Supreme God King

Chapter 1425: Against the enemy

Meng Fan!

When the two characters fell, the expressions of Seven Kills and Breaking Army moved at the same time. You must know that Meng Fan's hatred for the restricted area is as deep as the sea, but the restricted area is not for Meng Fan.

The battle that broke into the blood emperor a few years ago was enough to make the people of the seven restricted areas hate the name Meng Fan to the bone. Who dares to offend their majesty since the ages, let alone break into the restricted area Among them, I don't know how many true demons were killed in the imperial capital.

This is an absolute shame for anyone in the restricted area, especially the Seven Kills and the Breaking Army know that before this, Meng Fanhe had just pushed back against the wolf, the imperial battle, bloodbathed the entire restricted area. Knowing how many powerhouses are, now they are standing in front of him.

"The previous attention came from your hands!"

The seven killers bit their teeth and snorted coldly.

"Not bad!"

Meng Fan nodded and said softly,

"But I carefully prepared it. Thanks to the hag forest, it is extremely dangerous. Only then can I find such materials. Some of the vintages are quite high. After the taste is synthesized... It should be good?"

Between the voices, there was endless joking, and the moment that fell into the ears of the seven kills was that his face was constantly twitching, even if the smell was gone, but he felt a while inside himself. Turning the river to the sea, he likes to extract the energy of the heart and blood from the creatures and absorb the essence of the vitality practitioner, it is not a pervert.

Creak, creak!

The teeth of the seven kills were trembling, and the next moment they broke the army, they said coldly.

"Don't be disturbed by him. He wants to make our minds unstable!"

The tone is indifferent, there is no doubt that this kind of confrontation between the strong, the mentality is an extremely important part, the more you want to kill, the more you may make mistakes.

Meng Fan's words to punish the heart have exactly this meaning, but the seven kills and the broken army are both ancient killing gods. After a few breaths, they become extremely calm, but they are all like the ultimate gods. , That kind of penetrates everything, wants to kill all the chill, but it becomes more and more intense.

"Hmph, I didn't expect you to bring it to the door by yourself, so let us repay the grievance of the wolf!"

Seven kills sneered, stepped out,

"Killing you, I believe it should be good news for everyone. I heard that you are very powerful and claim to be invincible in the same realm. This kind of boasting, then see the real chapter under your hand, don’t be quick to speak. , Because today you will see what is called...the ancient killing god, invincible of the same rank!"

"Very well, today you must do it with all your strength, because I will have a sense of accomplishment when I kill you!"

Meng Fan smiled slightly and said calmly.

They looked at each other without saying a word, and the shadow behind Meng Fan was also standing side by side.

Two silhouettes, auras confronting each other, Meng Fan and the Empress stand together, and they have not fought together for many years, but only for a moment when they cooperate, they are intimate. Standing in this void, the aura is diffused, and they cooperate with each other. Facing the strong man in the two quasi-god realms, there are no loopholes at all.

Meng Fan and the Empress vs. Seven Kills and Breakthrough!

The top four are facing each other, and the breath impacts, like four mountains.

I have to say that this scene is an incomparable coincidence. No matter who it is, Meng Fan accidentally wanted to detect the dangerous place in this chaotic zone, but he discovered the reincarnation of the killing **** in the two ancient forbidden areas.

When the enemy meets, they are extremely jealous, not to mention the four people in front of them are definitely not as simple as the enemy!

The four breaths, constantly impacting, made the surrounding world stand still. Under such circumstances, no one would have thought that the realm of the four is in the realm of quasi-god, and the most important thing is it. It is that the four of them all possess shocking combat power beyond their own realm.

The two rising powers of Tianjiao and two ancient killing gods were all confident that they were invincible in the same realm, enough to crush their opponents.

Under this situation, it was natural to make all of this become confusing and leave. Behind him, Gu Xin'er shook her jade hand, her pretty face was extremely nervous, but in this case, she could only step back a few steps.

There is no doubt that her realm cannot help at all, she can only do it not to worry Meng Fan.

The breath impact, everything is still, surrounded by four people, as if there is no time and no space at this moment. This is a relative coincidence, but after this kind of coincidence, it is bound to break out of a shocking battle, regardless of A life and death will never give up!

One breath, two breaths, three breaths... . During this time, the sky is silent!

It seems that every minute is like a year. If there is a strong person on the side, it will be suppressed to death by such a feeling of silence. However, with the continuous spread of this atmosphere, suddenly, Meng Fan stepped Out, just a move, it suddenly broke the silence.

With a punch, I am the emperor!


Following Meng Fan's step, the entire sky was distorted, and the unparalleled fist strikes, surpassing the midair, and the void attacked and went straight to the breaking army.

And the female emperor beside Meng Fan also shot in an instant, she stepped forward, slapped her jade hand, and followed closely behind Meng Fan. The two shot at the same time, with palm prints in the air, and such a battle broke out directly.

