Supreme God King

Chapter 1421: Dangerously

In the pavilion, Meng Fan was sipping chicken soup one bite at a time, accompanied by three beautiful women, but he felt that he was about to drive him crazy when he was crossing the sun and entering the year.

Even if Gu Xin'er's handprints were so good, it made Meng Fan feel like chewing wax at this moment. After barely drinking, he immediately looked at Ling Daiyou and said softly.

"Your method is good, but it's still a bit slow. For us, time is quite urgent, so now I am going to the dangerous place, and you are searching for information. Do both without delay!"

Upon hearing Meng Fan’s words, Ling Daiyou raised her eyebrows, nodded, and said softly.

"This is a good way, but the dangerous place in this chaotic valley is extremely terrifying. It is quite famous in the eternal time. I don't know how many people have planted in it. Even if it is based on your cultivation base, it will be extremely necessary. Careful!"

"Brother Meng Fan, I'll accompany you!"

Gu Xin'er spoke directly, with an extremely firm tone.

"Oh, no, there are no avatars under the prestige, if you really encounter danger, I may not be able to protect you!"

Meng Fan shook his head, knowing that the first reason he said this was really to detect this dangerously, and the second was to avoid a few women.

Although they have a special feeling for Gu Xin'er, Ling Daiyou and others, what Meng Fan is not good at is contact with women. Once in embarrassment, Meng Fan feels better than the cultivation of vitality. It is difficult to know how many times, in this case, I naturally want to be alone.

"Hmm, no, you will take me if you take me, and you will take me if you don't take me. If you stole away by yourself, I will show you good looks and cry every day when you come back!"

Gu Xin'er snorted. Although her personality is very gentle on weekdays, but now she is suddenly arrogant. She has a small temper towards Meng Fan, her mouth is pouted, and she looks like she is in line with the face of the city. Very moving.


Meng Fan said helplessly,

"Okay, but you are only allowed, and the others are not good. Among them is a dangerous place. This is a chaotic valley. I can't bring too much. Tomorrow is the departure!"

"Hmph, we don't want to go either!"

Gu Qing stood by and sneered, but a pair of eyes glanced at Meng Fan, but it was like a knife.

Ling Daiyou also nodded and said coldly,

"Yes, men, they like to be younger, understandable!"

After speaking, the two beauties also got up at the same time, walking straight out with a slender and enchanting posture, leaving Meng Fan with a pretty cool back, almost vomiting blood.

I am... . Who is offended!

Letting Meng Fan go violently and the corners of his mouth twitched, there was nothing he could do. He could not afford to offend either of these two women. It had nothing to do with their strength. The woman is also in a passive state.

There was no word for a night, and after the second day, Meng Fan quickly sorted his clothes and prepared to leave.

Now that the entire Middle Ancient Dark Alliance is on track, with so many powerful men in charge, there is no need for Meng Fan to take action at all, and there will be no problems in a short time, and it is also allowing him to leave safely.

Fly all the way to the place previously agreed with Gu Xin'er. Meng Fan glanced at it. She was dressed in a pink robe and had a graceful figure. She was also standing in the pavilion waiting for Meng Fan.

However, what made Meng Fan dumb at the next moment was that there was an extra figure beside Gu Xin'er, who was also a great beauty who was all over the country, and that was.... . Empress!

Three thousand green silks are flying, and the empress is standing in place. She has a graceful figure and has a cold air for a long time. With her now powerful and unmatched cultivation base, even now Meng Fan has a feeling of being suppressed. It's here too.

Casting an inquiring look, the empress snorted and said calmly,

"I want to go to dangerous places with you, and I'm more worried about Xiner's safety..."

When he said that, the corners of Meng Fan's mouth twitched. He had already left here temporarily to avoid the sharp edges of a few women. What he didn't expect was that even if he went to dangerous places, there were a few big beauties behind his butt. Meng Fan was very mad, but looking at the female emperor's cold expression also made Meng Fan clearly understand that if you don't want to fight, don't refuse.

Peach Blossom!

Meng Fan murmured in his heart, feeling that this description of himself is absolutely true, and there is no way, that is, he directly took the two beautiful women, Gu Xin'er and the empress, and set off together and went straight to this chaotic valley.

The three figures moved quickly and were speechless all the way. There were two peerless beauties that ordinary men would not even be able to see, but they made Meng Fan seem a little restrained. After all, his relationship with the Empress was complicated. Gu Xin'er is quite subtle again, and now he can only pay for his romantic debt.

