Supreme God King

Chapter 1426: Controversy between ancient and modern


The ground exploded, and the figure smashed in!

How domineering Meng Fan's blow was, he directly slammed Po Jun's body into it, and the entire ground was covered with dust and smoke.

An ancient killer god, with a fierce reputation in ancient times, I don't know how powerful a storm has been set off in the entire era, but at this moment, Meng Fan was completely suppressed and even seriously injured. This scene is not surprising.

Alone in the sky, Meng Fan was expressionless, just looking at the ground quietly, clearly understanding that if an ancient killing **** was just such a trick, then it would be one of the four biggest cards in the restricted area.

In the sky, even the female emperor and the seven killers were shocked, absolutely never expected Meng Fan to be so devastated.

Even the female emperor who knew Meng Fan's fighting methods would never expect that after the day of the farewell, today's Meng Fan is still so fierce even though he is standing at the pinnacle of the domain.

The previous style of play was able to make Breaking the army like this, and it was able to make the two of them like this. Meng Fan was absolutely suppressed. Among the four players in the field, Meng Fan was the strongest player among them. The news was extremely shocking.

In the distance, Gu Xin'er smiled sweetly. For him, no matter when it was Meng Fan, it was the same Meng Fan brother who was for him at the beginning, and he understood Meng Fan's life ambition.

Cross the world, not weaker than others!

This was the case for Meng Fan many years ago, giving Gu Xin'er a sense of security. That kind of man's unique domineering and stubbornness can be seen clearly in Meng Fan.

"Hmph, in that case, if you don't need some real hole cards today, you won't be able to kill you!"

Seven Killers let out a cold snort, and looked at the female emperor, extremely stern.

The empress was expressionless, she stepped out of the void, and the phoenix blasted from her body, and the undead flames burned all over the sky, coldly said,

"If you have any means, take it out. Meng Fan can do it, and so do I!"

A few words were spit out, the flame opened the sky, and a seal volleyed, and at this moment the blood in the female emperor's body burned, the phoenix screamed, that kind of rune flickered, and the blood fusion was even stronger than a god-blood creature.

Obviously the origin of the female emperor's blood is mysterious, and between the shots, there is a terrible aura that penetrates the nothingness, raising the power of the phoenix to an extremely terrifying point.

Meng Fan didn't ask too much for the battle of the female emperor. In his eyes, he could only break the army.

To deal with this kind of forbidden area to kill the gods, he did not dare to be big. After all, the latter became famous but stepped on the bones of countless gods, but Meng Fan was confident that as long as the empress could hold the seven kills, it was the same one. In the realm, he just dared to confirm that no one was his opponent, especially when his body was already a god.


Between the ground, the rocks exploded, and one of the figures slowly came out. It was the broken army, holding a cold sword, with minor injuries everywhere on his body. The blood kept dripping, but it looked even more terrifying. Strong, one person breaks thousands of troops, and I walk alone forever. This sentence means breaking the army, the latter is a natural killing machine in this restricted area.

"The flesh is a god?"

A few words were spit out from Po Jun's mouth. In the temptation before this, he had already seen the power of Meng Fan, and his eyes became more and more profound.

"Not bad!"

Meng Fan nodded and said calmly.

"Any advice?"

"Hey, I can't think of you being born in Ten Thousand Realms, indeed... My current cultivation base is not your opponent, it will absolutely suppress me!"

Breaking the army slowly said, it turned out that Meng Fan had taken the initiative to beat Meng Fan, but just after his voice fell, it changed suddenly.

"But... For us, although using this hole card will hurt ourselves, but now there is no way. I will not kill you without killing you!"

A few words were spit out, spread all over the world, standing still in place to break the army, but in the next moment, the whole body was creaking, squeaking, bones hitting, blood erupting, and the already tall body turned out to be It was the constant expansion at this moment that caused the surrounding black death air to soar and cover the void.

this is…. .

With a change of expression, Meng Fan instinctively felt a horror, and his scalp was numb. With his current cultivation base, he had a reaction to the horror of life and death.

After a while, the little emperor said hurriedly.

"Unexpectedly, after so many years, have you seen it again, the body breaking the army? Be careful, Meng Fan, this is the ancient secret method of their four great killing gods, which cannot be activated in his current state, but it should be that he has one This method of sacrifice is related to the blood previously given to them.

In this situation, he forcibly restored himself to the body of breaking the army, although his vitality level would not be improved, but his physical body, like you, must have stepped into the divine way, and has countless killing methods to break the army. It is fused in his body and can be used. It is known as a natural supernatural power, portrayed in the body, and recruits terror. This kind of method, in ancient times, I don't know how many gods and powers have been killed. Be careful, be careful! "

The two cautions spit out from the mouth of the little emperor at the same time, one can imagine how jealous the latter is for this method of breaking the army, as that kind of breath spreads out, like a regional demon, crawling out.


