Supreme God King

Chapter 1422: Come

A man and a woman were hunted down, followed by people in the restricted area!

Such a scene fell in the eyes of Meng Fan's three people, and Meng Fan's expression was immediately chilled, and that kind of infinite sharpness burst out of the eyes.

"How to do?"

The female emperor quietly transmitted her voice and looked at Meng Fan.

"Look at it first!"

Meng Fan said indifferently, his body was still in the void, concealing all his breath, without any movement, as if the three of them were completely compatible with the surrounding darkness.

Eight human figures not far away came quickly to track the man and the woman. The two were seriously injured and did not move fast. They were not as large as the people in the restricted area behind them. Naturally, they were between several breaths. There was no way to go, and was forced into one place by eight figures at the same time.

Around the world, eight figures came, staring at the two, all with a cruel smile.

Each of these eight people was in the Xuanyuan realm, and the cultivation base of the Tianyuan realm, combined with the black death aura, made this space completely suppressed and filled with infinite coldness.

Although the men and women in the field were both strong in the Profound Origin Realm, they were already extremely weak in energy and blood.

Under this situation, a cruel smile appeared on the faces of the eight people, staring at the two, one of them said indifferently,

"Why didn't you run? Let's run again!"

The voice fell, filled with a taste of sarcasm, and making a man and a woman look at each other gave birth to a kind of despair. Under this level, there is no possibility of surviving.

"Tsk tusk, the little lady’s skin has been damaged to a certain extent. I will give you a heaven and earth elixir in a while to make you white and tender. Let our brothers feel refreshed, and then drain yours. Blood, for adults!"

One of them sneered, his eyes shining, and he looked at the woman in it, especially the white skin that was outside. It can be said that there is a strong rising of sex.

"Not bad!"

The people standing aside all laughed, their voices spread all over the surroundings, full of a wretched breath.

Obviously, this group of people did something against the woman, and immediately caused the man standing beside the woman to growl, and the vitality in the body blasted out, and a palm print came.

Yiyin Hengkong, air waves impact!

Under this blow, a powerful wave of qi was set off in the void, and the vitality was like a tide, but for the several powerful people in the field who cultivated the black death qi, they each sneered, and one of them stepped forward. The black death air in the body was like a tide, turning into a palm, as fast as lightning, and it banged against it.


In the midair, the space was torn, and Bahuang trembled, causing a tremor.

The man who shot before directly spurted out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person flew horizontally, completely not the opponent of the person who controlled the black death in front of him, and the bones on the chest did not know how many broken.

Standing in place, the man in the restricted area sneered and said calmly.

"If you don't want to kill you, you are already dead in that blow. In front of me, you have no room to fight back. Killing you... is like killing a chicken!"

The tone is gloomy, full of endless contempt, and even more proud.

However, in this case, the man was seriously injured, and the woman’s resistance was not strong enough. It could be said that she was completely passive. The man who spoke before stepped forward and came directly to the woman’s side, sealing the meridians in the body with one hand. , Don't let it move, and smiled at the same time,

"So smooth and tender, let the uncle take a look at her **** first!"

While speaking, the man grabbed the shirt on his chest with one hand, preparing to cut the shirt off the woman completely, but at the next moment, an indifferent voice came from the void.

"If you want to die more easily, you should stop moving!"

The tone was calm, as if he was speaking, but to appear in this hag forest is enough to make people shocked. In the next moment, everyone’s eyes looked over and they found three figures standing not far away. The speaker is the man in it, dressed in a black robe, expressionless, like a scholar, handsome.

However, in the next moment, the eyes of these eight people fell on Gu Xin'er and the Empress at the same time, and their expressions were stunned, frozen in an instant, and even no longer willing to move their eyes.

I have to say that the eight people have never seen such a beautiful woman. One cold, tall and attractive, one pure and lovely, like a girl next door, so standing between them is the representative of the two extreme temperaments in the world. Enough to make any man crazy about it, if it can be obtained, then together...

Thinking of the images in their minds, the eyes of the eight people were extremely hot. After a few breaths, the person who had spoken before forcibly suppressed the thoughts in his mind, stepped forward, and looked at Meng. Fan, coldly said,

"who are you?"

Upon hearing this, Meng Fan was extremely indifferent and responded,

"You are not yet qualified to know. Now you have an opportunity to reduce pain. Tell me why you came here and what plans you have. I will give you a whole body!"

