Supreme God King

Chapter 1407: Break

A punch is also good!

One word, spread all over the world, immediately stunned countless people.

The previous one was extremely dangerous. For a sacred one, it seemed to be walking on the tip of a knife. It was possible to sense the existence of immortal people in this realm.

But the tone Meng Fan said to Qin Hong was like an adult watching a child, full of that kind of joking taste.

And Qin Hong almost bit his tongue and stared at Meng Fan. Before that, the two of them had passed through that kind of physical and death entrance at the same time, which gave him the feeling of being a hero and cherishing a hero.

But now, after hearing Meng Fan’s words, Qin Hong’s little affection for Meng Fan had completely disappeared. He felt that the latter’s smiling face was simply the most ugly face in the world. In the end, only a few words were spit out,

"I won't kill you... not called Qin Hong!"


Meng Fan nodded and said calmly.

"Then you are destined to be called Meng Hong, this name...sounds better than before!"

Nima... .

If this is not a taboo space, there is infinite pressure in the sky, and Qin Hong must be violent. He took a few deep breaths with his concentration, the corners of his mouth twitched, his teeth clenched, and finally... . Immediately, he closed his mind, no longer paying attention to Meng Fan, looking like he could not provoke you to hide.


Zi Xueqing, Bai Lanling and the others all smiled, staring at Meng Fan fiercely after 10,000 meters, but there was a strange light surging in their beautiful eyes.

I have to say that this is the difference between Meng Fan. No matter in any predicament, it seems that there is no trace of discouragement and loss on his body. Even if he has just experienced life and death, he can recover his mentality after a while. Keeping oneself free and easy, really is a worldly hero, can only do this step.

White-haired Shura Mengfan swept the world all the way and won countless beauties in the world who secretly fell in love with him, including the empress, Ruo Shuiyi, such a proud woman, is definitely not.... It makes no sense!

Two heavens, live through!

Under this circumstance, it can be said that everyone in the field is overwhelmed. As far as the eyes are in the midair, even the most low-level people understand that this time, both Meng Fan and Qin Hong are both. Having received huge benefits, under the two killing methods of the Queen of Heaven, the two are not dead, which is destined to have great achievements in the future.

This kind of opportunity, but no one does not cast a look of envy, but more people also understand that it depends on the exchange of Meng Fan and Qin Hong under the threat of death, ordinary people give You don't even have the courage to try this opportunity.


Above the sky, the Queen of Heaven among the lotus flowers smiled and nodded,

"You two are very good. I never thought that someone would be able to catch my two tricks after eternity, and still in your grade, it is already very good. In my age, few people can understand this method. This is just a thought left by me in order to let my Dharma pass down. Now I ask you two, do you leave now, or... Try my third level?"

The tone was calm, but extremely depressed.

Meng Fan's expression condensed, and now he has to retreat incomparably. He has passed two levels before and it represents his absolute strength.

Even he has to admit that between that kind of pass, unless he has some luck in addition to himself, if he feels a bit slower, he may be affected by that kind of strong and powerful, unparalleled domineering The strength is torn apart and become shattered!

In the previous two levels, the first level was to kill with absolute strength, while the second level was to sense the immortal realm, which was even more difficult than before. If it weren’t for Meng Fan’s years of accumulation and two dreams, he would have a great deal of himself. Of course, it is bound to be impossible to pass this last level. As for the third level, it goes without saying that it is even more difficult than before.

Both Meng Fan and Qin Hong fell silent, self-confidence does not mean that they are fools.

And in the next moment, the Queen of Heaven sitting in this lotus flower said calmly,

"That's right, you two hesitate is also common sense, and this third blow is the essence of what I have learned in my life, and after the Holy Lord's help in the past, it is condensed and successful. If you are less than a hundred years in your two grades, I will first Show it to you once, and you can have two opportunities to feel the way to crack, how about it!"

The voice fell, and Meng Fan and Qin Hong immediately looked at each other, and both felt extremely excited. It is naturally very good to have one more chance, so that they will not fall into absolute passiveness.

"Well, you two can be optimistic!"

The Empress Zhongtian swept the two of them, and then the jade hand lifted and slowly changed.

"My last blow has only one word, which is called... Break!"

When his voice fell, the handprints of the Empress Zhongtian continued to expand. One seal struck and went straight to the two of them. At the next moment, both Meng Fan and Qin Hong sensed that Zhou Tian is complete. The loss of color, there is only a simple jade hand in the two worlds.