With a roar, the Broken Army stood between the places, becoming bigger, like a hill, endless black death air filled the surroundings, and there was a fear that made the world tremble.

Such a trump card, a taboo method of killing and cutting in the ancient restricted area, brazenly attacked!

The same is the flesh ascends to the gods, and the ancient methods of killing and killing are carved in the body!

Meng Fan's pupils shrank, and the latter never disappointed him. The operation of this powerful method has already made his breath completely different from before, which is simply a difference between heaven and earth.

There is no doubt that if Meng Fan could suppress it before, then it is now hanging. This kind of ancient method has appeared, the name has moved the world, and I don't know how many strong people have been buried in ancient times.

"Meng Fan!"

Standing in place, the army broke through with a low roar, like the same bloodthirsty ancient beast, the terrifying aura permeated the entire world, so that the entire world was filled with his aura,

"Being able to see this kind of secret method can be regarded as worthy of your life. My method is operating. In the past years, you have ruined countless powers of the ten thousand realms, including the existence of one god, the existence of eight realms, and the killing. There are countless gods. Although my current realm is insufficient, it is enough to destroy you. This is the last time you will survive in this life!"

The tone rumbling, spread all over Zhou Tian.

The strong who reached the point of breaking the army naturally disdain to lie. The latter, as a tool for killing in the restricted area, is immortal, and under constant battle, it can be described as letting its reputation spread all over the world.

What a means to ruin so many powerful men since ancient times!

But standing still, Meng Fan didn't move, but the smile on his face remained the same, saying calmly.

"I said this a long time ago, you are invincible in the world, that's because... I didn't meet me, in the world, any heroes, my ambition is to let them see me, you are invincible in ancient ways, It’s just the past, but I... It’s now, I control everything and suppress the universe, and I will suppress you when you come!"

Between a few words, sonorous and powerful, like Hong Zhong!


Hearing what Meng Fan said, you couldn’t help but let Pojun spit out two words. Without a word, step out in one step, and the body of the breaking army made it look like a meteorite from the sky, volleying towards Meng. Where.

A sword blasted out, and the air of black death filled the world, and the fluctuations that smashed the sky and covered the earth also attacked Meng Fan outrageously, possessing a kind of domineering power.

If breaking the army just broke his own shackles before, and his power surpassed his own realm, then now he has the power of slashing the gods, and when he moves, he will overwhelm the common people!

It was just a sword, hanging above Meng Fan's head, as if there were countless ghosts and gods roaring, the huge sword energy was thousands of meters, volleyed, cutting the nothingness.

"Good job!"

Under such murderous intent, Meng Fan's whole body was chilled, but at the next moment, he roared, stepped out, and directly moved his fists, the qi and blood merged, and the power in his body also ran wildly. The vitality merged and hit directly. , Bombarded with the big sword shadow above the sky.


Just between this blow, the entire Zhou Tian was trembling, and that kind of destructive power spread through the void and shattered together.

At a glance, you can see Meng Fan's body in it shakes up, and a mouthful of blood spurts out. Although he can barely stabilize himself under the huge sword shadow, the name of the forbidden zone shocks the world, how could it be vain, that one This black death energy penetrates everything, even Meng Fan's vitality fluctuations are irresistible, but the cracks are enough to allow the opponent to invade Meng Fan's body, causing considerable damage.

After a step back, Meng Fan's whole body was unstable, and at the same time, the breaking army above the sky did not give Meng Fan any opportunity. The black death spirit in his hand ran wildly, the human sword was unified, and he was pressed down again!

At the fingertips, that kind of powerful sword is bound to be about twice as large as before!


Surrounded by the endless murderous intent, Meng Fan yelled up to the sky and stood on the sky, even facing this ancient method, but Meng Fan had never been afraid of doing it. Between the two words, the qi in his body The blood flowed, the whole body blessed, and the anti-shen seal that had been in Meng Fan's body suddenly moved, and the power spread to maintain Meng Fan himself.

And it’s not just this rebellious **** seal. The sunset change that Meng Fan practiced before was also circulated with his vitality, constantly compressed, and the two god-level techniques complemented each other, making Meng Fan’s body like a universe at this moment, self-contained, and resist Live this blow!

The fists and swords are facing each other, like two worlds intertwined, a darkness is extreme, a golden light!

And among them, breaking the army is a person from the past, reincarnated, and what he cultivates is the killing method of the ancient and modern. But the method of Meng Fan comes from his own continuous integration and insight. No one has ever been able to. Practicing Meng Fan's martial arts, and integrating many divine methods such as the inverse Shenjuan and the sunset change.

Such two human shadows colliding, it is the collision of two extreme methods, two completely different paths, but each has a powerful mechanism, which can be called a battle between ancient and modern, but I don't know today... . Who is the best!


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