Supreme God King

Chapter 1423: hide

Seven kills!

When these two words fell, Meng Fan's expression could not help but a flash of cold light burst out of his eyes.

Four kill gods in the restricted area.

Greedy wolves, seven kills, break the army, the last one is for... . Too white!

And it is rumored that these four people are the ancient killing gods in the forbidden zone, and each generation of chaos will only appear, not because they are born to be strong, but through a method similar to reincarnation, in a certain human body Resurrection.

Unexpectedly, there are seven kills here now, one of which is seven kills, then the other... . Who will it be again!

Such a big fish, I have to say, completely beyond Meng Fan's imagination.

Rao is that he has never thought that there is a forbidden area next to him, and he will still be this kind of strong, it should be a place not far from here.

"Where are they!"

Meng Fan said indifferently,

"Just not far from here, I have told you everything I know, don't move me, they are very powerful, I need to find blood for them, ah..."

The man screamed and was slapped to pieces by Meng Fan's palm and turned into a **** mist.

This kind of eating inside and out, bullying people doesn't know how many killings are caused on weekdays, so Meng Fan shot without mercy, just as he said before, did not give the man in the restricted area too much pain, just a palm. Just shoot to death.

After performing the action, Meng Fan looked at the injured two, and immediately the vitality merged. By the way, two pills to repair themselves were given to a man and a woman, calmly said.

"Leave quickly. If the injury cannot be recovered, you can go to a place called the dark alliance in the chaotic valley to cultivate, and you know Meng Fan!"

Hearing Meng Fan's words, both the man and the woman nodded and left with great gratitude.

After all, with their cultivation base and injury delaying a point, it is possible to face endless risks, and after the two left, the empress also raised her eyebrows and slowly said,

"what happened!"

The tone was cold, but one glance over the years saw that although Meng Fan was calm at this moment, he was extremely indifferent while hiding under that kind of scholar-like face.

"It's nothing!"

Meng Fan said coldly, looking into the distance, spit out a few words,

"It's just that there are friends nearby. If you don't see it... I'm really sorry for their reputation!"

The tone was calm, but the arc drawn between the corners of Meng Fan's mouth proved that there was bound to be a violent storm.

Years of life and death, countless crushes, all came from the restricted area. There is a story between Meng Fan and the restricted area that has to be told.

For other people, Meng Fan’s principle is that people don’t offend me and I don’t offend others, but for restricted areas, then Meng Fan is the only one.... . All the blood and blood will start from me!

In the Haunted Forest, after this turmoil, the three of Meng Fan also moved in an instant, but the most important thing at this moment is to find the trace of the person in the restricted area.

Under Meng Fan's deliberate attention, his sensitivity to the restricted area naturally made this not very difficult. After two hours, Meng Fan found some clues.

Because all the people in the forbidden area in this turtle-poor forest are not just the group that Meng Fan killed before. After careful sensing, Meng Fan discovered a total of six or seven people, all of whom are good. , The person who cultivates is a black death spirit, as the people in the restricted area said before, specifically looking for a group of people from the outside to kill, and then bring them into this hag forest.

There is a purple gourd in the hands of this group of people. When you carefully probe the stool, you can let Meng Fan know that it must be full of blood, with an astonishing **** meaning.

It is necessary to know that this purple gourd is a space treasure, which contains everything in it, and if it is filled, it is estimated that it will take hundreds of people or thousands of people to work hard.

There is no doubt that this group of people in front of them are complete executioners. Even if they kill and kill as decisively as Meng Fan, they will never target ordinary innocent people, but the latter has no such principle at all. In his eyes, women and children can be killed. , Young and old can be killed, for their own sake, everything can be killed!

Obviously, the people in this gourd must be piled up by countless lives, and among them, there are not many people who are treated in a cruel way by them.

"Do it!"

Including the female emperor, they couldn't bear to see this scene, and the silver teeth bite and murderous.

"No hurry, if you target them, you won't be able to find the person behind it. It can be passed down from the ancient times, and it is definitely not ordinary. If you want to deal with them, you must find the right opportunity!"

Meng Fan sneered, extremely calm.