There is no aura of destroying the world and destroying the earth, nor is there the overbearing power of God Slashing. When this jade hand falls, it seems to be just a random blow, wanting to cut it off, so everything Yes…. . Suddenly cut off!


After a while, Meng Fan and Qin Hong trembled at the same time, and a big mouthful of blood spewed out. The two were not attacked by the Queen of Heaven, but they kept retreating, and the whole person seemed to have suffered heavy injuries.

Just sensing that kind of breath, as if it was splitting in the sea of ​​consciousness, it caused both of them to be severely injured, blood spurting, and unable to extricate themselves.

It was just a moment of loss of consciousness before, that kind of powerful severance has already arrived, and the mere thought is to hurt the two people. No one around the sky is sure what the two of them saw, but at this moment they are all looks Solemnly, clearly understand that the moment when the Queen of Heaven moved before, it was definitely not ordinary.


The blood spurted out, Qin Hong's body was barely stable, and he uttered a word, but a look of fear flashed in his eyes, clearly understanding that if it hadn't been for that kind of trial opportunity before, he would have already Being cut off by it, that kind of power fell, as if it was no longer the power of the world, but a kind of complete destruction.

Qin Hong fell into contemplation as the sea of ​​consciousness revolved. He had already forcibly recorded that scene before, enduring endless pain and thinking about it, but what made Qin Hong mad was that he could never think of this crack despite his feelings. The method, that blow was too simple, too overbearing, without any thoughts, just a random blow, just to break, just to break!

On the side, Meng Fan also did the same. He sat cross-legged on the spot, his vitality and blood did not move, quietly recalling the terrifying and unmatched aura, and finally closed his eyes, as if an old monk had entered tranquility without moving. Not afraid.

Above the sky, a little bit of time passed, and after a few breaths, the Queen of Heaven slowly spoke.

"How about, are you two ready? Time is limited, and I don't have too much power to continue to manifest. You only have this opportunity now, either to leave safely or to inherit my inheritance!"

Undoubtedly, now that the time for a stick of incense has passed, the power of the Empress in this world can only appear with the help of the sea and sky. Once this kind of vision disappears, then it will disappear with it. The so-called trial Refining will naturally end.

Hearing the words of the Saint Empress of Zhongdu, Qin Hong's fists were immediately squeezed, a complicated expression flashed in his eyes, he was about to speak slowly, and finally hesitated.

"Hong'er, don't!"

The sound of thunder suddenly came from the Zhongdu Palace, and the five guardian elders spoke at the same time.

"This inheritance for tens of thousands of years is that no one can inherit it. Don't rush for a while. In the ancient times, the queen was looking for an inheritor, but she could not withstand this final blow, even the strong of the Holy Two Realm. It is a life and death entrance. It is too difficult to comprehend. If you force a move now, it will only waste your life. Now it is possible. Wait until you understand the first two tricks and your realm improves before you come forward. , There should be greater certainty, anyway, there is still infinite time for you!"

The tone rumbling, like thunder, fell into Qin Hong's ears.

Indeed, like Qin Hong, the supreme arrogant, both his comprehension and strength have reached a very high level, something that sacredness cannot be done. As long as more time is given to practice, Qin Hong will definitely be in the years to come. Will reach a higher point, want to face this kind of murder is also more calm.

Hearing the words of the guardian, Qin Hong was silent for a moment, and finally nodded and uttered a few words.

"I choose to give up!"

With a word, a wave suddenly appeared between the world and the earth, and everyone nodded, including the Saint Empress of Zhongdu, who also gestured to Qin Hong.

For the latter to reach this level at this level, he realized that the previous two tactics were already extremely remarkable. As for the third type, as the guardian said, there is no need to rush for a while.

After a while, the Saint Empress Zhongdu's eyes fell on Meng Fan, calmly said,

"how about you?"

The voice of Saint Empress Zhongtian fell, and Meng Fan, who was sitting in the same place, did not respond. He just sat quietly in the same place, like a petrified person, without moving.

Meng Fan's behavior immediately attracted countless surprised eyes. Could it be that the injuries he suffered did not come over?

Despite the countless hesitation gazes around him, after a few breaths, Meng Fan finally opened his eyes, a strange look appeared on his face, and he sighed faintly.

"Although it's just a guess... but I want to give it a try!"

The tone is calm, but with one word, the sky is earthquake and the crowd is chaotic!


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