Supreme God King

Chapter 1414: First beauty

Is it really good?

A few words fall, in this kind of extreme solidification of heaven and earth, full of terrifying breath, it is quite out of place. Someone can't help but raise their eyes to see that the person who speaks is always Meng Fan, who hadn't taken a shot, stood in place, staring at Qin Mieren, his slender body did not move, even in front of the Lord of Heaven, he did not step back.

Meng Fan!

Under this kind of words, countless people’s hearts were cursed in secret. This guy is really shocking and dying. Under this situation, someone else has already bowed to the ground, trembling. If it weren't for Qin Mieren's existence, perhaps everything would be fine, Shenhou and Meng Fan still have a chance to leave this world.

However, no one thought that Qin Mieren's existence would forcibly wake up and stand in the field, so all the sudden changes, now Meng Fan and Shenhou have no trump cards to fight Qin Mieren, only one death. Then you can only trade humbleness for the price of life.

However, Meng Fan was still as usual, and he dared to ridicule, causing countless people to sigh silently. I have to say that the young man killed from the ten thousand domain is really a... uncle!

Hearing Meng Fan’s words also caused Qin Mieren’s gaze to slowly shift, falling on his body, and calmly said.

"What did you say, I didn't catch it!"

After a few words fell, Zhou Tian became cold. At this moment, the earth where Meng Fan was located was sunken. Although Qin Mieren did not do anything, his aura was already too terrifying to suppress it. Breathing is difficult, everything in the body is completely blocked, the breath is suppressed, the blood in Meng Fan's body seems to have stopped circulating, making Meng Fan's move at this moment difficult, with this terrible incomparable murderous opportunity, it is possible at any time The smoke disappeared.

After biting his tongue, Meng Fan forced himself to calm down. I have to say that even if his mind is as iron for many years, he still has infinite illusions in front of the most powerful person like Qin Mieren, and even has a body. This feeling of disobedience, but the more so, the more the ironic smile on Meng Fan’s face became stronger, and he uttered a few words with difficulty.

"Why, does Lord Lord really like to play this little trick?"

With a cold tone, Qin Mieren raised his brows slightly and uttered a few words.

"One more sentence, you can die!"

Just talk about it, if you want to die, you will die!

"Meng Fan!"

In a game, the monkey was shocked and wanted to do it, but a mouthful of blood came out again, unable to control himself, let alone attack Qin Mieren.

"It's okay, I'm just one sentence. As for the Lord Lord, if you want to kill me, you can do it, but I bet Lord Lord will not make a move, because there are three points!"

The corner of Meng Fan’s mouth draws a strange arc, staring at Qin Mieren’s eyes under infinite pressure, as if he wants to see it through, saying every word,

"First, if the Lord Lord wants to kill me, he will directly suppress me as soon as he appears. It will not only be able to establish prestige, but also make me wait directly, and there is no room to fight back. Why bother with us? After torture, secondly, looking at the world, you will not face the killing of your own daughter without any emotion, including the lord, you are also a father.

Before that, you didn’t even have any emotions at all. If the Lord Lord is really such a person, your daughter has already been killed by you, and it will not just be imprisoned. Third, it’s really a joke, Lord Zhongtian, the world. Xeon wants to kill people, so he needs to say something. The more he wants to say it, the more he wants to cover up. So based on these three points, I conclude that Lord Lord does not want to kill us, not only does not want to kill us, even We still want to save our lives, right, Lord Lord! "

The tone is calm and organized!

And just after Meng Fan finished speaking, he stared at the pressure to take a step forward, his own blood erupted, like a magic weapon, colliding with the powerful aura of the mid-air king.

Under this scene, it was a shock to the world. Countless eyes looked at them, and they were all petrified, including the **** monkey Tianxing, Princess Yinyin, the five guardians of the world, etc.

What kind of person is Qin Mieren, and Meng Fan turned out to be justified after making a fuss in this capital, thinking that the other party would not kill him, and the aura and its confrontation simply reversed everyone's thinking.

At this moment, the world is still, Meng Fan’s gaze and Qin Mieren’s gaze are opposite, both are speechless, and everyone around this world is afraid to speak, so that everyone’s breathing is clear. smell.

At such a stalemate, without knowing how long it has passed, Qin Mieren's calm face, who stood in the same place, showed a slight smile, and then it grew bigger and bigger, and finally said,

"Haha, I didn't think that the stunned boy Tianxing would have friends like you, really shouldn't, shouldn't, you are called Meng Fan, right? That's right, I really... don't want to kill you two!"

The tone rumbling, spread all over the world.

At this moment, beyond everyone's expectation, Qin Mieren actually admitted personally that he would not kill Meng Fan and the monkey, so everything is just as Meng Fan guessed, everything before Qin Mieren was acting. .


There is no doubt that such a result is definitely not expected by everyone. Even after the appearance of the Lord of the Zhongtian Dynasty, Qin Mieren, he did not help Meng Fan and the monkey, but admitted that he would not kill each other, and there was a tone in his tone. A strange emotion, it seems that the two sides will spend it peacefully.

There is no reason!