For many years, he has always been like this. When he has the opportunity, he is as brave as a tiger, but in the daytime, Meng Fan is a viper, constantly looking for opportunities for him.

Hidden aura all the way, the three of Meng Fan followed the latter and concealed their whereabouts. They followed this group to an extremely desolate place, which is located in the depths of the entire hag forest. All the cultivators walked in here and came. Before a cave, put the gourd they got from outside there, and then left quickly.

According to Meng Fan's observation, a strange power spread out from the cave after a while, and to absorb the gourd, it should be.... . Seven kills!

"It's in it, go directly in and catch them out!"

The female emperor's murderous intent flashed, but after a while, she was caught by Meng Fan and whispered softly.

"Don't be impulsive, there is still no time to shoot, hum, since they want to absorb their blood, then... let him **** one is good enough!"

While speaking, at the same time, Meng Fan looked at the group of people who were not far away, and a strange light swelled in his eyes.

The whole cave is extremely gloomy, remote and desolate. If it weren't for someone to come to this place, then Meng Fan and others would not be able to find this place on weekdays. It was too secret.

The group of people who helped the cave people find blood will come back every once in a while, donate the blood in their hands and pass it to the cave.

Half a day later, another figure came from a distance, holding a purple gourd in his hand, before coming to the cave, shudderingly placed the purple gourd there, preparing to leave.

But in the next moment a voice fell,

"Why are you alone!"

The tone was hoarse, even harsh, and the person who heard that sentence immediately turned around, lowered his head as if in extreme panic, and whispered,

"In reply to you, there have been some riots in this chaotic valley recently, and people like me are more careful after entering and leaving, and dare not be too careless and act separately!"


A breath came from the cave, detecting its surroundings, aware of all changes, and said indifferently,

"what happened!"

"It is said to be.... A strong man named Meng Fan came in this chaotic valley. A powerful force was formed here and swept all over!"

The man lowered his head and replied,

"They are very powerful. We are all avoiding his edge and don't want him to see it. It is said that this person..."


A word fell suddenly, the void shook, and a terrifying majesty spread all around, making the whole earth seem to be trembling at this moment. At the same time, one of the figures came out, a young man in a white robe. His face was pale and his body was slender, but his eyes were recessed, and he seemed to have an extremely evil feeling, indifferent.

"It's just a little bastard, what's the matter, when I am completely reborn, I must beheaded..."

"Yes Yes!"

The man nodded and said solemnly,

"We are all waiting for the day you recover. I don't know when you can recover yourself, my lord?"

"If it is normal, it will take a long time, but with the help of...Well, is this what you asked, get out of here!"

The white-robed youth's eyes flashed, and the mighty majesty passed, and the figure was suddenly scared back again and again, afraid to move, the sweat all over his body was streaming out.

Seeing this scene, the white-robed youth no longer paid attention, but picked up the purple gourd, opened it, sniffed it carefully, nodded, raised his hand and drank it.

Drinking so much blood into the abdomen, ordinary people would just vomit it out after seeing it, but the white-robed youth feels extremely enjoyable, but after a lot of entrances, they suddenly frown. , With a low growl, said indifferently,

"Asshole, what kind of blood are you collecting this time, how can it have a peculiar smell, such a stench..."

As they spoke, a powerful wave of vitality pressed toward the person in front of him, but before the white-robed young man started his hand, a voice fell between the world.

"Of course it's your blood!"

At the same time, two women walked out of this sky. Naturally, they were the Empress and Gu Xin'er. Their faces were calm, but at this moment they both possessed an amazing murderous aura.

"what did you say!"

Feeling this sudden change in space, the white-robed youth suddenly flashed his eyes, standing still, coldly said,

"Who are you, why did you kill my subordinates? You sat down in the blood?"

"Yes, but you can rest assured that there is no poison. As Meng Fan said, you are very cunning. If you put poison in it, you will definitely be aware of it, so... it's all under yours. Blood, and some more condiments!"

The female emperor said indifferently, but a strange smile appeared on her glamorous face at this moment, as if she wanted to laugh.

"These condiments are... stinky mouse hair, dead blood plasma, and a lot of excrement from this monster..."


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