Supreme God King

Chapter 1413: King Zhongtian


The two words fell, spread all over the world, and fell in everyone's ears. It can be said that they set off a huge wave. In this kind of place, no one does not understand what these two words represent.

Zhongtian Dynasty, Zhongtian King Lord!

There is always only one person in the history of the king of heaven. Like the Patriarch of the Bai family, although there are still elders and others who have already retired on top of it, any one who can sit on the seat of the king in the Zhongtian dynasty is The top powerhouses who have risen in these tens of thousands of years are also invincible in the whole world.

In the Great Zhongtian Dynasty, only three people appeared in ancient times.

Such existence, truly standing at the pinnacle of existence among the universe, turned out to appear in person. Before arriving at the crowd, it was like a huge wave that set off between the whole world and the earth, making everyone terrified and absolutely impossible. Imagine.

There is no doubt that the middle-aged man in front of him is the strongest existence of the entire pyramid of heaven and earth, the contemporary king of Zhongtian, Qin Mieren!

Only the appearance of this person would have such a great influence. Except for Meng Fan and God Monkey, countless people fell to the ground and looked respectfully in this direction.

And the five old guardians in the same place trembled all over, sweat kept falling, even if they were the face of the sacred powerhouse, there was an unconcealable uproar.

"Farewell to the lord, long live my lord, is... I am incapable of waiting!"

The tone was trembling, and the five sacreds were like mice that saw a cat, scared to the extreme.

"Get up all, I'll talk about your things later!"

Standing on the ruins of the palace, the middle-aged man said calmly, his gaze shifted from Meng Fan, and finally he looked at the **** monkey and Princess Yinyin beside him, calmly said,

"Unexpectedly you are here again, monkey!"

The tone is slight and magnetic, but at this moment, both Meng Fan and God Monkey shuddered while he was speaking. The two of them are now considered masters of the world, with amazing courage, but they only saw this at a glance. After the person, it was as if facing a mountain, unable to shake it at all. The aura of the latter was too majestic. Even if Meng Fan's divine thought passed, it would be like a drop of water entering the ocean under detection, with no result at all.

"Qin Mieren!"

However, in the void, the **** monkey did not have any look of fear, and looked at him indifferently, spit out a few words,

"Indeed, I'm here again..."

The word Ruo Ting, murderous Ling Ran.


On the side, Princess Yinyin whimpered with tears and her pretty face was pale, she said,

"Father, everything is the daughter's fault, let them go, you killed your daughter, everything is the daughter's fault..."

"Yinyin, if you don't ask him, he can suppress you, but he will no longer think about your previous feelings with him, but also ask him to do something, eternal emperor, his kind of person is ruthless and unrighteous, back then, Still still!"

The monkey sneered and strode forward. Even in front of the Lord Qin Mieren, he was not afraid. Instead, he strode out. The latter was able to live and die with Meng Fan, and his interests were the same. I have to say two things. People are extremely imaginative on a certain level, no matter who is in front of them, they are never fearless.

The golden hair is standing upside down at this moment, shining, and surging blood bursts out of his body. Every step between the actions has a dominance that suppresses everything. The **** monkey is striding towards Qin Mieren. Come.


Standing in place, Qin Mieren, the king of the sky, glanced at the monkey with a little interest, and said calmly.

"It turned out to be a sacred breakthrough. No wonder you dare to come here, tsk tsk... It seems that you want to take action against me. If you have any means, use it. Let's see how you got your father's popularity! "


Standing between the sky, the gaze of the **** monkey flashed without any hesitation. Even if the opponent is a super-white tens of thousands of people, the ultimate powerhouse between heaven and earth is not weak at all. The qi and blood merged and punched out. The power of the rolling divine Dao bursts out, the golden light penetrates the sky and the earth, just a punch is the ultimate sturdiness!

Shinto powerhouse!

Around the sky, Meng Fan's expression moved, staring at the power running between the fists of the **** monkey, and he realized that he was still a lot worse after all, even if it was crushed by a sacred old man before, but the latter has reached the limit, and his blood is weak. , Just now is not Meng Fan's opponent.

And like the **** monkey, the power of the gods surging in a punch made Meng Fan's heart tremble, and he clearly understood that he was absolutely irresistible.

A single blow is to burst the magical power of the **** monkey itself to the extreme. The monstrous vigor contained in this fist is enough to kill the ghosts and gods, even if Meng Fan, who is physically ascendant, cannot receive it under this fist. Living is also going to be blown up.

Venerable Ke can be suppressed with the power of the sacred realm, and the overbearing of God Monkey is absolutely beyond imagination.

With a punch, the world faded.

However, standing quietly in the same place, it made Qin Mieren seem to have not sensed this kind of power to destroy everything. The wind was light and the clouds were calm. Just at the moment when this monstrous power was about to swept it, his The palms on both sides finally moved, and a finger stretched out, a little empty.

