Supreme God King

Chapter 1415: Forbidden zone strikes

Sister-in-law, so beautiful!

Accompanied by Meng Fan's words, it can be said that the whole scene above the Zhongdu River ends with this kind of farce, and the so-called number one beauty in the world was naturally obtained by Princess Yinyin, making everyone extremely speechless.

Of course, if not, Meng Fan was forcibly taken away by Qin Mieren after all this was over, and it is estimated that he was mutilated to death by a itchy beauty with four silver teeth!

And under this situation, such a big battle was brought to an end, and there was a feeling of lingering for tens of millions of people. No one thought that this time the Zhongdu event could evolve like this, even in the end. It includes Qin Mieren, the strongest man in the world.

The awakening of such existence is enough to be a shocking event!

Under this battle, the two words Meng Fan were also spread all over the world, completely breaking the previous rumors that the white-haired Shura Meng Fan did not die.

It was the return of the king, still domineering. After the news came out, Wan Yu was already shocked at the person who was lamenting by this name, causing a great uproar.

In the first battle of the imperial palace, the seven great arrogances came out and astounded the ten thousand domains, but in the end Meng Fan fell into it. There are some strange rumors in this ten thousand domains.

I think that Meng Fan is the least powerful among the seven people. After all, I think the latter is dead and has no right to speak. But now that the news of Meng Fan's return is reported, it can be said that countless people are amazed.

The latter's courage and methods are the same as those of the past, and are more domineering and terrifying, even the entire Middle Ancient Region can't help but sigh.

Rising from the bottom of the Ten Thousand Territories, and reaching today, it is prosperous in the chaos, gaining its inheritance, suppressing Qin Hong, and resisting the king Qin Mieren... After one of these things was reported, it was enough There was a great uproar in the domain, which was very possible for people to do, but it was shown to the extreme in Meng Fan.

A born king, destined to be extraordinary!

Let everyone understand that this sentence does not apply to divine blood creatures, disciples who have no inheritance, and the same is true for poor boys in these ten thousand realms!

Bai family, Baidi Mountain!

In the ancient Tibetan scripture pavilion, a woman in a white robe with a water-like face slowly closed the letter paper in her hand, and finally a water-like smile appeared on her pretty face, whispering softly,

"Just stay alive, just stay alive!"

The woman smiled, blooming like a flower, and matched with the classical atmosphere around it, it is enough to make any man in the world crazy, with an amazing intellectual beauty, just like a girl next door, very cordial.

However, at the next moment, the woman’s eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and her seductive red lips were also pursed, staring at a place on the letter paper, spit out a few words,

"Sister-in-law is too beautiful? Humph.... You guy is always so slippery. I don't know what would happen if I was there. Do you dare to give this title to others? No, I'm a little jealous... Next time I want you to grab it once, you must give it to me!"

Meng Fan!

These two words also appeared on the intelligence of the ancient forces in the entire Middle Ancient Region at the same time. At the same time, the forces including the Xitian Gods, the Zhao Family, the Liu Family, and so on were already heard.

The reactions were naturally different, but obviously it also made many forces unable to be happy. No one thought that seeing someone destroyed in that kind of shocking explosion would be able to come back alive.

It is naturally impossible for Meng Fan to know about the affairs of the outside world, otherwise it is estimated that it will make him more headache, but now Meng Fan has no time to estimate other things.

Because after the battle ended, both Meng Fan and Shenhou moved to the imperial palace of the Zhongdu Dynasty.

This is an immortal heritage. Looking at the whole world, there are absolutely not many places that can have this place. There is even some history between each pavilion. The surrounding environment is beautiful. Meng Fan and the **** monkey are among them. It can be said to be delicious, delicious and entertaining, and there are even countless maids waiting for Meng Fan.

But the simplest point is... Having lost their freedom, the two of them are equivalent to being imprisoned by Qin Mieren in the imperial palace of the Zhongtian dynasty, and they can only move in the courtyard where they are located.

And there are endless prohibitions between the sky and the sky, covering everything, even with the power of Meng Fan and the monkey, don’t want to leave this world without disturbing others, and Qin Mieren is the one after them. A palace naturally cut off the idea of ​​Meng Fan and Shenhou wanting to escape forcibly.

After five full days, the two of them were invited here, and no one came to see them, nor were they allowed to leave. Under the boredom, only one of them healed and the other felt himself and began to practice.

Among the ten thousand domains, people who have always had a big fist have the right to speak, and this sentence is absolutely true.