The tone was calm, and compared with scholar Meng Fan's face, the threatening words he uttered felt a bit comical to this group of people in the restricted area.

For them, he is the devil between the world and the earth. Meng Fan seemed to be suitable as a male favorite.

"Huh, kid, do you know who you are talking to?"

Standing in place, the man in the restricted area who had spoken before gave a sneer, his tone was full of disdain, and the black death air in his body was also surging, and he could do it at any time.

For nothing else, the Empress and Gu Xin'er behind Meng Fan are enough to make him crazy and give him plenty of reasons to shoot.


When Meng Fan raised his brow, there was no nonsense. After a while, he stepped on the sole of his foot and he disappeared in place.

The naked eye can see his figure flashing, and in the next moment Meng Fan already appeared in front of the man in the restricted area, and at the same time stretched out his five fingers, the palm of his hand was volleyed over.

Just between this blow, there is a kind of terrible killing everything.

Before the man could react, Meng Fan's palm broke through the black death air between his body, grabbed his neck, and his vitality sealed his vitals, coldly said.

"In front of me, you have no room to fight back, killing you is like killing a chicken!"

The tone was calm. These words were spoken by the man in the restricted area before, but now they were returned by Meng Fan. The calm tone immediately shocked everyone's heart. It is impossible to imagine Meng Fan's speed so fast. Swift.


In Meng Fan's hands, this man uttered a few words with difficulty, sweating profusely, and could not get out of control at all.

"I'll just say it again in the end, you guys... Where are they from?"

Catch it, Meng Fan said coldly.

The icy eyes looked around, and after the next moment, all the people in the restricted area looked at each other, and there was a hint of cruelty flashing in their eyes, and they quickly turned around, and at the same time the seven people ran out.

There is no doubt that Meng Fan had already revealed his powerful cultivation base with one hand before. No one in the field was his opponent. Under such circumstances, he could not fight Meng Fan at all, and could only choose to escape.

"court death!"

Meng Fan let out a cold snort and stepped out. It was only the moment when the body moved. There were seven palm prints in the void, traversing everything, turning into a strong to fierce blow. Crossing the void, no matter how fast the people in the seven restricted areas in the air can run, they still cannot escape Meng Fan's blow.

Bang, bang!

At a glance, you can see that the seven people burst into pieces at the same time, one after another, dying in this void with great joy, the whole person's soul and body are completely wiped out, and there is no chance of screaming.

In an instant, among the seven, even the strong from the Xuanyuan realm and the Tianyuan realm were killed together!

Meng Fan's thunder means fell into the eyes of a seriously injured man and a woman, and he was undoubtedly shivering, feeling exceptionally terrifying.

As he said before, killing people in this restricted area is like killing chickens. It is indeed.... . Not fake at all!

Ignoring the surroundings, Meng Fan’s gaze just fell on the last person in the restricted area in his hand, saying indifferently,

"It is an extravagant hope that you want to die in pain in my hands, so tell me what you know, or maybe I search your soul and let you die in endless pain!"

The tone was calm, but it caused the man in the restricted area in Meng Fan's hands to shudder several times. Although Meng Fan's scholarly appearance at this moment still looks extremely humble, but be aware that it can be seen behind a pair of eyes. Containing monstrous horror, that kind of thunder means, the person in front of him is absolutely extraordinary.

After a few breaths, the man in the restricted area uttered a few words.

"We are just some errands, helping the strong behind here... to find fresh blood for them and provide them!"

Strong in the restricted area!

His eyes flashed, and Meng Fan understood that, as he had guessed, the group of people in front of him were just chess pieces, and there was a bigger fish behind them.

"Who are they!"

Meng Fan stared at this person and said coldly.

"I do not know….."

The man in the restricted area shook his head, but after noticing that Meng Fan's eyes flashed, he immediately shivered and said quickly,

"I really don't know, I am not from the restricted area, but from... Wanyu, because the cultivation restricted area is fast and fierce, and there is a backing, I am... to join them.

I just know that there are two people. We gathered in this forest according to their notice. They have always been hidden in the cave and didn't come out. We just caught the monk and gave them our painstaking efforts, so we couldn't get in. Among them, I don't even know the rest, and I haven't even seen the appearance of these two people, but I just vaguely heard that one of them once called the other by their name, it seems to be... seven kills! "


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