Meng Fan vs. Breaking Army, Empress vs. Seven Kills!

Under this kind of domineering aura, neither the seven kills nor the army breaking is for eating dry food, but each with a low growl, breath impact, vitality like tide, directly with Meng Fan and the mid-air The figure of the empress intertwined.


Without any scruples, Meng Fan fisted and fell, colliding with Pojun's sword shadow, and the two extreme forces collided. Before the two sides had their own calculations, they were not really all the cards between the shots.

But this moment is different. After knowing each other's identities, then the hatred that comes out of the collision is simply huge, naturally it is the hole card that comes up, and it must kill!

Fists and swords are staggered, the ultimate strength!

After this blow, Meng Fan's body remained motionless, his clothes were fierce, and he did not retreat despite the powerful blow of the opponent, suppressing the void with one foot, and the hands placed on both sides simultaneously unfolded the ultimate strength.

Emperor Fist!

Thirty-eight phantoms surrounded, and Meng Fan's own punches cooperated with him, surging qi and blood, fusion of vitality, an unstoppable, but self-dominant aura was completely revealed.

Fist falls, absolute power!

As the ancient killing god, the breaking army is absolutely worthy. The human sword is one, the blood erupts, and the sky is suddenly filled with countless sword lights, and it brazenly collides with Meng Fan's fist.

You must know that both of them are self-confident and invincible, thinking that they are enough to break everything in the same realm, absolute power crushes each other, and maintains a sense of invincibility.

Therefore, there is no imaginary between this movement. The most powerful and terrifying force comes up against the strong and fierce against the fierce!

It can be seen in an instant that a violent storm was set off between Meng Fan and the two who broke the army. The latter dared to call it breaking the army. From ancient times, it meant to crush the army and take the head of the general.

This kind of murder has been passed down from the ancients to the present, looking at the past and present, no one can be considered. I don't know how many killings have been set off in Wanyu Gula, just before it can be called one of the most forbidden zone cards.

Between this kind of absolute impact, you can see two flashes of light, within 10,000 meters, there are all air waves, between the sun and the sky, sweeping everything!

One is a golden fist, the other is a black sword shadow!

Both forces are extremely overbearing. Between countless collisions, that kind of bang and bang thunder is spread all around, even if it is a few meters away from here, the suppressed Gu Qing can hardly breathe.

Such a battle only took place in the Haunted Forest. It was extremely mysterious and there was no one in the world. No one knew what had happened, otherwise it would be a sensation.

Even if the three greedy wolves in the forbidden area are killing gods in ancient times, they are reincarnations after all. Once the three find the host, it will only take a hundred years, and they will cultivate to this point.

That kind of ancient method in the restricted area that once slaughtered the world is goodbye to the world, and the battle is against the strongest Tianjiao among the ten thousand domains in the past century. This kind of ancient and modern killing impact is even more a testimony.

Wen has no first, Wu has no second.

For the cultivation of vitality, this is even more true, it has always been only strong!

The greater the cultivator, the more powerful he is in his heart, and the more he wants to be the first person in ancient times, including Meng Fan, who has a will to dominate the world.

And the breaking army in front of you is undoubtedly the best touchstone, with its body, to verify yourself, how far it has reached in the long river of time between ancient and modern!

The sound of the sound spreads all over the world, and every fall is like a star bursting, causing a big bombardment, but between the air waves that tear the universe, Meng Fan's whole person is constantly moving forward, and every step falling is Let the whole sky shake.

At a glance, I can see that even though the two sides are struggling with absolute power, it turns out that Meng Fan is suppressing the army and fighting, even if the latter is holding a jet black sword shadow like a tide, the secret method is flashing, and the black death is rolling. Qi cooperates with itself, but it is also difficult to fight against Meng Fan's overbearing fighter.

The emperor fist beats everything.

Meng Fan strode forward, his aura ascended to the most fixed point, making him look like a great emperor at this moment. The complete fusion of his flesh and blood is to burst this power to the extreme.

In the first battle in the capital city, Meng Fan got the inheritance of the Holy Queen and obtained the method of body-cultivation, but it was definitely not just a look.

Between this kind of improvement, his physical body has reached an unprecedented level. Once it is a close fight, it is even more domineering than before!


Hardly resisting the opponent's sword, Meng Fan unexpectedly grabbed his backhand with his five fingers closed, as if there was a world in his palm, and instantly confined the sword shadow of the broken army, and immediately hit with a backhand and blasted out directly.

A blow fell on Po Jun's lower abdomen, and a creaking sound came, crashing through the sky, and blood stained the sky, causing Po Jun's entire person to carry a sword and flew outrageously.

An ancient killing god, reincarnated, but... . Get injured first and fall to the ground!


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