There is a lament around the world, countless people’s mouths are twitching, this is the place of the highest inheritance between heaven and earth, and Meng Fan and the **** monkey have a big fight here, rampant and domineering, and in the end Qin Mieren all shot, but change It turned out to be a death-free gold medal, which I have to say makes everyone feel unacceptable.

If it is someone else, it is estimated that this moment has already become countless pieces of heaven and earth, and it is no different from a plume of smoke!

Hearing Qin Mieren’s words, it also made Meng Fan and the God Monkey breathe out at the same time. In fact, including Meng Fan himself, he was only betting on his intuition. This is also why the latter can rise from the bottom of Wanyu for many years. The important reason for the situation is that no one has been able to leave Meng Fan's control so far.

Meng Fan was definitely not stupid enough to help Qin Mieren when God Monkey took action against Qin Mieren. Instead, he secretly observed and finally came to this conclusion. Although it was just a guess, it was obviously right.

With a hand over, Meng Fan said solemnly.

"My lord won't kill us, it should be...what's the matter!"

Obviously, although this moment has been through the difficulties temporarily, Meng Fan also understands that they have created such a large basket in this middle capital. There is absolutely no white lunch in this world. As for what it is, Meng Fan can't guess.

"of course!"

Qin Mieren snorted and said calmly.

"You broke into my central capital, ruined my temple, and hurt my people. I will not give you any punishment. The majesty of my mid-heaven dynasty is placed there. How can I be the king of Qin Mieren? But after all this, I will Let me tell you, now...there will all be a grand meeting, you come with me!"

When he said that, Meng Fan sighed. He already knew that this would happen, but there was no way. After all, nowadays, I am a knife and I am a fish. There is no room to fight back in front of the most powerful master Qin Mieren. It also allows him to only choose to follow the other party's arrangements.

Touching his nose, Meng Fan looked at the old man guarding Muzi, hesitated,

"Next, what do you do?"

Hearing what Meng Fan said, the old guardian Muzi raised his head, looked at Qin Mieren, and then at Meng Fan, but he absolutely didn't dare to resist the words of the Lord of Heaven, he could only say in a deep voice.

"If you follow the normal process, if you have obtained this inheritance and taken away the Seven-Colored Flower, you should choose...this 800-mile Zhongduhe's first beauty!"

The voice fell, and the look on Meng Fan's face suddenly became more exciting and wonderful, because he obviously felt that after the old man guarding Muzi finished speaking, countless eyes around this world were focused on Meng Fan. There are a lot of beautiful women on his body, all for the title of Duhe's No. 1 Beauty.

And whether it is Zi Xueqing or Bai Lanling, they are also affectionate and charming. When Meng Fan has no life and death crisis for the time being, it also relieves the mood of several people, and women have a kind of name for this kind of title. The extremely large **** is something that makes them crazy, even Zi Xueqing is no exception, so at this moment Meng Fan can be said to have become an absolute sweet and pastry, surrounded by the eyes of many beautiful women.

If Meng Fan made any excessive demands at this moment, it is estimated that the willing women would have to line up... .


But for Meng Fan in this scene, he wanted to give himself a few big mouths, there was nothing to ask, it was simply regretful for his intestines.

Under this circumstance, Meng Fan only moved his big hand and directly took out four seven-color flowers and handed them to Zi Xueqing and Bai Lanling.

"No, this thing is for you!"

Seeing Meng Fan's actions, everyone was speechless. Generally, the competition for the seven-color flowers in the previous grand gatherings was extremely difficult. There was only one, so it was given to a beautiful woman, and the latter is also about to Won the title, but Meng Fan can be said to be rich and powerful. He broke the no inheritance of Zhongduhe, and has more than a dozen seven-color flowers, which also caused Meng Fan to give it to four people with pride.

But Bai Lanling and Zi Xueqing were not satisfied. They frowned, staring at Meng Fan, saying every word.

"What we want is not a seven-color flower, but the title of the first beauty, you say, to whom!"

"Yes, say it!"

Surrounded by the four beauties, Meng Fan almost went mad, and the eyes of the public made him want to find a place to get in. This kind of moment was even difficult for Meng Fan to face Qin Mieren.

After a few breaths, Meng Fan couldn’t think about it. However, in the next moment, Meng Fan’s gaze suddenly swept across Princess Yinyin who was next to the **** monkey. His eyes lit up, and he stepped out. When she reached Princess Yinyin's side, she gave a seven-color flower to Princess Yinyin, and said at the same time,

"You are Princess Yinyin. I have heard about it. In Xia Mengfan, my brother is the **** monkey Tianxing. He is older than me. I should call you my sister-in-law. When I saw him today, I discovered that my sister-in-law is a god. So you really deserve the title of the first beauty, and it's only the most suitable for your sister-in-law!"

Hearing Meng Fan’s words, Princess Yinyin’s pretty face blushed instantly, and even the base of her neck was dyed with a pink color. She stepped back and said quickly,

"No, no, there are other beauties, I'm not suitable..."

"Do not!"

At this moment, Meng Fan roared, staring at Princess Yinyin as if looking at the supreme beauty in the world, ignoring the four cold eyes that could kill people, and said with absolute certainty,

"The appearance of a woman in the world is like a cloud to a niche, only the sister-in-law, really, really... so beautiful!"


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