And all the way rampant, after half a day, the three of Meng Fan finally came to one of the dangerous places in the legendary chaotic valley, which is called...the hag forest!

With such a name, it sounds like a chilling feeling, let alone stepping into it. At a glance, you can see the endless darkness in this forest. The whole world is in an extreme In the depressed state, the growing trees are all black, and you can faintly see countless corpses and crawling insects on the ground. When they arrive from afar, they are about to stir up their intestines and spit them out.

This kind of place can be called a **** on earth, not to mention a dangerous place is absolutely impossible.

"Be careful, once you enter, don't move around, follow me!"

Meng Fan whispered, with his current cultivation base, he dared not have any intentions. After all, strong players have their own strong middle players. A mountain is higher than a mountain. There are countless places in this Middle Ancient Region, and the sacred will fall. , Let alone him.

"Just take care of yourself!"

The female emperor snorted coldly, she hadn't seen her for many years, she was still overbearing and glamorous.

Hearing that, Gu Xin'er on the side covered his mouth and smiled, which was very touching, and Meng Fan could only shook his head helplessly, but the three of them did not fight anymore between stepping into this forest, but were extremely cautious. , Divine Sense spreads around, and when he probes the world, his body is very close.

In this way, the two beauties can be described as soft fragrant and warm jade, the fragrance floating on their bodies is full of the smell of the whole forest, and the occasional contact between the limbs can make Meng Fan feel the body. How soft it is, but under this kind of harsh environment, Meng Fan has no time to take care of others.

The entire forest is extremely dark and humid. It is quite uncomfortable to step into this place. After only a few hundred meters, Meng Fan and the Empress discovered that there are many traps hidden between the whole world. There were a large number of mutant dead bodies, miasma, etc., which slowed down the forward speed of the three of Meng Fan, avoiding these things all the way.

After a full half an hour, the three of them were completely immersed in this space. Meng Fan and the Empress are still good at such an environment, and there is no discomfort, because the two themselves grew up in the killing. However, Gu Xin'er on the side was extremely uncomfortable and forced her to hold it back, but her pretty face turned pale, as if she wanted to vomit but couldn't vomit.

Seeing Gu Xin'er doing this, Meng Fan was immediately amused, patted her on the shoulder, and whispered.

"How about it, I won't let you come, if I have to come, you will suffer!"


Hearing this, Gu Xin'er gritted his silver teeth and glanced at Meng Fan. Finally,

"Xin'er hasn't been with Brother Meng Fan for many years, so naturally... I want more contact!"

The faint tone made Meng Fan's heart tremble. It was indeed for many years. He had only practice, and he could only achieve his own goals continuously, ignoring too many people around him. The look of the reader was still, his face was cold, as if he hadn't seen Meng Fan, but in the bottom of his eyes, Meng Fan also clearly felt a strange wave.

The world is like a wave of people like water, only a few people return to the rivers and lakes!

With a move in his heart, Meng Fan was a little speechless. Although he already understood that the two women might want to stay with him for a while, but even if they understand Meng Fan, they will not change. To lose too much, including many of his own things, must be restrained!

However, just as Meng Fan’s mind was thinking about it, his expression suddenly changed. Gu Xin'er hadn't reacted yet, but he and the empress looked at each other. The next moment the whole body moved, Meng Fan grabbed Gu Xin'er, the three of them. The body suddenly jumped into the air, and was hidden in the endless darkness around him.

After many years of life and death, countless trials, Meng Fan and the Empress naturally have extremely terrifying instincts. The moment before, they sensed the murderous aura that came from the world, and it was real.

So just to think about it, the three of Meng Fan and the Empress were hidden and merged into the void.

And after a few breaths, there was also a riot in the distance. At a glance, two figures ran towards here quickly. They were a man and a woman. Both were seriously injured and were about to die. The blood kept flowing. Outflow, the vitality of the whole person has reached the lowest point, but it still persists.

And behind it was a group of people, tracking here, in the endless darkness, a total of eight people, coming from the void, extremely fast, like an eagle catching a chicken, surrounding a man and a woman tracking in front , To close it in one side of the world.

Moreover, the aura of these eight people appeared extremely gloomy, and it was still more trembling than the carrion in the jungle, because what spread was.... . The breath of black death!

There is no doubt that this group of people. . . . . From the restricted area!


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