Just one point is that the huge golden fist between the sky and the earth collapsed and turned into nothingness, and the **** monkey directly sprayed out blood, tearing the tiger's mouth, and flying across the body.

In the past, the sacred monkey used his own power to fight the five sacreds, and he was still able to drag it on the sky, but now the powerful means to face Qin Mieren is.... . There is no force to fight back!

King Zhongtian, so terrifying!

"My lord is mighty!"

Around it, all the people of the Zhongtian dynasty gave a low roar, filled with endless respect. The latter is worthy of standing at the top of the pyramid of strength between the heaven and the earth. Which means the power is to suppress everything. , A god, flicked and flew.

Countless adoration sounds fell, Qin Mieren looked at the **** monkey and said coldly,

"Are you coming?"

With a word, a figure climbed up among the countless ruins between the ground, the blood falling down all over his body, dyed red and golden hair, but the whole person was already standing in place, letting the blood flow out, but he didn't take a step. Retreat, naturally it is a **** monkey, indifferent,


A word was spit out, another punch, blasting towards Qin Mieren!

"act recklessly!"

Qin Mieren said calmly, and once again stretched out a finger, and hit it together.

"Even if you are advanced and holy, but compared with your father, it is still far behind, and you are not qualified to be presumptuous here!"

The tone is like thunder, which can be called the law. The power between his fingers bursts out at the moment of falling into the world, colliding with the fist of the **** monkey, just like the previous scene, making the body of the **** monkey fly again, even if it is. The true ancient fierce beasts exist supremely, but they are also invincible to the Lord Qin Mieren.


The body fell to the ground, and a huge deep pit was smashed. There were countless gunpowder smoke from the sky and the sky. After a few breaths, the monkey stood out from it, blood flowed out, and bones all over his body I don't know how many places it broke, and suffered an extremely heavy injury.

There is no doubt that only the power of Qin Mieren’s **** smashed the divine monkey, making it look extremely tragic, but there is still an unyielding look in those eyes, and he forcibly supports it with his hands. I stood up again.

"Why do you still have to do it?"

Qin Mieren said coldly, his tone full of disdain.

Strongly supporting the pillar's own body, the monkey spit out blood, gave a tragic laugh, and roared,

"Qin Mieren, you are indeed very powerful, and I really can't beat you... Unexpectedly, you woke up from a deep sleep. This time my **** monkey Tianxing was planted, but one of them was your daughter. One is my friend. I do things alone. My **** monkey is willing to dedicate my blood to the prison forever, just in exchange for the freedom of the two of them. How about you let them leave?"

The tone rumbling, there is no doubt that at this moment Shenhou clearly understands that he and Qin Mieren are not on the same level at all, and it will be of no use at all if this continues. It can only make his injuries more serious, and Shenhou Naturally, I thought of Meng Fan and Princess Yinyin. Under such circumstances, they wanted to exchange their possessions for the freedom of two people, and donate the best blood of the beasts.

Such words spread all over the world, and countless people couldn't help but a look of unbearable expression appeared on the faces of countless people. Among them, many elderly people in the middle-day dynasty also understood what the tragedy was.

"Sky Star!"

At this moment Princess Yinyin came one step at a time, tears fell, but the jade hand grasped the **** monkey and said firmly,

"Back then we staggered because of misunderstandings, but now we won't... Father, if you are angry, kill us two. If we haven't seen you for a thousand years, my heart is still the same. I want to live together and die together. Heaven and earth No one can separate us!"

The voice fell, the palms of the two were held together, the blood fell, the **** monkey trembled, and the blood was full of blood, Princess Yinyin was pitiful, but the two stood firmly on the spot, whether it was the monkey and Princess Yinyin at this moment. It was facing death, but the two looked at each other, and their eyes were full of no regrets, as if they would rather do this than never see each other again.

Ask what love in the world is, and teach people directly.... . Life and death promise!

Such a scene cannot be said to be shocking, but Qin Mieren, standing between the sky and the earth, did not show any movement and said indifferently.

"Okay, since you are going to die, then I will send you a ride!"

The tone fell, extremely awe-inspiring, spreading across the entire world, and in the next moment, the sky was frozen, that kind of murderous intent to block everything, and it made everyone in the entire city tremble.

What kind of existence is Qin Mieren, one of the strongest people between heaven and earth, there are not many people who can be his opponents from the perspective of eternity, such existence is enough to bleed millions, and the world is plain!

However, at the moment when this space fell into absolute pressure, an untimely voice suddenly came out in this void, the tone was extremely indifferent, but it was full of ridicule,

"The king of the dignified Zhongtian Dynasty, acting like this... Is it really good?"


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