselves, and finally transformed into two human figures. The whole body did not move, but it was stronger than before repeatedly, without injury, and it was Meng. Fan and Qin Hong!

"Immortal Realm!"

In the attic, Yuehan's pretty face suddenly turned pale, and now it was difficult to restrain it with her concentration, spit out four words and trembled all over.

Only this kind of top powerhouse can see what Meng Fan and Qin Hong have gone through. Before that, the two of them were indeed destroyed by the bombardment, even their souls were shattered, and they were completely dead, but before that Meng Fan and Qin Hong sensed the immortal realm between life and death.

What is immortal is to condense the last point of origin with one's own power, hide in the body, and everything collapses, but this point of origin is immortal, which is the capital of its comeback.

Once you are a strong person at this level, you can sense it and it is simply an opponent that is difficult to kill, because if you want to kill it, you must leave no traces to the opponent. Once it has a little flesh and blood, you can Rebirth with Broken Arm, integrating his own origin into it, waiting for the day of recovery.

The reason why Meng Fan and Qin Hong can recover so quickly is because of the horrible power of the Saint Empress in the field, which is integrated into their bodies, speeding up their operations, otherwise, this kind of immortal method There are also flaws, and it is impossible to completely recover without a hundred years.

Opening their eyes, both Meng Fan and Qin Hong were reborn at the same time, sensing the world between Zhou and Tian, ​​and finally looked at each other and found the existence of each other, and they could not help but sigh slightly.

"Meng Fan, I am really reluctant to kill you. I am not lonely with someone like you!"

Qin Hong said coldly, but his tone was extremely sincere. He was only one-ten thousandth sure of the previous induction, and he comprehended it forcibly, but he did not expect that Meng Fan was also successful and did something extraordinary.

Such an immortal realm, let alone a quasi-god realm, can't be sensed by even strong gods. The kind of understanding between life and death, unless you really have this kind of ability and understanding, you can reach any vitality realm. Don't want to break through, control this method.

People who can do this have become extremely rare since the beginning of vitality, very beyond human ability, but now there are two people above the Tianhe, which is a sensation, shaking the past and the present.

Hearing what Qin Hong said, Meng Fan grinned and said calmly.

"With each other, keep you guy... It's good for me to punch me on weekdays!"


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