However, the strength of the monkey is extremely fast. After the injury has recovered, he is a stubborn temper. Under the situation of being unable to get out, he naturally comes to harass Meng Fan, making the latter quite helpless.

"When did you say this guy would let me meet Yinyin!"

"I rely on... You said he will let us out!"

"Meng Fan, you are talking!"

Obviously, the **** monkey is a monkey-like temperament, and now it is undoubtedly manifested. He is quite dissatisfied with Meng Fan, who has always been practicing in retreat and feelings about himself.

Looking innocent, Meng Fan finally uttered a few words.

"I know, if you come, you will be safe, brother, you have been talking for a long time, can you rest?"

Seeing Meng Fan’s impatient appearance, the monkey was speechless, but only half an hour later he couldn’t help but talk to Meng Fan and disturb his cultivation.

"You have to talk to me, otherwise I will die of boredom. I actually made Qin Mieren look down upon me. Tell me, when did you feel that Qin Mieren was lying to us?"

"I have a hunch since he appeared!"

Meng Fan said solemnly, his instinctual feeling for many years was extremely sharp.

"Ah, then you still let me take a shot, I got so beaten!"

Shenhou roared with dissatisfaction on his face.


Meng Fan blinked, and finally grinned.

"I was just guessing before, not too sure, and I feel that I need you to come as a target first, let people beat them up, after all, you have forcibly deceived the girl, even though he was because of some I don’t want to kill the two of us for one reason, but if I don’t beat you, I’m really afraid that Qin Mieren’s anger won’t go out, and on impulse, I will kill you and me..."

"Am I a target?... Meng Fan, I killed you..."

There was joyous laughter from the attic. Under this situation, Meng Fan and the **** monkey entertained each other, and two days after coming here, there was finally a maid to speak, and Qin Mieren summoned Meng Fan and the god. monkey.

After hearing such news, Meng Fan and Shenhou also put away their cynical expressions, clearly understanding that although they had survived the crisis temporarily, they still had Qin Mieren to pass.

After the two of them were sorted, they also had a maid leading the way, all the way to the palace where Qin Mieren was.

In the ancient hall, the surrounding blue bricks were paved with exquisite carvings, and the moment after stepping into the hall, Meng Fan and the monkey saw a figure sitting in it, naturally it was Qin Mieren.

I have to say that even seeing it under this situation caused Meng Fan's heart to tremble slightly. The latter was one of the strongest among the heavens and the earth, and the sacred third realm existed.

Although Meng Fan still has a few hole cards that he didn't use, the use in front of him is not very big. Now he and the monkey are in the hands of each other.

"Senior Qin!"

So Meng Fan stepped forward and met him honestly. However, the divine monkey on the side was not so good-tempered. After seeing Qin Mieren, only a humming character appeared in his nose.

And Qin Mieren obviously didn't want to see the **** monkey, and with a flick of his finger, only a futon fell in front of Meng Fan, signaling Meng Fan to sit down deliberately, and the **** monkey could only stand.

The relationship between this... . It seems quite stiff, is it because Weng-in-law doesn't agree?

Meng Fan murmured in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it. He could only look at Qin Mieren, waiting for the latter's advice.

There is no doubt that the other party summoning him and the **** monkey is not in vain, and there must be a result today.

For the two of them, Qin Mieren's gaze swept away, and his deep gaze seemed to see through the two of them. Invisibly, both Meng Fan and God Monkey were shrinking, and he felt immense awe for Qin Mieren's powerful pressure. , After a few full breaths, even when both of them were a little unbearable, Qin Mieren spoke slowly and uttered a few words.

"You two must be curious. Based on the sins you committed, I would suppress you even if I didn't kill you, but now I haven't done anything, right?"

"Not bad!"

Meng Fan was also frank and nodded directly. There is really no need to play scheming in front of this kind of superpower, so it is better to be a bachelor.

"Although I waited for a reason, it was a violation of the rules of the Zhongtian Dynasty. If I were a senior, I would also take action!"

Hearing this, Qin Mieren sighed quietly, his eyes flashed slowly and sharply, just for a moment, it was as if there was a moment of stars exploding in his eyes, and at the same time a word fell, attracting Meng Fan and God Monkey It was also shocked for an instant,

"You should be aware of the Golden Covenant. Between the heavens and the earth, there will be powers from the gods going to the land of space to suppress the crazy people in the forbidden area, but there are some problems in the land of space, the suppression of the group of strong people fails, resulting in... Soon, the restricted area will launch an attack on Wanyu with all its strength, bloodbath the ancient times!"


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